444 research outputs found

    Some simple mathematical models of tumor growth

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2015, Director: Àlex HaroThe principal motivation of this final project is the interest in applied mathematics. Of all the courses I have studied the ones that have arouse my curiosity the most are Mathematical models and Dynamic systems and Differential equations. In particular, what I liked was the chance to extract conclusions from other sciences as physics or economics by mathematical study. For that reason, I have based my project on these fields. We also have to say these courses are much related to the mathematical modelling, so with this project I will be able to strength and increase my knowledge in all of these subjects. When the topic was proposed to me, it seemed interesting the possibility of introduce myself in the cancer’s study, since it is so present in the current society. Besides, it attracted attention to me the relation it could have with mathematics. Lots of times, what happens is that in different fields such as physics or chemistry, a topic is investigated but not in a deep mathematical way. In other words, it might be said that the relations between the different branches should be more joined for a better analysis of both. Therefore, this project is based on the understanding of several growth models of tumors based on differential equations and it is attempted to give a better mathematical explanation of the proposed models in the chapter 1 of the paper: Some mathematical models of tumor growth. Since I had only an unclear idea of what the cancer was at a biological level, it has been required to study in depth some references the paper was offering to understand the biological part. The project consist of three parts. The first one gives a brief introduction on what the cancer is, points out the types of tumors and which ones are studied and gathers some information of the impact of the cancer in our society. Furthermore, it gives an explanation of the relation of cancer and mathematics, and the important vocabulary required for a better understanding of the whole study. The second part explains the exhibited models biologically on the paper using its references and others that I thought they were interesting to extend the information. Beginning with the simplest models of one variable and continuing with three models of two variables. Adding references where necessary, for the interest of the reader to study the topic in depth. The aim of the third and final part is to understand mathematically the models exposed previously, show alternative proofs and extend results of, proof details that are left in, use a program to exemplify the results and obtain conclusions from a biological point of view

    Traces of the Rosary Confraternity, Albrecht Dürer, and Two Emperors in the Frescoes of the Church of St. Primus above Kamnik

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    Članek obravnava kompleksno ozadje nastanka poslikave v podružnični cerkvi sv. Primoža in Felicijana nad Kamnikom z začetka 16. stoletja. Avtorica opozarja na indice, ki kažejo, da je poslikava naročilo kamniške Marijine bratovščine. Ta se je pri zasnovi posameznih ikonografskih detajlov tesno zgledovala po umetnostnih delih, ki so nastala po naročilu znamenite kölnske rožnovenske bratovščine ali v tesni zvezi z njo. To povezavo potrjujejo tudi znamenita romanja Slovencev v Köln, ki jim lahko sledimo od konca 14. stoletja dalje. Pot v Porenje jih je vodila skozi Nürnberg, mesto Albrechta Dürerja, čigar vplivi so jasno prepoznavni v slogovnih karakteristikah poslikave. Povezanost Albrechta Dürerja z rožnovenskimi bartovščinami po drugi strani kaže na tesno prepletenost rožnovenskih bratovščin v širšem srednjeevropskem prostoru.The essay addresses the complex background of the origins of the high quality frescoes in the succursal church of St. Primus and Felician above Kamnik from the beginning of the 16th century. The author demonstrates that the frescoes were commissioned by the Marian Confraternity in Kamnik. The confraternity closely modeled the design and individual iconographic details on work commissioned by the renowned Rosary Brotherhood in Cologne or in close connection to it. That link is further supported by the Slovenians’ famous pilgrimages to that city, which can be traced from the 14th century onwards. The route to the Rhineland led them through Nuremberg, the town of Albrecht Dürer, whose influence can be recognized in stylistic characteristics of the frescoes. Furthermore, the association of Dürer with confraternities of the Rosary indicates the close interconnectedness of Rosary brotherhoods across Central Europe

    Socially assistive robots in health and social care: Acceptance and cultural factors. Results from an exploratory international online survey

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMThis study explored the views of an international sample of registered nurses and midwives working in health and social care concerning socially assistive robots (SARs), and the relationship between dimensions of culture and rejection of the idea that SARs had benefits in these settings. Methods: An online survey was used to obtain rankings of (among other topics) the extent to which SARs have benefits for health and social care. It also asked for free text responses regarding any concerns about SARs. Results: Most respondents were overwhelmingly positive about SARs' benefits. A small minority strongly rejected this idea, and qualitative analysis of the objections raised by them revealed three major themes: things might go wrong, depersonalization, and patient-related concerns. However, many participants who were highly accepting of the benefits of SARs expressed similar objections. Cultural dimensions of long-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance feature prominently in technology acceptance research. Therefore, the relationship between the proportion of respondents from each country who felt that SARs had no benefits and each country's ratings on long-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance were also examined. A significant positive correlation was found for long-term orientation, but not for uncertainty avoidance. Conclusion: Most respondents were positive about the benefits of SARs, and similar concerns about their use were expressed both by those who strongly accepted the idea that they had benefits and those who did not. Some evidence was found to suggest that cultural factors were related to rejecting the idea that SARs had benefit

    Hadron matter in neutron stars in view of gravitational wave observations.

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    In this review we highlight a few physical properties of neutron stars and their theoretical treatment inasmuch as they can be useful for nuclear and particle physicists concerned with matter at finite density (and newly, temperature). Conversely, we lay out some of the hadron physics necessary to test General Relativity with binary mergers including at least one neutron star, in view of the event GW170817: neutron stars and their mergers reach the highest matter densities known, offering access to the matter side of Einstein's equations. In addition to minimum introductory material for those interested in starting research in the field of neutron stars, we dedicate quite some effort to a discussion of the Equation of State of hadron matter in view of gravitational wave developments; we address phase transitions and how the new data may help; we show why transport is expected to be dominated by turbulence instead of diffusion through most if not all of the star, in view of the transport coefficients that have been calculated from microscopic hadron physics; and we relate many of the interesting physics topics in neutron stars to the radius and tidal deformability. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Canyon once again. Interview with Jon Jost

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    Entrevista al director Jon Jos

    Pro remedio et pro salute animae nostrae. Memoria v srednjeveškem umetnostnem okrasju cisterce v Stični kot odsev tesne povezanosti s plemstvom

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    The paper offers a systematic overview of the documented burials of laymen in the Cistercian monastery in Stična and of their influence on the artistic design of the monastery. The oldest proof of its connection to nobility is a circle with a coat-of-arms above the former tomb niche in the northeastern corner of the cloister, next to the original monastic entrance to the church. It was painted before the vaulting of the cloister, which is dated around 1228. According to archival sources, until that year, only the co-founders of the monastery, the Counts of Weichselberg, and their families were buried in the monastery. After the middle of the 13th century, the burials of laymen became more frequent, in accordance with the practice in other Cistercian monasteries. Probably the oldest document referring to the burial of a layman in the church dates back to 1293. The authoress of the paper argues several new interpretations and discusses identifications of the coat of arms, the monastery co-founders’ locations of burial, the identification of persons, who were buried in the burial chapel, and the tomb niche under the oldest coat-of-arms placed in the cloister.Članek prinaša sistematičen pregled nad listinskimi omembami pokopov laikov v cistercijanskem samostanu Stična in njihovim vplivom na umetnostno zasnovo cisterce. Najstarejši dokaz povezav s plemstvom je krog z grbovnim ščitkom tik nad nekdanjim nišnim grobom v severovzhodnem kotu križnega hodnika ob prvotnem meniškem vhodu v cerkev. Naslikan je bil pred obokanjem križnega hodnika, ki se postavlja v čas okrog leta 1228. Do tega leta arhivski viri med pokopanimi v samostanu omenjajo le soustanovitelje samostana, Višnjegorske grofe in njihovo rodbino. Po sredini 13. stoletja so v skladu s prakso v drugih cistercijanskih samostanih pokopi laikov postali pogostejši. Najstarejša listina, ki se najverjetneje nanaša na pokop laika v cerkvi, sega v leto 1293. Avtorica v članku argumentirano podaja številne nove interpretacije in razpravlja o identifikaciji grbov, mestu, kjer so bili pokopani soustanovitelji samostana, identifikaciji oseb, ki so bile pokopane v pokopališki kapeli, in nišnem grobu pod najstarejšim grbom v križnem hodniku

    Srednjeveška stavbna zgodovina kapele sv. Jakoba v Konjicah. Analiza arhivskih virov, arhitekture, stenskih poslikav in stavbne plastike

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    Based on the analysis of the already known and newly discovered archival sources, new realisations about medieval mural paintings, the keystones bearing the coats of arms, and the architectural elements of the Chapel of St James, the article presents a revised interpretation of this building’s medieval architectural history. The research conducted reveals that from the very outset, the Konjice Chapel was constructed as a four-bay confraternity chapel and that it was already vaulted in the final third of the 14th century. The coats of arms of the Counts of Cilli, the Lords of Wallsee, and, as suggested in this paper, the priest and later Archdeacon Jakob Dürr suggest a close association with the influential Confraternity that had its headquarters in the Chapel. Meanwhile, prosopographical studies indicate that members of these noble families were closely connected at the time of the Chapel’s construction.Članek na podlagi analize znanih in novoodkritih arhivskih virov, novih spoznanj o srednjeveških poslikavah, sklepnikih z grbi ter o arhitekturni in stavbnoplastični pričevalnosti kapele prinaša spremenjeno razlago o srednjeveški stavbni zgodovini kapele. Opravljena raziskava kaže, da je bila konjiška kapela zgrajena kot enotna gradnja oziroma kot štiripolna bratovščinska kapela, ki je bila že v zadnji tretjini 14. stoletja tudi obokana. Grbovni sklepniki grofov Celjskih, gospodov Wallsee ter, kot je predlagano v tem prispevku, duhovnika in pozneje arhidiakona Jakoba Dürra kažejo na tesno povezavo z vplivno bratovščino, ki je imela v kapeli svoj sedež, hkrati pa prosopografske študije izpričujejo njihovo tesno prepletenost prav v času gradnje kapele

    Twitter en cinco minutos: guía de (in)utilidades

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    17 páginas.- Presentación elaborada para las IV Jornadas IPErinas 2016, celebradas el 15 de diciembre de 2016 en Zaragoza.Peer reviewe

    Cine de cerca : Escartín, Iriarte, Lacuesta y Siminiani

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