159 research outputs found

    Diffusion Coefficients of Fluorinated Surfactants in Water:

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    Intradiffusion coefficients of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol in water have been measured by the pulsed field gradient (PFG)-NMR spin−echo technique as a function of temperature and composition on the dilute alcohol region. The measurements extend the range of compositions already studied in the literature and, for the first time, include the study of the temperature dependence. At the same time, intradiffusion coefficients of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, 2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropan-1-ol, and 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobutan-1-ol in water were obtained by computer simulation (molecular dynamics) as a function of composition and temperature. The intradiffusion coefficients of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol in water obtained by simulation agree with the experimental results, while those of 2,2,3,3,3- pentafluoropropan-1-ol and 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobutan-1-ol are the first estimation of this property for those systems. The molecular dynamics simulations were also used to calculate the intradiffusion coefficients of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid in water at infinite dilution as a function of temperature, which are very difficult to obtain experimentally because of the very low solubility of these substances. From the dependence of the intradiffusion coefficients on temperature, diffusion activation energies were estimated for all the solutes in water

    Fluorinated surfactants in solution: Diffusion coefficients of fluorinated alcohols in water

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    Intra-diffusion coefficients of three fluorinated alcohols, 2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropan-1-ol (PFP), 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobutan-1-ol (HFB) and 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5-nonafluoropentan-1-ol (NFP) in water have been measured by the PFG–NMR spin-echo technique as a function of temperature and composition, focusing on the alcohol dilute region. For comparison, intra-diffusion coefficients of 2,2,2- trifluoroethanol (TFE) and HFB have also been measured in heavy water using the same method and conditions. As far as we know, these are the first experimental measurements of this property for these binary systems. Intra-diffusion coefficients for NFP in water and for TFE and HFB in heavy water have also been obtained by molecular dynamics simulation, complementing those for TFE, PFP and HFB reported in a previous work. The agreement between experimental and simulated results for PFP, HFB and NFP in water is reasonable, although presenting higher deviations than for the TFE/water system. From the dependence of the intra-diffusion coefficients on temperature, diffusion activation energies were estimated for all the solutes in water and heavy water

    Report of the 11th Liaison Meeting

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    The   11thLiaison   Meeting   between   the   Chairs   of   the   RCMs,   the   ICES   PGCCDBS,   PGMED  and  PGECON,  the  STECF  EWGs  on  the  DCF,  the  Regional  Database  Steering   Committees,  the  ICES  and  GFCM  representatives  and  the  European  Commission  was   held  at  the  DG  Maritime  Affairs  and  Fisheries,  Brussels  from  8th  to  9th  October  2014. The  11th  Liaison  meeting  was  held  in  Brussels  on  8th  and  9th  October  2014  to  address  the   following  terms  of  reference:     TOR  1.  Discussion  on  possible  follow-­‐‑up  to  the  main  outputs/recommendations  of:   • The  2014  RCMs  and  to  the   sp ecific  re commenda tions  a ddr e sse d  to  th e  Liaison   Meeting   • P G ECO N ,  PG CCDBS,  PG Med   –   ou tcome s  an d  r e commendation s  fr om  the ir   2014  meeting     • STECF  EWG  and  STEC F  Plen ary   -­‐‑   ou tcome s  a n d  r e commendation s  fr om  the ir   2014  meeting     • Data  end-­‐‑ users  (IC ES,  G F C M,  RC Ms)   TOR  2.  Compilation  of  recommendations  on  the  DCF   A  compilation  of  DCF  recommendations  will  be  established  by  the  COM  by  end  2014.   LM   needs   to   agree   on   which   recommendations   should   be   included   (i.e.   from   which   bodies)  &  covering  which  years.     TOR  3.  Regional  cooperation   • G r ants  for  str eng thene d  reg ion al  coop eration     • R e g ional  da ta b ases   o O ver view  of  use  of  the  Reg ional  Datab ases  for  R CMs  in  2014,  and  p rob lems   identified   o O ther  deve lop ments  (RDB  training s  in  2014,  RDB  Med&BS  develop ment)   o Chang es  for  the  fu tu re   –  an y  re commen da tions  from  th e  LM?   • R C M  data  calls   –  ove rview  of  h ow  MS  r esp onde d.   TOR  4.  Recommended  meetings/workshops   • P r ep a r e  a  list  of  r ecommen ded  me etin g s  for  2015  as  g u idance  for  MS   TOR  5.  Studies   • O ver view  of  p rocess   • LM  comme nts  and  p r ioritization  of  studies  p r op osed  b y  RC Ms,  PG ECO N ,  ICES,   GFCM   TOR  6.  AOB     1. The  DCF  website  has  been  revamped  by  the  JRC.  Any  comments  on  this?   2. Access  to  the  RCM  SharePoint   3. Derogations  –  List  of  derogations  by  Member  State  has  been  prepared  by  DG   MARE.  Have  any  RCMs  updated  this?     4. ICES  will  provide  an  update  on  their  plans  to  re-­‐‑evaluate  surveys.  Should  this   be  followed  by  STECF  work  on  surveys  to  be  included  in  future  EU  MAP?   5. Annual  reports  –  simplification:  presentation  of  process. 6. Data  transmission:   a. new   platform   for   information   exchanges   between   COM,   MS   and   end-­‐‑ users   b. new   tool   for   reporting   on   how   MS   complied   with   the   DG   MARE/JRC   data  calls     In   addition   to   the   above   Terms   of   Reference,   an   item   was   added   at   the   start   of   the   meeting,  regarding  the  implication  of  the  Landing  Obligation  on  data  collection  and   the  Discard  Plans.

    Follow-up after radiological intervention in oncology: ECIO-ESOI evidence and consensus-based recommendations for clinical practice

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    Interventional radiology plays an important and increasing role in cancer treatment. Follow-up is important to be able to assess treatment success and detect locoregional and distant recurrence and recommendations for follow-up are needed. At ECIO 2018, a joint ECIO-ESOI session was organized to establish follow-up recommendations for oncologic intervention in liver, renal, and lung cancer. Treatments included thermal ablation, TACE, and TARE. In total five topics were evaluated: ablation in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM), TARE in CRLM, TACE and TARE in HCC, ablation in renal cancer, and ablation in lung cancer. Evaluated modalities were FDG-PET-CT, CT, MRI, and (contrast-enhanced) ultrasound. Prior to the session, five experts were selected and performed a systematic review and presented statements, which were voted on in a telephone conference prior to the meeting by all panelists. These statements were presented and discussed at the ECIO-ESOI session at ECIO 2018. This paper presents the recommendations that followed from these initiatives. Based on expert opinions and the available evidence, follow-up schedules were proposed for liver cancer, renal cancer, and lung cancer. FDG-PET-CT, CT, and MRI are the recommended modalities, but one should beware of false-positive signs of residual tumor or recurrence due to inflammation early after the intervention. There is a need for prospective preferably multicenter studies to validate new techniques and new response criteria. This paper presents recommendations that can be used in clinical practice to perform the follow-up of patients with liver, lung, and renal cancer who were treated with interventional locoregional therapies

    Currículo na contemporaneidade : internacionalização e contextos locais : atas

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    Atas do XI Colóquio sobre questões curriculares/ VII Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro sobre questões curriculares/ I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro sobre Questões Curriculares 18, 19 e 20 de Setembro, 2014 Universidade do Minho, Braga (Portugal)O XI Colóquio sobre Questões Curriculares / VII Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro e I Colóquio Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Questões Curriculares decorreu na Universidade do Minho, em Braga (Portugal), nos dias 18, 19 e 20 de setembro de 2014. Tratando-se de um colóquio com uma história já relevante, que desde 2002 se tem desenvolvido em parceria com o Brasil, teve nesta edição, a novidade de incluir entre os seus organizadores três instituições de ensino superior representantes de países africanos da lusofonia – Cabo-Verde, Moçambique e Angola. Este alargamento evidencia o crescimento que o campo do currículo tem conhecido nos últimos anos naqueles países, reconhecendo e procurando criar espaços para ampliar esse desenvolvimento. A riqueza e diversidade proporcionados pelo alargamento do Colóquio vieram ainda contribuir para o esforço de internacionalização do campo do currículo (Pinar, 2014), sem perder de vista a importância do conhecimento das particularidades, (re)contextualizações e apropriações, nem do plano mais amplo das políticas viajantes, tomadas de empréstimo de contextos globais (Steiner-Khamsi & Waldow, 2012). Esta preocupação serviu de pano de fundo ao tema do Colóquio deste ano. Sob a temática "Currículo na contemporaneidade: internacionalização e contextos locais" o colóquio procurou congregar docentes e investigadores da área dos Estudos Curriculares, sendo um espaço privilegiado para a reflexão, discussão e troca de experiências. As intervenções no colóquio reuniram-se em torno de diversos eixos temáticos, que procuraram representar a complexidade e diversidade de temas, consolidados e emergentes, dentro das políticas, teorias e práticas curriculares atuais: 1. Currículo, Globalização e Cosmopolitismo 2. Currículo e Avaliação 3. Currículo e Ensino Superior 4. Associações Curriculares: contributos para a configuração do campo 5. Currículo e Educação Formal e Não-Formal 6. Currículo e Tecnologias 7. Currículo e Desafios Africanos no Século XXI 8. Currículo e Políticas Educacionais 9. Currículo e Culturas 10. Currículo, Éticas e Estéticas 11. Currículo e Gestão 12. Currículo, Didática e Formação de Professores 13. Currículo, Transições e Territórios 14. Currículo, Conhecimento e Disciplinas Escolares Embora não estando ainda entre os objetos de estudo mais trabalhados pelos investigadores em geral, procurámos, com a criação de mesas redondas em torno de temas como as associações curriculares, os desafios africanos ao currículo no Século XXI, ou as transições e territórios curriculares, sensibilizar os participantes para potenciais desenvolvimentos futuros destas temáticas, que se perspetivam vir a influenciar o campo dos estudos curriculares nos anos vindouros. José Carlos Morgado Filipa Seabra Carlos FerreiraFC

    Brain structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a graph analysis from the ENIGMA Consortium.

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    Brain structural covariance networks reflect covariation in morphology of different brain areas and are thought to reflect common trajectories in brain development and maturation. Large-scale investigation of structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may provide clues to the pathophysiology of this neurodevelopmental disorder. Using T1-weighted MRI scans acquired from 1616 individuals with OCD and 1463 healthy controls across 37 datasets participating in the ENIGMA-OCD Working Group, we calculated intra-individual brain structural covariance networks (using the bilaterally-averaged values of 33 cortical surface areas, 33 cortical thickness values, and six subcortical volumes), in which edge weights were proportional to the similarity between two brain morphological features in terms of deviation from healthy controls (i.e. z-score transformed). Global networks were characterized using measures of network segregation (clustering and modularity), network integration (global efficiency), and their balance (small-worldness), and their community membership was assessed. Hub profiling of regional networks was undertaken using measures of betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality. Individually calculated network measures were integrated across the 37 datasets using a meta-analytical approach. These network measures were summated across the network density range of K = 0.10-0.25 per participant, and were integrated across the 37 datasets using a meta-analytical approach. Compared with healthy controls, at a global level, the structural covariance networks of OCD showed lower clustering (P < 0.0001), lower modularity (P < 0.0001), and lower small-worldness (P = 0.017). Detection of community membership emphasized lower network segregation in OCD compared to healthy controls. At the regional level, there were lower (rank-transformed) centrality values in OCD for volume of caudate nucleus and thalamus, and surface area of paracentral cortex, indicative of altered distribution of brain hubs. Centrality of cingulate and orbito-frontal as well as other brain areas was associated with OCD illness duration, suggesting greater involvement of these brain areas with illness chronicity. In summary, the findings of this study, the largest brain structural covariance study of OCD to date, point to a less segregated organization of structural covariance networks in OCD, and reorganization of brain hubs. The segregation findings suggest a possible signature of altered brain morphometry in OCD, while the hub findings point to OCD-related alterations in trajectories of brain development and maturation, particularly in cingulate and orbitofrontal regions

    Phylogeographic Analysis of HIV-1 Subtype C Dissemination in Southern Brazil

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    The HIV-1 subtype C has spread efficiently in the southern states of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná). Phylogeographic studies indicate that the subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil was initiated by the introduction of a single founder virus population at some time point between 1960 and 1980, but little is known about the spatial dynamics of viral spread. A total of 135 Brazilian HIV-1 subtype C pol sequences collected from 1992 to 2009 at the three southern state capitals (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba) were analyzed. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods were used to explore the degree of phylogenetic mixing of subtype C sequences from different cities and to reconstruct the geographical pattern of viral spread in this country region. Phylogeographic analyses supported the monophyletic origin of the HIV-1 subtype C clade circulating in southern Brazil and placed the root of that clade in Curitiba (Paraná state). This analysis further suggested that Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state) is an important staging post in the subtype C dissemination displaying high viral migration rates from and to the other cities, while viral flux between Curitiba and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul state) is very low. We found a positive correlation (r2 = 0.64) between routine travel and viral migration rates among localities. Despite the intense viral movement, phylogenetic intermixing of subtype C sequences from different Brazilian cities is lower than expected by chance. Notably, a high proportion (67%) of subtype C sequences from Porto Alegre branched within a single local monophyletic sub-cluster. These results suggest that the HIV-1 subtype C epidemic in southern Brazil has been shaped by both frequent viral migration among states and in situ dissemination of local clades

    Uma capitania dos novos tempos: economia, sociedade e política na São Paulo restaurada (1765-1822)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a trajetória da Capitania de São Paulo, a partir de 1750, apontando sua transformação, de fronteira e "boca do sertão", para território estratégico da conquista e defesa das partes meridionais e área economicamente integrada aos circuitos mercantis atlânticos.In this article, we reflect upon the history of the Captaincy of São Paulo as from 1750, drawing attention to its transformation from frontier land and "door to the backcountry" into a territory of strategic value for the purposes of conquest and defense of the southern regions, and economically integrated into the Atlantic trade routes

    Paleoecología y cultura material en el complejo tumular prehistórico de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real)

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    Castillejo del Bonete es un complejo tumular situado en el borde meridional de la Meseta Ibérica, ocupado en fechas calcolíticas y de la Edad del Bronce, vinculado a la Cultura de las Motillas. Materiales arqueológicos muy diversos han sido recuperados asociados a las arquitecturas del lugar (túmulos, corredores, potentes muros, etc.). Se presenta un avance de la investigación paleoecológica sobre las colecciones de carbón, polen y microvertebrados. Además se presentan cuentas de piedra y madera, colgantes de concha, material lítico, la colección cerámica, nuevas metalografías e industria metálica y botones de marfil. El conjunto de estas evidencias arqueológicas pone de manifiesto la celebración ritual de banquetes y ofrendas durante la Prehistoria Reciente en una cueva monumentalizada mediante túmulos en el interior de la Península Ibérica