1,473 research outputs found

    Convenanting with the Powerless: Strangers, Widows, and Orphans

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    Difficulties in the application of the speaking strategies in the new curricular transformation in 11th grade students at Pablo Antonio Cuadra Institute, Esquipulas, during the second semester 2010

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    This research studies the difficulties in the application of the speaking strategies in the new curricular transformation in 11th grade students at Pablo Antonio Cuadra Institute, during the second semester 2010 in Esquipulas city. Its purpose is to analyze the difficulties that exist in the application of the speaking strategies in new curriculum, especially in 11th grade students from this Institute. Speaking is important for learners, because the spoken language is the heart of much human interaction, at home, at work, and in the society; furthermore, English is the universal language; so it is important in all contexts in which learning takes place. The approach of the new curricular transformation is communicative approach and the fundamental purpose is to support the pedagogical labor, making the dedicate planning easy for obtaining successful results in the classroom, taking into account the teacher´s experience, students´characteristics and didactic resources. Actually it is not easy to keep a total control when there are forty or more students in a classroom, because it is difficult to catch the attention to all of them when a specific group distracts to other, and the teacher can not give individual attention, besides they are afraid to speak English, but the motivation is the key to make students able to speak English. Another of the biggest problem in Nicaraguan learners is the lack of practice speaking, because all the time students are speaking their native language, and they never have the chance to speak English and improve it. For that reason it is important to apply speaking strategies that help students to develop their speaking skil

    Caracterización del ausentismo laboral de una IPS que presta servicios de consulta externa de medicina general, 2014

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    RESUMEN El ausentismo laboral genera un gran impacto económico en las empresas y a la sociedad en general. Es un problema difícil de manejar ya que es multifactorial, porque a pesar de que en su gran mayoría es generado por enfermedad general, al analizarlo se puede encontrar otros factores que conlleven a la ausencia del trabajador y con ello producir alteración al normal funcionamiento de la empresa, por lo que resulta indispensable estudiar este tema. Objetivo Caracterizar las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en los médicos generales de una IPS que presta servicios de consulta externa de medicina general a nivel nacional durante el año 2014. Materiales y Métodos: es un estudio de corte transversal sobre datos secundarios correspondientes al registro de incapacidades que presento la IPS durante el año 2014. Los criterios de inclusión fueron los médicos generales con los que contaba la IPS que presta servicios de salud a nivel nacional durante el año 2014 y los criterios de exclusión fueron las licencias de maternidad y paternidad. El tamaño de la muestra final fue de 202 médicos y el número de incapacidades que se presentó durante el año 2014 fue 313. Se realizó análisis de distribución de frecuencias, porcentaje y prevalencia de las incapacidades. Resultados: durante el año 2014 se presentaron 313 incapacidades, en una población de 202 médicos generales con prevalencia en las mujeres. El diagnóstico más frecuente de las incapacidades fue la categoría diagnostica “otros” en el cual se encuentra migraña, vértigo, alteraciones de la mama con 59 incapacidades, seguida por enfermedades gastrointestinales con 25 incapacidades. Conclusiones y recomendaciones: Las incapacidades fueron más frecuentes en mujeres que en hombres. El diagnóstico de las incapacidades más frecuente fue “enfermedad genérica o ausencia de diagnóstico”. La incapacidad más frecuente de un día que se presentaron 46 registros. El médico que mayor número de incapacidades presento fue de 18 para el año 2014. Se recomienda a la empresa tener un seguimiento de las incapacidades repetitivas, ya que estas podrían tener relación con enfermedad laboral que aún no ha sido calificada. Se recomienda complementar la base de datos con información como el antecedente de enfermedad crónica y el sedentarismo, lo que puede permitir realizar nuevos estudios respecto al riesgo cardiovascular de esta población.SUMMARY Absenteeism generates major economic impact on business and society in general. It is a difficult problem to manage since it is multifactorial, because although the vast majority is generated by general sickness, when analyzed can be found other factors that lead to the absence of the worker and thereby cause disruption to normal operation company, so it is essential to study this issue. Objective Characterize the main causes of absenteeism at a general practitioners serving IPS outpatient general medicine nationwide during 2014. Materials and Methods: a cross-sectional study on secondary data relating to registration of disabilities who introduced the IPS in 2014. Inclusion criteria were general practitioners with whom told the IPS that provides health services nationwide during 2014 and the exclusion criteria were the maternity and paternity licensing. The final sample size was 202 and the number of medical disabilities that occurred during 2014 was 313. Analysis of frequency distribution, percentage and prevalence of disabilities was conducted. Results: During the year 2014 313 disabilities were presented in a population of 202 general practitioners with prevalence in women. The most frequent diagnosis of disability was diagnosed category "others" which is migraine, dizziness, abnormal breast with disabilities 59, followed by gastrointestinal diseases with 25 disabilities. Conclusions and recommendations: Disabilities were more common in women than in men. The most frequent diagnosis of disability was "Generic illness or absence of diagnosis." The most frequent inability of a day that 46 records were submitted. The doctor who presented greater number of disabilities was 18 in 2014. It is recommended that the company keep track of repetitive disabilities, as these could be related to occupational disease that has not yet been rated. We recommend expanding the database with information such as a history of chronic disease and sedentary lifestyle, which may allow further studies regarding cardiovascular risk in this population

    “Factores Sociales, y laborales que Determinan el Grado de Discapacidad en el mal de Montaña Cronico, Hospital III Essalud Juliaca enero – diciembre del 2017”

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    Objetivo: Determinar y conocer; cuales son los factores sociales y laborales que determinaron el grado de discapacidad en los pacientes portadores del Mal de Montaña Crónico, en el Hospital III EsSalud Juliaca, entre Enero a Diciembre del 2017. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, analítico, retrospectivo; con una muestra de 54 pacientes que cuentan con diagnóstico definitivo de Mal de Montaña Crónica y que cumplan criterios. Se obtuvo información para determinar y conocer, cuales son los factores sociales y laborales que determinaron el grado de discapacidad en los pacientes portadores del mal de montaña crónico con diferenciación de sexo biológico, explicando con claridad el grado de asociación o influencia entre ambas variables. Los datos fueron procesados mediante SPSS; se utilizó la prueba Chi cuadrado de independencia con significancia al 0,05. Resultados: Se observó que 64.81% eran varones, mientras que el 35.19 % eran mujeres de todos solo el 9.26% de los pacientes fueron calificados como “Discapacidad grado 1” el 66.67% con “Discapacidad grado 2” y el 24.07% con “Discapacidad grado 3”. Al interrelacionar el sexo del paciente y el grado de discapacidad funcional se observa que tanto hombres como mujeres el grado de discapacidad es parecido obteniendo que 5.71% vs 15.79% con discapacidad grado 1, el 65.71% vs 68.42% discapacidad grado 2 y el 28.57% vs 15.79% discapacidad grado 3. Conclusiones: Se determinó que los factores sociales y laborales si influyen en el grado de discapacidad tales como la ocupación de minería y agricultura. Como también se determinó que la edad es un factor que tiene influencia, así mismo pacientes que recibieron tratamiento farmacológico tienen menor grado de discapacidadTesi

    Abnormal expression of cerebrospinal fluid cation chloride cotransporters in patients with Rett Syndrome

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    Objective: Rett Syndrome is a progressive neurodevelopmental disorder caused mainly by mutations in the gene encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2. The relevance of MeCP2 for GABAergic function was previously documented in animal models. In these models, animals show deficits in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease. Neuronal Cation Chloride Cotransporters (CCCs) play a key role in GABAergic neuronal maturation, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor is implicated in the regulation of CCCs expression during development. Our aim was to analyse the expression of two relevant CCCs, NKCC1 and KCC2, in the cerebrospinal fluid of Rett syndrome patients and compare it with a normal control group. Methods: The presence of bumetanide sensitive NKCC1 and KCC2 was analysed in cerebrospinal fluid samples from a control pediatric population (1 day to 14 years of life) and from Rett syndrome patients (2 to 19 years of life), by immunoblot analysis. Results: Both proteins were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid and their levels are higher in the early postnatal period. However, Rett syndrome patients showed significantly reduced levels of KCC2 and KCC2/NKCC1 ratio when compared to the control group. Conclusions: Reduced KCC2/NKCC1 ratio in the cerebrospinal fluid of Rett Syndrome patients suggests a disturbed process of GABAergic neuronal maturation and open up a new therapeutic perspective

    Antiparasitic evaluation of salicylate and salicylamide derivatives

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    In the present study, twelve salicylic acid derivatives were obtained through Fischer esterification, the Mitsunobu reaction, and the acid chloride reactions. The products were structurally characterized using infrared, 1H NMR, 13C NMR spectroscopy, and high resolution mass spectrometry of three unpublished compounds. Then they were evaluated against the parasites Leishmania braziliensis, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Plasmodium falciparum. Some compounds were weakly bioactive against L. braziliensis amastigotes, such as N-cyclohexyl-2-hydroxybenzamide (10), EC50 = 15.60 ± 2.69 µM and SI = 2.67, and against T. cruzi such as 4-methoxybenzyl 2-hydroxybenzoate (8) EC50 > 23.23 µM and SI < 2.41. The compounds did not present significant activity against P. falciparum. The data obtained indicate that salicylic acid derivatives can be structurally modified for the synthesis of more potent and selective compounds against parasites that cause several neglected diseases

    Una reflexión multimodal sobre los contenidos educativos construidos en imagen y video en el marco de una propuesta educativa para la salud

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    When the processes of construction of digital contents are produced with little participation of community, decisions about the meaning go through the interpretation of technical and professional experts, who have another reading of the world and, in some cases, end up in processes of exclusion from the same meaning that is presented. Due to the decision making that arises between a theme and the way it is chosen, a broad participation of communities to create formative contents within the framework of Education for Health (EpS) is presented as a challenge.Cuando los procesos de construcción de contenidos digitales se producen con escaza participación de la comunidad, las decisiones sobre el significado pasan por la interpretación de técnicos y profesionales expertos que tienen otra lectura del mundo y en algunos casos se termina en procesos de exclusión desde el mismo significado que se presenta. Debido a la toma de decisiones que surge entre una temática y el modo que se elige, se presenta como reto una participación amplia de las comunidades para crear contenidos formativos en el marco de la Educativos para la Salud (EpS)

    Prediction of the efficiency for decision making in the agricultural sector through artificial intelligence

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    Agriculture plays an important role in Latin American countries where the demand for provisions to reduce hunger and poverty represents a significant priority in order to improve the development and quality of life in the region. In this research, linear data analysis techniques and soil classification are reviewed through neural networks for decision making in agriculture. The results permit to conclude that precision agriculture, observation and control technologies are gaining ground, making it possible to determine the production demand in these countrie

    Flowering of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch var Valenciana under blue and red LED light

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    Objective: To determine the effect of blue light (BL) and red light (RL), applied five hours at the end of the day (AED) and that of temperature, on the flowering of Euphorbia pulcherrima var Valenciana. Design/Methodology/Approach: Three groups of plants were established under greenhouse conditions, all received sunlight (SL), AED one was under BL (460 nm) and another under RL (660 nm) with a photosynthetically active photon flux of 440 µmol m-2 s-1 and 550 µmol m-2 s-1 respectively; from the beginning of the experiment until 144 d later. In a second flowering cycle, residual effects of the treatments were evaluated. Results: In the first flowering cycle, the appearance of cyathia and bract pigmentation under BL occurred on average at 177.5 d after initiation of the treatments, and under RL at 178 d. Compared to the application of SL alone (138 d) the process was delayed, on average 39 and 40 d, under BL and RL, respectively. No residual effects of the treatments on flowering were recorded. Limitations on study/implications: It is necessary to evaluate other levels of temperature below and above the ones reported in this study, and also to increase and decrease the photoperiod. Findings/conclusions: The prolonged delay in flowering can be attributed not only to the quality and intensity of light, but also to the photoperiod and the daytime temperature above that documented for flower initiation in var Valenciana

    TRPM5 rs886277 Polymorphism Predicts Hepatic Fibrosis Progression in Non-Cirrhotic HCV-Infected Patients

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    TRPM5 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 5) rs886277 polymorphism has been related to liver cirrhosis from different etiologies. The present study investigates the association of TRPM5 rs886277 polymorphism with liver fibrosis progression and cirrhosis development in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. We conducted a retrospective study of 208 non-cirrhotic patients with CHC, who had at least two liver stiffness measurements (LSM) with a separation of 12 months (baseline LSM (LSM1) and the last LSM (LSM2)). Two outcome variables were considered: (1) LSM2/LSM1 ratio; (2) cirrhosis progression (F4; LSM ≥ 12.5 kPa). DNA genotyping was done at the CeGen using a MassARRAY platform. The follow-up time was similar irrespective of the rs886277 genotype (46.4 months in TT genotype, 46.4 months in CT genotype, and 49.2 months in CC genotype; p = 0.649). The highest LSM increases were found in patients with CC genotype compared with TT and CT genotypes (p = 0.044 and p = 0.038, respectively). The cirrhosis progression was higher in patients with CC genotype than TT genotype (p = 0.033). Thus, the rs886277 C allele was associated with higher cirrhosis progression (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.64; p = 0.014). Moreover, rs886277 CC genotype was also related to higher values of LSM2/LSM1 ratio (adjusted arithmetic mean ratio a(AMR) = 1.31; p = 0.001) and cirrhosis progression (aOR = 4.33; p = 0.027). TRPM5 rs886277 polymorphism was associated with liver fibrosis progression and cirrhosis development among hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients. Specifically, the rs886277 C allele and CC genotype were risk factors for advancing liver fibrosis and cirrhosis compared to the rs886277 T allele and CT/TT genotype, respectively.This study is supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant # PI20CIII/00004 to S.R.). M.A.J.-S. and A.F.-R. are supported by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (grant # CP17CIII/00007 and CP14CIII/00010, respectively).S