90 research outputs found

    Acquisition of Demonstratives in English and Spanish

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    The present work re-evaluates the long-standing claim that demonstratives are among infants’ earliest and most common words. Although demonstratives are deictic words important for joint attention, deictic gestures and non-word vocalizations could serve this function in early language development; the role of demonstratives may have been overestimated. Using extensive data from the CHILDES corpora (Study 1, N = 66, 265 transcripts) and McArthur-Bates CDI database (Study 2, N = 950), the language production of 18- to 24-month-old Spanish- and English-speaking children was analyzed to determine the age and order of acquisition, and frequency of demonstratives. Results indicate that demonstratives do not typically appear before the 50th word and only become frequent from the two-word utterance stage. Corpus data show few differences between Spanish and English, whereas parental report data suggest much later acquisition for demonstratives in English. These findings expand our knowledge of the foundations of deictic communication, and of the methodological challenges of assessing early production of function words

    “Sobrecarga del cuidador relacionado al maltrato del adulto mayor en usuarios del servicio de consulta externa del Hospital Luis Gabriel Dávila de la ciudad de Tulcán, durante el período de septiembre a noviembre del 2016.”

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    El maltrato al adulto mayor constituye un problema social, que vulnera su bienestar físico, psicológico y emocional, puede incluir hechos que van desde la negligencia hasta el compromiso físico y son ejercidas de manera activa o pasiva, generalmente por personas responsables de su cuidado. El principal objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre el maltrato del adulto mayor según su nivel de dependencia física y la sobrecarga del cuidador directo, en usuarios del servicio de consulta externa del Hospital Luis Gabriel Dávila de la ciudad de Tulcán, además planteó identificar algunas características demográficas del adulto mayor y su cuidador. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 491 adultos mayores, a los que se aplicó la Escala psicométrica de maltrato en Geriatría; la sobrecarga en el cuidador fue evaluada mediante la Escala de Zarit y la dependencia física con las escalas de Barthel y la de Lawton y Brody. Para el análisis estadístico cuantitativo se utilizó las medidas de tendencia central, y para las variables cualitativas se utilizó porcentajes y frecuencias. En el análisis bivariado se utilizó como medida de asociación el odds ratio (OR) en variables cualitativas y como prueba de hipótesis el chi cuadrado, a través del programa informático SPSS 23. Se encontró significancia estadística entre la dependencia física del adulto mayor y sobrecarga del cuidador con un chi cuadrado de 161,135 y una P de 0,001; al igual que en la sobrecarga del cuidador y el maltrato con un chi cuadrado de 34,789 y un valor de P 0,00

    Signature of adsorbed solvents for molecular electronics revealed via scanning tunneling microscopy

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    After evaporation of the organic solvents, benzene, toluene, and cyclohexane on gold substrates, Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) shows the presence of a remaining adsorbed layer. The different solvent molecules were individually observed at ambient conditions, and their electronic transport properties characterized through the STM in the Break Junction approach. The combination of both techniques reveals, on one hand, that solvents are not fully evaporated over the gold electrode and, secondly, characterize the electronic transport of the solvents in molecular electronics.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MAT2016-78625-C2 and PID2019-109539 GB-C41) and the Generalitat Valenciana through PROMETEO/2017/139 and program CDEIGENT/2018/028

    Children’s use of demonstrative words: spatial deictics beyond infancy

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    Demonstrative words are one of the most important ways of establishing reference in conversation. This work describes Spanish-speaking children’s demonstrative production between ages 2 to 10 using data from the CHILDES corpora. Results indicate that children feature all demonstratives in their lexicon – however, the distal term is scarce throughout development. Moreover, patterns of demonstrative use are not adult-like at age 10. We compare adult and child data to conclude that children’s development of demonstrative production is largely protracted. Adult use of the distal demonstrative is higher than in young children, although both older children and adults use the medial term ese more than any other demonstratives. In contrast, younger children use proximals relatively more frequently than older children and adults. Suggestions for future research and theoretical implications for the Spanish demonstrative system are discussed

    Accounting for ocean connectivity and hydroclimate in fish recruitment fluctuations within transboundary metapopulations

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    International audienceMarine resources stewardships are progressively becoming more receptive to an effective incorporation of both ecosystem and environmental complexities into the analytical frameworks of fisheries assessment. Understanding and predicting marine fish production for spatially and demographically complex populations in changing environmental conditions is however still a difficult task. Indeed, fisheries assessment is mostly based on deterministic models that lack realistic parameterizations of the intricate biological and physical processes shaping recruitment, a cornerstone in population dynamics. We use here a large metapopulation of a harvested fish, the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), managed across transnational boundaries in the northwestern Mediterranean, to model fish recruitment dynamics in terms of physics-dependent drivers related to dispersal and survival. The connectivity among nearby subpopulations is evaluated by simulating multi-annual Lagrangian indices of larval retention, imports, and self-recruitment. Along with a proxy of the regional hydroclimate influencing early life stages survival, we then statistically determine the relative contribution of dispersal and hydroclimate for recruitment across contiguous management units. We show that inter-annual variability of recruitment is well reproduced by hydroclimatic influences and synthetic connectivity estimates. Self-recruitment (i.e., the ratio of retained locally produced larvae to the total number of incoming larvae) is the most powerful metric as it integrates the roles of retained local recruits and immigrants from surrounding subpopulations and is able to capture circulation patterns affecting recruitment at the scale of management units. We also reveal that the climatic impact on recruitment is spatially structured at regional scale due to contrasting biophysical processes not related to dispersal. Self-recruitment calculated for each management unit explains between 19% and 32.9% of the variance of recruitment variability, that is much larger than the one explained by spawning stock biomass alone, supporting an increase of consideration of connectivity processes into stocks assessment. By acknowledging the structural and ecological complexity of marine populations, this study provides the scientific basis to link spatial management and temporal assessment within large marine metapopulations. Our results suggest that fisheries management could be improved by combining information of physical oceanography (from observing systems and operational models), opening new opportunities such as the development of short-term projections and dynamic spatial management

    Aging in Male Wistar Rats Associates with Changes in Intestinal Microbiota, Gut Structure, and Cholecystokinin-Mediated Gut-Brain Axis Function

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    Aging in mammals is characterized by failure of the homeostatic mechanisms that regulate energy balance. Several mechanisms have been proposed such as the presence of a low-grade chronic inflammation in different tissues, as well as leptin and insulin resistance, but the primary alteration is not fully elucidated. The gut microbiota has recently emerged as a key player in a variety of metabolic and neurological disorders. A main concept in this context is the gut–brain axis that refers to alterations in the gut that mediate effects in the central nervous system, including those related with the control of energy balance. Using 16S rRNA analysis, we demonstrate that aged male Wistar rats have increased presence of mucin-degrading and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-producing bacteria. In addition, old animals exhibit a lower number of neutral mucin secreting goblet cells, and a decrease of tight junctions and adherens junctions marker proteins, zonula occludens protein-1 (ZO-1) and β-catenin, respectively. These data are compatible with a thinner mucus layer and a weaker gut barrier in older animals that likely facilitate LPS leakage. Our data also show that cholecystokinin (CCK) satiating effect is impaired in aged rats, one of the expected effects of increased LPS leakage. In contrast, no overt signs of gut or systemic inflammation are observed. Changes in microbiota in old male Wistar rats present features of situations of increased adiposity, but different from those of obese animals. These could partly explain the increased adiposity and fat deposition in liver and heart as observed here.Spanish Government (grants BFU2008-04901-C03-01/BFI to J.M.C., BIO2016-76601-C3-2-R to M.F.-L., and RTI2018-094052-B-100 [MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE to A.M.V.] and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (grants S2010/BMD-2423 to J.M.C., F.E., L.G.G., and A.M.V. and S2017/BMD-3684 to F.E. and A.M.V.). C.R. was supported by a predoctoral aid from Spanish Government. The Centro de Biología Molecular is recipient of institutional aids from Banco de Santander and Ramón Areces Foundation

    Informe del seguimiento científico de la acción piloto RAI/AP-30/2004: Efectividad de rejillas separadoras para la mejora de la selectividad de los artes de arrastre en Mallorca (Illes Balears)

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    RESUMEN: Del 28 de Octubre al 28 de Noviembre de 2005, se han realizado 21 pescas de arrastre de fondo, entre 113 y 796 m de profundidad, en caladeros del Sur de Mallorca (Islas Baleares, Mediterráneo occidental), a bordo del B/P Moralti Nou. Se ha utilizado un arte de arrastre de doble manga, con rejillas selectivas flexibles de 15 y 20 mm de separación entre barras, que ocupan ~75% de la superficie, montadas por delante del copo, con una inclinación de ~40º. Se trata de un estudio pionero en el Mediterráneo, que ha permitido evaluar, en condiciones comerciales, la eficacia de este tipo de red y estimar los rendimientos comerciales, la composición de la captura y los parámetros y curvas de selección con ambas rejillas, para las principales especies explotadas en la pesquería de arrastre en el área de estudio. Tanto la red como las rejillas no han presentado ninguna dificultad adicional a las maniobras de pesca comerciales. No se han observado diferencias en los rendimientos comerciales obtenidos con ambas rejillas, pero si en los porcentajes de retención de las principales especies, con valores mayores con rejilla de 15 mm que con rejilla de 20 mm, que dejan escapar ejemplares menores y mayores, respectivamente. La talla de primera captura estimada con rejilla de 20 mm ha sido mayor que con rejilla de 15 mm. Las rejillas separadoras no han mostrado tanta eficacia en la mejora de la selectividad de los artes de arrastre en el area de estudio como previamente había mostrado la malla cuadrada de 40 mm en el copo. Las rejillas permiten escapar ejemplares de mayor tamaño que el copo de malla cuadrada, si bien el porcentaje de ejemplares que escapan a través de la rejilla es menor, por lo que sus curvas de selección presentan rangos de selección mayores y tallas de primera captura menores que el copo de malla cuadrada. Además, se ha observado efecto de saturación en las rejillas entre 100 y 200 m de profundidad. Por todo lo anterior, las rejillas no se han mostrado tan eficaces como la malla cuadrada en el copo. Por ello, un cambio del tipo de malla en el copo (de rómbica a cuadrada de 40 mm) podría ser una mejor medida de gestión para mejorar la selectividad de los artes de arrastre en las Islas Baleares, que la introducción de rejillas.INFORME DEL SEGUIMENT CIENTÍFIC DE L’ACCIÓ PILOT RAI/AP-30/2004: EECTIVITAT DE GRAELLES SEPARADORES PER A LA MILLORA DE LA SELECTIVITAT DELS ARTS D’ARROSSEGAMENT A MALLORCA (ILLES BALEARS).- Del 28 d’Octubre al 28 de Novembre de 2005, s’han realitzat 21 pesques d’arrossegament de fons, entre 113 y 796 m de fondària, als caladors del Sud de Mallorca (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental), a bord del V/P Moralti Nou. S’ha utilitzat un art d’arrossegament de doble màniga, amb graelles selectives flexibles de 15 i 20 mm de separació entre barres, que ocupen ~75% de la superfície, muntades davant del cop, amb una inclinació de ~40º. Es tracta d’un estudi pioner a la Mediterrània, que ha permès avaluar, en condicions comercials, l’eficàcia d’aquest tipus de xarxa i estimar els rendiments comercials, la composició de la captura i els paràmetres i corbes de selecció d’ambdues graelles, per a les principals espècies explotades en la pesquera d’arrossegament a l’àrea d’estudi. Tant la xarxa com les graelles no han presentat capa dificultat addicional a les maniobres de pesca comercials. No s’han observat diferències en els rendiments comercials obtinguts amb les dues graelles, però sí en els percentatges de retenció de les principals espècies, amb valors majors amb graella de 15 mm que amb graella de 20 mm, que deixen escapar exemplars menors i majors, respectivament. La talla de primera captura estimada amb graella de 20 mm ha sigut major que amb graella de 15 mm. Les graelles separadores no han mostrat tanta eficàcia en la millora de la selectivitat dels arts d’arrossegament a l’àrea d’estudi com prèviament havia mostrat la malla quadrada de 40 mm en el cop. Les graelles permeten escapar exemplars de major mida que el cop de malla quadrada, tot i que el percentatge d’exemplars que escapen a través de la graella és menor, per la qual cosa les corbes de selecció presenten rangs de selecció majors i talles de primera captura menors que el cop de malla quadrada. A més a més, s’ha observat efecte de saturació en les graelles entre 100 i 200 m de profunditat. Per tot l’anterior, les graelles no s’han mostrat tan eficaces com la malla quadrada en el cop. Por això, un canvi del tipus de malla en el cop (de ròmbica a quadrada de 40 mm) podria ser una millor mesura de gestió per a millorar la selectivitat dels arts d’arrossegament a les Illes Balears que la introducció de graelles.SCIENTIFIC REPORT OF THE PILOT SURVEY RAI/AP-30/2004: EFFICIENCY OF SORTING GRIDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SELECTIVITY IN THE TRAWL FISHERY DEVELOPED OFF MAJORCA (BALEARIC ISLANDS).- From October 28th to November 28th 2005, 21 bottom trawls have been developed, between 113 and 796 m depth, on fishing grounds off South of Majorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean), on board F/V Moralti Nou. A doubled extension piece trawl net has been used, with flexible sorting grids of 15 and 20 mm between bars, occupying ~75% of their surface, mounted in front of the codend, with an angle of ~40º. It is one of the first attempts in the Mediterranean Sea, which has allowed to assess, under commercial conditions, the efficiency of this kind of net and to estimate the commercial yields, the catch composition and the selection curves and parameters with both grids, for the main species exploited in the trawl fishery developed in the study area. Neither the net not the grids have showed any additional difficulty to the fishing commercial manoeuvres. No differences have been observed in the commercial yields with both grids. By contrast, differences in the percentage of retention for the main species were observed, with higher values with 15 mm than with 20 mm grid, allowing to escape smaller and larger individuals, respectively. The length of first capture estimated with 20 mm grid has been larger than with 15 mm grid. The sorting grids are not so efficient to improve trawl selectivity in the study area as the 40 mm square mesh in the codend previously showed. The sorting grids allow the escapement of larger individuals than the square mesh codend, but they have a lower percentage of escapement. For this reason, their selection curves show selection ranges wider and lengths of first capture lower than the square mesh codend. Moreover, a saturation effect of the sorting grids has been observed between 100 and 200 m depth. In conclusion, the sorting grids have not shown so effective as the square mesh in the codend. For this reason, a change of the mesh shape in the codend (from 40 mm diamond to square) could be a better management measure than the introduction of sorting grids to improve the selectivity of bottom trawls in the Balearic Islands

    Impact of global PTP1B deficiency on the gut barrier permeability during NASH in mice.

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    OBJECTIVE:Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is characterized by a robust pro-inflammatory component at both hepatic and systemic levels together with a disease-specific gut microbiome signature. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 B (PTP1B) plays distinct roles in non-immune and immune cells, in the latter inhibiting pro-inflammatory signaling cascades. In this study, we have explored the role of PTP1B in the composition of gut microbiota and gut barrier dynamics in methionine and choline-deficient (MCD) diet-induced NASH in mice. METHODS:Gut features and barrier permeability were characterized in wild-type (PTP1B WT) and PTP1B-deficient knockout (PTP1B KO) mice fed a chow or methionine/choline-deficient (MCD) diet for 4 weeks. The impact of inflammation was studied in intestinal epithelial and enteroendocrine cells. The secretion of GLP-1 was evaluated in primary colonic cultures and plasma of mice. RESULTS:We found that a shift in the gut microbiota shape, disruption of gut barrier function, higher levels of serum bile acids, and decreased circulating glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 are features during NASH. Surprisingly, despite the pro-inflammatory phenotype of global PTP1B-deficient mice, they were partly protected against the alterations in gut microbiota composition during NASH and presented better gut barrier integrity and less permeability under this pathological condition. These effects concurred with higher colonic mucosal inflammation, decreased serum bile acids, and protection against the decrease in circulating GLP-1 levels during NASH compared with their WT counterparts together with increased expression of GLP-2-sensitive genes in the gut. At the molecular level, stimulation of enteroendocrine STC-1 cells with a pro-inflammatory conditioned medium (CM) from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages triggered pro-inflammatory signaling cascades that were further exacerbated by a PTP1B inhibitor. Likewise, the pro-inflammatory CM induced GLP-1 secretion in primary colonic cultures, an effect augmented by PTP1B inhibition. CONCLUSION:Altogether our results have unraveled a potential role of PTP1B in the gut-liver axis during NASH, likely mediated by increased sensitivity to GLPs, with potential therapeutic value

    Hábitos de Vida sobre el Rendimiento Laboral de los Docentes del instituto Tecnológico Superior Riobamba en el Período Mayo - Octubre 2017

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    Los estilos de vida saludable hacen referencia a un conjunto de comportamientos o actitudes cotidianas que realizan las personas, para mantener su cuerpo y mente saludable. Existen factores protectores dentro de los cuales  podríamos mencionar a los objetivos de vida y plan de acción,  mantener la autoestima, el sentido de pertenencia, la identidad, la autodecisión, la autogestión, el deseo de aprender, brindar afecto, mantener la integración social, familiar, tener satisfacción con la vida, promover la convivencia, solidaridad, tolerancia, negociación, capacidad de autocuidado, seguridad social en salud, control de factores de riesgo que perjudican nuestra salud como obesidad, vida sedentaria, tabaquismo, alcoholismo, abuso de medicamentos, estrés, y algunas patologías como hipertensión y diabetes. La ocupación de tiempo libre y disfrute del ocio, comunicación y participación a nivel familiar y social, accesibilidad a programas de bienestar, salud, educación, culturales, recreativos, entre otros, seguridad económica. En su mayoría los factores de protección son precisamente la contraparte de los factores de riesgo, pero hay que tener en cuenta que el conocimiento de sus beneficios no alcanza para estar protegidos, es necesario incorporarlos y habituarlos a nuestro estilo de vida. Es así que de los 62 docentes encuestados mediante el formulario de la escala GENCAT de calidad de vida, la mayor parte demuestran insatisfacción en su calidad de vida y desempeño laboral


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    Introducción: Los accidentes de tránsito son un problema de salud pública, su atención y forma de presentación desde la atención prehospitalaria hasta las unidades complejas como hospitales son eventos graves en el Ecuador y han hecho que se considere uno de los países con mayores índices de mortalidad por accidentes de tránsito. Objetivo: determinar el número de pacientes evaluados por atención prehospitalaria por accidentes de tránsito que necesitan cirugías de emergencia. Metodología: Investigación no experimental, descriptiva y transversal, con una muestra censal constituido por 75 pacientes atendidos por atención prehospitalaria en accidentes de tránsito y derivados al Hospital General Docente Ambato de la Provincia de Tungurahua, en el período enero­-marzo del 2019, se utilizaron dos escalas un instrumento de atención prehospitalaria y el score de trauma revisado, el análisis estadístico se realizó por el software estadístico (SPSS Estatistics 20.0 para Windows), por medio del cálculo de la distribución numérica y porcentual. Resultados: De los pacientes con atención pre-hospitalaria en accidentes de tránsito predominaron los adolescentes de 12 a 18 años en 40%, pero los pacientes graves evaluados por la escala de trauma revisado la mayor frecuencia fueron los adultos de 27-59 años, el servicio de traumatología tuvo un 53.3% de los pacientes quirúrgicos y las complicaciones postquirúrgicas gastrointestinales representaron un 44.44%. Conclusiones: Los accidentes de tránsito, en su mayoría necesitan cirugías de emergencia, predominando las patologías traumatológicas, la escala de trauma revisado es una herramienta que permiten establecer pautas de atención para reducir la morbimortalidad Palabras Clave: prehospitalaria, emergencia, cirugía , trauma.  ABSTRACT Introduction: Traffic accidents are a public health problem, their attention and form of presentation from prehospital care to complex units such as hospitals are serious events in Ecuador and have made it consider one of the countries with the highest mortality rates for traffic accidents. Objective: to determine the number of patients evaluated for pre-hospital care for traffic accidents who need emergency surgeries. Methodology: Non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional research, with a census sample made up of 75 patients treated for prehospital care in traffic accidents and referred to the Ambato General Teaching Hospital of the Province of Tungurahua, in the period January-March 2019, Two scales were used, a pre-hospital care instrument and the revised trauma score. Statistical analysis was performed by statistical software (SPSS Statistics 20.0 for Windows), by calculating the numerical and percentage distribution. Results: Of the patients with pre-hospital care in traffic accidents, adolescents aged 12 to 18 years predominated in 40%, but the seriously ill patients evaluated by the revised trauma scale, the highest frequency were adults aged 27-59 years. The trauma department had 53.3% of surgical patients and gastrointestinal post-surgical complications accounted for 44.44%. Conclusions: Traffic accidents mostly require emergency surgeries, predominantly trauma pathologies, the revised trauma scale is a tool that allows establishing care guidelines to reduce morbidity and mortality Key Words: Prehospital, emergency, surgery, trauma