387 research outputs found

    Social Seducement: Empowering Social Economy Entrepreneurship. The Training Approach

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    Long-term unemployment is a persistent problem in Europe, following the economic crisis suffered in 2008. This situation reveals self-employment as a good option for becoming re-involved in the working life. In this context, this paper presents a gamified educational platform to empower social economy entrepreneurship skills in long-term unemployed people. In particular, we present the training approach underpinning the motivational process supported by gamification, which has been developed using the ADDIE model. The learning path is developed according to a story that guides the work throughout the training process. It is based on the premises of alignment with reality, instruction from didactic material and real-life stories, in-game practice, work in groups and assistance from a facilitator. This approach covers the competence needs identified in a previous study and includes gamification techniques to improve motivation and engagement. Therefore, the training program comprises: (1) a set of materials and real social economy enterprise experiences, which are the basis for learning and getting inspiration; (2) activities to develop a business plan based on concepts learned from the learning materials and from real-life stories, as well as the help of a facilitator who walks with trainees during the process; (3) a set of individual and group, mandatory and optional assessment activities to evaluate the learning achieved; and (4) a three-views scoring system that shows learning progress for individuals and groups, and gives players the opportunity to exchange gamification points for benefits in the game. The results presented in this paper are based on a sample of two pilots run in Italy and Spain and involving five facilitators working with around 60 learners. About 60% of participants indicated their intention to apply knowledge obtained in a real-life entrepreneurship initiative

    Seducción social: hacia los fundamentos de un modelo pedagógico

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    Introduction: Social Seducement is a project intended to ease the re-entry of long-term unemployed people into society by involving them in the development of a social economy enterprise. This goal will be reached by giving them the opportunity to develop necessary skills via a serious game, in which they will learn the primary concepts, skills and attitudes for developing an enterprise successfully. This article was written in the year 2016 in the Universidad Internacional Methodology: This paper focuses on the process necessary to develop a pedagogical model for this game and on explaining the foundations to be observed, i.e., the instructional model, the way the approach is related to the European Qualifications Framework and the specific competencies that a social entrepreneur must develop. Results: As a result of this study, we obtained a didactical basis on which to support the process of game-based learning. Conclusions: Our immediate focus is the development of each phase of the addie (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model, developing external and internal material, placing content within the proper levels and testing the game in order to perform the piloting.Introducción: seducción social es un proyecto que busca facilitar la reinserción en la sociedad de individuos que llevan un tiempo prolongado desempleados mediante su involucramiento en el desarrollo de un emprendimiento de economía social. Este objetivo se puede alcanzar al brindarles la oportunidad de desarrollar las habilidades necesarias a través de un juego serio, en el que aprendan los conceptos primarios, habilidades y actitudes para desarrollar una empresa de forma exitosa. Este artículo fue escrito en el 2016 en la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Metodología: el trabajo se centra en el proceso necesario para desarrollar un modelo pedagógico para este juego y en explicar los fundamentos que se deben tener en cuenta, es decir, el modelo instruccional, la forma en que el enfoque se relaciona con el Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones y las competencias específicas que un emprendedor social debe desarrollar. Resultados: como resultado de este estudio, obtuvimos una base didáctica para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje basado en juegos. Conclusiones: nuestro enfoque inmediato es el desarrollo de cada fase del modelo addie (análisis, diseño, desarrollo, implementación y evaluación), desarrollando material externo e interno, colocando contenidos dentro de los niveles adecuados y probando el juego para realizar el piloto

    Improvement in educational performance through wearable-based flow predictive models

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    Flow Theory has been used to study motivation in educational activities. However, few studies use physiological data to uncover unknown aspects of said data in any context, and isolated individuals are involved as well. In this paper, we present some of the results obtained from two control groups corresponding to two full primary education classrooms, as well as their teacher, using a quasi-experimental design. They participated in two training activities with different instructional designs and three different STEAM subjects: graphic design, video game design using Roblox Studio, and educational robotics. In this sense, the heart rate, its variability, data from accelerometers, and the educational activities carried out by the teacher have been automatically recorded for each participant at every second. To achieve this, we used smartwatches connected to Polar H10 sensors as well as our own apps. At the end of each session, everyone answered the Flow FKS and EduFlow prevalence questionnaires, and the teacher kept a class journal. Through this, we aim to understand whether the Flow Theory models derived from the FKS and EduFlow scales are valid from a physiological standpoint, as well as to develop classification and predictive models based on artificial intelligence that will allow for educational performance improvement of students in future research

    Factores que originan la vulneración de los derechos del usuario del servicio de saneamiento en la ciudad de Tarapoto en el año 2009 (enero - octubre)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado "Factores que originan la vulneración de los derechos del usuario del servicio de saneamiento en la ciudad de Tarapoto en el año 2009 (enero - octubre)", surgió por la gran preocupación respecto al servicio que presta la empresa prestadora de servicios en la ciudad de Tarapoto y por el notable nivel de insatisfacción que existe en la población respecto a dicho servicio, dándose a conocer el alcance de la problemática y sus implicancias legales, en el marco del derecho constitucional y administrativo. El planteamiento del presente trabajo de investigación tiene como elementos un trígono interdependiente de respeto de los derechos y obligaciones entre el usuario, la empresa prestadora de servicios y el estado, los mismos que se encuentran regidos en el marco del derecho constitucional y administrativo, principalmente en el artículo 65º de la CPP y el Reglamento de Calidad de la Prestación de los Servicios de Saneamiento (Resolución de Consejo Directivo Nº 011-2007-SUNASS-CD), más aún porque el derecho al agua es un derecho humano; toda persona tiene derecho a disponer de agua suficiente, salubre, aceptable, accesible y asequible para el uso personal y doméstico. La existencia de este derecho se desprende de la aplicación de diversos instrumentos internacionales, así como de los derechos fundamentales consagrados en la Constitución, e implica esencialmente su disponibilidad, calidad y accesibilidad, tanto fisica, económica, informativa y sin discriminación

    Diseño de estrategias de innovación y participación local para la conservación de la alfarería a través del turismo. Caso de estudio parroquia San Miguel de Porotos, Azogues, Ecuador

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    El presente estudio surge de la necesidad de encontrar alternativas para la revalorización e innovación de la alfarería de la parroquia San Miguel de Porotos a través del turismo. Para lograr lo mencionado se realizó un diagnóstico a profundidad, que incluye un mapeo de actores y una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva para obtener información fiable de la comunidad y de su actividad alfarera. Luego, con la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a los miembros alfareros y a las autoridades que forman parte del GAD Parroquial, se obtuvo el análisis de la situación actual de la alfarería en el sector. Posteriormente, se condensó la información recolectada para su respectivo análisis y planteamiento de estrategias. Además, se realizaron talleres participativos para que los procesos de innovación sean endógenos, logrando así identificar los principales problemas de la alfarería. Por consiguiente, se priorizó las estrategias mediante el árbol de problemas y análisis FODA para la elaboración del portafolio de programas y proyectos basados en la innovación y participación local, considerando que lo primordial es mantener y transmitir esta técnica, poniéndola en valor a través del fomento del turismo cultural. Al finalizar este proyecto se espera que esta técnica genere interés a la población y a los turistas que lo visiten. Palabras claves: Artesanía. Turismo. San Miguel de Porotos. Innovación.This study arises from the need to find alternatives for the revaluation and innovation of the pottery of the parish of San Miguel de Porotos through tourism. To achieve this, an in-depth diagnosis was carried out, which includes a mapping of actors and an exhaustive bibliographic review to obtain reliable information about the community and its pottery activity. Then, with the realization of semi- structured interviews with both the pottery members and the authorities that are part of the Parish GAD, the analysis of the current situation of pottery in the sector was obtained. Subsequently, the information collected was condensed for its respective analysis and strategy proposal. In addition, participatory workshops were held so that the innovation processes are endogenous, as a result of that, the main problems of pottery were identified. Therefore, strategies were prioritized through the tree of problems and SWOT analysis for the development of the portfolio of programs and projects based on innovation strategies and local participation, considering that the main thing is to maintain and transmit this technique, putting it in value through the promotion of cultural tourism. At the end of this project, it is expected that this technique will generate interest in the population and tourists who visit it. Keywords: crafts, tourism, San Miguel de Porotos, Innovation.Licenciado en TurismoCuenc

    Towards a New, Endophenotype-Based Strategy for Pathogenicity Prediction in BRCA1 and BRCA2: In Silico Modeling of the Outcome of HDR/SGE Assays for Missense Variants

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    Endofenotip; Prediccions de patogenicitat; Predictor específic de proteïnaEndofenotipo; Predicciones de patogenicidad; Predictor específico de proteínaEndophenotype; Pathogenicity predictions; Protein-specific predictorThe present limitations in the pathogenicity prediction of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) missense variants constitute an important problem with negative consequences for the diagnosis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. However, it has been proposed that the use of endophenotype predictions, i.e., computational estimates of the outcomes of functional assays, can be a good option to address this bottleneck. The application of this idea to the BRCA1/2 variants in the CAGI 5-ENIGMA international challenge has shown promising results. Here, we developed this approach, exploring the predictive performances of the regression models applied to the BRCA1/2 variants for which the values of the homology-directed DNA repair and saturation genome editing assays are available. Our results first showed that we can generate endophenotype estimates using a few molecular-level properties. Second, we show that the accuracy of these estimates is enough to obtain pathogenicity predictions comparable to those of many standard tools. Third, endophenotype-based predictions are complementary to, but do not outperform, those of a Random Forest model trained using variant pathogenicity annotations instead of endophenotype values. In summary, our results confirmed the usefulness of the endophenotype approach for the pathogenicity prediction of the BRCA1/2 missense variants, suggesting different options for future improvements.This research was funded by the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Program Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA), grant number EFA086/15-PIREPRED, by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, grant number PID2019-111217RB-I00, and by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, grant number SAF2016-80255-R

    Social interaction and gamification with youth at risk of social exclusion: The technological approach of the Keystone project

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    This paper presents the Keystone project, which proposes a multidisciplinary approach to improve the opportunities of young people at risk of social exclusion. The focus of the paper is the technological approach built from the results of research using lifeworld analysis to identify the barriers and drivers to youth participation. This technological approach combines on the one hand, the KEY Tool, a simplified goal-oriented social network to share and interact with local and international peers; on the other hand, the KEY game, a false instant-messaging application based on a voodoo story, where the user has a key role. Several pilot groups worked under the programme implemented in the Keystone project, including working with those digital tools. Results show important benefits for participating young people in areas such as respect, digital literacy and multi-cultural abilities, and highlight several opportunities to take further advantage of these tools

    Cuerpos d?ciles y biopol?tica en el reinado nacional del folclor : 1990-2000

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    86 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa investigaci?n ?cuerpos d?ciles y biopol?tica en el reinado nacional del folclor: 1990-2000?, pretende demostrar que en el reinado nacional del folclor existe la presencia de una estrategia biopol?tica que tiene como objetivo promover un discurso en torno a la belleza femenina a trav?s de la presencia de los cuerpos d?ciles que son la materializaci?n de dicho discurso. En la revisi?n de la prensa local en el periodo de tiempo que nos ocupa, se encontr? que sobre las candidatas recae la estrategia biopol?tica de poder mediante el control sobre sus cuerpos y los criterios y par?metros que deben reunir y que son evaluados y calificados tanto por los jurados como por la poblaci?n que participa de la celebraci?n en general. Adicionalmente se espera evidenciar que el reinado nacional del folclor es un evento que se ha convertido en un escenario que permite la exposici?n de los cuerpos d?ciles que son los cuerpos de las candidatas que participan en ?l quienes deben poseer ciertas caracter?sticas f?sicas que las acreditan como dignas representantes de la belleza femenina. Palabras clave: cuerpos d?ciles, biopol?tica, discurso, belleza femenina.Research ?docile bodies and biopolitics in the national reign of folklore: 1990-2000?, aims to demonstrate that in the national reign of folklore there is the presence of a biopolitical strategy that seeks to promote a discourse around feminine beauty through the presence of the docile bodies that are the materialization of this discourse. In a review of the local press in the period of time in question, we found that the biopolitical strategy of power lies on the candidates trough the control over their bodies and the criteria and parameters that must meet and are evaluated and qualified by jurors and the general population. In addition, it is expected that the national reign of folklore is an event that has become in a stage of the docile bodies that are the bodies of the candidates who participate in it who must possess the physical characteristics that accredit them as a worthy representatives of feminine beauty. Keywords: docile bodies, biopolitics, discourse, feminine beauty

    Sistemas de transporte urbano en Cartagena : un análisis comparativo.

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    Urban transport in cities has become an indicator of the quality of life of each of its inhabitants, allowing better conditions for mobility and reduction of travel times to work places and business centers, affecting the levels of productivity in the sectors of the economy, therefore, state and government investment plans have been developed that include the development of integrated transportation systems that function as the main artery for passenger mobility while seeking to optimize conventional transportation systems such as taxis , buses, microbuses and motorcycle-taxis, this is how this study intends to make a quantitative-qualitative analysis that looks at variables such as waiting time, travel time and ticket prices in relation to distances compared to the nascent transportation system. in the city of Cartagena-Transcaribe taking out the pertinent statistics for this research work. In this sense, for this study, information gathering techniques are taken as references, such as observation cards that allow a precise approach to each of the factors previously proposed. At the end of this investigation it is expected to identify each of the actors in the transport system of the city of Cartagena to strengthen and strengthen previous work on transport in the city to generate proposals for growth in the city that favor investment plans in government transport.El transporte urbano en las ciudades se ha convertido en indicador de la calidad de vida de cada uno de sus habitantes permitiendo mejores condiciones para la movilidad y reducción de tiempos en desplazamientos hacia sitios de trabajo y centros empresariales incidiendo en los niveles de productividad en los sectores de la economía, así pues, se han desarrollado planes de inversión estatales y gubernamentales que incluyen el desarrollo de sistemas integrados de transporte que funcionen como artería principal para la movilidad de pasajeros a la vez que se busca optimizar los sistemas convencionales de transporte como los taxis, buses, busetas y mototaxis, es así como en este estudio se pretende hacer un análisis cuanti-cualitativo que mire variables como son el tiempo de espera, tiempo de recorrido y precios de pasajes en relación a las distancias comparándolas con el naciente sistema de transporte en la ciudad de Cartagena-Transcaribe sacando las estadísticas pertinentes para este trabajo de investigación. En este sentido, para este estudio se toman como referencias técnicas de recolección de información como son las fichas de observación que permiten tener un enfoque preciso de cada uno de factores anteriormente propuestos. Al finalizar esta investigación se espera identificar cada uno de los actores en el sistema de transporte de la ciudad de Cartagena afianzar y robustecer trabajos previos sobre el transporte en la ciudad para generar propuestas de crecimiento en la ciudad que favorezcan los planes de inversión en transporte gubernamentales