6 research outputs found

    Professional Entrepreneurship Space: learn and entrepreneurship. Towards a pre-incubator in the Faculty of Education within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UCM

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    El Aula Profesional de Emprendimiento (APE-Educación UCM) surge para impulsar la competencia emprendedora, imprescindible en el nuevo marco socioeconómico, y potenciar el emprendimiento y el auto-empleo entre el alumnado de la Facultad de Educación-Centro de Formación del Profesorado, con el objeto de crear una pre-incubadora (virtual y física) que pueda integrarse en el ecosistema emprendedor de la UCM.The Professional Entrepreneurship Space (APE-Educación UCM) arise to promote entrepreneurial competence, essential in the new socioeconomic framework, and to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among the students of the Faculty of Education-Teacher Training Center, in order to create a pre -incubator (virtual and physical) that can be integrated into the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UCM.Depto. de Estudios EducativosFac. de EducaciónFALSEUniversidad Complutense de Madridsubmitte

    Professional Entrepreneurship Space (APES): learn and start. Towards a sustainable pre-incubator in the Faculty of Education-Teacher Training Center, within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UCM. Part II

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    Este proyecto pretende consolidar el APE virtual de la Facultad de Educación, creada a partir del Proyecto Innova Docencia 2020/21, como servicio permanente y sostenible, abierto a estudiantes y alumni e integrado en el ecosistema emprendedor UCM.This project aims to consolidate the virtual APE of the Faculty of Education, created from the Innova Teaching 2020/21 Project, as a permanent and sustainable service, open to students and alumni and integrated into the UCM entrepreneurial ecosystem.Depto. de Estudios EducativosFac. de EducaciónFALSEVicerrectorado de Calidad, UCMsubmitte

    Heterochromatin analysis in the fish species Liposarcus anisitsi (siluriformes) and Leporinus elongatus (characiformes)

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    The chromosomes of two neotropical freshwater fish species, namely Liposarcus anisitsi (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) and Leporinus elongatus (Characiformes, Anostomidae), were investigated by means of C-banding, Ag-NORs, fluorochrome staining and banding by hot saline solution (HSS) treatment, to reveal patterns of heterochromatin differentiation. The karyotype of L. anisitsi is described for the first time. Staining with the GC-specific fluorescent antibiotic mithramycin (MM) revealed bright signals in some C-banded blocks in both species, suggesting that these MM+ heterochromatin contains GC-rich DNA. Banding by denaturation employing HSS, followed by Giemsa staining, yielded corresponding results documenting the thermal stability of GC-rich DNA part of heterochromatin positive after C-banding. In L. elongatus the Ag-NOR also followed the above banding patterns. However, in L. anisitsi the Ag-NOR was MM+ but negatively stained after C-banding and HSS treatment. L. elongatus also showed C-banded segments that were negative for mithramycin staining and HSS treatment. The results obtained evidence the heterochromatin heterogeneity in these fish species.<br>Cromossomos mitóticos de duas especies de peixes neotropicais, Leporinus elongatus (Characiformes) e Liposarcus anisitsi (Siluriformes), foram estudados por diferentes métodos de bandamentos, com o intuito de investigar a diferenciação da heterocromatina. Enquanto que a macroestrutura cariotípica de L. elongatus já foi objeto de estudos anteriores, o cariótipo de L. anisitsi está sendo apresentado pela primeira vez. Em ambas as espécies, a coloração dos cromossomos com a mitramicina (MM), fluorocromo GC específico, evidenciou sinais brilhantes em alguns segmentos heterocromáticos também positivos ao bandamento C, sugerindo ser esta fração da heterocromatina rica em seqüências de bases GC. O tratamento dos cromossomos com solução salina aquecida e posterior coloração com Giemsa demonstrou resultados similares, documentando a estabilidade térmica do DNA rico em bases GC, presente na heterocromatina constitutiva. Em L. elongatus a Ag-NOR também seguiu os padrões de bandamentos acima. Em L. anisitsi, contudo, a Ag-NOR apresentou-se MM+ mas negativamente corada após o bandamento C e o tratamento com solução salina aquecida. Por outro lado, em L. elongatus, alguns segmentos que foram positivos ao bandamento C mostraram-se negativos à coloração com mitramicina, assim como à coloração com Giemsa após o tratamento térmico com solução salina. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a heterogeneidade da heterocromatina no complemento cariotípico das espécies estudadas

    GESITRA-SEIMC/REIPI recommendations for the management of cytomegalovirus infection in solid-organ transplant patients

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