23 research outputs found

    High-resolution ALMA observations of compact discs in the wide-binary system Sz 65 and Sz 66

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    Context. Substructures in disc density are ubiquitous in the bright extended discs that are observed with high resolution. These substructures are intimately linked to the physical mechanisms driving planet formation and disc evolution. Surveys of star-forming regions find that most discs are in fact compact, less luminous, and do not exhibit these same substructures. It remains unclear whether compact discs also have similar substructures or if they are featureless. This suggests that different planet formation and disc evolution mechanisms operate in these discs. Aims. We investigated evidence of substructure within two compact discs around the stars Sz 65 and Sz 66 using high angular resolution observations with ALMA at 1.3 mm. The two stars form a wide-binary system with 6″.36 separation. The continuum observations achieve a synthesised beam size of 0″.026 × 0″.018, equivalent to about 4.0 × 2.8 au, enabling a search for substructure on these spatial scales and a characterisation of the gas and dust disc sizes with high precision. Methods. We analysed the data in the image plane through an analysis of reconstructed images, as well as in the uv plane by non-parametrically modelling the visibilities and by an analysis of the ¹²CO (2–1) emission line. Comparisons were made with highresolution observations of compact discs and radially extended discs. Results. We find evidence of substructure in the dust distribution of Sz 65, namely a shallow gap centred at ≈20 au, with an emission ring exterior to it at the outer edge of the disc. Ninety percent of the measured continuum flux is found within 27 au, and the distance for ¹²CO is 161 au. The observations show that Sz 66 is very compact: 90% of the flux is contained within 16 au, and 90% of the molecular gas flux lies within 64 au. Conclusions. While the overall prevalence and diversity of substructure in compact discs relative to larger discs is yet to be determined, we find evidence that substructures can exist in compact discs

    Cores in Extended Quasars

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    Wetensch. publicatieFaculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappe

    LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts

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    We present the first wide area (19 deg2), deep (≈120–150 μJy beam−1), high-resolution (5.6 × 7.4 arcsec) LOFAR High Band Antenna image of the Boötes field made at 130–169 MHz. This image is at least an order of magnitude deeper and 3–5 times higher in angular resolution than previously achieved for this field at low frequencies. The observations and data reduction, which includes full direction-dependent calibration, are described here. We present a radio source catalogue containing 6 276 sources detected over an area of 19 deg2, with a peak flux density threshold of 5σ. As the first thorough test of the facet calibration strategy, introduced by van Weeren et al., we investigate the flux and positional accuracy of the catalogue. We present differential source counts that reach an order of magnitude deeper in flux density than previously achieved at these low frequencies, and show flattening at 150-MHz flux densities below 10 mJy associated with the rise of the low flux density star-forming galaxies and radio-quiet AGN

    LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts

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    We present the first wide area (19 deg2), deep (≈120–150 μJy beam−1), high-resolution (5.6 × 7.4 arcsec) LOFAR High Band Antenna image of the Boötes field made at 130–169 MHz. This image is at least an order of magnitude deeper and 3–5 times higher in angular resolution than previously achieved for this field at low frequencies. The observations and data reduction, which includes full direction-dependent calibration, are described here. We present a radio source catalogue containing 6 276 sources detected over an area of 19 deg2, with a peak flux density threshold of 5σ. As the first thorough test of the facet calibration strategy, introduced by van Weeren et al., we investigate the flux and positional accuracy of the catalogue. We present differential source counts that reach an order of magnitude deeper in flux density than previously achieved at these low frequencies, and show flattening at 150-MHz flux densities below 10 mJy associated with the rise of the low flux density star-forming galaxies and radio-quiet AGN

    LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts

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    We present the first wide area (19 deg2^2), deep (≈120−150\approx120-150 {\mu}Jy beam−1^{-1}), high resolution (5.6×7.45.6 \times 7.4 arcsec) LOFAR High Band Antenna image of the Bo\"otes field made at 130-169 MHz. This image is at least an order of magnitude deeper and 3-5 times higher in angular resolution than previously achieved for this field at low frequencies. The observations and data reduction, which includes full direction-dependent calibration, are described here. We present a radio source catalogue containing 6276 sources detected over an area of 1919\,deg2^2, with a peak flux density threshold of 5σ5\sigma. As the first thorough test of the facet calibration strategy, introduced by van Weeren et al., we investigate the flux and positional accuracy of the catalogue. We present differential source counts that reach an order of magnitude deeper in flux density than previously achieved at these low frequencies, and show flattening at 150 MHz flux densities below 10 mJy associated with the rise of the low flux density star-forming galaxies and radio-quiet AGN

    The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey: I. Survey description and preliminary data release

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    Context. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is the only radio telescope that is presently capable of high-sensitivity, high-resolution (i.e. < 1 mJy beam−1 and < 15″) observations at ultra-low frequencies (< 100 MHz). To utilise these capabilities, the LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project is undertaking a large survey to cover the entire northern sky with Low Band Antenna (LBA) observations. Aims. The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey (LoLSS) aims to cover the entire northern sky with 3170 pointings in the frequency range between 42 − 66 MHz, at a resolution of 15″ and at a sensitivity of 1 mJy beam−1 (1σ). In this work, we outline the survey strategy, the observational status, and the calibration techniques. We also briefly describe several of our scientific motivations and present the preliminary public data release. Methods. The preliminary images were produced using a fully automated pipeline aimed at correcting all direction-independent effects in the data. Whilst the direction-dependent effects, such as those from the ionosphere, have not yet been corrected, the images presented in this work are still ten times more sensitive than previous available surveys at these low frequencies. Results. The preliminary data release covers 740 deg2 around the HETDEX spring field region at an angular resolution of 47″ with a median noise level of 5 mJy beam−1. The images and the catalogue of 25 247 sources have been publicly released. We demonstrate that the system is capable of reaching a root mean square (rms) noise of 1 mJy beam−1 and an angular resolution of 15″ once direction-dependent effects are accounted for. Conclusions. LoLSS will provide the ultra-low-frequency information for hundreds of thousands of radio sources, providing critical spectral information and producing a unique data set that can be used for a wide range of science topics, such as the search for high redshift galaxies and quasars, the study of the magnetosphere of exoplanets, and the detection of the oldest populations of cosmic-rays in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, as well as those produced by active galactic nuclei