599 research outputs found

    Caracterización mecánica de recubrimientos de aluminio-silicio depositados por CVD-FBR sobre el acero inoxidable AISI 316 y oxidado en vapor de agua

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    (Eng) Aluminum-Silicon Al-Si coating deposited at 540 °C on the austenitic stainless s teel AISI 316 by chemical vapor deposition in fluidized bed reactor (FBR-CVD), afterwards samples were thermally treated at 750 °C under argon for 2 hours. The coated samples were oxidized in water vapor loop at 750 °C, which showed a decrease in the corrosion rate at high temperatures in respect with the oxidized uncoated substrate (more than 100 times). Microhardness and nanoindentation studies were performed in order to assess the benefits of the Al-Si coating by CVD-FBR, finding an increase in the coating hardness with respect to the substrate. Additionally Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was carried out to characterize micro-structural chang - es of the oxidized samples. Cross-section samples were subjected to Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) fo - cusing on the thickness of coating (topographical changes, roughness gradient and possible formed phases). Results of AFM verified a correlation between hardness and voltages profiles found during scanning.(Spa) El recubrimiento de Aluminio-Silicio fue depositado a 540 °C sobre el acero austenítico AISI 316 por deposición química de vapor en lecho fluidizado (CVD-FBR), para luego ser tratado a 750 °C en argón por 2 horas. Las muestras de estudio fueron oxidadas en un loop de vapor a 750 °C, los cuales presentaron una disminución en la velocidad de corrosión a altas temperaturas con respecto a las muestras no recubiertas (más de 100 veces). Estudios de Microdureza y Nanoindentación fueron realizados con el fin de evaluar los beneficios del recubrimiento de Al-Si por CVD-FBR, encontrando un incremento en la dureza del recubrimiento con respecto al sustrato. Adicionalmente, Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) fue llevada a cabo para caracterizar los cambios en la microestructura de las muestras oxidadas. La sección transversal de las muestras fue sometida a Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica (AFM), enfocándose en el espesor del recubrimiento (cambios topográficos, gradiente de rugosidad y posibles fases formadas). Los resultados AFM verificaron una correlación entre la dureza y los perfiles de voltaje encontrados durante los barridos

    Quality of Life in Teenagers and Adults With Coeliac Disease: From Newly Spanish Coeliac Disease Questionnaire Validation to Assessment in a Population-Based Study

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    Background: Coeliac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated systemic disorder elicited by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Gluten restriction in CD sufferers leads to numerous limitations in various aspects of daily life and can significantly impact the quality-of-life (QoL). The specific and widely used Coeliac Disease Questionnaire (CDQ) is an excellent tool to evaluate QoL in patients with CD, assessing physical, psychological, and social domains. This questionnaire is unavailable in Spain. Therefore, our study is the first to translate, culturally adapt, validate, and apply the Spanish version of CDQ to a representative sample of Spanish teenagers and adults with CD. Methods: A total of 153 CD participants with biopsy-proven and self-reported gluten-free adherence were included in the cross-sectional study, which included four stages: (1) translation and retranslation of the French CDQ version into Spanish; (2) cultural adaptation and semantic evaluation; (3) CDQ validation through the internal consistency determination and reproducibility of the QoL; and (4) application of the questionnaire to Spanish teenagers and adults with CD and estimation of QoL using EQ-5D. Results: The internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the Spanish CDQ were satisfactory and no ceiling or floor effects were detected. Significant correlations were identified between the CDQ scales, and the instrument for validation covering similar dimensions of the QoL was identified. The mean CDQ total score was 131.03 ± 24.1, and the social domain had the highest rating. There was no correlation between the time spent on a gluten-free diet and QoL. A significantly higher QoL score was reported among males and adolescents in the 15–17 age groups. Conclusion: The newly Spanish CDQ is an appropriate tool to assess the QoL of the teenager and adult patients with CD. This study highlights the importance of identifying the affected scales to address actions to reduce the impact of the gluten-free diet burden of the coeliac patients and maintain public health regulations that support patients with chronic diseases such as CDCentro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial 20/0112Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía 20/011

    Colômbia: Principal cities social situation. A social indicator estimates based analysis

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    The Colombian seven principal cities show a high degree of public service coverage, this can be associated with the solidification of inclusive urbanization processes. The educational level of Colombian citizens is basically concentrated in primary and secondary levels. This situation is also observed in the seven cities. Pereira is the city that registers the highest concentration on these levels: 58% of the sample is in the basic primary or secondary education group. Bogotá have the largest participation in higher education, while Cali (18%) and Pereira (13%) show the lowest participation. The cities with the highest degree of income concentration are Bogotá and Cartagena, while those with the least concentration are Bucaramanga and Pereira. Theil’s inequality coefficient shows that the city with the highest degree of inequality of income is Bogotá, while Pereira and Bucaramanga have the less unequal levels of income.Las siete principales ciudades muestran un alto grado de cobertura de servicios públicos, lo cual está asociado a la solidificación de procesos urbanizadores incluyentes. El nivel educativo de los colombianos se concentra básicamente en primaria y secundaria. Esta situación se refleja también en las siete ciudades. Pereira es la ciudad que muestra el porcentaje de concentración más alto en estos niveles educativos: 58% de la muestra se encuentra en básica primaria o secundaria. Por su parte Bogotá muestra la mayor participación de educación superior mientras que Cali (18%) y Pereira (13%) muestran la menor participación en este nivel. Las ciudades con mayor grado de concentración de la renta son Bogotá y Cartagena, mientras que las de menos concentración son Bucaramanga y Pereira. El coeficiente de desigualdad de Theil muestra que la ciudad con mayor grado de desigualdad en el ingreso es Bogotá, mientras Pereira y Bucaramanga tienen los niveles de ingreso menos desiguales.As sete principais cidades apresentam um alto grau de cobertura de serviços públicos, o que está associado à solidificação de processos de urbanização inclusivos. O nível educativo dos colombianos se concentra basicamente em primário e secundário. Esta situação se reflete também nas sete cidades. Pereira é a cidade que apresenta a mais alta porcentagem de concentração nesses níveis educativos: 58% da amostra se encontra em básica primária ou secundária. Por sua vez Bogotá apresenta a maior participação de educação superior enquanto que Cali (18%) e Pereira (13%) apresentam a menor participação a esse nível. As cidades com maior grau de concentração de renda são Bogotá e Cartagena, enquanto que as de menor concentração são Bucaramanga e Pereira. O coeficiente de desigualdade de Theil mostra que a cidade com maior grau de desigualdade de renda é Bogotá, enquanto que Pereira e Bucaramanga apresentam os níveis de renda com menos desigualdade

    Causas de la intolerancia en las competiciones deportivas escolares : elaboración de un Código de Conducta

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    El artículo presenta una investigación con un doble objetivo: (a) diagnosticar las manifestaciones y causas de la intolerancia en las competiciones deportivas escolares, y (b) redactar un código de conducta específico como marco para el desarrollo de propuestas de actuación ante la intolerancia. El estudio diagnóstico fue realizado con la participación de escolares, deportistas, entrenadores, técnicos deportivos, profesores, familias, árbitros y responsables institucionales a través de 529 cuestionarios, 44 entrevistas y 4 grupos de discusión. Los principales resultados destacan que los comportamientos intolerantes más frecuentes en el deporte escolar se relacionan con exigir esfuerzo sin límite, la agresión verbal, la presión por ganar y la preocupación por los resultados y no por fomentar la dimensión educativa del deporte. El estudio se completa con la elaboración de un Código de Conducta diseñado a partir del método Delphi y cuenta con indicaciones específicas para las personas, los colectivos y las instituciones implicadas en el deporte escolar.This article presents a research pursuing a double objective: (a) identifying intolerant attitudes and behaviours and their causes in school sport competitions, and (b) elaborating a specific code of conduct as a framework to develop action proposals which may reduce intolerance. The identification of the intolerant attitudes and behaviours relied on the participation of students, athletes, coaches, sport experts, teachers, families, referees and institutional directors through 529 questionnaires, 44 interviews and 4 focus groups. The main results point out that the most common intolerant behaviours are related to relentless effort demands, verbal aggression and pressure to win and worry for results but not for encouraging sport's educational dimension. The study is completed with the construction of a Code of Conduct taking the Delphi method as the starting point. This contains specific indications for individuals, groups and institutions involved in school-age sports.O artigo apresenta uma investigação com duplo objectivo: (a) diagnosticar as manifestações e causas da intolerância nas competições desportivas escolares e (b) redigir um código de conduta específico como referência para o desenvolvimento de propostas de actuação face à intolerância. O estudo diagnóstico foi realizado com a participação de estudantes, desportistas, treinadores, técnicos desportivos, professores, famílias, árbitros e responsáveis institucionais através de 529 questionários, 44 entrevistas e 4 grupos de discussão. Os principais resultados destacam que os comportamentos intolerantes mais frequentes no desporto escolar se relacionam com exigência de esforço sem limite, agressão verbal, pressão para ganhar, e preocupação pelos resultados e não por fomentar a dimensão educativa do desporto. O estudo completa-se com a elaboração de um Código de Conduta delineado a partir do método Delphi e conta com indicações específicas para as pessoas, equipas e instituições implicadas no desporto escolar

    A Novel Direct Load Control Testbed for Smart Appliances

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    The effort to continuously improve and innovate smart appliances (SA) energy management requires an experimental research and development environment which integrates widely differing tools and resources seamlessly. To this end, this paper proposes a novel Direct Load Control (DLC) testbed, aiming to conveniently support the research community, as well as analyzing and comparing their designs in a laboratory environment. Based on the LabVIEW computing platform, this original testbed enables access to knowledge of major components such as online weather forecasting information, distributed energy resources (e.g., energy storage, solar photovoltaic), dynamic electricity tariff from utilities and demand response (DR) providers together with different mathematical optimization features given by General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). This intercommunication is possible thanks to the different applications programming interfaces (API) incorporated into the system and to intermediate agents specially developed for this case. Different basic case studies have been presented to envision the possibilities of this system in the future and more complex scenarios, to actively support the DLC strategies. These measures will offer enough flexibility to minimize the impact on user comfort combined with support for multiple DR programs. Thus, given the successful results, this platform can lead to a solution towards more efficient use of energy in the residential environment

    Construyendo comunidad: resistencias, voces y lugares. Una apuesta por la paz desde el empoderamiento educativo

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    La historia social y política de Colombia ha estado atravesadapor distintos tipos de violencia, desde las constantes guerras porobtener propiedad sobre el territorio y los recursos naturales,pasando por el disentimiento político e ideológico, hasta lareproducción cultural de violencias raciales, o de género. Anteeste panorama, es innegable que la historia de la educaciónen Colombia no ha podido escapar a esa construcciónhistórica de nación, las instituciones educativas han sidovíctimas colaterales de las guerras, pero también escenariosde reproducción de dinámicas violentas entre quienes hacenparte de su comunidad

    Is there any relationship between physical activity levels and academic achievement? a cross-cultural study among spanish and chilean adolescents

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    The current scientific literature has shown significant disparity in results when physical activity is linked to academic achievement among adolescents. Thus, the main objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the relationship among students’ academic achievement, intention to be physically active, and physical activity levels depending on the country (Spain or Chile), as well as to analyze these relationships based on students’ socio-economic status, type of school, school year, gender, and body mass index; and (2) to analyze the differences between all these variables depending on the students’ country and gender. In total, 3052 adolescents participated in the research (14.58 ± 1.39 years): 734 Chilean students (336 males and 398 females) and 2318 Spanish students (1180 males and 1138 females). Various questionnaires were used to measure the study variables. The results revealed significant relationships between academic achievement and the rest of the variables in Spanish adolescents, but in the Chilean population, academic achievement was significantly related only to socio-economic status and the type of school. Moreover, Spanish students obtained higher scores, especially the males, except for academic achievement, which was higher in females. There were also significant differences in academic achievement, intention to be physically active, physical activity levels, and socio-economic status depending on the country, with all scores being higher in Spain. Given the results, the country seems to be an important factor when comparing academic achievement and physical activity levels, besides other demographic variables

    Acute effects of dynamic versus foam rolling warm-up strategies on physical performance in elite tennis players.

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    To date, there is a lack of information about the optimal conditions of the warm-up to lead to a better performance in elite tennis players. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different warm-up protocols (dynamic vs. self-myofascial release with foam rolling) on neuromuscular variables associated with physical determinants of tennis performance. Using a crossover randomised experimental design, eleven professional men tennis players (20.6 ± 3.5 years) performed either a dynamic warm-up (DWU) or a selfmyofascial release with foam rolling (SMFR) protocol. DWU consisted of 8 min of dynamic exercises at increasing intensity and SMFR consisted of 8 min of rolling on each lower extremity unilaterally. Just before (baseline) and after completing warm-up protocols, players performed a countermovement jump (CMJ), the 5-0-5 agility test, a 10-m sprint test and the Straight Leg Raise and Thomas tests to assess range of motion. Compared to baseline, the DWU was more effective to reduce the time in the 5-0-5 test than SMFR (-2.23 vs. 0.44%, respectively, p = 0.042, ηp2 = 0.19). However, both warm-up protocols similarly affected CMJ (2.32 vs. 0.61%, p = 0.373, ηp2 = 0.04) and 10-m sprint time changes (-1.26 vs. 1.03%, p = 0.124, ηp2 = 0.11). Changes in range of motion tests were also similar with both protocols (p = 0.448–1.000, ηp2 = 0.00–0.02). Overall, both DWU and SMFR were effective to prepare well-trained tennis players for highly demanding neuromuscular actions. However, DWU offered a better preparation for performing change of direction and sprint actions, and hence, in high-performance tennis players, the warm-up should include dynamic exercises.post-print402 K