1,653 research outputs found

    Sentido y alcances de la descripción del Paraíso en la "Introducción de los Milagros de Nuestra Señora" de Gonzalo de Berceo

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    La Introducción de los Milagros de Nuestra Señora muestra un locus amoenus, donde descansa el romero, que se identifica con el paraíso (c. 14 a y b). La fuente de ese prado (c. 3) se ramifica en cuatro brazos (c. 21) que evocan los cuatro ríos del paraíso y los árboles que producen frutos saludables y vistosos (c. 4) representan la abundancia y la felicidad anterior al pecado original. En ese contexto, la imagen de la Virgen María, antitipo de Eva, es la matriz de redención que enmendará la falta de los primeros padres gracias a su intercesión entre Cristo y los hombres. Las secciones del texto de Gonzalo de Berceo que hemos analizado focalizan su interés en la historia teológica de la humanidad de los últimos días, o sea del presente del enunciador, entendida a partir de la comprensión de los tiempos originarios. En ese sentido, la descripción del prado connota el paraíso y el estado paradisíaco que se han perdido pero cuya recuperación es una posibilidad cierta para los hombres que creen y aman a la Virgen María.The Introduction of Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora by Gonzalo de Berceo shows a locus amoenus, where the pilgrim rests, that identify with paradise (c. 14 a y b). The source in that lawn (c. 3) divides in four branches (c. 21) that evoke the rivers of paradise, and the trees that produce healthful and beautiful fruits (c. 4) represent the abundance and happiness preceding the original sin. In this context, Virgin Mary image is the redemption matrix that will repair the fault committed by Adam and Eve because of her mediation between Christ and men. The stanzas' text by Gonzalo de Berceo we have analyzed focus in theological history of humanity of latest days, the enunciator present, which is understood starting from the originating times. So, the lawn description connotes the lost paradise and paradisiacal state which recovery is a certain possibility to men who believe and devote Virgin Mary

    Meaning and importance of Paradise description in the "Introducción de los Milagros de Nuestra Señora" by Gonzalo de Berceo

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    The Introduction of Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora by Gonzalo de Berceo shows a locus amoenus, where the pilgrim rests, that identify with paradise (c. 14 a y b). The source in that lawn (c. 3) divides in four branches (c. 21) that evoke the rivers of paradise, and the trees that produce healthful and beautiful fruits (c. 4) represent the abundance and happiness preceding the original sin. In this context, Virgin Mary image is the redemption matrix that will repair the fault committed by Adam and Eve because of her mediation between Christ and men. The stanzas’ text by Gonzalo de Berceo we have analyzed focus in theological history of humanity of latest days, the enunciator present, which is understood starting from the originating times. So, the lawn description connotes the lost paradise and paradisiacal state which recovery is a certain possibility to men who believe and devote Virgin Mary

    Alcances poéticos y mecanismos persuasivos del mensaje teológico en De paradiso y De Cain et Abel de Ambrosio de Milán

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    El análisis presentado en este trabajo permite afirmar que en los primeros tratados exegéticos de Ambrosio de Milán, De paradiso y De Cain et Abel, los sentidos subyacentes al plano superficial del discurso y elaborados en forma poética —tanto a través de la conjunción del género alegórico con el zetemático y por medio de metáforas— revelan una configuración simbólica que, en el marco de las preocupaciones y del pensamiento de Ambrosio sobre el saber natural, moral y racional, se sustenta siempre en la convicción de que todo deriva de Dios. Los dos tratados examinados se revelan como un discurso polifónico sostenido tanto por la circularidad de las formas como por los hipotextos que lo respaldan, en el que la implicación teológica resulta de la tensión entre géneros y dispositivos empleados en la composición, pero que siempre se sustenta en la profesión de fe, especificidad de los textos que rebasa el referente.The present analysis allows us to affirm that in the first exegetical treatises composed by Ambrose of Milan, Paradise and Cain and Abel, the underlying meanings at the superficial discourse level and poetically elaborated —through the conjunction of allegorical and zetematic genres and the use of metaphors— reveal a symbolic configuration which is always sustained on the conviction of all things derive from God, certitude according to Ambrose’s concerns and thoughts about natural, moral, and rational knowledge. Both examined texts can be considered as a polifonic discourse, carried on the circularity of the forms and the hypotexts supporting them, in which the theological implication results from the tension between the genres and the mechanism used in the composition, but that is assisted by the profession of faith, specificity of the texts that exceeds the referent.Fil: Miranda, Lidia Raquel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Instituto de Estudios Clásicos; Argentin

    Idade Média à la carte: sentidos, tensões e desafios do medievalismo

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    In the twenty first century, we witness a widespread interest in all things medieval. However, while this rise in curiosity has contributed to an increase in the study of medievalism, it has negatively influenced the academic disciplines dedicated to the Middle Ages, mainly due to questions related to the value of this research area. In order to reflect on the meanings, tensions and challenges of medievalism, this essay begins by examining the popular images of Middle Ages, their causes and the preconceptions they involve. It goes on to consider the changing role of medievalism given the methodological transformations experienced by the discipline and the role played by contemporary scholars of the Middle Ages in our societies. Finally, it contends that the distinction between ‘usefulness’ and ‘relevance’ may be the key for Medieval Studies to remain relevant against a political and social discourse trying to discredit the knowledge and the responses/solutions that scholarship of the Middle Ages can offer to contemporary problems.No século XXI, testemunhamos um amplo interesse pelo medieval. No entanto, embora esse crescimento tenha contribuído para aumentar o estudo do medievalismo, influenciou negativamente as disciplinas acadêmicas dedicadas à Idade Média, principalmente devido a questões relacionadas ao valor dessa área de pesquisa. Para refletir sobre os significados, tensões e desafios do medievalismo, este ensaio começa examinando as imagens populares da Idade Média, suas causas e os preconceitos que elas envolvem. Continua a considerar a mudança do papel do medievalismo, dadas as transformações metodológicas experimentadas pela disciplina e o papel desempenhado pelos estudiosos do medievo em nossas sociedades. Finalmente, sustenta que a distinção entre ‘utilidade’ e ‘relevância’ pode ser a chave para manter os Estudos Medievais relevantes contra um discurso político e social que tenta desacreditar o conhecimento e respostas que a área medieval pode oferecer aos problemas contemporâneos.Fil: Miranda, Lidia Raquel. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia; Argentin

    Mytilus edulis e Mytilus galloprovincialis : características e aquicultura

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    Mestrado em Toxicologia e EcotoxicologiaCom o objectivo de se proceder à identificação de qual a forma taxonómica do mexilhão existente na Ria de Aveiro, do género Mytilus spp., foi compilada uma série de características pelas quais se pode proceder à distinção entre as duas formas taxonómicas Mytilus edulis e Mytilus galloprovincialis, ambos existentes na Ria de Aveiro. Este trabalho apresenta igualmente como objectivo, analisar a viabilidade da implantação de uma unidade de mitilicultura, isto é, de aquicultura de mexilhão. Desta forma, ao longo do trabalho, serão expostas as características através das quais se poderá distinguir as duas formas taxonómicas de mexilhão e também as várias técnicas de cultivo utilizadas globalmente na aquicultura do mexilhão. ABSTRACT: With the objective of proceeding to the identification of which taxonomic form of the mussel Mytilus spp. exists in Ria de Aveiro, was compiled a series of characteristics from which it can be made the distinction between the two taxonomic forms Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis, both existing in Ria de Aveiro. This work presented also as an objective, analyze the viability of the implantation of a unit of mitiliculture, that is, of aquaculture of mussels. In such a way, throughout the work, the characteristics will be displayed through which if it will be able to distinguish the two taxonomic forms of Mytilus spp from l and the several culture techniques used globally in the aquaculture of the mussel

    Domestic violence and social norms: attitudes and practices of criminal justice and health workers in Norway and Brazil

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    Background: In recent years, gender-based domestic violence has gained significant visibility and is currently considered a priority in the field of public health. Research objective: To explore how professional and social norms and regulations impact the attitudes and practices of health and criminal justice professionals regarding domestic violence against women in Brazil and Norway. Methods: I selected a qualitative approach and gathered data through individual, semi-structured interviews with professionals from the health and criminal justice departments. I conducted 16 in-depth interviews (eight in Brazil and eight in Norway, with four health professionals and four criminal justice professionals in each country). I focused on their perceptions of existing workflows between identifying cases of violence and dealing with these cases. I analyzed the transcribed interviews using a focused open coding process. I assigned codes to statements through a line-by-line, cross-interview analysis of the raw data. Findings: The participants ranged in age from 32 to 59. All of them work with domestic violence victims both with and without supervision. According to the opinions of some participants, violence against women is a historical problem rooted in: a society that accepts the superiority of men and imposes a submissive role for women; the subordination of women; and the domination of men over decision-making and women’s lives. This problem is aggravated by women’s social, cultural, and economic dependence. Some respondents recognized and linked patriarchy to violence against women, while others seemed unaware of the concept. Both countries have regulations to provide professionals with guidance on navigating services related to domestic violence cases; and their governments try to give professionals some rules to follow when helping domestic violence victims. For many reasons, professionals do not always follow these regulations, but the situation is more complicated in Brazil, where service providers face several challenges in comparison to the circumstances in Norway. Conclusion: Personal beliefs and observed norms concerning the acceptability of domestic violence are critical risk factors for women. Individual characteristics, family, the environment, and even one’s professional profile can affect the way health or criminal justice workers perceive and deal with domestic violence cases.GLODE36

    Integrating social responsability oractices into corporate strategy : growing with the community : the case of Delta Cafés

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    The main aim of this dissertation is to study how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is integrated in companies, with special focus on the interaction between the corporation itself and the local community. The problem statement relies on understanding how does this may create a win-win situation in the long-term. In order to comply with these objectives, a teaching case was built, based on Delta Cafés, a Portuguese company in the coffee industry, which has always been adopting these practices and has great impact in its local community. The challenge faced translates how CSR, when strategically taken, can simultaneously create economic and social value. This approach may diminish the threat of an economic crisis in social responsibility practices. The dissertation concludes that Delta has been developing a win-win relationship with its community and is on the path to shared value creation. The dissertation is structured in five main chapters: (1) Introduction, referring to aim, scope and methodology; (2) Literature Review, addressing the academic background for strategic CSR and corporate community involvement; (3) Case Study, presenting Delta's CSR practices; (4) Teaching Notes, including how theory can be applied in the case study and providing guidance questions for Professors; (5) Conclusions, Limitations and Future Research, discussing the relevance of taking a strategic and shared value approach to CSR.O principal objetivo desta dissertação é estudar a forma como a Responsabilidade Social é integrada nas empresas, destacando especialmente a interação entre a empresa e a comunidade local. O problema a investigar reside em compreender como pode esta interação criar uma relação win-win no longo prazo. De forma a ir de encontro a estes objetivos, foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso sobre a Delta Cafés, que tem continuamente adotado estas práticas e tem um grande impacto na sua comunidade local, Campo Maior. O desafio aborda como as práticas de Responsabilidade Social, quando estratégicas, podem criar simultaneamente valor económico e social, de forma a diminuir a ameaça sobre as mesmas durante um cenário de crise económica. A dissertação conclui que a Delta tem desenvolvido uma relação de win-win com a comunidade e caminha no sentido da criação de valor partilhado. A dissertação está estruturada em cinco capítulos: (1) Introdução, referindo o objetivo, âmbito e metodologia; (2) Estado da arte, abordando a literatura académica sobre Responsabilidade Social e o envolvimento da empresa com a comunidade; (3) Estudo de caso, apresentando as práticas de Responsabilidade Social da Delta; (4) Teaching Notes, incluindo a aplicação da teoria ao estudo de caso, servindo de orientação a Professores; (5) Conclusões, limitações e investigação futura, apresentando as vantagens para as empresas de uma abordagem estratégica e de valor partilhado em relação à Responsabilidade Social

    Challenges of educating for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: the role of the Higher Education Institutions

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    This work aims to describe and analyze the current tactics for the transmission of innovative values and understand what else can be bet to encourage more students to follow their own careers as entrepreneurs and innovators, knowing the challenges of the market and being equipped with all the skills to know and overcome the obstacles that may arise.Innovation has been debated and evaluated as the engine that leverages the evolution of goods and services. It is also the inspiration and nourishment of Entrepreneurship. Side by side, they struggle to reshape the mentality and functioning of society. The role of higher education in promoting this innovative activity, which aims, nothing more or less, to stimulate the evolution towards a knowledge-based society, is highly important and deserves to be studied. Higher education institutions have long actively contributed with all their studies and training to do more, but the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in the students themselves has only intensified in recent years. How can they open the door to more practical opportunities so that students are not instructed only in theory is a challenge. The focus on partnerships has been increasingly valued, namely with the industry itself or the generalized market, and also with the collaboration of research centres. From these synergies, a triangular scheme results which holds not only the bearers, but also the transmitters of knowledge at the vertices, and their interaction has several aspects to consider