2,900 research outputs found

    Evaluating GAIA performances on eclipsing binaries. I. Orbits and stellar parameters for V505 Per, V570 Per and OO Peg

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    The orbits and physical parameters of three detached, double-lined A-F eclipsing binaries have been derived combining H_P, V_T, B_T photometry from the Hipparcos/Tycho mission with 8500-8750 Ang ground-based spectroscopy, mimicking the photometric+spectroscopic observations that should be obtained by GAIA, the approved Cornerstone 6 mission by ESA. This study has two main objectives, namely (a) to derive reasonable orbits for a number of new eclipsing binaries and (b) to evaluate the expected performances by GAIA on eclipsing binaries and the accuracy achievable on the determination of fundamental stellar parameters like masses and radii. It is shown that a 1% precision in the basic stellar parameters can be achieved by GAIA on well observed detached eclipsing binaries provided that the spectroscopic observations are performed at high enough resolution. Other types of eclipsing binaries (including semi-detached and contact types) and different spectral types will be investigated in following papers along this series.Comment: A&A, 11 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Properties, evolution and morpho-kinematical modelling of the very fast nova V2672 Oph (Nova Oph 2009), a clone of U Sco

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    V2672 Oph reached maximum brightness V=11.35 on 2009 August 16.5. With observed t2(V)=2.3 and t3(V)=4.2 days decline times, it is one of the fastest known novae, being rivalled only by V1500 Cyg (1975) and V838 Her (1991) among classical novae, and U Sco among the recurrent ones. The line of sight to the nova passes within a few degrees of the Galactic centre. The reddening of V2672 Oph is E(B-V)=1.6 +/-0.1, and its distance ~19 kpc places it on the other side of the Galactic centre at a galacto-centric distance larger than the solar one. The lack of an infrared counterpart for the progenitor excludes the donor star from being a cool giant like in RS Oph or T CrB. With close similarity to U Sco, V2672 Oph displayed a photometric plateau phase, a He/N spectrum classification, extreme expansion velocities and triple peaked emission line profiles during advanced decline. The full width at zero intensity of Halpha was 12,000 km/s at maximum, and declined linearly in time with a slope very similar to that observed in U Sco. We infer a WD mass close to the Chandrasekhar limit and a possible final fate as a SNIa. Morpho-kinematical modelling of the evolution of the Halpha profile suggests that the overall structure of the ejecta is that of a prolate system with polar blobs and an equatorial ring. The density in the prolate system appeared to decline faster than that in the other components. V2672 Oph is seen pole-on, with an inclination of 0+/-6 deg and an expansion velocity of the polar blobs of 4800 +900/-800 km/s. On the basis of its remarkable similarity to U Sco, we suspect this nova may be a recurrent. Given the southern declination, the faintness at maximum, the extremely rapid decline and its close proximity to the Ecliptic, it is quite possible that previous outbursts of V2672 Oph have been missed.Comment: in press in MNRA

    V496 Scuti: An Fe II nova with dust shell accompanied by CO emission

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    We present near-infrared and optical observations of the nova V496 Scuti 2009 covering various phases - pre-maximum, early decline and nebular - during the first 10 months of its discovery followed by limited observations in early part of 2011 April. The spectra follow the evolution of the nova when the lines had strong P Cygni profiles to a phase dominated by prominent emission lines. The notable feature of the near-IR spectra in the early decline phase is the rare presence of first overtone bands of carbon monoxide in emission. Later about 150 days after the peak brightness the IR spectra show clear dust formation in the expanding ejecta. Dust formation in V496 Sct is consistent with the presence of lines of elements with low ionization potentials like Na and Mg in the early spectra and the detection of CO bands in emission. The light curve shows a slow rise to the maximum and a slow decline indicating a prolonged mass loss. This is corroborated by the strengthening of P Cygni profiles during the first 30 days. In the spectra taken close to the optical maximum brightness, the broad and single absorption component seen at the time of discovery is replaced by two sharper components. During the early decline phase two sharp dips that show increasing outflow velocities are seen in the P Cygni absorption components of Fe II and H I lines. The spectra in 2010 March showed the onset of the nebular phase. Several emission lines display saddle-like profiles during the nebular phase. In the nebular stage the observed fluxes of [O III] and H-beta lines are used to estimate the electron number densities and the mass of the ejecta. The optical spectra show that the nova evolved in the P_fe A_o spectral sequence. The physical conditions in the ejecta are estimated. The absolute magnitude and the distance to the nova are estimated to be M_V = -7.0 +/- 0.2 and d = 2.9 +/- 0.3 kpc respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures and 6 Tables, Accepted for Publication in MNRA

    Distance and Reddening of the Enigmatic Gamma-ray-Detected Nova V1324 Sco

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    It has recently been discovered that some, if not all, classical novae emit GeV gamma-rays during outburst. Despite using an unreliable method to determine its distance, previous work showed that nova V1324 Sco was the most gamma-ray luminous of all gamma-ray-detected novae. We present here a different, more robust, method to determine the reddening and distance to V1324 Sco using high-resolution optical spectroscopy. Using two independent methods we derived a reddening of E(B-V) = 1.16 +/- 0.12 and a distance rD > 6.5 kpc. This distance is >40% greater than previously estimated, meaning that V1324 Sco has an even higher gamma-ray luminosity than previously calculated. We also use periodic modulations in the brightness, interpreted as the orbital period, in conjunction with pre-outburst photometric limits to show that a main-sequence companion is strongly favored.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 6 pages, 5 figure

    The 2010 nova outburst of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg

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    The nova outburst experienced in 2010 by the symbiotic binary Mira V407 Cyg has been extensively studied at optical and infrared wavelengths with both photometric and spectroscopic observations. This outburst, reminiscent of similar events displayed by RS Oph, can be described as a very fast He/N nova erupting while being deeply embedded in the dense wind of its cool giant companion. The hard radiation from the initial thermonuclear flash ionizes and excites the wind of the Mira over great distances (recombination is observed on a time scale of 4 days). The nova ejecta is found to progressively decelerate with time as it expands into the Mira wind. This is deduced from line widths which change from a FWHM of 2760 km/s on day +2.3 to 200 km/s on day +196. The wind of the Mira is massive and extended enough for an outer neutral and unperturbed region to survive at all outburst phases.Comment: MNRAS Letter, in pres

    Asiago eclipsing binaries program. I. V432 Aur

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    The orbit and physical parameters of the previously unsolved eclipsing binary V432 Aur, discovered by Hipparcos, have been derived with errors better than 1% from extensive Echelle spectroscopy and B, V photometry. Synthetic spectral analysis of both components has been performed, yielding T_eff and log g in close agreement with the orbital solution, a metallicity [Z/Z_sun]=-0.60 and rotational synchronization for both components. Direct comparison on the theoretical L, T_eff plane with the Padova evolutionary tracks and isochrones for the masses of the two components (1.22 and 1.08 M_sun) provides a perfect match and a 3.75 Gyr age. The more massive and cooler component is approaching the base of the giant branch and displays a probable pulsation activity with an amplitude of Delta V = 0.075 mag and Delta rad.vel. = 1.5 km/sec. With a T_eff = 6080 K it falls to the red of the nearby instability strip populated by delta Sct and gamma Dor types of pulsating variables. Orbital modeling reveals a large and bright surface spot on it. The pulsations activity and the large spot(s) suggest the presence of macro-turbulent motions in its atmosphere. They reflect in a line broadening that at cursory inspection could be taken as indication of a rotation faster than synchronization, something obviously odd for an old, expanding star.Comment: A&A, 11 pages, accepted Jan 7, 200
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