
A case study in performance evaluation of real-time teleoparation software architecture using UML-MAST


Reference architectures for specific domains can provide significant benefits in productivity and quality for real-time systems development. These systems require an exact characterization based on quantitative evaluation of architectural features refered to timing properties, such as performance, reliability, etc. In this work, an UML-based tool has been used to obtain a measure of performance between two alternative architectures. These architectures share the same functional components with different interaction patterns. The used technique is illustrated with an industrial and real case study in a well-known real-time domain: teleoperation systems. The obtained results show clear differences in performance between two architectures, giving a clear indication of which one is better from this point of viewFinanciado parcialmente por FEDER (TAP-1FD97-0823) y GROWTH (GRD2-2001-50004

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