1,018 research outputs found

    Regulación emocional y recuperación física de los jóvenes deportistas en modalidades deportivas individual y colectiva

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    Indexación: Scopus.Due to the influence of positive and negative affects experienced during competition on sports performance, emotional regulation is one of the psychological variables that are more interesting to the sport psychology field. In this sense, this study analyzes how the use of reappraisal and suppression stimulates or hampers the physical recovery of young athletes. All of this taking into account the mediating role of self-efficacy and cognitive anxiety experienced during competition. Three hundred Chilean athletes with ages from 11 to 18 years old participated in this study (M = 15.15; SD = 2.38). Specifically, 139 of them practiced individual sports (boating, athletics, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, and tennis) and 161 collective sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, and rugby). Results show that the use of cognitive reappraisal as a dispositional strategy is associated with positive affect. In addition, cognitive reappraisal promotes self-efficacy in athletes during competition and stimulates their physical recovery. Emotional suppression produces the opposite effect, being associated to negative affect and impairing physical recovery by cognitive anxiety. Results are also discussed related to differences observed in the use of these two emotional regulation strategies in individual and collective sports, along with their practice implications for the training of young athletes in both modalities. © 2018 Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. All rights reserved.La influencia que los estados emocionales tienen en los deportistas cuando compiten ha hecho que la regulación emocional sea una de las variables psicológicas más interesantes a estudiar en los últimos años en el ámbito deportivo. En este sentido, este estudio analiza cómo los usos de las dos estrategias de regulación más usadas de forma disposicional favorecen o disminuyen la recuperación física de los deportistas jóvenes después de la competición. Todo ello teniendo en cuenta el papel mediador que la autoeficacia y la ansiedad cognitiva tienen en esa relación. Para este estudio se contó con la participación de 300 deportistas chilenos de 11 a 18 años (M = 15,15; DT = 2,38). En concreto, 139 practicaban deportes individuales (canotaje, atletismo, natación, gimnasia rítmica y tenis) y 161 deportes colectivos (básquetbol, voleibol, fútbol y rugby). Los resultados del estudio muestran que el uso de la reevaluación cognitiva como estrategia disposicional favorece la autoeficacia de los deportistas en competición y mejora la recuperación física. La supresión emocional, en cambio, se muestra como una estrategia desadaptativa que favorece la ansiedad cognitiva en competición y dificulta la recuperación física. Se discuten también los resultados respecto a las diferencias observadas en el uso de estas dos estrategias de regulación en deportes individuales y colectivos, y su implicación práctica en la preparación de los deportistas jóvenes en ambas modalidades deportivas.https://www.scopus.com/redirect/linking.uri?targetURL=https%3a%2f%2fdoi.org%2f10.5232%2fricyde2018.05301&locationID=1&categoryID=4&eid=2-s2.0-85049895193&issn=18853137&linkType=ViewAtPublisher&year=2018&origin=recordpage&dig=40092fbd145b817ecfc2d14738ebee92&recordRank

    Aliphatic + ethanol separation via liquid-liquid extraction using low transition temperature mixtures as extracting agents

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    In this work, two different low transition temperature mixtures (LTTMs), e.g., (i) glycolic acid–choline chloride molar ratio = (1:1) (GC(1:1)) and (ii) lactic acid–choline chloride molar ratio = (2:1) (LC(2:1)), were evaluated as potential extracting agents for the separation of the azeotropic mixtures {hexane + ethanol} and {heptane + ethanol}. Firstly, the liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) data of the ternary systems {hexane + ethanol + LTTM} and {heptane + ethanol + LTTM} were experimentally determined at T/K = 298.15 and T/K = 308.15. Secondly, the solute distribution coefficient and selectivity were calculated and analyzed. The influence of the temperature on the phase behavior and the performance of the LTTMs related to the chain length of the hydrocarbon were considered. A literature comparison with other extracting agents used for the separation of these mixtures was performed in order to evaluate the suitability of the studied LTTMs. Moreover, the recyclability of the extraction agent, which is of great importance in liquid–liquid extraction, was demonstrated. Finally, the experimental data were successfully fitted using the NRTL model. It was found that both LTTMs show a competitive performance compared to existing extracting agents. It was also established that both in the {hexane + ethanol} and {heptane + ethanol} separation, the LC(2:1) showed higher distribution coefficient than the GC(1:1), while the opposite trend was found for the selectivity values

    First report of Alternaria infectoria on amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus ssp. mantegazzianus) in Argentina

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    Amaranth is an ancient crop originating in the Americas that can be used as a high-protein grain (12-17%) or as a leafy vegetable, and has potential as a forage crop (Putnamet al.,1989). Grain amaranth species have been important in different parts of the world and at different times for several thousand years (Meyers & Putnam, 1988). At the end of December 2009 the presence of discoloured panicles and seeds of amaranth (Amaranthus caudatusssp.mantegazzianus) was recorded at the Instituto Fitotécnico of Santa Catalina, Llavallol locality, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Up to 100% of the surface area of seeds was affected by the disease (Fig. 1). Fungal isolates with morphological characteristics similar to those ofA. infectoriawere collected from diseased grains and cultured on potato carrot agar (PCA) medium, then incubated at 20 ± 2 °C under a light/dark cycle (12/12 h). After seven days, light grey coloured colonies reaching 35 mm in diameter were observed. Conidia were formed on the surface of the agar. The average conidial size on PCA was 32-40 x 9.6 µm with a conidial beak length of 16-48 µm, and four transverse septa. The presence of a longitudinal septum was recorded in 18% of the conidia with 2% having two partitions (Fig. 2). In general, these measurements are within the size range determined by Simmons (2007) forA. infectoria. An isolate (CN-2364) was evaluated for its pathogenicity by spraying a suspension of conidia (1 x 105spores/ml) on 400 surface-sterilised and healthy seeds and panicles. Control panicles and seeds were sprayed only with water. The inoculated panicles and seeds were placed on moistened cotton and paper in plastic trays (22 x 12 x 8 cm) and incubated in growth chambers at 20 ± 2 °C with an 8 h photoperiod for seven days. After this period, discolouration similar to the original symptoms developed on the inoculated panicles and seeds. In addition, a high proportion of abnormal seedlings sprouting from the inoculated seeds displayed swollen roots, folded cotyledons, or stunted roots (Fig. 3). In the case of inoculated panicles, the entire destruction of the axes was observed. No symptoms were observed on non-inoculated panicles or seeds. Koch´s postulates were confirmed by re-isolation ofA. infectoriafrom the infected material. The culture has been deposited at the La Plata Spegazzini Colección de Cultivos under accession number 1077. There are previous reports ofAlternariaspecies(A. alternataandA. chlamydospora) associated with discolouration of amaranth seeds (Noeltinget al., 2009a, 2009b) but to our knowledge, this is the first documented report ofA. infectoriaaffecting panicles and seeds of amaranth in Argentina. To the authors' knowledge,A. infectoriahas not been detected in an amaranth crop at other localities.Alternaria infectoriahas been reported on wheat in Argentina (Perellóet al., 2007). This disease could significantly reduce the production and the quality of amaranth due to seed transmission and its possible effects on other plant parts

    Social factors associated with the effectiveness of a Spanish parent training program-An opportunity to reduce health inequality gap in families

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    Parent training programs (PTPs) have been used extensively in Anglo-Saxon countries, but less so in Southern Europe. Several characteristics of families have been linked to effective parenting and positive development of children, but few studies have examined the social determinants of the effectiveness of PTPs. The Parenting Skills Program for families (PSP) is a PTP from Spain. This study aimed to identify the social characteristics (sex, age, country of birth, marital status, educational level, and employment status) of parents that determine the success of the PSP in relation to social support, parenting skills, parental stress, and negative behaviors among children. A quasi-experimental study with a prepost design with no control group was used. We conducted a survey before (T0) and after the intervention (T1). Sample size was 216. We fit multiple logistic regression models. Parenting skills increased more among parents with a lower educational level. Parents' stress decreased more among parents who had a lower educational level, were unemployed, and were men. Social support increased among parents who were younger, unemployed, or non-cohabiting. We found no significant differences in the effect on children's negative behaviors according to the social factors evaluated. The PSP is effective for socioeconomically diverse families, but the success differs according to the parents' social profile. Unlike most previous studies, the results were better among more socially disadvantaged people, highlighting the potential of this kind of intervention for reducing the social inequality gap between groups

    Evaluation of the Charm maximum residue limit beta-lactam and tetracycline test for the detection of antibiotics in ewe and goat milk

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    The Charm maximum residue limit P-lactam and tetracycline test (Charm MRL BLTET; Charm Sciences Inc., Lawrence, MA) is an immunoreceptor assay utilizing Rapid. One-Step Assay lateral flow technology that detects P-lactam or tetracycline drugs in raw commingled cow milk at or below European Union maximum residue levels (EU-MRL). The Charm MRL BLTET test procedure was recently modified (dilution in buffer and longer incubation) by the manufacturers to be used with raw ewe and goat milk. To assess the Charm MRL BLTET test for the detection of beta-lactams and tetracyclines in milk of small ruminants, an evaluation study was performed at Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia Animal of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). The test specificity and detection capability (CC beta) were studied following Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Specificity results obtained in this study were optimal for individual milk free of antimicrobials from ewes (99.2% for beta-lactams and 100% for tetracyclines) and goats (97.9% for beta-lactams and 100% for tetracyclines) along the entire lactation period regardless of whether the results were visually or instrumentally interpreted. Moreover, no positive results were obtained when a relatively high concentration of different substances belonging to antimicrobial families other than beta-lactams and tetracyclines were present in ewe and goat milk. For both types of milk, the CC beta calculated was lower or equal to EU-MRL for amoxicillin (4 mu g/kg), ampicillin (4 mu g/kg), benzylpenicillin (30 mu g/kg). The CC beta for tetracyclines was also lower than EU-MRL for chlortetracycline (ewe milk: <= 50 mu g/kg; goat milk: 75 mu g/kg), oxytetracycline (<= 50 mu g/kg), and tetracycline (<= 50 mu g/kg). Regarding the 4-epimers of these tetracyclines only 4-epioxytetracycline was detected by the Charm MRL BLTET test below EU-MRL (ewe milk: 75 mu g/kg; goat milk: <= 50 mu g/kg). Acidiol had no effect on the performance of the test. The Charm MRL BLTET test could be used routinely with adapted test procedure for the fast screening of ewe and goat milk.This work forms part of the Project AGL2009-11524 financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Madrid, Spain). The authors are grateful to Fatro S.p.A. (Bologna, Italy) and ACS Dobfar S.p.A. (Milan, Italy) for kindly providing cefacetrile and desacetylcefapirin, respectively. Moreover, the authors thank Charm Sciences, Inc. (Lawrence, MA) and especially Wilbert Kokke from Charm Sciences Inc. and Raul Gomez from Grupo Taper, S.A. (Madrid, Spain) for their support.Beltrán Martínez, MC.; Romero Rueda, T.; Althaus, RL.; Molina Pons, MP. (2013). Evaluation of the Charm maximum residue limit beta-lactam and tetracycline test for the detection of antibiotics in ewe and goat milk. Journal of Dairy Science. 96(5):2737-2745. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2012-6044S2737274596

    Qué papel juega el hongo Phytophthora cinnamomi en el desarrollo de la regeneración natural y repoblaciones de encina y alcornoque

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    Se presentan los resultados resumidos de tres trabajos realizados para conocer el papel que juega el hongo Phytophthora cinnamomi en el desarrollo de plántulas de encina (Quercus ilex) y alcornoque (Quercus suber). Se realizaron dos prospecciones para detectar la presencia de P.cinnamomi en focos de seca en dehesas de encina y alcornoque de Extremadura en 1991-1992 y 1999-2000. El porcentaje de focos en los que se detectó la presencia de P. cinnamomi ha permanecido relativamente estable entre las dos prospecciones. También se determinó la tasa de crecimiento relativo para nueve aislados de P. cinnamomi a diferentes temperaturas, observando una elevada variabilidad tanto en la temperatura óptima de crecimiento como en el valor de la propia tasa diaria de crecimiento máxima. También se estudió la emergencia y supervivencia de plántulas de encina y alcornoque procedentes de dos dehesas ecológicamente diferentes, cultivadas en condiciones controladas en suelos de estas dehesas infectados naturalmente con P. cinnamomi y en estos mismos suelos previamente desinfectados en autoclave. Un factor limitante en los procesos de regeneración natural y en las repoblaciones por siembra directa de encinas y alcornoque puede ser su alta susceptibilidad a las infecciones por P. cinnamomi.Por último, se estudió durante dos años consecutivos, la supervivencia de las plantas de encina de una repoblación sobre un suelo naturalmente infectado con P. cinnamomi en la provincia de Badajoz (SO de España). Los resultados obtenidos se discuten teniendo en cuenta el déficit hídrico, los daños por P. cinnamomi, la competencia con otras especies y las posibles medidas sanitarias que amortigüen los daños en las repoblaciones con encinas._______________________________Three different studies were performed with the aim to determine the role of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the early development of seedlings of holm oak (Quercus ilex) and cork oak (Quercus suber). Two surveys, for the presence of Phytophthora cinnamomi in declining holm oak and cork oak stands in Extremadura (SW Spain) were performed in 1991-1992 and 1999-2000. The percentage of decline foci where P. cinnamomi is envolved has remained relatively stable in the lapse of time between the two surveys. Growth rates were determined for 9 P. cinnamomi isolates. Considerable variation in optimum growth temperatures and in daily growth rates occurred among isolates. The emergence and survival of pregerminated holm oak and cork oak acorns from two ecologically different dehesas (Mediterranean open woodlands) were studied in two soils from these stands naturally infected with P. cinnamomi, and in the same soils previously sterilized in the autoclave. The demonstrated high susceptibility of holm and cork oak young seedlings to P. cinnamomi could be a limiting factor in mediterranean opend woodlands (dehesas) not only in natural regenerationprocesses but also when reforestation by direct sowing is implemented. Finally, the viability of 1 year old holm oak seedlings in a soil naturally infected with P. cinnamomi was studied during two consecutive years in a plot located in SW Spain. Results obtained are discussed in the framework of seasonal water deficit, P. cinnamomi damage, weed competition and sanitation thechniques to be used in declined holm oak stands in Spain

    Performance of current microbial tests for screening antibiotics in sheep and goat milk

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    [EN] The detection capability (CC beta) of some microbial screening tests currently available was calculated for sheep and goat milk in accordance with Commission Decision 657/2002/EC. The CC beta was at or below the maximum residue limit (MRL) for most beta-lactams assessed and other non-beta-lactam drugs such as neomycin, tylosin, sulfadiazine and sulfadimethoxine. However, the tests were less sensitive in the detection of most non-beta-lactam drugs such as quinolones and tetracyclines at safety levels. When individual sheep milk samples free of antibiotics were analysed, an elevated somatic cell count was related to the occurrence of non-compliant results in all the methods assessed. To guarantee the safety of milk and dairy products from small ruminants, the periodical implementation of screening tests more sensitive towards non-beta-lactam drugs would be appropriate. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research forms part of the Project AGL2009-11524 financed by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Madrid, Spain).Beltrán Martínez, MC.; Berruga Fernandez, MI.; Molina Casanova, A.; Lisandro Althaus, R.; Molina Pons, MP. (2015). Performance of current microbial tests for screening antibiotics in sheep and goat milk. International Dairy Journal. 41:13-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2014.09.007S13154

    A case study on the re-establishment of the cyanolichen symbiosis : where do the compatible photobionts come from?

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In order to re-establish lichen symbiosis, fungal spores must first germinate and then associate with a compatible photobiont. To detect possible establishment limitations in a sexually reproducing cyanolichen species, we studied ascospore germination, photobiont growth and photobiont association patterns in Pectenia plumbea. METHODS: Germination tests were made with ascospores from 500 apothecia under different treatments, and photobiont growth was analysed in 192 isolates obtained from 24 thalli. We determined the genotype identity [tRNALeu (UAA) intron] of the Nostoc cyanobionts from 30 P. plumbea thalli from one population. We also sequenced cyanobionts of 41 specimens of other cyanolichen species and 58 Nostoc free-living colonies cultured from the bark substrate. KEY RESULTS: Not a single fungal ascospore germinated and none of the photobiont isolates produced motile hormogonia. Genetic analyses revealed that P. plumbea shares Nostoc genotypes with two other cyanolichen species of the same habitat, but these photobionts were hardly present in the bark substrate. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the inability of both symbionts to thrive independently, the establishment of P. plumbea seems to depend on Dendriscocaulon umhausense, the only cyanolichen species in the same habitat that reproduces asexually and acts as a source of appropriate cyanobionts. This provides support to the hypothesis about facilitation among lichens.Peer reviewe