202 research outputs found

    How typical is the Coma cluster?

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    Coma is frequently used as the archetype z~0 galaxy cluster to compare higher redshift work against. It is not clear, however, how representative the Coma cluster is for galaxy clusters of its mass or X-ray luminosity, and significantly: recent works have suggested that the galaxy population of Coma may be in some ways anomolous. In this work, we present a comparison of Coma to an X-ray selected control sample of clusters. We show that although Coma is typical against the control sample in terms of its internal kinematics (substructure and velocity dispersion profile), it has a significantly high (~3sigma) X-ray temperature set against clusters of comparable mass. By de-redshifting our control sample cluster galaxies star-formation rates using a fit to the galaxy main sequence evolution at z < 0.1, we determine that the typical star-formation rate of Coma galaxies as a function of mass is higher than for galaxies in our control sample at a confidence level of > 99 per cent. One way to alleviate this discrepency and bring Coma in-line with the control sample would be to have the distance to Coma to be slightly lower, perhaps through a non-negligible peculiar velocity with respect to the Hubble expansion, but we do not regard this as likely given precision measurements using a variety of approaches. Therefore in summary, we urge caution in using Coma as a z~0 baseline cluster in galaxy evolution studies.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    The evolutionary sequence of post-starburst galaxies

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    © 2017 The Authors. There are multiple ways in which to select post-starburst galaxies in the literature. In this work, we present a study into how two well-used selection techniques have consequences on observable post-starburst galaxy parameters, such as colour, morphology and environment, and how this affects interpretations of their role in the galaxy duty cycle. We identify a master sample of Hδ strong (EWHδ> 3Å) post-starburst galaxies from the value-added catalogue in the seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR7) over a redshift range 0.01 -2.5Å) but one having an additional cut onEWHα (> -3Å).We examine the differences in observables and AGN fractions to see what effect the Hα cut has on the properties of post-starburst galaxies and what these differing samples can tell us about the duty cycle of post-starburst galaxies. We find that Hδ strong galaxies peak in the 'blue cloud', E+As in the 'green valley' and pure E+As in the 'red sequence'.We also find that pure E+As have a more early-type morphology and a higher fraction in denser environments compared with the Hδ strong and E+A galaxies. These results suggest that there is an evolutionary sequence in the post-starburst phase from blue discy galaxies with residual star formation to passive red early-types

    Inter-cluster Filaments of Galaxies Programme: Abundance and Distribution of Filaments in the 2dFGRS Catalogue

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    Filaments of galaxies are known to stretch between galaxy clusters at all redshifts in a complex manner. In this Letter, we present an analysis of the frequency and distribution of inter-cluster galaxy filaments selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Out of 805 cluster-cluster pairs, we find at least 40 per cent have bone-fide filaments. We introduce a filament classification scheme and cast the filaments into several types according to their visual morphology: straight (lying on the cluster-cluster axis; 37 per cent), warped or curved (lying off the cluster-cluster axis; 33 per cent), sheets (planar configurations of galaxies; 3 per cent), uniform (1 per cent) and irregular (26 per cent). We find that straight filaments are more likely to reside between close cluster pairs and they become more curved with increasing cluster separation. This curving is toward a larger mass concentration in general. We also show that the more massive a cluster is, the more likely it is to have a larger number of filaments. Our results are found to be consistent with a Lambda cold dark matter cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Discovery of a Large-scale Wall in the Direction of Abell 22

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    We report on the discovery of a large-scale wall in the direction of Abell 22. Using photometric and spectroscopic data from the Las Campanas Observatory and Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey, Abell 22 is found to exhibit a highly unusual and striking redshift distribution. We show that Abell 22 exhibits a foreground wall-like structure by examining the galaxy distributions in both redshift space and on the colour-magnitude plane. A search for other galaxies and clusters in the nearby region using the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey database suggests that the wall-like structure is a significant large-scale, non-virialized filament which runs between two other Abell clusters either side of Abell 22. The filament stretches over at least >40 Mpc in length and 10 Mpc in width at the redshift of Abell 22.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    The architecture of Abell 1386 and its relationship to the Sloan Great Wall

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    We present new radial velocities from AAOmega on the Anglo-Australian Telescope for 307 galaxies (b_J < 19.5) in the region of the rich cluster Abell 1386. Consistent with other studies of galaxy clusters that constitute sub-units of superstructures, we find that the velocity distribution of A1386 is very broad (21,000--42,000 kms^-1, or z=0.08--0.14) and complex. The mean redshift of the cluster that Abell designated as number 1386 is found to be ~0.104. However, we find that it consists of various superpositions of line-of-sight components. We investigate the reality of each component by testing for substructure and searching for giant elliptical galaxies in each and show that A1386 is made up of at least four significant clusters or groups along the line of sight whose global parameters we detail. Peculiar velocities of brightest galaxies for each of the groups are computed and found to be different from previous works, largely due to the complexity of the sky area and the depth of analysis performed in the present work. We also analyse A1386 in the context of its parent superclusters: Leo A, and especially the Sloan Great Wall. Although the new clusters may be moving toward mass concentrations in the Sloan Great Wall or beyond, many are most likely not yet physically bound to it.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, includes the full appendix table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Ex-nihilo II: Examination Syllabi and the Sequencing of Cosmology Education

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    Cosmology education has become an integral part of modern physics courses. Directed by National Curricula, major UK examination boards have developed syllabi that contain explicit statements about the model of the Big Bang and the strong observational evidence that supports it. This work examines the similarities and differences in these specifications, addresses when cosmology could be taught within a physics course, what should be included in this teaching and in what sequence it should be taught at different levels.Comment: 9 pages. Accepted for publication in a special issue of Physics Educatio

    Are dumbbell brightest cluster members signposts to galaxy cluster activity?

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    We assemble a sample of galaxy clusters whose brightest members are dumbbell galaxies and compare them with a control sample in order to investigate if they are the result of recent mergers. We show that the dumbbell sample is no more likely than other clusters to exhibit subclustering. However, they are much more likely to have at least one dumbbell component possessing a significant peculiar velocity with respect to the parent cluster than a non-dumbbell brightest cluster member. We interpret this in the context of seeing the clusters at various stages of post-merger relaxation.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Evolution of starburst galaxies in the Illustris simulation

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society. There is a consensus in the literature that starburst galaxies are triggered by interaction events. However, it remains an open question as to what extent both merging and nonmerging interactions have in triggering starbursts. In this study, we make use of the Illustris simulation to test how different triggeringmechanisms can affect starburst events.We examine the star formation rate, colour, and environment of starburst galaxies to determine if this could be why we witness a bimodality in post-starburst populations within observational studies. Further, we briefly test the extent of quenching due to active galactic nuclei feedback. From Illustris, we select 196 starburst galaxies at z = 0.15 and split them into post-merger and pre-merger/harassment-driven starburst samples. We find that 55 % of this sample have not undergone a merger in the past 2 Gyr. Both of our samples are located in low-density environments within the filament regions of the cosmic web; however, we find that premerger/ harassment-driven starbursts are in higher-density environments than post-mergerdriven starbursts. We also find that pre-merger/harassment starbursts are redder than postmerger starbursts; this could be driven by environmental effects. Both, however, produce nuclear starbursts of comparable strengths

    The Large Area Radio Galaxy Evolution Spectroscopic Survey (LARGESS): survey design, data catalogue and GAMA/WiggleZ spectroscopy

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    © 2016 The Authors. We present the Large Area Radio Galaxy Evolution Spectroscopic Survey (LARGESS), a spectroscopic catalogue of radio sources designed to include the full range of radio AGN populations out to redshift z ~ 0.8. The catalogue covers ~800 deg 2 of sky, and provides optical identifications for 19 179 radio sources from the 1.4 GHz Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm (FIRST) survey down to an optical magnitude limit of i mod < 20.5 in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images. Both galaxies and point-like objects are included, and no colour cuts are applied. In collaboration with the WiggleZ and Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) spectroscopic survey teams, we have obtained new spectra for over 5000 objects in the LARGESS sample. Combining these new spectra with data from earlier surveys provides spectroscopic data for 12 329 radio sources in the survey area, of which 10 856 have reliable redshifts. 85 per cent of the LARGESS spectroscopic sample are radio AGN (median redshift z = 0.44), and 15 per cent are nearby star-forming galaxies (median z = 0.08). Low-excitation radio galaxies (LERGs) comprise the majority (83 per cent) of LARGESS radio AGN at z < 0.8, with 12 per cent being high-excitation radio galaxies (HERGs) and 5 per cent radioloud QSOs. Unlike the more homogeneous LERG and QSO sub-populations, HERGs are a heterogeneous class of objects with relatively blue optical colours and a wide dispersion in mid-infrared colours. This is consistent with a picture in which most HERGs are hosted by galaxies with recent or ongoing star formation as well as a classical accretion disc

    Shapley Supercluster Survey: Construction of the photometric catalogues and i-band data release

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    The Shapley Supercluster Survey is a multi-wavelength survey covering an area of ∼23 deg² (∼260 Mpc² at z = 0.048) around the supercluster core, including nine Abell and two poor clusters, having redshifts in the range 0.045–0.050. The survey aims to investigate the role of the cluster-scale mass assembly on the evolution of galaxies, mapping the effects of the environment from the cores of the clusters to their outskirts and along the filaments. The optical (ugri) imaging acquired with OmegaCAM on the VLT Survey Telescope is essential to achieve the project goals providing accurate multi-band photometry for the galaxy population down to m∗ + 6. We describe the methodology adopted to construct the optical catalogues and to separate extended and point-like sources. The catalogues reach average 5σ limiting magnitudes within a 3 arcsec diameter aperture of ugri = [24.4,24.6,24.1,23.3] and are 93 per cent complete down to ugri = [23.8,23.8,23.5,22.0] mag, corresponding to ∼m∗ r + 8.5. The data are highly uniform in terms of observing conditions and all acquired with seeing less than 1.1 arcsec full width at half-maximum. The median seeing in r band is 0.6 arcsec, corresponding to 0.56 kpc h⁻¹ 70 at z = 0.048. While the observations in the u, g and r bands are still ongoing, the i-band observations have been completed, and we present the i-band catalogue over the whole survey area. The latter is released and it will be regularly updated, through the use of the Virtual Observatory tools. This includes 734 319 sources down to i = 22.0 mag and it is the first optical homogeneous catalogue at such a depth, covering the central region of the Shapley supercluster