227 research outputs found

    Impact of method choice on inbreeding coefficient estimation : a study of inbreeding in five beef cattle breeds in Norway

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    In 2020 was genotyping implemented into the populations of Norwegian beef cattle breeds of Hereford, Charolais, Aberdeen Angus, Limousin and Simmental. This development provides an opportunity to estimate genomic inbreeding within the population of these Norwegian beef cattle breeds. Various methods were used for estimating inbreeding coefficients, including FVanRaden1, Fhom, Funi, FROH and Fped. When inbreeding is defined as identical-by-decent, estimators must range between 0 and 1 since they estimate probability (FROH and Fped). In contrast, when inbreeding is defined as the correlation between uniting gametes, estimators can take both positive and negative values ranging from -1 to 1 (FVanRaden1, Fhom, Funi). The software tools PLINK.v1.9, CFC and R-studio has been used for conducting the estimates. Two approaches of analyzes for FVanRaden1, Fhom, Funi, FROH in PLINK.v1.9 has been used. The first involved separate analysis by breeds, followed by a second approach where dataset contained all breeds, but each breed was coded as a family, and post-analysis was the breeds separate into individual datasets. The two approaches gave different estimates from FVanRaden1, Fhom, Funi, suggesting that the methods are sensitive to the reference allele frequencies. Correlations within methods conducted in the two approaches reveals that FVanRaden1 showed to have the lowest correlation with itself. FROH had a perfect correlation and are only influenced by the fit of parameter settings. Mean inbreeding coefficient showed to be lower than estimates from populations from other countries. The results from Fped analysis in this study align closely with the finding of Kleiven (2007) for the same Norwegian beef cattle breeds in 2006. This could be explained with a substantial import of genetic material from outside Norway. FROH divided the breeds into two groups where Hereford, Charolais and Aberdeen Angus all had an inbreeding of ~12% and Limousin and Simmental had an inbreeding of 4% and 5% respectively. Research has consistently shown the complexity of selecting an appropriate inbreeding coefficient, and this complexity is also evident in this study. However, the study highlights the advantages of using FROH, which is not sensitive to reference allele frequencies, allows for breed comparisons, and can differentiate between new and old inbreeding.M-H

    Long-term effects of extensive day care on Norwegian children´s development

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    Early and extensive day care has become increasingly common in western countries. Studies investigating the potential short-term impact of such experiences on children’s development have yielded mixed results, whereas long-term effects have been understudied. In this study we therefore examine the impact of early and extensive day care on children’s emotional, behavioural, relational and cognitive functioning during preschool and the first three years of school. 878 children drawn from the longitudinal Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS) participated in the current study. The sample was representative of Norwegian four, six and eight yearolds. Results showed apparent effects of early extensive childcare on several areas of children´s life. When results were adjusted by controlling for selection factors and correction for number of variables, almost all of the effects disappeared. This indicates that the long-term effects of time spent in non-parental childcare on children’s development are limited, at least up to age eigh

    Koronaloven: En analyse av forslag versus vedtak

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    Avhandlingen tar sikte på å analysere midlertidig lov 27. mars 2020 nr. 17 om forskriftshjemmel for å avhjelpe konsekvenser av utbrudd av Covid-19 (koronaloven). Oppgaven fokuserer på å analysere forskjellene mellom forslaget til loven, som ble fremmet i Prop. 56 L (2019-2020), og den endelig vedtatte loven

    Norwegian folk music in primary school

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    Bacheloroppgave i faglærerutdanning i musikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet 2018.Norsk: Denne oppgåva omhandlar bruken av norsk folkemusikk i musikkundervisninga i grunnskulen. Ved hjelp av eit stratifisert utval vert ein byskule og ein distriktskule plukka ut for innhenting av empiri. Oppgåva skisserer nokre tilnærmingar til norsk folkemusikk i musikkundervisninga i grunnskulen, og ser på kva slags plass den norske folkemusikken har i grunnskulen i dag. Oppgåva har eit teoretisk bakteppe, der definisjon av folkemusikk samt musikk og identitet er godt representert. Undervegs i oppgåva kjem det fram undersøkingar frå to forskjellige skular, samt intervju med ein musikklærar frå kvar skuleEnglish: This Bachelor thesis is about the usage of Norwegian folk music in primary school. With the help of a stratified sampling, a school in the city and a school on the country side was chosen for collecting data. The thesis showcases various approaches on how to teach folk music in primary school and sheds a light on the role the Norwegian folk music plays in primary school today. The Bachelor thesis has a theoretical build up, where the definition of folk music as well as music and identity are thoroughly represented. Progressing through the assignment there will be presented research from two different schools, as well as interviews with one music teacher from each school

    Jerks abound: An analysis of geomagnetic observatory data from 1957 to 2008

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    We present a two-step method for the removal of external field signals and the identification of geomagnetic jerks in magnetic observatory monthly mean data, providing quantitative uncertainty estimates on jerk occurrence times and amplitudes with minimal a priori information. We apply the method to the complete time series of X-, Y- and Z-components at up to 103 observatory locations in the period of 1957–2008. We find features fitting the definition of jerks in individual components to be frequent and not globally contemporaneous. Identified regional jerks have no consistent occurrence pattern and the most widespread in any given year is identified at <30% of observatories worldwide. Whilst we identify jerks throughout the period of study, relative peaks in the global number of jerk occurrences are found in 1968–71, 1973–74, 1977–79, 1983–85, 1989–93, 1995–98 and 2002–03 with the suggestion of further poorly sampled events in the early 1960s and late 2000s. The mean uncertainties on individual jerk occurrence times and amplitudes are found to be ±0.3 yrs and ±2.1 nT/yr2, respectively, for all field components. Jerk amplitudes suggest possible periodic trends across Europe and North America, which may be related to the 6-yr periods detected independently in the secular variation and length-of-day

    Retinal vascular fractals predict long-term microvascular complications in type 1 diabetes mellitus:the Danish Cohort of Pediatric Diabetes 1987 (DCPD1987)

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    Diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy cause significant morbidity in patients with type 1 diabetes, even though improvements in treatment modalities delay the appearance and reduce the severity of these complications. To prevent or further delay the onset, it is necessary to better understand common underlying pathogenesis and to discover preclinical biomarkers of these complications. Retinal vessel calibers have been associated with the presence of microvascular complications, but their long-term predictive value has only been sparsely investigated. We examined retinal vessel calibers as 16-year predictors of diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and proliferative retinopathy in a young population-based Danish cohort with type 1 diabetes. We used semiautomated computer software to analyze vessel diameters on baseline retinal photos. Calibers of all vessels coursing through a zone 0.5–1 disc diameter from the disc margin were measured and summarized as the central artery and vein equivalents. In multiple regression analyses, we found wider venular diameters and smaller arteriolar diameters were both predictive of the 16-year development of nephropathy, neuropathy, and proliferative retinopathy. Early retinal vessel caliber changes are seemingly early markers of microvascular processes, precede the development of microvascular complications, and are a potential noninvasive predictive test on future risk of diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy.</jats:p

    Alternative solutions for interconnection between the

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    Invisible Diaspora? English Ethnicity in the United States before 1920

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    The article presents an examination into the English population of the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries, examining their ethnic identity as a diaspora community. Introductory details are given noting the relative lack of attention given to English Americans as an ethnic group. Topics addressed include reasons behind the invisibility of the English immigrant identity in the U.S., the existence of English ethnic organizations, and an overview of their activities

    Omega-3 fatty acids decrease CRYAB, production of oncogenic prostaglandin E-2 and suppress tumor growth in medulloblastoma

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    Aims: Medulloblastoma (MB) is one of the most common malignant central nervous system tumors of childhood. Despite intensive treatments that often leads to severe neurological sequelae, the risk for resistant relapses remains significant. In this study we have evaluated the effects of the omega 3-long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3-LCPUFA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on MB cell lines and in a MB xenograft model.Main methods: Effects of omega 3-LCPUFA treatment of MB cells were assessed using the following: WST-1 assay, cell death probes, clonogenic assay, ELISA and western blot. MB cells were implanted into nude mice and the mice were randomized to DHA, or a combination of DHA and EPA treatment, or to control group. Treatment effects in tumor tissues were evaluated with: LC-MS/MS, RNA-sequencing and immunohistochemistry, and tumors, erythrocytes and brain tissues were analyzed with gas chromatography.Key findings: omega 3-LCPUFA decreased prostaglandin E2 (PGE(2)) secretion from MB cells, and impaired MB cell viability and colony forming ability and increased apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. DHA reduced tumor growth in vivo, and both PGE(2) and prostacyclin were significantly decreased in tumor tissue from treated mice compared to control animals. All omega 3-LCPUFA and dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid increased in tumors from treated mice. RNA-sequencing revealed 10 downregulated genes in common among omega 3-LCPUFA treated tumors. CRYAB was the most significantly altered gene and the downregulation was confirmed by immunohistochemistry.Significance: Our findings suggest that addition of DHA and EPA to the standard MB treatment regimen might be a novel approach to target inflammation in the tumor microenvironment