29 research outputs found

    How Perceived Organizational Support for Environment Serves a Mechanism to Enhance Environmental Performance From Employee Perspective in Health Sector of Indonesia

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    Our study investigates the role of Green human resource management (GHRM) practices on the individual environmental performance of employees (IEP) as well as the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in the health sector in Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was shared with 310 nurses working in Indonesian as respondents. SmartPLS 3 software is used to analyze data by adopting the PLS-SEM approach. The research findings reveal a strong and positive relationship between the dimensions of GHRM practices such as Green Employee Involvement (GEI),  Green Management Performance (GMP), and Green Training (GT) on the individual environmental performance of employees in Indonesia's health sector. Furthermore, we also found an indirect effect of GHRM practices on employees' environmental performance through perceived environmental support from the organization company. Based on our study, we suggest Institutions and organizations in Indonesia's health sector concern implement GHRM practices to improve their employees' individual environmental performance. Specifically, our study extends the previous literature by exploring the relationship of GHRM practices with individual environmental performance using perceived organizational support (POS) as a mediating variable


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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the development process of interactive learning media for the fundamentals of electrical engineering based on Augmented Reallity (AR) and to assess the feasibility of AR-based interactive learning media to help students of Class X to understand the content related for the basics of electrical engineering at vocational high schools. This study use methodology Research and Development, specifically Waterfall model (2010). The research subjects consisted of five lecturers and one teacher. Data collection methods included both tests and non-tests. The interactive learning media trials yielded positive results for the development of AR-based electricity engineering as a teaching material. The average overall score given by media experts was 48 in range of ≥ 42 it is the 'Very Appropriate' category. The material experts gave an overall aspect score of 21,333 on average, with a range of ≥ 18 it is 'Very Appropriate' category. The average overall score of student respond to AR-based learning media was 40,655 on average, with a range of ≥ 36 in the 'Very Appropriate' category


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi munculnya isu terkait kepemimpinan dan terkait kualitas pelayanan, pada PT Pos Soreang Kabupaten Bandung, kepemimpinan saling terkait, yang mewakili tindakan dan pekerjaan mereka dalam rangka mencapai efisiensi aktivitas karyawan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada PT Pos Soreang Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Penelitian ini melakukan pengumpulan data menggunakan Penelitian Kepustakaan, Studi Literatur, Penelitian Lapangan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan angket tertutup. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji regresi linier sederhana,dan uji koefisien determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, indikator-indikator dalam penelitian ini bersifat valid dan reliabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan 78,4% dan hipotesis konseptual mengenai kepemimpinan terhadap kualitas pelayanan teruji. Kesimpulan yang diambil menunjukan bahwa kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Saran dari peneliti, yaitu agar mencapai kualitas pelayanan yang maksimal perlu memperhatikan faktor pelatihan dalam pelaksanaan kepemimpinan. Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan, Kualitas Pelayanan

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Elektronika Dasar Untuk Memahami Nilai Resistor Berdasarkan Kode Warna 3 Gelang Dan 4 Gelang Bagi Siswa SMK Kelas X Jurusan Teknik Otomasi Industri

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    Resistor is an important part of electronics. Selection of the appropriate value in the resistor can optimize the circuit to work properly. Judging from all existing electronic equipment always requires resistors in designing it or in the manufacturing stage. Errors in selecting the value of the resistor can cause the circuit that is made not to work properly. This learning media aims to understand the value of the existing resistor by finding its value based on the resistor color correctly. This program functions to find the value of a resistor by using input in the form of a resistor bracelet color. This learning media program has been successfully created and the results seen work according to the formula or the size of the resistor you want to measure based on the bracelet color code (either 3 or 4 bracelets). . For a description of the color code on the resistors of each bracelet, it can be adjusted according to the formula and theory


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    PT Iroha Sidat Indonesia (PT ISI) melakukan proses budidaya ikan sidat di Banyuwangi dan sangatbergantung pada penggunaan air tawar. Proses tersebut diduga memberikan pengaruh terhadap kondisipermukaan tanah di sekitar lokasi tambak PT ISI. Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan Aquaculture Improvement Program (AIP) yang bekerjasama dengan WWF Indonesia, dilakukan kajian untuk mengetahui pengaruhaktivitas sumur bor (pompa) terhadap Penurunan Muka Tanah (PMT) di tambak PT ISI. Kajian ini dilakukandengan metode DInSAR (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), yaitu metode denganperpaduan dua citra radar dengan fase berbeda untuk memperoleh pergeseran tanah. DInSAR akanmemberikan hasil analisis deformasi hingga pada ketelitian sub-sentimeter. Analisis DInSAR dilakukanmenggunakan citra Sentinel 1A tahun 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 dan 2019 dan proses pengolahan citradilakukan dengan menggunakan software SNAP v.7.0. Hasil pengolahan citra Sentinel 1A per-tahun menunjukkan adanyadeformasi vertikal yang terjadi di sekitar area tambak PT ISI. Hasil tersebut menunjukkanadanya variasi deformasi vertikal setiap tahunnya, dimana terjadi subsidence (penurunan) dan juga uplift(kenaikan). Nilai PMT yang terjadi dari tahun 2014 hingga 2019 berkisar antara (-0,001) – (-0,031)meter/tahun, sedangkan nilai kenaikan yaitu 0,016 meter/tahun. Hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu bahanpertimbangan oleh PT ISI untuk melakukan efisiensi dalam penggunaan air tanah. Dalam kajian juga ditemukan adanya proses penambangan pasir di sekitar tambak PT ISI, sehingga diperlukan kajian lebihdalam untuk mengetahui spesifikasi pengaruh terjadinya PMT yang diakibatkan oleh pompa dan penambangan pasi

    Sistem Informasi Akademik Sekolah Berbasis Kurikulum 2013

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    Sistem informasi akademik adalah suatu sistem informasi yang memberikan layanan informasi yang berupa data. Data-data yang berhubungan dengan akademik yaitu melayani registrasi siswa baru dan siswa lama, melakukan input data siswa dan input data guru kedalam database, membuat jadwal mengajar untuk guru, membuat jadwal pelajaran untuk siswa, menentukan pembagian kelas dan menerima nilai akhir dari guru. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan, sehingga perguruan tinggi dapat menyediakan layanan informasi yang lebih baik dan efektif kepada komunitasnya, baik didalam maupun diluar sekolah tersebut melalui internet. Bagaimana sistem informasi akademik sekolah yang berjalan saat ini pada SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang?, kendala-kendala apa saja yang sering terjadi dalam pengolahan data akademik SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang yang berjalan saat?, apakah raport siswa yang dihasilkan saat ini datanya sudah sesuai dengan nilai tugas, uts, uas dan quis? dan bagaimana merancang sistem informasi akademik yang dapat mempermudah bagian admin sekolah, guru, wali kelas, siswa dan kepala sekolah untuk mengetahui informasi akademik khususnya dalam pengolahan nilai?. Pada penelitian ini digunakan teknik analisis berupa pendekatan Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) atau analisis berorientasi obyek dengan UML. Proses analisis dilakukan terhadap hasil tahapan pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka untuk mendapatkan spesifikasi kebutuhan sistem yang akan dikembangkan. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Dengan adanya sistem ini maka pengolahan data dan nilai siswa dapat dengan cepat dilakukan

    Metode TaḤfīẒ Al-Qur’ān Di Sdip Al-Madinah Putra Tahun Pelajaran 2016/ 2017

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    Male Al-Madinah Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Makamhaji is one of Elementary School which is under shelter of Al-Madinah Foundation. The purpose of establishing this school was to facilitate and to give option to the parents who want to educate their children in the Elementary School. The type of this school is Islamic Elementary School (SDIT). This school has many advantages than another school that is attaining of memorizing Al-qur’ān of the students. Usually the students only can memorize Al-qur’ān 1 until 2 Juz, but in this school they can memorize it 5 until more than it. So that, the researcher wanted to observe, why this school is different with other schools. The aim of this research was to know the method which is used by the teacher to request the students to memorize Al-qur’ān . Type of this research was field research, but using qualitative descriptive approach. The method of collecting the data used interview, documentation, and observation. Meanwhile, the method of analyzing data used was qualitative descriptive with inductive analysis. Based on the observation, it could be concluded that the method of taḥfīẓ Al-qur’ān which is used at Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) is talqin. This method is while doing teaching and learning in the class, the teacher must organize the class and then he/she reads the holy Al-qur’ān which wants to be memorized, after that the students follow their teacher, this way repeated in many time. All of degrees in that school use it from I until VI grades. By using talqin method, it could be concluded that the process of teaching learning by utilizing taḥfīẓ Al Quran at Al-Maidah Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) was effective. It was proved from the attaining all of sixth grade students who can memorize 5 Juz. These things is suitable with what are the instructors ever wanted. Although every student has their own variation mark in memorizing, but their mark are already fulfilled standard mark of taḥfīẓ (KKM) that have been decided by school officers

    The Effect of Tin Addition to ZnO Nanosheet Thin Films for Ethanol and Isopropyl Alcohol Sensor Applications

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    The requirements of green environmental and public health monitoring have become stricter along with greater world attention for global warming. The most common pollutants in the environment that need tightened control are volatile organic compounds (VOC). Compared to other kinds of sensors, semiconductor sensors have certain advantages, including high sensitivity, fast response, simplicity, high reliability and low cost. In this work, ZnO and Sn-doped ZnO nanostructure materials with high surface nanosheet areas were synthesized using chemical bath deposition. The X-ray diffraction patterns could be indexed according to crystallinity mainly to a hexagonal wurzite ZnO structure. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed that in all samples, the thin films after the addition of Sn consisted of many kinds of microstructure patterns on a nanoscale, with various sheet shapes. The sensor performance characterizations showed that VOC levels as low as 3 vol% of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and ethanol could be detected at sensitivities of 83.86% and 85.57%, respectively. The highest sensitivity of all sensors was found at an Sn doping of 1.4 at%. This high sensor sensitivity is a result of the high surface area and Sn doping, which in turn produced a higher absorption of the targeted gas

    The Revitalizing Indonesia's Religious Courts System: The Modernization Impacts and Potentials of E-Court

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    The electronic court (E-Court) system implemented in this study utilizes online technology to facilitate the legal process. This system is based on the principles of fast, simple, and low-cost, and it is designed to address the challenges of traditional court procedures. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of E-Court implementation in the Kendal and Semarang Religious Courts in accordance with the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2019, No. 3 of 2022 and No. 7 of 2022 as well as the Directorate General of Religious Courts Agency No 5374/DJA/HM.01/X/2019, in achieving the principles of fast, simple, and low-cost. This study employs a juridical-empirical approach, using data gathered through interviews, observations, and literature review. The findings indicate that the online justice system, implemented with the aim of expediting the legal process, has been well received by the community, and has proven to be highly efficient in the Kendal and Semarang Religious Courts. Overall, this research highlights the importance of E-Court implementation in delivering fast, simple, and low-cost for the community, while acknowledging the need for continued efforts to enhance the system's accessibility and inclusivity

    Carbon electrode sensitivity enhancement for lead detection using polypyrrole, ionic liquid, and nafion composite

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    This paper concerns enhancing a lead detection sensor using a combination of polypyrrole (PPy), Nafion (N), and ionic liquid (IL) with thick-film or screen-printing technology on sensitive material-based carbon electrodes. Electrode characterization using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) was conducted to see the morphology of sensitive materials, showing that the spherical particles were distributed evenly on the electrode surface. Analysis using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) shows that the element's atomic composition is 84.92 %, 8.81 %, 6.26 %, and 0.01 % for carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and bismuth, respectively. Potentiostat measurement with the ambient temperature of 25 °C on a standard lead solution with concentration ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 mg/l yields an average output voltage ranging from 2.16 to 2.27 V. It can be concluded that the sensor is able to detect lead with a sensitivity of 0.21 V in each addition of solution concentration (mg/l) and give an 84 % concentration contribution to the voltage