184 research outputs found

    Estructura gramatical i normativa lingüística : a propòsit dels verbs psicològics en català

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    En aquest article s'estudien els trets estructurals més rellevants de la sintaxi i la semàntica de dues classes de «verbs psicològics» del català, els verbs transitius causatius (e.g., alegrar) i els verbs intransitius estatius (e.g., agradar). Un dels objectius principals és també deixar clar que la majoria dels parlants nadius del català tenen la doble possibilitat d'usar verbs com ara sorprendre, preocupar o molestar com a transitius o intransitius, tot i que l'ús intransitiu continua essent negligit pel diccionari normatiu del català, el DIEC. Es demostra que hi ha una clara motivació darrera d'aquesta alternança suposadament lliure: quan els verbs del tipus sorprendre tenen un ús transitiu, aleshores la seva conducta sintàctica i semàntica és idèntica a la dels verbs del tipus alegrar, mentre que, quan tenen un ús intransitiu, es comporten com els verbs del tipus agradar. D'altra banda, les gramàtiques o els diccionaris sobre el català normatiu accepten com a formes normatives aquelles que són clarament agramaticals per als parlants del català. Aquest és el cas de verbs com ara interessar o desagradar, els quals han estat entrats en el DIEC com a verbs transitius. Queda clar, doncs, que els lexicògrafs o les gramàtiques del català (normatiu) no haurien de continuar negligint les contribucions dels lingüistes teòrics.In this paper we study the most relevant structural facts concerning the syntax and semantics of two classes of «psychological verbs» in Catalan, namely causative transitive verbs like alegrar (to cheer up) and stative intransitive verbs like agradar (to be pleasing to). On the other hand, one of our main goals is to make it clear that a vast majority of Catalan native speakers can use verbs like sorprendre (to surprise), preocupar (to worry) or molestar (to bother) sometimes as transitive and sometimes as intransitive, the latter use being clearly neglected by the Standard Catalan Dictionary (DIEC). We show that there is a clear motivation behind this apparently free alternation: when verbs like sorprendre have a transitive use, their syntactic and semantic behaviour is identical to that of verbs like alegrar, whereas their behaviour is identical to that of verbs like agradar when they have an intransitive use. The opposite point is also true: we point out that unfortunately grammars or dictionaries on Standard Catalan should not qualify as regular some patterns that are clearly ungrammatical for Catalan native speakers: it is the case of verbs like interessar (matter to) or desagradar (to be displeasing to), which are said to be transitive verbs according to DIEC. It is then clear that lexicographers or grammars on (Standard) Catalan should not neglect anymore the Contributions of theoretical linguists

    Marketing político y desinformación

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    Las nuevas técnicas de microsegmentación permiten el perfilado político de la ciudadanía a través de sus redes sociales. Se investiga el acceso a estos datos personales y su relación con la difusión de noticias falsas o fake news , el fenómeno de la posverdad y la desinformación social generalizada en un contexto político-electoral. Concretamente , se plantea esta coyuntura bajo la visión del impacto que el monopolio de la información en manos de grandes empresas privadas provoca en el ideal de democracia e institución de opinión pública libre. Finalmente se pasa a comentar la legislación existente en materia de protección de datos digitales, y que uso de éstos permite la ley española en sus procesos electorales. Palabras clave: microsegmentación, procesos electorales, perfilado político, datos personales, posverdad, desinformación, grandes empresas privadas, monopolio de la información, democracia, globalización.Emerging micro segmentation techniques now common in political and/or electoral campaigns allow political profiling of the citizens targeted through their social media. We investigate the access to these personal data and their relationship with the dissemination of fake news, the post-truth phenomenon and the generalized social disinformation. More specifically, this situation is considered from the point of view of the impact that the monopoly of information in the power of great private companies has on the ideal of democracy and the institution of free public opinion. Finally, an analysis is made on the existing legislation related with digital data protection and the use of these data allowed by the Spanish electoral law in its electoral processes.Departamento de Derecho Penal e Historia y Teoría del DerechoGrado en Derech

    The teaching of ethics in occupational risks prevention through the debate on ethical dilemmas

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    [EN] It seems reasonable to think that ethics and occupational risk prevention always go hand in hand. However, very little is known about the International Code of Ethics for Occupational Health Professionals, whose third edition was published in 2014 by the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH). Moreover, some circumstances in occupational risk prevention can lead to controversial issues and ethical dilemmas. Despite this, most occupational risk prevention master¿s studies do not include ethics in professional practice matters. This paper presents the teaching experiences in professional practice ethics workshops in the Master¿s Degree in Occupational Risks Prevention of the Universitat Politècnica de València. In these workshops, ethical issues are included in their curricula, and ethical dilemmas are discussed through academic debates. The results of the experience were positive and encouraging. The students learn to open their minds to a different point of view and understand the problems they will have to face in their professional careers.Pellicer, TM.; López-Mateu, V.; Gimenez-Carbo, E. (2022). The teaching of ethics in occupational risks prevention through the debate on ethical dilemmas. IATED. 10039-10045. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.2426100391004

    Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop

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    [EN] Most of the small towns in the inner area of Spain have problems with the loss of population, low economic development, and unemployment. This is a widespread phenomenon in many areas, such as the Valencia region, where significant differences exist between the periphery coastal zone and the interior. Some of these towns have natural resources like highlands, rivers, and vegetation as significant tourist attractions. Vocational education programs are oriented to increase the employment of the residents while keeping the characteristics of its population and its territory in the different municipalities. Sot de Chera, located in the region of the Serranía (70 km from Valencia), is one of these municipalities. This paper presents the educational experience using one of these programs and workshops for the recovery of an area of outstanding landscape and environmental value. During the last decade, some efforts have been made to combine these natural resources with other activities to increase the area¿s population and economic activity. The case presented uses a combination of teaching methodologies and practical training connected with the daily life and activities of the people in the town. It has also involved all the inhabitants, including their different opinions and participation. The results obtained during the training and occupational project demonstrate the great potential of these interventions. These types of activities and programs have become a substantial improvement for the sustainable development of these areas.This project was carried out thanks to the funding received from the Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (SERVEF), with the project Taller de Empleo restauración paisajística del Rio Sot 2014 (ETCOTE file FOTAE 2014/47/46), with the collaboration of the Sot de Chera Town hall. The authors thank the staff of SERVEF and the Sot de Chera town hall for providing the support and resources needed to carry out the activities.López-Mateu, V.; Pellicer, TM.; Blanch Vanacloig, J. (2022). Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop. IATED. 9951-9959. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.24009951995

    La independencia del poder judicial

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado versa sobre la independencia del poder judicial. En primer lugar, se va analizar el desarrollo de este poder en las distintas etapas que conforman nuestra historia, desde el estado absoluto propio del antiguo régimen hasta nuestro actual estado social y democrático de derecho. Posteriormente, se van analizar aquellos focos que ponen en riesgo la independencia del poder judicial actualmente, desde una perspectiva ad intra, es decir, de todos aquellos jueces y magistrados pertenecientes a este poder, así como desde una perspectiva ad extra, poniendo en contexto la relación de este poder con los restantes poderes del estado. Finalmente, trataremos el tema del CGPI, órgano de gobierno del poder judicial, para exponer aquellos conflictos que se suscitan en torno a este órgano, fundamentalmente, en lo que al modelo de designación de sus vocales respecta

    Detection of satellite remnants in the Galactic Halo with Gaia III. Detection limits for Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present a method to identify Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxy (UFDG) candidates in the halo of the Milky Way using the future Gaia catalogue and we explore its detection limits and completeness. The method is based on the Wavelet Transform and searches for over-densities in the combined space of sky coordinates and proper motions, using kinematics in the search for the first time. We test the method with a Gaia mock catalogue that has the Gaia Universe Model Snapshot (GUMS) as a background, and use a library of around 30 000 UFDGs simulated as Plummer spheres with a single stellar population. For the UFDGs we use a wide range of structural and orbital parameters that go beyond the range spanned by real systems, where some UFDGs may remain undetected. We characterize the detection limits as function of the number of observable stars by Gaia in the UFDGs with respect to that of the background and their apparent sizes in the sky and proper motion planes. We find that the addition of proper motions in the search improves considerably the detections compared to a photometric survey at the same magnitude limit. Our experiments suggest that Gaia will be able to detect UFDGs that are similar to some of the known UFDGs even if the limit of Gaia is around 2 magnitudes brighter than that of SDSS, with the advantage of having a full-sky catalogue. We also see that Gaia could even find some UFDGs that have lower surface brightness than the SDSS limit.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dialogic Learning Environments that Enhance Instrumental Learning and Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in Secondary Education

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    Across Europe, the enrolment of students with special educational needs in regular classrooms is increasing, although it does not always mean access to high quality educational experience. In this context, inclusive education has been enhanced in most educational systems, but its successful implementation is still limited and has become a challenge in most countries, and specially in secondary education, when segregation due to learning achievement is more frequent. Educational practices that take into account the potential of promoting learning interactions within heterogeneous groups of students have already demonstrated contributing to educational inclusion of students with special needs. In this study we analyse the case of a secondary education school located in Valencian Community (Spain), which educates students with special needs along with their typically developing peers and is characterized by its inclusive ethos. The analysis focuses on three educational strategies implemented in the school and their impact on educational improvement and inclusion of the students with special needs: (1) co-teaching, (2) interactive groups, (3) dialogic literary gatherings. Qualitative data were obtained from communicative focus groups with teachers, communicative life stories with students and relatives, communicative observations of the three educational strategies and documentary analysis. The findings show significant increase in the students' instrumental learning, as well as an improvement in these students' overall inclusion in the school

    COMBAR COST EU. A mobile application proposal

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    Diagnosis and treatment options/strategies for helminth parasitic diseases are not standardized globally, or even across Europe, due to factors such as epidemiology, resources availability, socio-economics, and the lack of adequate information. Good communication of options can help to overcome some of these problems. In this sense, it is proposed to develop a mobile application (Abozeid et al., 2021) that allows the tailoring, and sharing, of knowledge (Abu-El-Noor et al., 2021; Kunkel et al., 2021) related to the various diagnoses and treatments in a format appropriate for all stakeholders (e.g. farmers, veterinarians, universities, researchers, laboratories, industries). The proposal aims to present the theoretical functionalities for the creation of a mobile application (Muashekele et al., 2021), the application should have a sequence of options that must be grounded in theoretical requirements. First of all, there is a necessity to have inputs standardized by the application (e.g. country/region, applicable legislation, animal typology, disease characteristics, symptoms) that should be entered into the application. The aim is to provide a range of tailored options to the end-user. Second, given the user's choices, the application can offer information and guidelines (including veterinarians available, laboratories, diagnosis, treatments, stores, among others). It is highlighted that the main gain may be the collection of information, whenever the user allows it. Finally, considering that most farmers use the language of their country, it is crucial to have the application in different European languages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio