394 research outputs found

    Claves psicosociales del envejecimiento saludable

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    En el presente artículo se pretende efectuar un estudio dentro del ámbito del envejecimiento saludable. En este sentido, comenzamos por analizar las percepciones que sobre la vejez se han desplegado en dos momentos históricos diferentes.Los dos momentos históricos están en relación a dos obras con el mismo título, pero escritas en épocas distintas. Nos referimos, por una parte, a De Senectute de Marco Tulio Cicerón (106-43 a.c.) ; mientras, por otra parte y con el mismo título De Senectute, Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004) nos presenta sus reflexiones sobre el mismo asunto. Nuestra pretensión es comparar, inicialmente, a Catón con Norberto Bobbio . Tanto Bobbio (que muere a los 95 años) como Catón (que muere a los 84 años) son dos claros ejemplos de lo que hoy llamamos envejecimiento saludable. Sus opiniones y reflexiones sobre el envejecimiento serán parte sustancial de este estudio.Del mismo modo analizamos aquellos rasgos psicosociales como: relaciones intergeneracionales, tipos de envejecimiento, educación para toda la vida, actividad física y conducta sexual¿ que se encuentran tanto en la época de Catón como de Bobbio. Dicho con otras palabras, se trata de representar un diálogo a tres bandas: Cicerón por boca de Catón, Norberto Bobbio y las aportaciones de las investigaciones actuales.In the present article we try to carry out an inside study in the field of the healthy ageing. In this sense we start to analyse the perceptions about the old age which has been used in two different historical moments. Those two historical moments are connected with two works which has the same title, but were written in different times. On one hand we refer to "De Senectute" by Marco Tulio Cicerón (106-43 a.c.); on the other hand a book with the same title "De Senectute" by Norbert Bobbio (1909-2004), both of the writers present us reflections about the same subject. Our hope is, initially to compare between Catón and Norberto Bobbio. Both of them, Bobbio (who died at the age of 95) and Catón (who died at the age of 84), are unquestionable examples of what we called today a healthy ageing. Their opinions and reflections about the ageing will be the essential part of this study

    Quantum Singular Value Decomposer

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    We present a variational quantum circuit that produces the Singular Value Decomposition of a bipartite pure state. The proposed circuit, that we name Quantum Singular Value Decomposer or QSVD, is made of two unitaries respectively acting on each part of the system. The key idea of the algorithm is to train this circuit so that the final state displays exact output coincidence from both subsystems for every measurement in the computational basis. Such circuit preserves entanglement between the parties and acts as a diagonalizer that delivers the eigenvalues of the Schmidt decomposition. Our algorithm only requires measurements in one single setting, in striking contrast to the 3n3^n settings required by state tomography. Furthermore, the adjoints of the unitaries making the circuit are used to create the eigenvectors of the decomposition up to a global phase. Some further applications of QSVD are readily obtained. The proposed QSVD circuit allows to construct a SWAP between the two parties of the system without the need of any quantum gate communicating them. We also show that a circuit made with QSVD and CNOTs acts as an encoder of information of the original state onto one of its parties. This idea can be reversed and used to create random states with a precise entanglement structure.Comment: 6 + 1 pages, 5 figure

    Educate resilience from painting, cinema and theater

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    “Educar la resiliencia desde la pintura, el cine y el teatro” pretende hacer ver la necesidad de conectar estas disciplinas a problemas complejos. En ese sentido, la presente comunicación parte de la idea de que se puede: A) Educar en resiliencia desde la pintura; para ello se analiza la obra de Géricault “La balsa de la Medusa”. B) Educar en resiliencia desde el cine; para ello nos introducimos en el pensamiento de un gran director de cine como es John Ford y en una de sus joyas: “El joven Lincoln”. Y C) Educar en resiliencia desde el teatro, para este último menester nos adentramos en una de las mentes más agudas del mundo clásico como es Aristófanes y en su maravillosa obra “Las nubes”. Se termina la comunicación con un debate donde se pone de manifiesto la utilidad de las respuestas resilientes a los dramas que se recogen (situaciones de canibalismo, acusación de asesinato y maltrato de mayores) y su utilidad en situaciones actuales.“Educate about resilience from painting, film and theater” aims to show the need to connect these disciplines to complex problems. In this sense, the present communication starts from the idea that it is possible to: A) Educate in resilience from painting; we choose Géricault’s painting, “The raft of the jellyfish” to analyze. B) Educate in resilience from cinema; this time we introduce the thought of a great film director, John Ford, one of his best movies: “ The young Lincoln”. And C) Educate in resilience from theater, Aristophanes, a prominent playwright of the classical period, his wonderful work “The cloud” is our chioce. This communication ends up with a debate that highlights the usefulness of resilient responses to the dramas that are collected (situations of cannibalism, accusation of murder and elder abuse) and its usefulness in current situations.peerReviewe

    Measuring the tangle of three-qubit states

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    We present a quantum circuit that transforms an unknown three-qubit state into its canonical form, up to relative phases, given many copies of the original state. The circuit is made of three single-qubit parametrized quantum gates, and the optimal values for the parameters are learned in a variational fashion. Once this transformation is achieved, direct measurement of outcome probabilities in the computational basis provides an estimate of the tangle, which quantifies genuine tripartite entanglement. We perform simulations on a set of random states under different noise conditions to asses the validity of the method

    Clinical and sociodemographic predictors of oral pain and eating problems among adult and senior Spaniards in the national survey performed in 2010

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    Background: Pain and chewing difficulties have been identified as the strongest predictors of oral disadvantage. The aim of this study is to analyze and quantify the sociodemographic, behavioural and clinical factors modulating the oral pain and eating difficulties reported by Spanish adults and elderly Spanish people in the last National Oral Health Survey performed in 2010. Material and Methods: Data concerning pain and chewing difficulties were acquired on a Likert‑scale format from a representative sample of the Spanish general population with ages between 35-44 years (n=391) and 65 - 74 years (n=405). Risk factors were identified using bivariate analysis, after which the crude association between risk factors (sociodemographic, behavioural and clinical) and outcome variables (pain and eating problems) was assessed by adjusted odds ratios, calculated by means of multivariate logistic regression. Results: Eating problems and oral pain were mainly associated with prosthetic and caries treatment needs as clinical predictors, but female sex was also seen to be a relevant and significant risk factor for suffering pain and eating restrictions. Paradoxically, after taking into account all the aforementioned predictors, the adults had an almost two‑fold higher risk of reporting pain or eating difficulties than the elderly subjects. Conclusions: In agreement with the results from the last national oral health survey, prosthetic and caries treatment needs should be considered key factors in determining the oral well - being of the Spanish population. In sociodemographic terms, the women and adults were seen to be at a significantly higher risk of suffering pain and eating restrictions

    Las reformas de pensiones en Europa: alternativas negociadas vs. el modelo del Libro Blanco

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    The consequences of the demographic phenomena and the economic cycle observed in recent years have opened up the debate on the need to reform pension systems in the European Union in order to keep up the level of protection they offer and assure their sustainability in the long term. There are two models proposed to approach them: one based on broad frameworks of negotiation and agreement between social stakeholders and governments, and the other of unilateral cutbacks based on ideas matching the recommendations in the White Book. Two models for reform which point to different kinds of social protection within the EU, the possibilities and consequences of which are still hotly debated.; Las consecuencias de los fenómenos demográficos y de ciclo económico que venimos registrando en las últimas décadas han abierto el debate sobre la reforma necesaria en los sistemas de pensiones de la Unión Europea, con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de protección que ofrecen y garantizar su sostenibilidad en el largo plazo. Dos son los modelos que se plantean para abordarlas: unas basadas en marcos amplios de negociación y acuerdo entre agentes sociales y gobiernos, y otras de corte unilateral impuestas en base a ideas coincidentes con las recomendaciones del Libro Blanco. Dos modelos de reforma que propician una protección social diferente en el seno del UE, y cuyas posibilidades y consecuencias están todavía en pleno debate.; Azken hamarkadetan izan ditugun fenomeno demografikoen eta ziklo ekonomikoen ondorioz, eztabaida piztu da Europar Batasuneko pentsio-sistemen erreformari buruz, sistema horien babes-maila mantendu eta epe luzera haien iraunkortasuna bermatzeko. Bi eredu proposatu dira horretarako: alde batetik, gizarte-eragileen eta gobernuen arteko negoziazio eta hitzarmen zabaletan oinarritutakoak; bestetik, Liburu Zuriko gomendioetan oinarrituta alde bakarretik inposatu nahi direnak.EBren barnean gizarte-babes desberdina eskaintzen duten bi eredu dira, eta zabalik dago oraindik haien aukerei eta ondorioei buruzko eztabaida

    Las reformas de pensiones en Europa: alternativas negociadas vs. el modelo del Libro Blanco

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    The consequences of the demographic phenomena and the economic cycle observed in recent years have opened up the debate on the need to reform pension systems in the European Union in order to keep up the level of protection they offer and assure their sustainability in the long term. There are two models proposed to approach them: one based on broad frameworks of negotiation and agreement between social stakeholders and governments, and the other of unilateral cutbacks based on ideas matching the recommendations in the White Book. Two models for reform which point to different kinds of social protection within the EU, the possibilities and consequences of which are still hotly debated.; Las consecuencias de los fenómenos demográficos y de ciclo económico que venimos registrando en las últimas décadas han abierto el debate sobre la reforma necesaria en los sistemas de pensiones de la Unión Europea, con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de protección que ofrecen y garantizar su sostenibilidad en el largo plazo. Dos son los modelos que se plantean para abordarlas: unas basadas en marcos amplios de negociación y acuerdo entre agentes sociales y gobiernos, y otras de corte unilateral impuestas en base a ideas coincidentes con las recomendaciones del Libro Blanco. Dos modelos de reforma que propician una protección social diferente en el seno del UE, y cuyas posibilidades y consecuencias están todavía en pleno debate.; Azken hamarkadetan izan ditugun fenomeno demografikoen eta ziklo ekonomikoen ondorioz, eztabaida piztu da Europar Batasuneko pentsio-sistemen erreformari buruz, sistema horien babes-maila mantendu eta epe luzera haien iraunkortasuna bermatzeko. Bi eredu proposatu dira horretarako: alde batetik, gizarte-eragileen eta gobernuen arteko negoziazio eta hitzarmen zabaletan oinarritutakoak; bestetik, Liburu Zuriko gomendioetan oinarrituta alde bakarretik inposatu nahi direnak.EBren barnean gizarte-babes desberdina eskaintzen duten bi eredu dira, eta zabalik dago oraindik haien aukerei eta ondorioei buruzko eztabaida

    Complications associated with the use of silicone oil in vitreoretinal surgery: A systemic review and meta‐analysis

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    Producción CientíficaSilicone oil (SO) still represents the main choice for long-term intraocular tamponade in complicated vitreoretinal surgery. This review compared the complications associated with the use of SO and other vitreous substitutes after pars plana vitrectomy in patients with different underlying diseases. Meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. We retrieved randomized clinical trials (RCTs), retrospective case–control and cohort studies evaluating the risk of using SO, published between 1994 and 2020, conducting a computer-based search of the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Embase. Primary outcome was the rate of complications such as intraocular hypertension, retinal re-detachment, unexpected vision loss or hypotony. Secondary outcome was to compare the rate of adverse events of different SO viscosities, especially emulsification. Forty-three articles were included. There were significant differences in intraocular hypertension (p = 0.0002, OR = 1.66; 95% CI = 1.27–2.18) and the rate of retinal re-detachment (p < 0.0009, OR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.50–0.64) between SO and other agents, including placebo. However, there were no differences in other complication rates. Silicone oil (SO)-emulsification rate was non-significantly higher in low than high SO viscosity, and results from other complications were comparable in both groups. The high quality of most of the studies included in this study is noteworthy, which provides some certainty to the conclusions. Among them is the high variability of the SO residence time. The fact that ocular hypertension and not hypotension is related to SO use. A clear relationship is not found for the so-called unexplained vision loss, which affects a significant percentage of eyes. Re-detachment cases are less if SO is used and that surprisingly there does not seem to be a relationship in the percentage of emulsification between the low- and high-viscosity silicones. All these data warrant more standardized prospective studies