232 research outputs found

    Polemics on paleontoIogical theories in the Sociedad Española de Historia Natural

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    Durante los primeros años de su actividad, las Actas y Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural reflejaron la repercusión que la teoría de la evolución de Darwin tuvo en España, en el campo de la Paleontología. Aunque los primeros trabajos paleontológicos publicados en la Sociedad, especialmente los del Catedrático de Paleontología de la Universidad Central Juan Vilanova, fueron muy críticos con el darwinismo, es preciso señalar también la defensa de una postura cercana al neolamarckismo, postulada por Salvador Calderón, reflejo de la concepción evolucionista del Universo, mantenido por los naturalistas vinculados a la Institución Libre de Enseñanza.[EN] During the first years of its activity, the Actas and Anales of the Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural reflected the repercussion that Darwin’s theory of evolution had in Spain specially in the field of Palaeontology, though the first paleontological works published by the SOCIEDAD, especially those of Palaeontology Professor of the Central University Juan Vilanova, were vey critical with Darwinism. It is necessary to indicate also the defence of a posture close to the Lamarckism, postulated by Salvador Calderon, that reflected the evolutionism conception of the Universe, rnainlained by the naturalists linked to the Institución Libre de Enseñanza.Peer reviewe

    Confirming Human Antiquity: Spain and the Beginnings of Prehistoric Archaeology

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    During his first visit to Spain in 1862, Louis Lartet together with Edouard de Verneuil and the Spanish mining engineer Casiano de Prado visited the San Isidro archeological site in Madrid. There they obtained a worked silex tool, which the former two then described and illustrated in the Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Three years later, Edouard Lartet together with Henry Christy and Hugh Falconer designed a project to extend the exploration in the field of prehistoric and archaeological works to the Iberian Peninsula. After Christy¿s death at the beginning of 1865, and Edouard¿s illness, it was Louis Lartet who undertook the research program of Prehistoric Archaeology South of the Pyrenees. He conducted excavations in caves in Álava and the Cameros Mountains (La Rioja region, Spain). At the same time as these excavations, an influential group of geologists was emerging in Spain who disseminated the findings, principles and practices of the new disciplin

    Teorías de la tierra y sistemas geológicos: un largo debate en la historia de la geología

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    Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se emitieron las primeras teorías del origen e historia de la tierra. La interpretación que consideraba al diluvio como el factor geológico decisivo en el modelado de la superficie terrestre fue la mas debatida hasta el surgimiento de los sistemas geológicos catastrofista y actualista en el siglo XIX. En la actualidad, continúa abierta la polémica entre geólogos e historiadores de la ciencia sobre métodos y sistemas en la historia de la geología.During the second half of the XVIII'h century, the first theorics about the origin and history of the Earth were issued. The interpretation that considered Deluge as a decisivc factor ir1 the modclling of land surface was the most debated until the issue of the Catastrophism and Aciualisin geological systems in the XIX"' century. Norwadays. the polemics about methods and systems in the Hisiory of Geology is still open between geologists and historians of science.Peer reviewe

    Confirmando la antigüedad humana: España y los comienzos de la arqueología prehistórica

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    During his first visit to Spain in 1862, Louis Lartet together with Edouard de Verneuil and the Spanish mining engineer Casiano de Prado visited the San Isidro archeological site in Madrid. There they obtained a worked silex tool, which the former two then described and illustrated in the Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Three years later, Edouard Lartet together with Henry Christy and Hugh Falconer designed a project to extend the exploration in the field of prehistoric and archaeological works to the Iberian Peninsula. After Christy’s death at the beginning of 1865, and Edouard’s illness, it was Louis Lartet who undertook the research program of Prehistoric Archaeology South of the Pyrenees. He conducted excavations in caves in Álava and the Cameros Mountains (La Rioja region, Spain). At the same time as these excavations, an influential group of geologists was emerging in Spain who disseminated the findings, principles and practices of the new discipline.Durante su primera visita a España en 1862, Louis Lartet, junto con Edouard de Verneuil y el ingeniero de minas Casiano de Prado, visitó el sitio arqueológico de San Isidro en Madrid. Allí descubrieron un intrumento tallado en sílex que publicaron en el Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Tres años más tarde, Edouard Lartet, junto con Henry Christy y Hugh Falconer, diseñaron un proyecto para llevar a cabo investigaciones prehistoricas y arqueológicas en la Península Ibérica. Tras la muerte de Christy a principios de 1865, y debido a la enfermedad de Edouard, fue Lartet quien llevó a cabo dicho programa de investigaciones prehistóricas al sur de los Pirineos. Bajo su dirección, se llevaron a cabo excavaciones en cuevas de Álava y en la Rioja. Al mismo tiempo, emergió en España un grupo de geólogos influyentes que consolidaron los principios y las prácticas de la nueva disciplina

    Dry EEG Electrodes

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) emerged in the second decade of the 20th century as a technique for recording the neurophysiological response. Since then, there has been little variation in the physical principles that sustain the signal acquisition probes, otherwise called electrodes. Currently, new advances in technology have brought new unexpected fields of applications apart from the clinical, for which new aspects such as usability and gel-free operation are first order priorities. Thanks to new advances in materials and integrated electronic systems technologies, a new generation of dry electrodes has been developed to fulfill the need. In this manuscript, we review current approaches to develop dry EEG electrodes for clinical and other applications, including information about measurement methods and evaluation reports. We conclude that, although a broad and non-homogeneous diversity of approaches has been evaluated without a consensus in procedures and methodology, their performances are not far from those obtained with wet electrodes, which are considered the gold standard, thus enabling the former to be a useful tool in a variety of novel applications.This work was supported by Nicolo Association for the R+D+i in Neurotechnologies for disability, the research project P11-TIC-7983, Junta of Andalucia (Spain) and the Spanish National Grant TIN2012-32030, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also thank Erik Jung, head of the Medical Microsystems working group, at the Department of System Integration & Interconnection Technologies, Fraunhofer IZM (Berlin), for his support

    Bibliografía histórica sobre la ciencia y la técnica en España, 2004

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    Peer reviewedFecha 2014-09-15.--Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500.--Unidad técnica IHMC.--Archivo depósito IHMC.--Solo se permite el uso con fines educativos y de investigació

    Long-Term Dynamics of Bluetongue Virus in Wild Ruminants : relationship with Outbreaks in Livestock in Spain, 2006-2011

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    Wild and domestic ruminants are susceptible to Bluetongue virus (BTV) infection. Three BTV serotypes (BTV-4, BTV-1 and BTV-8) have been detected in Spain in the last decade. Even though control strategies have been applied to livestock, BTV circulation has been frequently detected in wild ruminant populations in Spain. The aim of the present study is to assess the role for wild ruminants in maintaining BTV after the vaccination programs in livestock in mainland Spain. A total of 931 out 1,914 (48.6%) serum samples, collected from eight different wild ruminant species between 2006 and 2011, were BTV positive by ELISA. In order to detect specific antibodies against BTV-1, BTV-4 and BTV-8, positive sera were also tested by serumneutralisation test (SNT). From the ELISA positive samples that could be tested by SNT (687 out of 931), 292 (42.5%) showed neutralising antibodies against one or two BTV serotypes. For each BTV seroptype, the number of outbreaks in livestock (11,857 outbreaks in total) was modelled with pure autoregressive models and the resulting smoothed values, representing the predicted number of BTV outbreaks in livestock at municipality level, were positively correlated with BTV persistence in wild species. The strength of this relationship significantly decreased as red deer (Cervus elaphus) population abundance increased. In addition, BTV RNA was detected by real time RT-PCR in 32 out of 311 (10.3%) spleen samples from seropositive animals. Although BT outbreaks in livestock have decreased substantially after vaccination campaigns, our results indicated that wild ruminants have been exposed to BTV in territories where outbreaks in domestic animals occurred. The detection of BTV RNA and spatial association between BT outbreaks in livestock and BTV rates in red deer are consistent with the hypothesis of virus circulation and BTV maintenance within Iberian wild ruminant populations

    On the effects of cutting-edge angle on high-feed turning of Inconel 718© superalloy

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    Machining processes on heat-resistant superalloys—i.e., turbine cases, rings, or shafts—are challenging tasks. The high-added value of such parts makes cycle times be longer than expected. Recently, high-feed turning technique has attracted the attention of practitioners due to its high material removal rate capability. PrimeTurning™ tool unifies the concepts of high-feed and multidirectional turning using multiple active cutting edges. It should be capable of reducing machine downtimes in that kind of parts. However, to avoid early tool replacement and rejects on high added value parts, a deeper knowledge on the high-feed turning process is necessary. Here, inserts specifically designed for high-feed turning in heat resistant Inconel 718© alloy were tested using three cutting-edge angles. The results showed that when chip thickness is more relevant, a cutting-edge angle of 30° reduces the likelihood of notches. Even if force components are high, surface roughness is improved and the risk of fractures is minimized, together with a high evacuation volume. On the other hand, increasing the cutting-edge angle (45° and 60°) without compensating the feed rate, tends to produce tool fractures due to chip overload. Besides, experimental tests showed that long tool-to-workpiece contact times, tend to shorten tool life, due to excessive heat accumulation and poor chip control.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and "FSE invierte en tu futuro", from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain, in the IB-RELIABLE project (DPI2016-74845-R). UPV/EHU for the financial aid for the pre-doctoral grants PIF 19/96

    Selective miRNA Modulation Fails to Activate HIV Replication in In Vitro Latency Models

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    HIV remains incurable because of viral persistence in latent reservoirs that are inaccessible to antiretroviral therapy. A potential curative strategy is to reactivate viral gene expression in latently infected cells. However, no drug so far has proven to be successful in vivo in reducing the reservoir, and therefore new anti-latency compounds are needed. We explored the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in latency maintenance and their modulation as a potential anti-latency strategy. Latency models based on treating resting CD4 T cells with chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 (CCL19) or interleukin-7 (IL7) before HIV infection and next-generation sequencing were used to identify the miRNAs involved in HIV latency. We detected four upregulated miRNAs (miRNA-98, miRNA-4516, miRNA-4488, and miRNA-7974). Individual or combined inhibition of these miRNAs was performed by transfection into cells latently infected with HIV. Viral replication, assessed 72 h after transfection, did not increase after miRNA modulation, despite miRNA inhibition and lack of toxicity. Furthermore, the combined modulation of five miRNAs previously associated with HIV latency was not effective in these models. Our results do not support the modulation of miRNAs as a useful strategy for the reversal of HIV latency. As shown with other drugs, the potential of miRNA modulation as an HIV reactivation strategy could be dependent on the latency model usedThis work wasfunded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness(PIE 13/00040) and the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RIS)(RD16/0025/0001) as part of the Plan Estatal I+D+I and co-financedby Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)-Subdirección General deEvaluación y Fomento de la Investigación and Fondo Europeo deDesarrollo Regional (FEDER) (European Regional DevelopmentFund). M.R.L-H. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economyand Competitiveness with ISCIII-FEDER funding (PIE 13/00040 and RD12/0017/0017). N.M.E. and C.G. were supported bythe Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD12/0017/0017 and RD16/0025/001