98 research outputs found

    Los guerreros Kayapó: Raoni y el mundo

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    Anais do II Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila - Sessão de Antropologia - 03/07/13 – 13h30 às 18h30 - Unila-PTI - Bloco 09 – Espaço 03 – Sala 02La presente investigaci ́on es resultado de observaciones etnogr ́ a ficas realizadas durante el evento C ́ upula de los Pueblos / R ́ ıo +20, espec ́ ıficamente en el Acampamento Terra Livre, lide- rado y realizado por grupos y organizaciones ind ́ ıgenas de Am ́erica Latina. Debido a su amplia diversidad de intereses, posturas y propuestas pol ́ ıticas y formas de participaci ́ on, entre otras; limit ́e mis observaciones a un grupo en particular. Eleg ́ ı observar a los Kayap ́o: por su historia guerrera, sus compromisos y logros pol ́ ıticos, por su l ́ ıder m ́ aximo: Raoni Raoni Metuktire es uno de los ind ́ ıgenas m ́as renombrados en Brasil, debido a su participaci ́ on en la demarcaci ́on de tierras ind ́ ıgenas, su intervenci ́on en la re-formulaci ́ on de la Constituci ́ on en 1988 y sobre- todo por sus constantes v ́ ınculos con el ”primer mundo”(Menezes Bastos, 1996). Hoy en d ́ ıa es el emblema de la lucha contra Belo Monte, estando presente desde los inicios de esta lucha cuando la hidroel ́ectrica a ́ un era llamada de Kararaˆo, a finales de la d ́ecada de 1980. Luego de la pesquisa etnogr ́a fica, se analizaron los datos junto a la bibliograf ́ ıa con la pretensi ́on de entender la interacci ́on y el (no) di ́alogo entre los grupos ind ́ ıgenas y el desarrollo econ ́omico que los enfrenta. En este caso, particularizamos tales encuentros en la simbolog ́ ıa utilizada por una pel ́ ıcula (Avatar), sumado a la oportuna visita que su director (James Cameron) realiz ́ o al Xing ́ u, con la oferta de llevar a los Kayap ́ o a la pantalla grande. Durante la R ́ ıo +20, Raoni siempre estuvo acompa ̃ nado por su traductor y por su coro de guerreros, consigui ́o los extremos de dar una apacible entrevista para un grupo de j ́ ovenes antrop ́ologos, a rechazar la invitaci ́on por parte del primer ministro de Francia para ”dialogar”sobre Belo Monte, mantuvo siempre firmeza en su discurso junto a una estoica y prometedora mirada que no se dejaba intimidar por casi una centena de c ́amaras que tomaban su imagen. Este actuar de Raoni ligado a la situaci ́on vivida actualmente en el Xing ́ u, Avatar y las lecturas realizadas desencaden ́o en una reflexi ́on o interpretaci ́on sobre el ”animismo”de Avatar, donde los esp ́ ıritus, los Navi (pueblo ind ́ ıgena de la pel ́ ıcula) y los hombres blancos comparten un plano com ́ un (Viveiros de Castro, 1996; Descola, 2006). Con esto quiero decir que el cuerpo no determina a los esp ́ ıritus, pero si viceversa. Por tanto independientemente del cuerpo, los Navi pueden reconocer a un pariente por causa del esp ́ ıritu que lo hace. Finalmente, tambi ́en realizamos estudios sobre el consumo de los Kayap ́o como v ́ ınculo con el desarrollo econ ́omico y como actualizaci ́on de sus rituales (Gor- don, 2006), en contraposici ́on con la categorizaci ́on de consumos realizadas por el hombre blanco.Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Reabsorción radicular del segundo molar temporal causada por erupción del primer molar permanente, en pacientes de 4 a 7 años, Universidad de Talca.

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    85 p.INTRODUCCIÓN: La zona de sostén de Korkhaus (ZSK) corresponde a la zona comprendida entre distal del incisivo lateral permanente y mesial del primer molar permanente; por lo tanto está constituida por el canino, el primer molar y el segundo molar temporal. Su principal función consiste en mantener el espacio para los caninos y premolares definitivos y posee gran importancia en la etapa de dentición mixta, ya que en este período, su integridad mantiene la oclusión en los tres sentidos del espacio. Existen diversos factores que pueden afectar la integridad de la ZSK y la permanencia de los dientes temporales hasta la edad adecuada de cambio fisiológico, uno de ellos corresponde a una por dirección de erupción atípica del primer molar permanente, el cual se ubica sobre las raíces del segundo molar temporal causando rizálisis e incluso su exfoliación, condición en que se centra este estudio. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la prevalencia de reabsorción radicular del segundo molar temporal causada por la erupción del primer molar permanente, en pacientes de 4 a 7 años atendidos en la Universidad de Talca entre los años 2012 - 2013. SUJETOS Y MÉTODOS: El estudio realizado es de tipo observacional, analítico y transversal; en un universo de 474 pacientes atendidos en el Centro de Clínicas Odontológicas de la Universidad de Talca, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se realizaron observaciones de radiografías panorámicas de los sujetos, previa estandarización de criterios y calibración con un especialista en radiología maxilofacial. En cada radiografía se designó la ausencia de la condición, presencia de la condición, condición superada y sin clasificar, por cuadrante dentario. En base a la información anterior se determinó la frecuencia de la afección en los sujetos en estudio, la distribución demográfica de los sujetos afectados, la distribución de las variables ausencia de la condición, presencia de la condición, condición superada y sin clasificar por cuadrante dentario, y la frecuencia de las variables: maxilar/mandíbula, uniarcada/biarcada, unilateral/bilateral y derecha e izquierda. Conjuntamente, se estableció asociación entre las variables sujetos afectados y sexo, mediante el test exacto de Fisher (en programa SPSS versión 20.0), y diferencia de proporciones entre variables maxilar/mandíbula, uniarcada/biarcada, unilateral/bilateral, derecha/ izquierda por medio del test Z asintótico (programa RCommander).RESULTADOS: De los 474 sujetos estudiados, un 34,6% son afectados por la reabsorción del segundo molar temporal causada por erupción del primer molar permanente, correspondientes a 164 sujetos. Dentro de estos, el sexo masculino prevalece levemente con un 50,6% en comparación al femenino, no existiendo asociación estadísticamente significativa (valor p = 0,180) entre los sujetos afectados y sexo. La condición afectada no está presente a la edad de 4 años, pero va en aumento hasta alcanzar un 42,1% en los 7 años. Por otra parte, la mayoría de los sujetos presentan ausencia de la condición por cada cuadrante con una prevalencia sobre el 65%, seguidos por los sin clasificar, luego presencia de la condición (2,3% - 10,3%) y finalmente condición superada (0% - 8,4%). De la totalidad de la población en estudio, los sujetos afectados en maxilar corresponden al 31,2% mientras que en mandíbula es sólo un 5,1%. La variable uniarcada prevalece con un 96,3% en relación al 3,7% correspondiente a la manifestación biarcada. Tanto en maxilar como mandíbula prevalece la variable unilateral con un 55% y 60,9% respectivamente. El lado izquierdo prevalece con un 59,8% en maxilar, mientras que en mandíbula corresponde al 50%.CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de sujetos afectados por reabsorción radicular del segundo molar temporal, causada por erupción del primer molar permanente equivale aproximadamente a un tercio de la población en estudio. A partir de los 5 años esta condición ya puede ser pesquisada, por ende, a partir de esta edad debiesen realizarse los exámenes radiográficos pertinentes para poder diagnosticar la anomalía de manera precoz y evitar secuelas posteriores. Si bien, la “condición superada” presenta la frecuencia más baja en comparación con las demás situaciones, esta cifra no es despreciable, por tanto, se propone su evaluación en otros estudios. A la vez, se sugiere validar el concepto de “ataque posterior” considerando que se puede utilizar de forma didáctica para describir esta condición, ya que no se encuentra respaldado en la literatura. PALABRAS CLAVES: Reabsorción radicular, Zona de sostén de Korkhaus, segundo molar temporal, primer molar permanente, condición superada./ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Korkhaus supporting zone (ZSK) corresponds to the area between distal permanent lateral incisor and mesial of the first permanent molar, therefore consists of the canine, first molar and second molar. Its main function is to keep the space for the canines and premolars definitive and has great importance in the mixed dentition stage, since in this period, maintained the integrity occlusion in the three directions of space. There are several factors that can affect the integrity of the ZSK and permanence of primary teeth until age appropriate exfoliation, one of them corresponds to atypical direction eruption of the first permanent molar, which is located on the roots of second molar causing resorption and even exfoliation, condition in which this study focuses.GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of individuals affected by root resorption of the deciduous second molar caused by the eruption of the first permanent molar in patients from 4 to 7 years old, attended in the University of Talca between the years 2012-2013. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study is observational, analytical and transversal, in a universe of 474 patients seen at the Center for Dental Clinics, University of Talca, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Observations of panoramic radiographs of subjects, after standardization of criteria and calibration with a specialist in maxillofacial radiology. The absence of the condition, the presence of the condition, surpassed condition and unclassified for dental quadrant was appointed in each radiograph. Based on the above information was determined the frequency of the affection in the study subjects, the demographic distribution of the affected subjects, the distribution of the variables absence of the condition, the presence of the condition, surpassed condition and unclassified by dental quadrant and the frequency of variables: maxilla/mandible, niarcada/biarcada, unilateral/bilateral, right/left. Together, the association between variables affected subjects and sex was established by Fisher's exact test (SPSS version 20.0 program), and difference in proportions between variables maxilla/mandible uniarcada/biarcada, unilateral/bilateral, right/left through test Z asymptotic (RCommander program). RESULTS: Of the 474 subjects studied, 34.6 % are affected by resorption of the second molar caused by eruption of the first permanent molar, corresponding to 164 subjects. Within these, the prevailing male slightly with 50.6% compared to the female, with no statistically significant association (p value = 0.180) between affected subjects and sex. The affected condition is not present at the age of 4 years, but increasing up to 42.1% at 7 years. Moreover, the majority of subjects had the absence of the condition for each quadrant with a prevalence of 65%, followed by unclassified, then the presence of the condition (2.3% - 10.3%) and finally surpassed condition (0 % - 8.4%). Of the total study population, subjects affected maxillary correspond to 31.2 % while in mandible is only 5.1%. The variable uniarcada prevails with 96.3 % compared to 3.7 % for the biarcada manifestation. Both maxilla and mandible unilateral prevails variable with a 55% and 60.9% respectively. Prevails the left in maxillary with 59.8%, while in mandible is 50%.CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of subjects affected by root resorption of the second primary molar, caused by eruption of the first permanent molar is about one third of the study population. From 5 years old this condition can be this surveyed and therefore from this age slated the pertinent radiographic examinations performed to diagnose the abnormality early and avoid sequelae. While the "surpassed condition" has the lowest rate compared to other situations, this figure is not negligible, therefore, the evaluation proposed in other studies. At the same time, it is suggested to validate the concept of "post- attack" considering that it can be used in an educational way to describe this condition because it is not supported in the literature. KEYWORDS: Root resorption, Korkhaus supporting zone, deciduous second molar, first permanent molar, surpassed condition

    A graph-based approach for modelling quantum circuits

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    A crucial task for the systematic application of model-driven engineering techniques in the development of quantum software is the definition of metamodels, as a first step towards automatic code generation and integration with other tools. The importance is even greater when considering recent work where the first extensions to UML for modelling quantum circuits are emerging and the characterisation of these extensions in terms of their suitability for a model-driven approach becomes unavoidable. After reviewing the related work, this article proposes a unified metamodel for modelling quantum circuits, together with five strategies for its use and some examples of its application. The article also provides a set of constraints for using the identified strategies, a set of procedures for transforming the models between the strategies, and an analysis of the suitability of each strategy for performing common tasks in a model-driven quantum software development environment. All of these resources will enable the quantum software community to speak the same language and use the same set of abstractions, which are key to furthering the development of tools to be built as part of future model-driven quantum software development frameworks

    A importância clínica da onda T eletrocardiográfica em canídeos : estudo prospetivo

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaSegundo a bibliografia no eletrocardiograma de cães sem doença cardíaca, a amplitude da onda T deve ser inferior a 25 % da onda R. Em medicina veterinária e contrariamente ao que acontece em medicina humana, a importância deste parâmetro eletrocardiográfico é por vezes subestimada. Esta situação deve-se ao facto de, em canídeos e numa mesma derivação, a onda T poder variar entre negativa, positiva e bifásica. Ainda assim pode ser indicativa de alterações cardíacas, metabólicas ou ainda desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e, portanto, a determinação do valor da sua amplitude é determinante na prática clínica. O estudo realizado teve como principal objetivo, avaliar se os valores padronizados para a amplitude da onda T, na derivação II, se encontram de acordo com o que realmente se observa na prática clinica. Neste estudo foram utilizados 27 cães aos quais não fora diagnosticada qualquer doença até à data de realização do mesmo. Para aferir que nenhum animal sofria de doença cardíaca, todos os animais foram submetidos à realização de ecocardiografia, eletrocardiografia e à determinação das concentrações séricas de potássio (K+) e troponina cardíaca (cTnI). Estas duas últimas mensurações foram feitas para diagnóstico de alterações na onda T, secundárias a alterações no potássio e lesão do miocárdio, respetivamente. No exame ecocardiográfico foi verificado se as funções sistólica e diastólica se encontravam dentro da normalidade. No exame eletrocardiográfico avaliou-se a amplitude da onda T e com o intuito de avaliar a existência de alterações na condutividade elétrica, verificou-se se o ritmo de todos os eletrocardiogramas era sinusal e se para cada onda P se seguia um intervalo QRS. Para além disso quantificou-se a amplitude e a duração da onda P, a duração dos intervalos PR e QRS, a amplitude da onda R e a depressão/elevação do intervalo ST. Todos os parâmetros revelaram estar dentro dos valores de referência pelo que se conseguiu aferir a ausência de patologia cardíaca. Posteriormente foi calculado o rácio entre a amplitude da onda T e a amplitude da onda R e concluiu-se que nesta amostra, 30% dos animais demonstrou ter uma onda T com amplitude superior em 25% à da onda R contrariando assim os valores de referência que a atual bibliografia descreve. Estes resultados apontam para a necessidade de uma análise mais aprofundada acerca da importância da amplitude da onda T, não só na avaliação da sua amplitude em animais sem patologia cardíaca, no auxílio ao estabelecimento do diagnóstico das afeções associadas à sua alteração, como na hipótese da sua avaliação poder servir como fator preditivo ou de diagnóstico de outras afeções tal como acontece em medicina humana.ABSTRACT - According to the literature on the electrocardiogram of dogs without heart disease the T wave amplitude should be less than 25% of the R wave. In veterinary medicine and contrary to what happens in human medicine, the importance of this electrocardiographic parameter is sometimes underestimated. This situation is due to the fact that, in canids and in the same derivation, the T wave can vary between negative, positive and biphasic. Nevertheless, it may be indicative of cardiac, metabolic or electrolyte imbalances, and therefore, the determination of the value of its amplitude is determinant in clinical practice. The main objective of this study was to evaluate whether the standardized values for T wave amplitude in lead II, were in agreement with what is actually observed in clinical practice. In this study were used 27 dogs, without any kind of disease diagnosed. To verify that no animal suffered from cardiac disease, all animals underwent echocardiography, electrocardiography and determination of serum potassium (K+) and cardiac troponin (cTnI) concentrations. These last two measurements were made for the diagnosis of T wave alterations, secondary to changes in potassium and myocardial injury, respectively. In the echocardiographic examination, it was verified whether or not the systolic and diastolic functions were within the normal range. In the electrocardiographic exam the T wave amplitude was evaluated. In order to evaluate the existence of changes in electrical conductivity, it was verified if the rhythm of all the electrocardiograms was sinusal and if for each P wave followed a QRS interval. In addition, the amplitude and duration of the P wave, the duration of the PR and QRS intervals, the amplitude of the R wave and the depression / elevation of the ST interval were quantified. All the parameters showed to be within the reference values for which it was possible to verify the absence of cardiac pathology. The ratio between the amplitude of the T wave and the amplitude of the R wave was calculated and it was concluded that in this sample, 30% of the animals showed a T wave with an amplitude greater than 25% of that of the R wave, which contradicts the reference values than in the current bibliography. These results show us there is a need for a more in depth analysis of the importance of T-wave amplitude. Not only in assessing its amplitude in animals without cardiac pathology and in helping to establish the diagnosis of the diseases associated with its alteration, but also as in the hypothesis that its evaluation can serve as a predictive or diagnostic factor of other conditions as it happens in human medicine.N/

    Electromyographic activity of the jaw muscles and mandibular kinematics in young adults with theoretically ideal dental occlusion : reference values

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    A necessary step to use neuromuscular analysis as diagnostic tool is to establish normal reference values for the physiological range in a healthy population. Surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity of the jaw muscles and mandibular kinematics were measured in young adults with theoretically ideal dental occlusion to determine normal reference values during different tasks. Differences between the sexes were evaluated. Forty young adults (20 men, 20 women; mean age 22.8 ± 3.9 years) with theoretically ideal dental occlusion were selected using very restrictive criteria. sEMG activity of the anterior temporalis (AT), posterior temporalis, masseter (MA), and suprahyoid muscles were evaluated in the rest position and during swallowing, mastication, and clenching. Mandibular kinematics in the rest position and during maximum excursions were assessed. Asymmetry, activity, and torque indices and MA/AT ratios were calculated. For all muscles, sEMG values were 1.01-3.57 µV at rest, 3.50-10.85 µV during swallowing, and 41.04-86.59 µV during mastication. During clenching, values were 230.08-243.55 µV for the AT and MA muscles. Mean total asymmetry, activity, and torque indices at rest were 20.34 %, -15.04 %, and 19.02 %, respectively; during clenching, these values were 6.14 %, -2.62 %, and 4.46 %. MA/AT ratios were near 1. Kinematic measurements during lateral excursion, protrusive and maximum opening were 7.54, 8.44, and 37.38 mm respectively; lateral mandibular shift was 1.41 mm; free way and lateral displacement at rest were 1.40 and 0.26 mm. Right MA activity during mastication and clenching was higher in men than women. Reference values for sEMG activity and mandibular kinematics were determined. Some muscular asymmetry and torque were observed

    A systematic approach to developing safe tele-operated robots

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    Tele–operated service robots are used for extending human capabilities in hazardous and/or inaccessible environments. Their use is undergoing an exponential increase in our society, reason why it is of vital importance that their design, installation and operation follow the strictest possible process, so that the risk of accident could be minimised. However, there is no such process or methodology that guides the full process from identification, evaluation, proposal of solutions and reuse of safety requirements, although a hard work is being done, specially by the standardisation committees. It’s also very difficult to even find in the literature examples of safety requirements identification and use. This paper presents the engineering process we have followed to obtain the safety requirements in one of the robots of the EFTCoR1 project and the way this requirements have affected the architecture of the system, with a practical example: a crane robot for ship hull blasting.Financiado parcialmente por los programas programs CICYT, ANCLA (TIC2003-07804-C05-02), y parte de DYNAMICA (DYNamic and Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Integrated Component-based Architectures

    Towards the definition of a pattern sequence for real-time applications using a model-driven engineering approach

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    Real-Time (RT) systems exhibit specific characteristics that make them particularly sensitive to architectural decissions. Design patterns help integrating the desired timing behaviour with the rest of the elements of the application architecture. This paper reports a pattern story that shows how a component-based design has been implemented using periodic concurrent tasks with RT requirements. This work has been done in the context of the development of robotic applications using a Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) approach. In this context the model-to-code transformations are designed taking into account both the system requirements and the patterns that satisfy them. MDSD provides the conceptual technology for implementing a pattern-guided transition from component-based models to object-oriented implementations. The results of applying the described story of patterns are shown by an application that initializes, configures and schedules the execution of platform-specific components.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish CICYT Project EXPLORE (ref. TIN2009-08572), and the Fundación Séneca Regional Project COMPAS-R (ref. 11994/PI/09)

    An Architectural Framework for Modeling Teleoperated service robots

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    Teleoperated robots are used to perform tasks that human operators cannot carry out because of the nature of the tasks themselves or the hostile nature of the working environment. Though many control architectures have been defined for developing these kinds of systems reusing common components, none has attained all its objectives because of the high variability of system behaviors. This paper presents a new architectural approach that takes into account the latest advances in robotic architectures while adopting a component-oriented approach. This approach provides a common framework for developing robotized systems with very different behaviors and for integrating intelligent components. The architecture is currently being used, tested and improved in the development of a family of teleoperated robots which perform cleaning of ship-hull surfaces.Este trabajo está parcialmente financiado por CICYT ref. TIC2003-07804-C05-02 y la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia (Séneca PB/5/FS/02

    A case study in performance evaluation of real-time teleoparation software architecture using UML-MAST

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    Reference architectures for specific domains can provide significant benefits in productivity and quality for real-time systems development. These systems require an exact characterization based on quantitative evaluation of architectural features refered to timing properties, such as performance, reliability, etc. In this work, an UML-based tool has been used to obtain a measure of performance between two alternative architectures. These architectures share the same functional components with different interaction patterns. The used technique is illustrated with an industrial and real case study in a well-known real-time domain: teleoperation systems. The obtained results show clear differences in performance between two architectures, giving a clear indication of which one is better from this point of viewFinanciado parcialmente por FEDER (TAP-1FD97-0823) y GROWTH (GRD2-2001-50004

    Automatic ada code generation using a model-driven engineering approach

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    Currently, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is considered one of the most promising approaches for software development. In this paper, a simple but complete example based on state-machines will be used to demonstrate the benefits of this approach. After defining a modelling language (meta-model) for state-machines, a graphical tool will be presented which is aimed at easing the description and validation of state-machine models. These models will then be used as inputs for another tool which will automatically generate the corresponding Ada code, including a simulation program to test the correctness and performance of the implemented application.Proyecto MEDWSA (TIN2006-15175-C05-02)de CICYT y PMPDI-UPCT-2006 programa de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena