35 research outputs found

    Ruokintarutiinien merkitys naudoilla : kirjallisuustutkimus

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    Urine NGAL as a biomarker for septic AKI : a critical appraisal of clinical utility-data from the observational FINNAKI study

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    Background: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is released from kidney tubular cells under stress as well as from neutrophils during inflammation. It has been suggested as a biomarker for acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients with sepsis. To evaluate clinical usefulness of urine NGAL (uNGAL), we post-hoc applied recently introduced statistical methods to a sub-cohort of septic patients from the prospective observational Finnish Acute Kidney Injury (FINNAKI) study. Accordingly, in 484 adult intensive care unit patients with sepsis by Sepsis-3 criteria, we calculated areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) for the first available uNGAL to assess discrimination for four outcomes: AKI defined by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria, severe (KDIGO 2-3) AKI, and renal replacement therapy (RRT) during the first 3 days of intensive care, and mortality at day 90. We constructed clinical prediction models for the outcomes and used risk assessment plots and decision curve analysis with predefined threshold probabilities to test whether adding uNGAL to the models improved reclassification or decision making in clinical practice. Results: Incidences of AKI, severe AKI, RRT, and mortality were 44.8% (217/484), 27.7% (134/484), 9.5% (46/484), and 28.1% (136/484). Corresponding AUCs for uNGAL were 0.690, 0.728, 0.769, and 0.600. Adding uNGAL to the clinical prediction models improved discrimination of AKI, severe AKI, and RRT. However, the net benefits for the new models were only 1.4% (severe AKI and RRT) to 2.5% (AKI), and the number of patients needed to be tested per one extra true-positive varied from 40 (AKI) to 74 (RRT) at the predefined threshold probabilities. Conclusions: The results of the recommended new statistical methods do not support the use of uNGAL in critically ill septic patients to predict AKI or clinical outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Carbon-supported shape-controlled Pt nanoparticle electrocatalysts for direct alcohol fuel cells

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    The demand for power sources alternative to fossil fuels makes urgent the development of more efficient electrocatalysts for fuel cells applications and the maximization of the performances of the existent ones. This work reports, for the first time, the use of carbon-supported shape-controlled Pt nanoparticles as anode catalysts in direct ethanol fuel cells. By using cubic Pt nanoparticles, on which (100) surface sites are predominant, the performance of the fuel cell can be increased from 14 to 24 mW per mg of Pt when compared with cuboctahedral nanoparticles. Moreover, the open circuit potential shifts about 50 mV toward more positive potentials. In comparison with commercially available Pt catalysts, the performance for the (100) preferentially oriented nanoparticles is about three times higher. The reported results evidence that, from an applied point of view, the effect of the surface structure/shape of the electrocatalysts can be also considered to improve the performance of real fuel cell systems.The financial support from Aalto University is acknowledged

    Molecular layer deposition of "magnesicone", a magnesium-based hybrid material

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    Molecular layer deposition (MLD) offers the deposition of ultrathin and conformal organic or hybrid films which have a wide range of applications. However, some critical potential applications require a very specific set of properties. For application as desiccant layers in water barrier films, for example, the films need to exhibit water uptake and swelling and be overcoatable. For application as a backbone for a solid composite electrolyte for lithium ions on the other hand, the films need to be stable against lithium and need to be transformable from a hybrid MLD film to a porous metal oxide film. Magnesium-based MLD films, called "magnesicone", are promising on both these aspects, and thus, an MLD process is developed using Mg(MeCp)(2) as a metal source and ethylene glycol (EG) or glycerol (GL) as organic reactants. Saturated growth could be achieved at 2 to 3 angstrom/cycle in a wide temperature window from 100 to 250 degrees C. The resulting magnesicone films react with ambient air and exhibit water uptake, which is in the case of the GL-based films associated with swelling (up to 10%) and in the case of EG-based magnesicone with Mg(CO)(3) formation, and are overcoatable with an ALD of Al2O3. Furthermore, by carefully tuning the annealing rate, the EG-grown films can be made porous at 350 degrees C. Hence, these functional tests demonstrate the potential of magnesicone films as reactive barrier layers and as the porous backbone of lithium ion composite solid electrolytes, making it a promising material for future applications

    Common Inflammation-Related Candidate Gene Variants and Acute Kidney Injury in 2647 Critically Ill Finnish Patients

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome with high incidence among the critically ill. Because the clinical variables and currently used biomarkers have failed to predict the individual susceptibility to AKI, candidate gene variants for the trait have been studied. Studies about genetic predisposition to AKI have been mainly underpowered and of moderate quality. We report the association study of 27 genetic variants in a cohort of Finnish critically ill patients, focusing on the replication of associations detected with variants in genes related to inflammation, cell survival, or circulation. In this prospective, observational Finnish Acute Kidney Injury (FINNAKI) study, 2647 patients without chronic kidney disease were genotyped. We defined AKI according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. We compared severe AKI (Stages 2 and 3, n = 625) to controls (Stage 0, n = 1582). For genotyping we used iPLEX(TM) Assay (Agena Bioscience). We performed the association analyses with PLINK software, using an additive genetic model in logistic regression. Despite the numerous, although contradictory, studies about association between polymorphisms rs1800629 in TNFA and rs1800896 in IL10 and AKI, we found no association (odds ratios 1.06 (95% CI 0.89-1.28, p = 0.51) and 0.92 (95% CI 0.80-1.05, p = 0.20), respectively). Adjusting for confounders did not change the results. To conclude, we could not confirm the associations reported in previous studies in a cohort of critically ill patients.Peer reviewe

    Heme oxygenase-1 repeat polymorphism in septic acute kidney injury

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome that frequently affects the critically ill. Recently, an increased number of dinucleotide repeats in the HMOX1 gene were reported to associate with development of AKI in cardiac surgery. We aimed to test the replicability of this finding in a Finnish cohort of critically ill septic patients. This multicenter study was part of the national FINNAKI study. We genotyped 300 patients with severe AKI (KDIGO 2 or 3) and 353 controls without AKI (KDIGO 0) for the guanine-thymine (GTn) repeat in the promoter region of the HMOX1 gene. The allele calling was based on the number of repeats, the cut off being 27 repeats in the S-L (short to long) classification, and 27 and 34 repeats for the S-M-L2 (short to medium to very long) classification. The plasma concentrations of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) enzyme were measured on admission. The allele distribution in our patients was similar to that published previously, with peaks at 23 and 30 repeats. The S-allele increases AKI risk. An adjusted OR was 1.30 for each S-allele in an additive genetic model (95% CI 1.01-1.66; p = 0.041). Alleles with a repeat number greater than 34 were significantly associated with lower HO-1 concentration (p<0.001). In septic patients, we report an association between a short repeat in HMOX1 and AKI risk


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    Työn tilaajana toimi Jyväskylässä sijaitseva Wintech Oy. Yritys on kehittänyt hiomalaitteita erilaisiin kohteisiin ja käyttötarkoituksiin. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kaupallistaa yrityksen suunnittelema sisäpuoleinen hiomalaite. Teoriaosuudessa perehdyttiin pinnanlaatuun ja hiontaan metallin työstössä viimeistelytyönä. Lisäksi tutkittiin nauhahionnan mahdollisuuksia sisäpuoleisessa hionnassa. Käytännön osuudessa laite rakennettiin esivalmistetuista osista valmiiksi prototyyppituotteeksi. Lisäksi etsittiin myös mahdollisia suunnitteluvirheitä komponenteista ja tutkittiin alihankinnassa valmistettujen osien mittatarkkuus. Ensimmäinen laite saatiin rakennettua ja testattua toimivaksi. Uusi asiakas teki ostopäätöksensä kokeiltuaan prototyyppilaitetta ja huomattuaan laitteen soveltuvan omien komponenttien valmistuksessa.The company of Wintech Oy from Jyväskylä commissioned this thesis. The company has developed grinding machines for special places and needs. The goal of this thesis was for the commercialization of an internal finishing device designed by the company. The first part of thesis is about the theory of belt grinding and surface quality in metal working finishing tasks. There was also the study of possibilities with internal finishing grinding. In the practical part of this thesis, a device was built as prototype from ready parts. In the building process, all parts was checked for faults. Dimensions of the parts made by subcontractors were measured. The first device was built and tested to be a functioning one. A new customer for the company made a purchasing decision after the test use of the prototype device in their manufacturing process

    Aloittava yrittäjä : yrittäjyyden etnografinen toimintatutkimus

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin tukemaan omaa yrittäjyyttäni sekä luomaan kuvaa yrittäjyydestä siitä kiinnostuneille henkilöille. En ole aiemmin ollut yrittäjä, joten tilanne oli minulle tutkijana uusi. Niinpä tässä tutkielmassa pyritään luomaan jossain määrin selittävä katsaus yrittäjyyteen, ja sen tavoitteena on saada selville, mitä yrittäjyys tarkoittaa niille, jotka sitä tekevät. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin etnografisen tutkimuksen kvalitatiivista tiedonkeruu ja analyysimenetelmää. Etnografiselle tutkimukselle on olennaista, että tutkija on omana persoonana mukana ilmiössä. Olin siis samanaikaisesti itse tutkimuskohteena suomalaisessa yritysmaailmassa, muiden yrittäjien lisäksi. Tutkimuksen aikana opin henkilökohtaisesti paljon yrittäjyydestä. Kuvailen tilanteita työssäni ja analysoin niitä. Yrittäjyys on koettu monesti raskaaksi ja stressaavaksi työnteoksi, mutta se voi olla parhaimmillaan mahtava elämäntapa, jossa työ ja harrastus on jaettu hyvin ystävien kanssa. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat rohkaisevia. Yrittäjyys ei vaadi aina uutta maailmaa mullistavaa keksintöä, vaan sen voi aloittaa ihan harrastepohjaltakin. Tietynlaiset ihmisen luonteenpiirteet kuitenkin auttavat yritysmaailmassa.This thesis was made to support my own entrepreneurship and as well for people who are interested about starting an entrepreneurship. I do not have a prior experience in entrepreneurship, so the situation was new to me as a researcher. This thesis aims to create an explanatory overview of entrepreneurship, and also to find out what entrepreneurship means to those who do it. The thesis used a qualitative ethnographic research methods. Essential for ethnographic research is that the researcher uses his own personality together with the phenomenon. So I was the subject of the research in the Finnish entrepreneur society. During the study, I learned a lot about entrepreneurship. I describe the situations I faced and analyze them. Entrepreneurship is often considered as a heavy work and stress full, but at its best it can be a great way of life, where work and hobby is shared together with good friends. The results are encouraging. Entrepreneurship does not always require a new world revolutionary invention. Certain kind of human characteristics, however, will help the entrepreneur in the world

    Orgaanisiin elektrodimateriaaleihin pohjautuvan ohutkalvo-litiumioniakun valmistus atomi/molekyylikerroskasvatusmenetelmällä

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    All-solid-state Li-ion batteries in thin-film format are currently the most promising concept for the energy storage needs of miniature electronic devices. Their applicability is however restricted by their inherently poor energy and power densities. By using 3D substrates, the effective surface area and thus the energy density could be markedly increased. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is one of the few methods capable in producing conformal layers on such complex structures. As the basic research on new ALD processes for Li-containing thin films is only in early stage, the true impact of the ALD technique in the Li-ion battery field is yet to be demonstrated. The aim of this theses was to advance the field with the introduction of novel deposition processes for each of the active components of a thin-film Li-ion battery. An ultimate goal was to manufacture a fully functional all-solid-state thin-film battery. For each material, the process design needs to take into account the fundamental difficulties related to lithium-based ALD chemistries. Additionally, by avoiding the use of metal components other than Li in the materials, the environmental impact of the newly designed and fabricated thin-film battery could potentially be reduced. For the solid electrolyte, a novel thermal-ALD process was developed for one of the most promising thin-film battery electrolyte material, i.e. lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON). Due to its complex composition, it had been considered highly challenging compound for the ALD synthesis. In this thesis, the key innovation was the use of a novel ALD precursor, diethyl phosphoramidate. In combination with lithium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide, the quaternary target material could be deposited with a simple binary ALD process. The conformality on high-aspect-ratio substrates was confirmed and the measured ionic conductivity value is among the highest reported for ALD-grown solid electrolytes. For the electrode materials, a completely new approach was demonstrated. By utilizing combined atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) technique the range of available electrode materials was broadened to those based on conjugated carbonyl systems. Based on their fully organic backbones, such lithium organic electrode materials should be less harmful than their inorganic counterparts. The negative electrode material, lithium terephthalate, was known as one of the top performing organic electrode materials, whereas a completely novel material, dilithium-1,4-benezenediolate (Li2Q), was developed to function as the positive electrode. Excellent rate performance was demonstrated for both materials; in particular, charge/discharge times as low as 0.25 s were observed for Li2Q. Moreover, these materials were combined into an all-solid-state thin-film battery that was able to undergo extended charge/discharge cycling.Kiinteisiin elektrolyytteihin perustuvia ohutkalvoakkuja pidetään nykyisin lupaavimpana energianvarastointimenetelmänä mikroelektroniikan sovelluksiin. Niiden käyttöönottoa kuitenkin rajoittaa niiden rajallinen energia- ja tehotiheys. Käyttämällä kolmiulotteisia rakenteita ohutkalvoakkujen substraattina, niiden efektiivistä pinta-alaa ja siten energia- ja tehotiheyttä voitaisiin huomattavasti parantaa. Yksi ainoista tähän tarkoitukseen sopivista ohutkalvojen valmistusmenetelmistä on atomikerroskasvatus (atomic layer deposition, ALD). Potentiaalistaan huolimatta ALD:n hyödyntäminen litiumioniakkujen kehityksessä on toistaiseksi ollut vähäistä, sillä litiumpohjaisten materiaalien valmistus ALD:llä on verrattain uusi tutkimusala. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin ALD-menetelmän soveltumista kokonaisen akkukenno valmistukseen. Kullekin ohutkalvoakkuun tarvittavalle sähkökemiallisesti aktiiviselle komponentille kehitettiin uusi ALD-prosessi ja nämä yhdistämällä valmistettiin toimiva ohutkalvoakkukenno. Litiumiin pohjautuva ALD-kemia on tavanomaisesta huomattavasti poikkeavaa, ja prosessisuunnittelussa kiinnitettiin huomiota erityisesti tähän ongelmaan. Lisäksi välttämällä siirtymämetallien käyttöä, akkujen kierrätettävyysnäkökulma pyrittiin huomioimaan. Kiinteää elektrolyyttiä varten kehitettiin uusi ALD-prosessi litiumfosforioksinitridille (LiPON), jota pidetään yhtenä parhaista materiaaleista tähän sovellukseen. Aiemmin sen valmistus ALD-menetelmällä on ollut haasteellista johtuen sen monimutkaisesta koostumuksesta. Tässä työssä keskeinen oivallus oli käyttää lähtöaineena dietyylifosforiamidaattia. Tämä yhdessä litiumbis(trimetyylisilyyli)amiinin kanssa käytettynä mahdollisti kvaternaarisen LiPONin valmistuksen binaarisella ALD-prosessilla. Menetelmä tuotti tasalaatuisia pinnoituksia 3D-mikrorakenteille ja lisäksi materiaalille mitattiin yksi korkeimmista ALD:lla valmistetuille kiinteille elektrolyyteille raportoiduista ioninjohtavuusarvoista. Elektrodimateriaaleina käytettiin konjugoituneita karbonyyliyhdisteitä, joita ei aikaisemmin ole tutkittu ohutkalvoakuissa. Hiilivetyihin perustuvina niiden ympäristönkuormitus on epäorgaanisia vastineitaan alhaisempaa. Näiden materiaalien valmistukseen sovellettiin atomi/molekyylikerroskasvatus (ALD/MLD) -yhdistelmää; ensimmäistä kertaa litiumpohjaisille materiaaleille. Akun negatiivielektrodia varten kehitettiin valmistusprosessi lithiumtereftalaatille, joka on yksi tämän materiaaliryhmän suorituskykyisimpiä. Positiivielektrodimateriaali, dilitium-1,4-bentseenidiolaatti (Li2Q) on täysin uusi materiaali, jota ei ennen tätä työtä ole raportoitu. Ohutkalvomuodossa kumpikin materiaali osoittautui erittäin suorituskykyiseksi; Li2Q:lla saavutettiin jopa 0.25 s. lataus/purkuaikoja. Nämä materiaalit yhdistämällä saatiin ALD/MLD-menetelmällä  valmistettua täysin orgaaninen ohutkalvoakku jolla saavutettiin usean sadan lataus-purkusyklin käyttöikä