408 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility management tools

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049 Curs acadèmic: 2019-2020In the last decade, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become more dynamic, partly because society and the economy in general are increasingly demanding, not only in what they offer, but in the entire production process. If there is a growing interest in society for social, environmental and economic welfare, there must also be mechanisms or tools that show and indicate the level of compliance of organizations with SR in relation to their stakeholders. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to study the different instruments that exist to measure CSR from the perspective of the three aspects (economic, social and environmental) and their application in Spain. Specifically, this study will focus on studying some of the existing certifying and driving instruments that allow for the evaluation of the degree of involvement and implementation of CSR in organizations

    Políticas de bienestar y desigualdades urbanas. Evaluación del impacto de la Intervención social en Zonas con Necesidades de Transformación Social de Andalucía (2001-2011).

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    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias SocialesLínea de Investigación: Educación, Cambio y Cohesión Social, Democracia y Políticas PúblicasClave Programa: DSOCódigo Línea: 119Nos adentramos en la evaluación de las políticas públicas, de manera concreta en las políticas de inclusión social en el territorio Andaluz. Hablamos de intervenciones basadas en área (Area-based Initiatives). El objeto de la presente tesis es evaluar el impacto que ha tenido el programa de las Zonas con necesidades de Transformación Social (en adelante ZNTS), hoy en día llamadas Zonas Desfavorecidas. Nuestra propuesta ha sido medirlo a través del frame: los objetivos y actuaciones marcados en el programa. En primer lugar, se describe el diseño del programa y su evolución, desde el Plan de Barriadas de actuación preferente hasta la actualidad con la ERACIS en marcha. En concreto, se analizan sus finalidades, objetivos y estrategias de intervención y actores más relevantes. En segundo lugar, se presentan los rasgos básicos de los proyectos que han tenido continuidad desde sus inicios y los territorios en los que se han desarrollado, lo que permite caracterizar los ‘contextos de intervención’ y los procesos de intervención desarrollados. Nos adentramos en el policy frame del programa ZNTS extraído de los proyectos mediante el análisis de sus actuaciones. En tercer lugar, se analiza el impacto del programa de ZNTS mediante un diseño cuasi-experimental. Para ello, se hace una comparación de pares semejantes, en dos momentos, 2001-2011. Posteriormente, se comparan las tendencias de cambio entre estos dos tipos de áreas para conocer el impacto del programa. Por último, se hace una evaluación del impacto con enfoque de género, observándose las diferencias por sexo entre los barrios intervenidos y no intervenidos. En este trabajo se ha empleado la estrategia metodológica e información empírica generada en el marco del proyecto Regeneración Urbana y Cohesión Social en Andalucía (RUCOSA).Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Sociologí

    Participación y dinámica socio-política de género en los municipios españoles

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    En esta ponencia se presentan algunos resultados del proyecto “Género, Participación y Sistemas Locales de Bienestar” financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer en convocatoria pública, dentro del Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2006).Más concretamente, nos centraremos en el análisis comparado de casos llevado a cabo entre asociaciones de mujeres y una muestra representativa del resto de asociaciones en 5 municipios españoles. A través de los resultados de una encuesta realizada a las asociaciones y de entrevistas en profundidad a representantes y responsables locales, se analiza el papel del movimiento de mujeres en los sistemas locales de bienestar, y en particular el de las organizaciones de mujeres en la canalización de la demanda de servicios con dimensión de género

    The long way towards knowledge management

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    La capacidad de adaptación al cambio es esencial para la supervivencia de las organizaciones y el conocimiento, el elemento clave. Gestionar el conocimiento de la organización demanda modelos integradores que vayan más allá de proporcionar información a las personas. El primer paso es obtener la visión global del conocimiento de la compañía (Krogh, Nonaka y Aben, 2001), sólo entonces es posible determinar acciones para su creación y transferencia. Se presenta una revisión de publicaciones, desde los años 80, sobre Gestión de Conocimiento. Los resultados muestran un desfase entre la investigación aplicada, centrada en el desarrollo de herramientas para la gestión de conocimiento y la creación de modelos que sustenten conceptos y procesos. La inversión en recursos tecnológicos para la gestión de conocimiento ha dado lugar a resultados marginales que no aportan ventaja competitiva a las organizaciones. Problemas básicos como la medición del conocimiento organizacional y el contexto de la organización siguen sin resolverse. Se propone un ciclo de Gestión de Conocimiento que se inicia en el diagnóstico, con la creación del modelo de gestión ajustado a las necesidades y recursos de la compañía. La retroalimentación sobre los resultados cierra el ciclo del conocimiento.The ability of organizations to adapt to changes is critical for their survival. Knowledge is the key element. Managing organization knowledge requires comprehensive models going beyond providing people with information. A first step is to gain an overall view of company knowledge (Krogh, Nonaka and Aben, 2001). Then, it will be possible to determine which actions shall be taken in order to create and transfer knowledge. A review of literature on knowledge management since the eighties is carried out. An imbalance is revealed between applied research –focused on the development of knowledge management tools, and the making of models supporting concepts and processes. Investment in technological resources for knowledge management has led to marginal outcomes unable to contribute competitive advantage to organizations. Basic issues such as the measuring of organizational knowledge and the organizational environment have not been yet solved. A Knowledge Management Cycle is suggested, beginning by a diagnosis, with the creation of a management model fitted to company’s needs and resources. A result feedback closes the knowledge cycle

    Box 4. The pass-through of higher natural gas prices to inflation in the euro area and in Spain

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    Artículo de revistaThis early-release box was published on 30 Septembe

    El territorio y la intervención comunitaria en adolescentes en conflicto con la ley: El caso del municipio de Burjassot

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    El territorio introduce desigualdades. Sus características físicas, y sobre todo humanas, hacen imposible la igualdad de oportunidades real. El lugar de residencia de cada persona y la forma en que experimenta o vive su realidad (determinada por su entorno) contribuye, junto con otros factores, a explicar las diferencias sociales y las divergentes trayectorias de vida de muchas personas, en particular de los jóvenes. En el presente artículo, se sistematiza y valida la dimensión comunitaria de la intervención desde el territorio tras analizar las claves seguidas con los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley del municipio de Burjassot (Valencia). Supone la sistematización de una práctica profesional circunscribiéndose la investigación al estudio de casos. Se utiliza el análisis documental y las entrevistas focalizadas, y se concluye en la necesidad de partir de la concepción comunitaria en el proceso de diagnóstico y de intervención

    The Cultural Tourism and Flamenco

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    Flamenco is a living art that excites and awakens the senses of those who witness such a dance, singing and guitar show. It is a way of expressing feelings. Flamenco was considered a world intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO and is a part of the identity and culture of Andalucía, place where it originated. Flamenco is a symbol of Spanish culture around the world. In addition, it has been discovered that there is a typology of flamenco tourists whose motivation is related to the search of experience and authenticity in the tourist destination. A search of published scientific articles on emotional tourism, motivation and flamenco has been conducted using three databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Flamenco is an art that transmits passion in each of its three components: song, dance and music. Therefore, tourism management of the sites where flamenco is part of its identity must bet on its development and potential as a motivating factor to travel, bringing the emotion to the tourist, which consists not only in perceiving it, but also in experiencing it, living it. We conclude that Flamenco as a living art forms an essential part of Spain‘s cultural heritage and becomes an important tourist factor to cover the experiential needs of tourists

    A qualitative study about changes that parents experience through a pilot parenting support program to improve the quality of contact visits in non-kinship foster care

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    Despite the important impact that contact with birth parents during non-kinship foster care can have on a child’s well-being, there are few psychoeducational programs aimed at improving the quality of visits. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of changes in birth parents who have completed the first program of this kind to be developed in Spain, here in its pilot application. The aim of the program Visits: a context for family development is to improve parents’ emotional, communication, and parenting competences, and it comprises a total of seven sessions: six individual sessions that take place in the hour prior to consecutive scheduled visits with the child, and one group session involving all participating birth parents. A total of five families began the program, and three mothers completed all seven sessions. We conducted semi-structured interviews with mothers before and after the intervention so as to explore their perceptions regarding changes in their parenting competences and the quality of visits with their child. These data were complemented by participant-observer notes taken by one of the researchers during program sessions. Through content and semantic network analysis of interviews, we were able to identify changes in relation to five aspects of contact visits following participation in the parenting program. The results suggest that the program has the potential to enhance the parenting competences of birth mothers, to improve parentchild interaction during contact visits, and to encourage collaboration between the birth and foster families. These preliminary findings support the utility of the program for improving the quality of contact visits between birth parents and their children in non-kinship foster care.This study is part of an R + D Project of Excellence financed by the Spanish government (EDU201677094-P) [Proyecto I + D de Fomento de la Investigaci ón Científica y T écnica de Excelencia]. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de M ́alaga / CBUA. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Features of non-kinship foster care children with birth family contact in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. There are 212 non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family. Their mean age is 8.09 years old (SD= 4.73). The more frequent types of foster care are both long-term and short-term placement (30.7%, respectively), followed by specialized long-term foster care (20.3%), urgency placement (10.8%) and specialized short-term foster care (7.5%). The period of time they have been into the Child Protection System is on average 4.08 years (SD= 3.88) and into the current placement is on average 2.53 (SD= 2.95). Thus, 44.8% of foster children were in residential care and 30.2% were in previous foster care. The latter could have been with the current foster care family. Also, 41.0% of foster children were placed at least with one sibling. It is important to know the features of foster children in order to apply the main principle of “the best interests of the child” to the whole decision-making process about the child’s protection and welfare. In our project, these decisions concern foster care placement and birth family contact to maintain and strengthen family affective bonds and child’s identity formation. Our findings contribute to develop: (a) initiatives to improve children’s well-being; (b) support and social resources required by families; and (c) socio-educative tools for the social workers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Features of birth families with foster children in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of biological families whose children are in non-kinship foster care and with whom they have face-to-face contact in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. The results show the difficulties experienced by birth families to deal with the responsibility of parenthood. There is a high percentage of unemployment (54.5% mothers, 46.4% fathers), and a low level of education (61.7% uneducated mothers, 68.8% uneducated fathers). Furthermore, it is necessary to consider their diverse personal problems which undermine their competences to bring up and educate their children: substance abuse, mental health issues, mental disability and prison. Finally, the lack of relation between Social Services and birth families is highlighted. Knowing the circumstances of families at psychosocial risk permits to develop social policies that match with their specific necessities, by providing them the support and resources required, in line with Recommendation Rec(2006)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member states. Moreover, children and families’ rights have to be respected, such as their right to have contact to maintain and strengthen their affective bonds as part of their identity. These findings will contribute to design: (a) family intervention programs which allow parents to acquire the necessary parental skills; (b) support and educational tools for the social workers; and (c) projects to contribute to children’s well-being.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech