17 research outputs found

    Disminucion de la participacion de los jovenes del barrio el virrey de la localidad 5 de usme en la inseguridad que afecta la comunidad y que preocupa los entornos familiares

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    A partir del diplomado en desarrollo humano y familia se realiza por parte del psicólogo en formación una serie de etapas prácticas para la realización de una intervención donde se pretende identificar las problemáticas principales que presenta la comunidad. En la primera etapa se realizó contacto con la comunidad a través del líder comunitario del barrio el Virrey de la localidad quinta de Usme donde se aplica a través de entrevista el instrumento descriptores de la comunidad de este se obtiene información relevante para identificar el tipo de comunidad y sus características más importante, con esta información y soportado sobre el consentimiento informado y registro de video se realiza un análisis inicial para la preparación de la siguiente etapa, en la cual ya se realiza contacto directo con seis familias miembros de la comunidad las cuales aceptan participar de manera voluntaria y a quienes se les aplica el segundo instrumento de aproximación de las familias donde a través del desarrollo de la etapa se identifican la principal problemática, las características de cada familia y sus miembros, se inicia un análisis y desarrollo más específico con estrategias como el árbol de problemas, árbol de objetivos y el desarrollo de matrices que nos dan una idea general de cómo realizar la propuesta de intervención de manera adecuada y en pro de conseguir los objetivos propuestos. Una vez aplicados los instrumentos y las dos primeras etapas, se desarrolla la etapa tres, donde el enfoque se direcciona hacia aplicación teórica y práctica de la mejor estrategia de intervención la cual es terapia colaborativa enfocada a solucionar la principal problemática identificada y dar una solución real a las familias participantes fortaleciendo los lazos familiares y mejorando su entorno para proteger a los jóvenes de las familias y crear una expectativa de proyecto de vida que se multiplique en la comunidad y genere un beneficio general real para todo el barrio.From the diploma in human development and family is made by the psychologist in formation a series of practical steps to carry out an intervention where it seeks to identify the main problems that the community presents. In the first stage was made contact with the community through the community leader of the neighborhood the Viceroy of the fifth town of Usme where it is applied through the interview the instrument descriptors of the community of this one obtains relevant information to identify the type of community And its most important characteristics, with this information and supported on the informed consent and video record, an initial analysis is made for the preparation of the next stage, in which direct contact is already made with six families members of the community who accept Participate voluntarily and to whom the second instrument of approximation of the families is applied, where through the development of the stage the main problem is identified, the characteristics of each family and its members, a more specific analysis and development with strategies Like the tree of problems, tree of objectives and the development Or matrices that give us a general idea of ​​how to carry out the intervention proposal in an appropriate way and in order to achieve the proposed objectives. Once the instruments and the first two stages are applied, stage three is developed, where the approach is directed towards theoretical and practical application of the best intervention strategy which is collaborative therapy focused on solving the main problem identified and giving a real solution To the participating families by strengthening family ties and improving their environment to protect young people from families and create an expectation of life project that multiplies in the community and generates a real general benefit for the whole neighborhood

    Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012 Knowledge toward healthy housing in two neighborhoods from Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012

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    RESUMENObjetivo:Determinar el conocimiento sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga. Metodología:Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 100 padres o acudientes de niños y niñasadscritos a los hogares del Instituto de Bienestar Familiar de los barrios Estoraques y Girardot. Lasvariables recolectadas fueron sociodemográficas y conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable mediante un cuestionario autodiligenciado creado por los autores. En el análisis estadístico, se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas o frecuencia absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas. Para todo el análisis se consideró un nivel de significancia alpha=0.05.Resultados:Las preguntas que fueron respondidas correctamente en menor proporción fueron: la relacionada conacciones preventivas para evitar accidentes en los niños (Un hogar sin peligros implica tener buenasacciones, de las siguientes acciones cual es la más adecuada) con un 7%; dos relacionadas con el dengue,la primera (de las siguientes acciones para evitar el dengue cual no es la correcta) con un 8% y la segunda(de las siguientes cual no es una opción para protegernos de la picadura de mosquitos) con un 35%;En una escala de 0 a 12 el promedio fue de 6,7± 1,8 y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas por edad, sexo y educación previa.Conclusión: Es necesario la realización de programas que permitan aumentar y consolidar conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable, habilitación, adaptación,manejo, uso y mantenimiento de la vivienda y su entorno con seguridad y calidad, al igual que promover una orientación hacia prácticas protectoras para la salud, la promoción de la misma y la prevención de la enfermedades y de accidentes domésticos , al desestimular las actitudes y hábitos que pueden constituir riesgo para la familia y su hogar.Palabras clave: Vivienda, salud, conocimientos ABSTRACTObjective:To determine knowledge about healthy housing in two communities within Bucaramanga.Methodology:A transversal descriptive study was made with 100 parents or caregivers of children belonging to homes of the Instituto de Bienestar Familiar from Estoraques and Girardot neighborhoods. The collected variables were sociodemographic and knowledge of healthy housing, through responding questionnaire built by the authors. In the statistical analysis measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequency for qualitative variables, were applied. A test with alpha level < 0.05, was considered statistically significant.Results: The questions that were answered correctly in a small proportion were those about the actionsrelated to accident prevention in children (A safe home means having good deeds, of the following which in the most appropriate) with 7%; two related to dengue fever, the first one (From the following actions to prevent dengue fever,which is not appropriate) with 8% and the second (Which of the following is not an option to protect ourselves from mosquito bites) with 35% ; on a scale of 0 to 12 the average was 6.7 ± 1.8 and no statistical significant differences by age, sex and previous education were found.Conclusion:It is necessary to implement programs that increase And strengthen knowledge about healthy housing, empowerment, adaptation, management, use and home maintenance and its surroundings, safely and with quality, as well as guidance to promote healthy protective practices, promoting health and preventing domestic accidents and diseases, by discouraging attitudes and habits that may constitute a risk for the family and home.Keywords: Housing, health, Knowledge Forma de citar: Gutiérrez Zehr J, Angarita Fonseca A, Morales Ramírez E, Alexandra Tarazona Suarez A, Valderrama Carrasco AM, Mejia Betancourth SY, Solano Gutiérrez L. Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia – 2012. Rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 169-176

    Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012 Knowledge toward healthy housing in two neighborhoods from Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012

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    RESUMENObjetivo:Determinar el conocimiento sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga. Metodología:Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 100 padres o acudientes de niños y niñasadscritos a los hogares del Instituto de Bienestar Familiar de los barrios Estoraques y Girardot. Lasvariables recolectadas fueron sociodemográficas y conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable mediante un cuestionario autodiligenciado creado por los autores. En el análisis estadístico, se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas o frecuencia absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas. Para todo el análisis se consideró un nivel de significancia alpha=0.05.Resultados:Las preguntas que fueron respondidas correctamente en menor proporción fueron: la relacionada conacciones preventivas para evitar accidentes en los niños (Un hogar sin peligros implica tener buenasacciones, de las siguientes acciones cual es la más adecuada) con un 7%; dos relacionadas con el dengue,la primera (de las siguientes acciones para evitar el dengue cual no es la correcta) con un 8% y la segunda(de las siguientes cual no es una opción para protegernos de la picadura de mosquitos) con un 35%;En una escala de 0 a 12 el promedio fue de 6,7± 1,8 y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas por edad, sexo y educación previa.Conclusión: Es necesario la realización de programas que permitan aumentar y consolidar conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable, habilitación, adaptación,manejo, uso y mantenimiento de la vivienda y su entorno con seguridad y calidad, al igual que promover una orientación hacia prácticas protectoras para la salud, la promoción de la misma y la prevención de la enfermedades y de accidentes domésticos , al desestimular las actitudes y hábitos que pueden constituir riesgo para la familia y su hogar.Palabras clave: Vivienda, salud, conocimientos ABSTRACTObjective:To determine knowledge about healthy housing in two communities within Bucaramanga.Methodology:A transversal descriptive study was made with 100 parents or caregivers of children belonging to homes of the Instituto de Bienestar Familiar from Estoraques and Girardot neighborhoods. The collected variables were sociodemographic and knowledge of healthy housing, through responding questionnaire built by the authors. In the statistical analysis measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables and absolute and relative frequency for qualitative variables, were applied. A test with alpha level < 0.05, was considered statistically significant.Results: The questions that were answered correctly in a small proportion were those about the actionsrelated to accident prevention in children (A safe home means having good deeds, of the following which in the most appropriate) with 7%; two related to dengue fever, the first one (From the following actions to prevent dengue fever,which is not appropriate) with 8% and the second (Which of the following is not an option to protect ourselves from mosquito bites) with 35% ; on a scale of 0 to 12 the average was 6.7 ± 1.8 and no statistical significant differences by age, sex and previous education were found.Conclusion:It is necessary to implement programs that increase And strengthen knowledge about healthy housing, empowerment, adaptation, management, use and home maintenance and its surroundings, safely and with quality, as well as guidance to promote healthy protective practices, promoting health and preventing domestic accidents and diseases, by discouraging attitudes and habits that may constitute a risk for the family and home.Keywords: Housing, health, Knowledge Forma de citar: Gutiérrez Zehr J, Angarita Fonseca A, Morales Ramírez E, Alexandra Tarazona Suarez A, Valderrama Carrasco AM, Mejia Betancourth SY, Solano Gutiérrez L. Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia – 2012. Rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 169-176

    Search for dark photons in Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    A search is presented for a Higgs boson that is produced via vector boson fusion and that decays to an undetected particle and an isolated photon. The search is performed by the CMS collaboration at the LHC, using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 130 fb−1, recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2016–2018. No significant excess of events above the expectation from the standard model background is found. The results are interpreted in the context of a theoretical model in which the undetected particle is a massless dark photon. An upper limit is set on the product of the cross section for production via vector boson fusion and the branching fraction for such a Higgs boson decay, as a function of the Higgs boson mass. For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV, assuming the standard model production rates, the observed (expected) 95% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction is 3.5 (2.8)%. This is the first search for such decays in the vector boson fusion channel. Combination with a previous search for Higgs bosons produced in association with a Z boson results in an observed (expected) upper limit on the branching fraction of 2.9 (2.1)% at 95% confidence level

    Measurement of the Higgs boson production rate in association with top quarks in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons at s√=13TeV

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    The rate for Higgs (H) bosons production in association with either one (tH) or two (tt¯H) top quarks is measured in final states containing multiple electrons, muons, or tau leptons decaying to hadrons and a neutrino, using proton–proton collisions recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV by the CMS experiment. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 137fb−1. The analysis is aimed at events that contain H→WW, H→ττ, or H→ZZ decays and each of the top quark(s) decays either to lepton+jets or all-jet channels. Sensitivity to signal is maximized by including ten signatures in the analysis, depending on the lepton multiplicity. The separation among tH, tt¯H, and the backgrounds is enhanced through machine-learning techniques and matrix-element methods. The measured production rates for the tt¯H and tH signals correspond to 0.92±0.19(stat)+0.17−0.13(syst) and 5.7±2.7(stat)±3.0(syst) of their respective standard model (SM) expectations. The corresponding observed (expected) significance amounts to 4.7 (5.2) standard deviations for tt¯H, and to 1.4 (0.3) for tH production. Assuming that the Higgs boson coupling to the tau lepton is equal in strength to its expectation in the SM, the coupling yt of the Higgs boson to the top quark divided by its SM expectation, κt=yt/ySMt, is constrained to be within −0.9<κt<−0.7 or 0.7<κt<1.1, at 95% confidence level. This result is the most sensitive measurement of the tt¯H production rate to date.SCOAP

    Conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia - 2012

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    Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento sobre vivienda saludable en dos barrios de Bucaramanga. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 100 padres o acudientes de niños y niñas adscritos a los hogares del Instituto de Bienestar Familiar de los barrios Estoraques y Girardot. Las variables recolectadas fueron sociodemográficas y conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable mediante un cuestionario autodiligenciado creado por los autores. En el análisis estadístico, se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas o frecuencia absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas. Para todo el análisis se consideró un nivel de significancia alpha=0.05. Resultados: Las preguntas que fueron respondidas correctamente en menor proporción fueron: la relacionada con acciones preventivas para evitar accidentes en los niños (Un hogar sin peligros implica tener buenas acciones, de las siguientes acciones cual es la más adecuada) con un 7%; dos relacionadas con el dengue, la primera (de las siguientes acciones para evitar el dengue cual no es la correcta) con un 8% y la segunda (de las siguientes cual no es una opción para protegernos de la picadura de mosquitos) con un 35%; En una escala de 0 a 12 el promedio fue de 6,7± 1,8 y no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas por edad, sexo y educación previa. Conclusión: Es necesario la realización de programas que permitan aumentar y consolidar conocimientos sobre vivienda saludable, habilitación, adaptación, manejo, uso y mantenimiento de la vivienda y su entorno con seguridad y calidad, al igual que promover una orientación hacia prácticas protectoras para la salud, la promoción de la misma y la prevención de la enfermedades y de accidentes domésticos , al desestimular las actitudes y hábitos que pueden constituir riesgo para la familia y su hogar

    A pharmacogenomic dissection of a Rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis case evokes the polygenic nature of adverse drug reactions

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    Rosuvastatin, is a widely-used statin for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Although rosuvastatin is well tolerated, about 3/10.000 patients can suffer severe myopathy. Rhabdomyolysis is a severe medical condition that causes injury to the skeletal muscle, electrolyte imbalances, acute renal failure and extreme creatine kinase (CK) elevation. Little is known regarding the molecular involvement of rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis (RIR). It has been demonstrated that genomic variants associated with decreased enzymatic activity of proteins are important determinants in plasmatic and skeletal muscle distribution of rosuvastatin and its toxicity. Until now, no interactions of ticagrelor, ezetimibe and rosuvastatin have been described with the consideration of pharmacogenomics predisposition. The present report involves a whole-exome sequencing (WES), in a patient affected by rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis. A pharmacogenomic dissection was performed by analyzing a comprehensive subset of candidate genes (n=160) potentially related to RIR. The genes were selected according to their implication in drug metabolism or inherited myopathies. Using an innovative approach of bioinformatics analysis, considering rare and common variants, we identified 19 genomic variations potentially related to the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modifications of rosuvastatin, ezetimibe and ticagrelor. The affected genes are involved in Phase I metabolism (CYP2C19, CYP2E1, CYP1A1, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9), Phase II metabolism (UGT2B15 and UGT2B7), influx transportation (SLCO1B3 and SLCO2B1), efflux transportation (ABCG8, ABCB11, ABCC4 and ABCB1), drug targeting (NPC1L1) and inherited myopathy etiology (OBSCN). We report three rare, potentially pathogenic molecular variants in CYP2C19, NPC1L1 and OBSCN genes. Pharmacogenetic analysis indicated that the patient was a carrier of inactivating alleles in several pharmacogenes involved in drug toxicity. The whole-exome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis presented here represents an innovative way to identify genomic variants contributing with RIR´s origin and evokes the polygenic nature of adverse drug reactions. © 2020 Calderon-Ospina et al

    A pharmacogenomic dissection of a Rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis case evokes the polygenic nature of adverse drug reactions

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    "Rosuvastatin, is a widely-used statin for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Although rosuvastatin is well tolerated, about 3/10.000 patients can suffer severe myopathy. Rhabdomyolysis is a severe medical condition that causes injury to the skeletal muscle, electrolyte imbalances, acute renal failure and extreme creatine kinase (CK) elevation. Little is known regarding the molecular involvement of rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis (RIR). It has been demonstrated that genomic variants associated with decreased enzymatic activity of proteins are important determinants in plasmatic and skeletal muscle distribution of rosuvastatin and its toxicity. Until now, no interactions of ticagrelor, ezetimibe and rosuvastatin have been described with the consideration of pharmacogenomics predisposition. The present report involves a whole-exome sequencing (WES), in a patient affected by rosuvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis. A pharmacogenomic dissection was performed by analyzing a comprehensive subset of candidate genes (n=160) potentially related to RIR. The genes were selected according to their implication in drug metabolism or inherited myopathies. Using an innovative approach of bioinformatics analysis, considering rare and common variants, we identified 19 genomic variations potentially related to the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modifications of rosuvastatin, ezetimibe and ticagrelor. The affected genes are involved in Phase I metabolism (CYP2C19, CYP2E1, CYP1A1, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9), Phase II metabolism (UGT2B15 and UGT2B7), influx transportation (SLCO1B3 and SLCO2B1), efflux transportation (ABCG8, ABCB11, ABCC4 and ABCB1), drug targeting (NPC1L1) and inherited myopathy etiology (OBSCN). We report three rare, potentially pathogenic molecular variants in CYP2C19, NPC1L1 and OBSCN genes. Pharmacogenetic analysis indicated that the patient was a carrier of inactivating alleles in several pharmacogenes involved in drug toxicity. The whole-exome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis presented here represents an innovative way to identify genomic variants contributing with RIR´s origin and evokes the polygenic nature of adverse drug reactions. © 2020 Calderon-Ospina et al.

    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19\ub78 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6\ub76 and 2\ub74 per cent respectively before, but 23\ub77 and 5\ub73 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0\ub7001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2

    Angular analysis of the decay B+ → K∗(892)+ μ + μ − in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    Angular distributions of the decay B+^+ \to K^*(892)+μ+μ^+\mu^+\mu^- are studied using events collected with the CMS detector in s=\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.0 fb1^{-1}. The forward-backward asymmetry of the muons and the longitudinal polarization of the K^*(892)+^+ meson are determined as a function of the square of the dimuon invariant mass. These are the first results from this exclusive decay mode and are in agreement with a standard model prediction