115 research outputs found

    The Progressive Evolution of the Champlain Thrust Fault Zone: Insights from a Structural Analysis of its Architecture

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    Near Burlington, Vermont, the Champlain Thrust fault placed massive Cambrian dolostones over calcareous shales of Ordovician age during the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny. Although the Champlain Thrust has been studied previously throughout the Champlain Valley, the architecture and structural evolution of its fault zone have never been systematically defined. To document these fault zone characteristics, a detailed structural analysis of multiple outcrops was completed along a 51 km transect between South Hero and Ferrisburgh, Vermont. The Champlain Thrust fault zone is predominately within the footwall and preserves at least four distinct events that are heterogeneous is both style and slip direction. The oldest stage of structures—stage 1—are bedding parallel thrust faults that record a slip direction of top-to-the-W and generated localized fault propagation folds of bedding and discontinuous cleavages. This stage defines the protolith zone and has a maximum upper boundary of 205 meters below the Champlain Thrust fault surface. Stage 2 structures define the damage zone and form two sets of subsidiary faults form thrust duplexes that truncate older recumbent folds of bedding planes and early bedding-parallel thrusts. Slickenlines along stage 2 faults record a change in slip direction from top-to-the-W to top-to-the-NW. The damage zone is ~197 meters thick with its upper boundary marking the lower boundary of the fault core. The core, which is ~8 meters thick, is marked by the appearance of mylonite, phyllitic shales, fault gouge, fault breccia, and cataclastic lined faults. In addition, stage 3 sheath folds of bedding and cleavage are preserved as well as tight folds of stage 2 faults. Stage 3 faults include thrusts that record slip as top-to-the-NW and -SW and coeval normal faults that record slip as top-to-the-N and -S. The Champlain Thrust surface is the youngest event as it cuts all previous structures, and records fault reactivation with any top-to-the-W slip direction and a later top-to-the-S slip. Axes of mullions on this surface trend to the SE and do not parallel slickenlines. The Champlain Thrust fault zone evolved asymmetrically across its principal slip surface through the process of strain localization and fault reactivation. Strain localization is characterized by the changes in relative age, motion direction along faults, and style of structures preserved within the fault zone. Reactivation of the Champlain Thrust surface and the corresponding change in slip direction was due to the influence of pre-existing structures at depth. This study defines the architecture of the Champlain Thrust fault zone and documents the importance of comparing the structural architecture of the fault zone core, damage zone, and protolith to determine the comprehensive fault zone evolution

    Halo detection via large-scale Bayesian inference

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    We present a proof-of-concept of a novel and fully Bayesian methodology designed to detect halos of different masses in cosmological observations subject to noise and systematic uncertainties. Our methodology combines the previously published Bayesian large-scale structure inference algorithm, HADES, and a Bayesian chain rule (the Blackwell-Rao Estimator), which we use to connect the inferred density field to the properties of dark matter halos. To demonstrate the capability of our approach we construct a realistic galaxy mock catalogue emulating the wide-area 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey, which has a median redshift of approximately 0.05. Application of HADES to the catalogue provides us with accurately inferred three-dimensional density fields and corresponding quantification of uncertainties inherent to any cosmological observation. We then use a cosmological simulation to relate the amplitude of the density field to the probability of detecting a halo with mass above a specified threshold. With this information we can sum over the HADES density field realisations to construct maps of detection probabilities and demonstrate the validity of this approach within our mock scenario. We find that the probability of successful of detection of halos in the mock catalogue increases as a function of the signal-to-noise of the local galaxy observations. Our proposed methodology can easily be extended to account for more complex scientific questions and is a promising novel tool to analyse the cosmic large-scale structure in observations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS following moderate correction

    Halo detection via large-scale Bayesian inference

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    We present a proof-of-concept of a novel and fully Bayesian methodology designed to detect haloes of different masses in cosmological observations subject to noise and systematic uncertainties. Our methodology combines the previously published Bayesian large-scale structure inference algorithm, HAmiltonian Density Estimation and Sampling algorithm (HADES), and a Bayesian chain rule (the Blackwell–Rao estimator), which we use to connect the inferred density field to the properties of dark matter haloes. To demonstrate the capability of our approach, we construct a realistic galaxy mock catalogue emulating the wide-area 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey, which has a median redshift of approximately 0.05. Application of HADES to the catalogue provides us with accurately inferred three-dimensional density fields and corresponding quantification of uncertainties inherent to any cosmological observation. We then use a cosmological simulation to relate the amplitude of the density field to the probability of detecting a halo with mass above a specified threshold. With this information, we can sum over the HADES density field realisations to construct maps of detection probabilities and demonstrate the validity of this approach within our mock scenario. We find that the probability of successful detection of haloes in the mock catalogue increases as a function of the signal to noise of the local galaxy observations. Our proposed methodology can easily be extended to account for more complex scientific questions and is a promising novel tool to analyse the cosmic large-scale structure in observations. Key words: methods: numerical – methods: statistical – galaxies: haloes – galaxies: clusters

    The 6df galaxy survey: The near-infrared fundamental plane of early-type galaxies

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    We determine the near-infrared Fundamental Plane (FP) for ~10 4 early-type galaxies in the 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). We fit the distribution of central velocity dispersion, near-infrared surface brightness and half-light radius with a 3D Gaussian model using a maximum-likelihood method. The model provides an excellent empirical fit to the observed FP distribution and the method proves robust and unbiased. Tests using simulations show that it gives superior results to regression techniques in the presence of significant and correlated uncertainties in all three parameters, censoring of the data by various selection effects and outliers in the data sample. For the 6dFGS J-band sample we find an FP with Re∝σ01.52±0.03Ie-0.89±0.01, similar to previous near-infrared determinations and consistent with the H- and K-band FPs once allowance is made for differences in mean colour. The overall scatter in R e about the FP is σ r = 29 per cent, and is the quadrature sum of an 18 per cent scatter due to observational errors and a 23 per cent intrinsic scatter. Because of the Gaussian distribution of galaxies in FP space, σ r is not the distance error, which we find to be σ d = 23 per cent. Using group richness and local density as measures of environment, and morphologies based on visual classifications, we find that the FP slopes do not vary with environment or morphology. However, for fixed velocity dispersion and surface brightness, field galaxies are on average 5 per cent larger than galaxies in groups or higher density environments, and the bulges of early-type spirals are on average 10 per cent larger than ellipticals and lenticulars. The residuals about the FP show significant trends with environment, morphology and stellar population. The strongest trend is with age, and we speculate that age is the most important systematic source of offsets from the FP, and may drive the other trends through its correlations with environment, morphology and metallicity. These results will inform our use of the near-infrared FP in deriving relative distances and peculiar velocities for 6dFGS galaxies

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) : the large-scale structure of galaxies and comparison to mock universes

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    MA acknowledges funding from the University of St Andrews and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research. ASGR is supported by funding from a UWA Fellowship. PN acknowledges the support of the Royal Society through the award of a University Research Fellowship and the European Research Council, through receipt of a Starting Grant (DEGAS-259586). MJIB acknowledges the financial support of the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship 100100280. TMR acknowledges support from a European Research Council Starting Grant (DEGAS-259586).From a volume-limited sample of 45 542 galaxies and 6000 groups with z ≤ 0.213, we use an adapted minimal spanning tree algorithm to identify and classify large-scale structures within the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. Using galaxy groups, we identify 643 filaments across the three equatorial GAMA fields that span up to 200 h−1 Mpc in length, each with an average of eight groups within them. By analysing galaxies not belonging to groups, we identify a secondary population of smaller coherent structures composed entirely of galaxies, dubbed ‘tendrils’ that appear to link filaments together, or penetrate into voids, generally measuring around 10 h−1 Mpc in length and containing on average six galaxies. Finally, we are also able to identify a population of isolated void galaxies. By running this algorithm on GAMA mock galaxy catalogues, we compare the characteristics of large-scale structure between observed and mock data, finding that mock filaments reproduce observed ones extremely well. This provides a probe of higher order distribution statistics not captured by the popularly used two-point correlation function.Peer reviewe

    A path to real-world evidence in critical care using open-source data harmonization tools

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    COVID-19 highlighted the need for use of real-world data (RWD) in critical care as a near real-time resource for clinical, research, and policy efforts. Analysis of RWD is gaining momentum and can generate important evidence for policy makers and regulators. Extracting high quality RWD from electronic health records (EHRs) requires sophisticated infrastructure and dedicated resources. We sought to customize freely available public tools, supporting all phases of data harmonization, from data quality assessments to de-identification procedures, and generation of robust, data science ready RWD from EHRs. These data are made available to clinicians and researchers through CURE ID, a free platform which facilitates access to case reports of challenging clinical cases and repurposed treatments hosted by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences/National Institutes of Health in partnership with the Food and Drug Administration. This commentary describes the partnership, rationale, process, use case, impact in critical care, and future directions for this collaborative effort

    Influence of workpiece constituents and cutting speed on the cutting forces developed in the conventional drilling of CFRP composites

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    This work investigates the influence of cutting speed and workpiece constituents on the thrust force and torque developed in the conventional dry drilling of woven carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites using uncoated WC-Co tools, by applying experimental techniques and statistical test methods. The type of thermosetting matrix showed significant impact on both the maximum thrust force and torque developed, whilst the type of carbon fibre fabric and cutting speed showed negligible effects on the maximum thrust force. Cutting speed exhibited a strong influence on the maximum torque developed; and high modulus CFRP composites showed increased sensitivity to cutting speed and strain rate compared with intermediate modulus composites. In the characteristic helical machining and feed directions in drilling, the strength and failure behaviour of the composite is dominated by the mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of the matrix, which explains the significant impact of resin on the cutting forces. On the other hand, the impact of cutting speed on torque is justified by the negative impact of strain rate on the ability of the matrix to transfer the load to the reinforcement, thus explaining the decreasing the maximum torque with the increasing cutting speed

    Impact of five years of peer-mediated interventions on sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since 2000, peer-mediated interventions among female sex workers (FSW) in Mombasa Kenya have promoted behavioural change through improving knowledge, attitudes and awareness of HIV serostatus, and aimed to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (STI) by facilitating early STI treatment. Impact of these interventions was evaluated among those who attended peer education and at the FSW population level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A pre-intervention survey in 2000, recruited 503 FSW using snowball sampling. Thereafter, peer educators provided STI/HIV education, condoms, and facilitated HIV testing, treatment and care services. In 2005, data were collected using identical survey methods, allowing comparison with historical controls, and between FSW who had or had not received peer interventions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over five years, sex work became predominately a full-time activity, with increased mean sexual partners (2.8 versus 4.9/week; <it>P </it>< 0.001). Consistent condom use with clients increased from 28.8% (145/503) to 70.4% (356/506; <it>P </it>< 0.001) as well as the likelihood of refusing clients who were unwilling to use condoms (OR = 4.9, 95%CI = 3.7–6.6). In 2005, FSW who received peer interventions (28.7%, 145/506), had more consistent condom use with clients compared with unexposed FSW (86.2% versus 64.0%; AOR = 3.6, 95%CI = 2.1–6.1). These differences were larger among FSW with greater peer-intervention exposure. HIV prevalence was 25% (17/69) in FSW attending ≥ 4 peer-education sessions, compared with 34% (25/73) in those attending 1–3 sessions (P = 0.21). Overall HIV prevalence was 30.6 (151/493) in 2000 and 33.3% (166/498) in 2005 (<it>P </it>= 0.36).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Peer-mediated interventions were associated with an increase in protected sex. Though peer-mediated interventions remain important, higher coverage is needed and more efficacious interventions to reduce overall vulnerability and risk.</p

    Sex differences in post-acute neurological sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 and symptom resolution in adults after COVID-19 hospitalization: an international multicenter prospective observational study

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    Although it is known that coronavirus disease 2019 can present with a range of neurological manifestations and in-hospital complications, sparse data exist on whether these initial neurological symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 are closely associated with post-acute neurological sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; PANSC) and whether female versus male sex impacts symptom resolution. In this international, multi-centre, prospective, observational study across 407 sites from 15 countries (30 January 2020 to 30 April 2022), we report the prevalence and risk factors of PANSC among hospitalized adults and investigate the differences between males and females on neurological symptom resolution over time. PANSC symptoms included altered consciousness/confusion, fatigue/malaise, anosmia, dysgeusia and muscle ache/joint pain, on which information was collected at index hospitalization and during follow-up assessments. The analysis considered a time to the resolution of individual and all neurological symptoms. The resulting times were modelled by Weibull regression, assuming mixed-case interval censoring, with sex and age included as covariates. The model results were summarized as cumulative probability functions and age-adjusted and sex-adjusted median times to resolution. We included 6862 hospitalized adults with coronavirus disease 2019, who had follow-up assessments. The median age of the participants was 57 years (39.2% females). Males and females had similar baseline characteristics, except that more males (versus females) were admitted to the intensive care unit (30.5 versus 20.3%) and received mechanical ventilation (17.2 versus 11.8%). Approximately 70% of patients had multiple neurological symptoms at the first follow-up (median = 102 days). Fatigue (49.9%) and myalgia/arthralgia (45.2%) were the most prevalent symptoms of PANSC at the initial follow-up. The reported prevalence in females was generally higher (versus males) for all symptoms. At 12 months, anosmia and dysgeusia were resolved in most patients, although fatigue, altered consciousness and myalgia remained unresolved in >10% of the cohort. Females had a longer time to the resolution (5.2 versus 3.4 months) of neurological symptoms at follow-up for those with more than one neurological symptom. In the multivariable analysis, males were associated with a shorter time to the resolution of symptoms (hazard ratio = 1.53; 95% confidence interval = 1.39–1.69). Intensive care unit admission was associated with a longer time to the resolution of symptoms (hazard ratio = 0.68; 95% confidence interval = 0.60–0.77). Post-discharge stroke was uncommon (0.3% in females and 0.5% in males). Despite the methodological challenges involved in the collection of survey data, this international multi-centre prospective cohort study demonstrated that PANSC following index hospitalization was high. Symptom prevalence was higher and took longer to resolve in females than in males. This supported the fact that while males were sicker during acute illness, females were disproportionately affected by PANSC