119 research outputs found

    Diffusion rates of Cu adatoms on Cu(111) in the presence of an adisland nucleated at FCC or HCP sites

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    The surface diffusion of Cu adatoms in the presence of an adisland at FCC or HCP sites on Cu(111) is studied using the EAM potential derived by Mishin {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 63} 224106 (2001)]. The diffusion rates along straight (with close-packed edges) steps with (100) and (111)-type microfacets (resp. step A and step B) are first investigated using the transition state theory in the harmonic approximation. It is found that the classical limit beyond which the diffusion rates follow an Arrhenius law is reached above the Debye temperature. The Vineyard attempt frequencies and the (static) energy barriers are reported. Then a comparison is made with the results of more realistic classical molecular dynamic simulations which also exhibit an Arrhenius-like behavior. It is concluded that the corresponding energy barriers are completely consistent with the static ones within the statistical errors and that the diffusion barrier along step B is significantly larger than along step A. In contrast the prefactors are very different from the Vineyard frequencies. They increase with the static energy barrier in agreement with the Meyer-Neldel compensation rule and this increase is well approximated by the law proposed by Boisvert {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 75} 469 (1995)]. As a consequence, the remaining part of this work is devoted to the determination of static energy barriers for a large number of diffusion events that can occur in the presence of an adisland. In particular, it is found that the corner crossing diffusion process for triangular adislands is markedly different for the two types of borders (A or B). From this set of results the diffusion rates of the most important atomic displacements can be predicted and used as input in Kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations

    Assessment of interatomic potentials for atomistic analysis of static and dynamic properties of screw dislocations in W

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    Screw dislocations in bcc metals display non-planar cores at zero temperature which result in high lattice friction and thermally activated strain rate behavior. In bcc W, electronic structure molecular statics calculations reveal a compact, non-degenerate core with an associated Peierls stress between 1.7 and 2.8 GPa. However, a full picture of the dynamic behavior of dislocations can only be gained by using more efficient atomistic simulations based on semiempirical interatomic potentials. In this paper we assess the suitability of five different potentials in terms of static properties relevant to screw dislocations in pure W. As well, we perform molecular dynamics simulations of stress-assisted glide using all five potentials to study the dynamic behavior of screw dislocations under shear stress. Dislocations are seen to display thermally-activated motion in most of the applied stress range, with a gradual transition to a viscous damping regime at high stresses. We find that one potential predicts a core transformation from compact to dissociated at finite temperature that affects the energetics of kink-pair production and impacts the mechanism of motion. We conclude that a modified embedded-atom potential achieves the best compromise in terms of static and dynamic screw dislocation properties, although at an expense of about ten-fold compared to central potentials

    Atomic-scale confinement of optical fields

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    In the presence of matter there is no fundamental limit preventing confinement of visible light even down to atomic scales. Achieving such confinement and the corresponding intensity enhancement inevitably requires simultaneous control over atomic-scale details of material structures and over the optical modes that such structures support. By means of self-assembly we have obtained side-by-side aligned gold nanorod dimers with robust atomically-defined gaps reaching below 0.5 nm. The existence of atomically-confined light fields in these gaps is demonstrated by observing extreme Coulomb splitting of corresponding symmetric and anti-symmetric dimer eigenmodes of more than 800 meV in white-light scattering experiments. Our results open new perspectives for atomically-resolved spectroscopic imaging, deeply nonlinear optics, ultra-sensing, cavity optomechanics as well as for the realization of novel quantum-optical devices

    Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion

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    Prediction of material performance in fusion reactor environments relies on computational modelling, and will continue to do so until the first generation of fusion power plants come on line and allow long-term behaviour to be observed. In the meantime, the modelling is supported by experiments that attempt to replicate some aspects of the eventual operational conditions. In 2019, a group of leading experts met under the umbrella of the IEA to discuss the current position and ongoing challenges in modelling of fusion materials and how advanced experimental characterisation is aiding model improvement. This review draws from the discussions held during that workshop. Topics covering modelling of irradiation-induced defect production and fundamental properties, gas behaviour, clustering and segregation, defect evolution and interactions are discussed, as well as new and novel multiscale simulation approaches, and the latest efforts to link modelling to experiments through advanced observation and characterisation techniques.MRG, SLD, and DRM acknowledge funding by the RCUK Energy Programme [grant number EP/T012250/1]. Part of this work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROFusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 and 2019–2020 under grant Agreement No. 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. JRT acknowledges funding from the US Department of Energy (DOE) through grant DE-SC0017899. ZB, LY,BDW, and SJZ acknowledge funding through the US DOE Fusion Energy Sciences grant DE-SC0006661ZB, LY and BDW also were partially supported from the US DOE Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research through the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) project on Plasma-Surface Interactions. JMa acknowledges support from the US-DOEs Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (US-DOE), project DE-SC0019157. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. YO and YZ were supported as part of the Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under contract number DE-AC05-00OR22725. TS and TT are supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K05338

    Theoretical Criteria for Scattering Dark States in Nanostructured Particles

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    Nanostructures with multiple resonances can exhibit a suppressed or even completely eliminated scattering of light, called a scattering dark state. We describe this phenomenon with a general treatment of light scattering from a multiresonant nanostructure that is spherical or nonspherical but subwavelength in size. With multiple resonances in the same channel (i.e., same angular momentum and polarization), coherent interference always leads to scattering dark states in the low-absorption limit, regardless of the system details. The coupling between resonances is inevitable and can be interpreted as arising from far-field or near-field. This is a realization of coupled-resonator-induced transparency in the context of light scattering, which is related to but different from Fano resonances. Explicit examples are given to illustrate these concepts.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (Contract W911NF-13-D-0001)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (Program) (Grant DMR-0819762

    Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission materials: the M4F project

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    The M4F project brings together the fusion and fission materials communities working on the prediction of radiation damage production and evolution and its effects on the mechanical behaviour of irradiated ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels. It is a multidisciplinary project in which several different experimental and computational materials science tools are integrated to understand and model the complex phenomena associated with the formation and evolution of irradiation induced defects and their effects on the macroscopic behaviour of the target materials. In particular the project focuses on two specific aspects: (1) To develop physical understanding and predictive models of the origin and consequences of localised deformation under irradiation in F/M steels; (2) To develop good practices and possibly advance towards the definition of protocols for the use of ion irradiation as a tool to evaluate radiation effects on materials. Nineteen modelling codes across different scales are being used and developed and an experimental validation programme based on the examination of materials irradiated with neutrons and ions is being carried out. The project enters now its 4th year and is close to delivering high-quality results. This paper overviews the work performed so far within the project, highlighting its impact for fission and fusion materials science.This work has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No. 755039 (M4F project)

    Anisotropy effects on the plasmonic response of nanoparticle dimers

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    We present an ab initio study of the anisotropy and atomic relaxation effects on the optical properties of nanoparticle dimers. Special emphasis is placed on the hybridization process of localized surface plasmons, plasmon-mediated photoinduced currents, and electric-field enhancement in the dimer junction. We show that there is a critical range of separations between the clusters (0.1–0.5 nm) in which the detailed atomic structure in the junction and the relative orientation of the nanoparticles have to be considered to obtain quantitative predictions for realistic nanoplasmonic devices. It is worth noting that this regime is characterized by the emergence of electron tunneling as a response to the driven electromagnetic field. The orientation of the particles not only modifies the attainable electric field enhancement but can lead to qualitative changes in the optical absorption spectrum of the system.We thankfully acknowledge financial support by the European Research Council (ERC-2010-AdG Proposal No. 267374 and ERC-2011-AdG Proposal No. 290891), the Spanish Government (Grants MAT2011-28581-C02-01, FIS2013-46159-C3-1-P, and MAT2014-53432-C5-5-R), and the Basque Country Government (Grupos Consolidados IT-578-13).Peer Reviewe
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