19 research outputs found


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    MIMIN MINTARSIH : The Influence of Application of Spelling Bee Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Competence at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia Babakan-Ciwaringin Cirebon English language today has been a general language for communication and interaction around the world. So, we need to use English language and the mastery of vocabulary. In English learning, the students need to know more of vocabulary. The students’ of the seventh grade of Islamic junior high school (MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia) have the difficulties of learning English vocabulary such as they are still poorly developed in English vocabulary competence especially in spelling. So, would their vocabulary competence increase by learning English spelling? The writer tries to bring up an idea in learning vocabulary by using Spelling Bee game. Spelling bee game in the English learning classroom, practices the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller with the depth learning continuously. Spelling bee game gives the aids to the student in memorizing and understanding the vocabulary of any English material. While, vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. So by mastering the vocabulary, the students can practice the English language. The approach of this research is using an experimental quantitative approach. The data that is obtained used the statistical pretest-posttest analysis that calculated by t-test. And the techniques of collecting the data are by using observation, questionnaire and test. The population of the research is all of the seventh grade students at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin. The seventh grade of the students’ at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin consists of 2 classes; 7a and 7b. The total number of population comes to 34. And for the sample, the writer use simple random sampling as many as 33 students. The students’ response of application of spelling bee game is as big as 67 %, it means students responded quite positively. The students’ vocabulary competence of the pretest resulted the average score 6,3. Meanwhile, from the posttest resulted the average score 7,8. It shows the result of the posttest is higher than the result of the pretest and means the students’ vocabulary competence increased. The result of t-test also shows t=6,543 that is compared by t-table=2,036 where it means there is positive significant influence of application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence. The conclusion is the students responded positively in application spelling bee game. Their vocabulary competence also increased by this application in the classroom. So, it has significant correlation in application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence


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    MIMIN MINTARSIH : The Influence of Application of Spelling Bee Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Competence at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia Babakan-Ciwaringin Cirebon English language today has been a general language for communication and interaction around the world. So, we need to use English language and the mastery of vocabulary. In English learning, the students need to know more of vocabulary. The students’ of the seventh grade of Islamic junior high school (MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia) have the difficulties of learning English vocabulary such as they are still poorly developed in English vocabulary competence especially in spelling. So, would their vocabulary competence increase by learning English spelling? The writer tries to bring up an idea in learning vocabulary by using Spelling Bee game. Spelling bee game in the English learning classroom, practices the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller with the depth learning continuously. Spelling bee game gives the aids to the student in memorizing and understanding the vocabulary of any English material. While, vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. So by mastering the vocabulary, the students can practice the English language. The approach of this research is using an experimental quantitative approach. The data that is obtained used the statistical pretest-posttest analysis that calculated by t-test. And the techniques of collecting the data are by using observation, questionnaire and test. The population of the research is all of the seventh grade students at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin. The seventh grade of the students’ at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin consists of 2 classes; 7a and 7b. The total number of population comes to 34. And for the sample, the writer use simple random sampling as many as 33 students. The students’ response of application of spelling bee game is as big as 67 %, it means students responded quite positively. The students’ vocabulary competence of the pretest resulted the average score 6,3. Meanwhile, from the posttest resulted the average score 7,8. It shows the result of the posttest is higher than the result of the pretest and means the students’ vocabulary competence increased. The result of t-test also shows t=6,543 that is compared by t-table=2,036 where it means there is positive significant influence of application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence. The conclusion is the students responded positively in application spelling bee game. Their vocabulary competence also increased by this application in the classroom. So, it has significant correlation in application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa dalam menulis paragraf siswa Sekolah Dasar masih sangat rendah, hal ini menjadi pendorong bagi peneliti untuk mengetahui Penerapan Metode Inkuiri Melalui Media Gambar Berorientasi Lingkungan Sekitar pada Siswa kelas IV SD Pertiwi Kota Bandung. Penggunaan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan tes berbentuk paragraf. Data yang dijaring terdiri atas kemampuan awal melalui pretes dan data hasil setelah perlakuan melaui posttest, adapun siswa tersebut dalam satu kelasnya sebanyak 33 orang, terdiri 18 orang laki-laki dan 15 orang perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada saat pretest pada kelas eksperimen sebelum menggunakan media gambar rata-rata kemampuan menulis adalah 66,86 kemudian pada saat postest naik menjadi 83.52 berarti terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan sebanyak 16.66. berdasarkan data diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode inkuiri dengan penggunaan media gambar berorientasi lingkungan sekitar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis paragraf pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. ; This study is predicated on the fact that students ability in writing the paragraph is still low. This encourage the researcher to implement The Application of Inquiry Through Drawing Media Oriented to Surrounding Environment Toward 4th Grade Students of SD Pertiwi Bandung City. The use of data in this study are assisted by test in the form of paragraph. Data which are collected consist of initial ability through pretest and result data after treatment through posttest. The total of students in one class are 33 students, consist of 18 boys and 15 girls. Result of study showed that the average of writing ability in pretest for experiment class before using drawing media is 66.86 then in posttest enhanced to become 83.52, which means that there is enhancement of 16.66. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the application of inquiry strategy by using drawing media oriented to surrounding environment can enhance paragraph writing ability in 4th grade students of Elementary School


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    Penelitian hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana penerapan Program Satu Milyar Satu Desa (SAMISADE) di Kabupaten Bogor sesuai dengan Peraturan Bupati No. 83 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pedoman Bantuan Keuangan Infrastruktur Desa. Program SAMISADE diluncurkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2020 yang sumber anggaranya dari APBD Kabupaten Bogor, dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa melalui pemberdayaan ekonomi dan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis-normatif dengan mengkaji berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pembangunan desa dan program SAMISADE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Program SAMISADE telah sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip yang diatur dalam Peraturan Bupati No. 83 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pedoman Bantuan Keuangan Infrastruktur Desa Pedoman Bantuan Keuangan Infrastruktur Desa, terutama dalam hal pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Program ini juga telah mendorong partisipasi masyarakat desa dalam pengambilan keputusan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan desa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menganalisis dan menguraikan bahwa program SAMISADE relevan dan sejalan dengan arah pengaturan Undang-Undang Desa. Dengan demikian, program SAMISADE sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa


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    Penulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana realisasi kesantunan yang terjadi pada percakapan antara masyarakat dan Ridwan Kamil dalam media sosial twitter. Penulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya penggunaan twitter di Indonesia dengan penggunanya yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan. Percakapan dalam media sosial twitter terjadi secara sinkronis karena percakapan tersebut tidak selalu langsung dibalas oleh satu sama lain. Percakapan dapat ditunda sehingga masyarakat bisa lebih leluasa untuk membalas percakapannya. Pada percakapan tersebut terjadi penggunaan bahasa yang dapat menunjukkan bagaimana kesantunan yang digunakan oleh masyarakat dan Ridwan Kamil. Masalah yang akan diteliti yaitu:(1) bagaimana penggunaan bahasa yang terjadi antara masyarakat dan Ridwan Kamil dalam media sosial twitter, (2) bagaimana klasifikasi dan deskripsi tanda-tanda pragmatik yang muncul pada percakapan antara Ridwan Kamil dan masyarakat dalam media sosial twitter, dan (3) bagaimana pola interaksi tutur yang terjadi pada percakapan antara Ridwan Kamil dan masyarakat dalam media sosial twitter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini yaitu observasi, teknik catat dan analisis isi. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan yaitu mentranskip data percakapan, mengklasifikasi dan mendeskripsikan data dengan menggunakan kartu data. Ada pun teori yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini yaitu teori SPEAKING Hymes (1974), teori tindak tutur Wijana (1996), teori kesantunan Leech (1983), dan teori interaksi sosial Karl dan Yoels (1979). Hasil dari penulisan ini yaitu (1)Percakapan antara masyarakat dan Ridwan Kamil dalam media sosial twitter menggunakan ragam bahasa informal. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan banyaknya penggunaan ragam bahasa akrab atau santai, adanya penyingkatan kata, frasa dan kalimat, adanya penggunaan emotikon dan bahasa yang digunakan bercampur dengan bahasa daerah atau asing, (2) Tuturan yang digunakan oleh masyarakat kepada Ridwan Kamil lebih banyak bersifat mendukukung dengan menggunakan jenis tuturan langsung sehingga kesantunan yang digunakan kurang sopan. Tuturan langsung RK ditemukan sebanyak 6 tuturan dan tuturan tidak langsung ditemukan sebanyak 9 tuturan sedangkan tuturan langsung masyarakat ditemukan sebanyak 97 tuturan sedangkan tuturan yang tidak langsung ditemukan sebanyak 34 tuturan, (3) Pola interaksi tutur yang terjadi antara masyarakat dan Ridwan Kamil ditemukan sebanyak 4 pola interaksi tutur dengan jenis komunikasi satu arah dan komunikasi multi arah. Pola interaksi pertama yaitu percakapan yang terjadi dipicu oleh masyarakat, pola interaksi kedua yaitu percakapan yang terjadi dipicu oleh Ridwan Kamil, pola interaksi ketiga yaitu percakapan yang terjadi dipicu oleh masyarakat dan mendapat tanggapan dari masyarakat lain, dan pola interaksi keempat, yaitu percakapan yang terjadi dipicu oleh Ridwan Kamil dan mendapat tanggapan dari masyarakat lain. This research explains how is the realization of politeness which occurred in a conversation between the community and Ridwan Kamil in social media twitter. The research was distributed by the rampant of twitter users in Indonesia with its users who come from various backgrounds. The conversation in social media twitter occurs in synchronous because the conversations are not always directly replied by one another. The conversation can be delayed so that the community could be more freely to avenge his talks. The conversation took place on the use of language which can show how politeness used by the community and Ridwan Kamil. Issues that will be examined, namely: (1) how is the use of language that took place between the community and Ridwan Kamil in social media twitter, (2) how is the classification and description of the signs appearing on the pragmatic conversation between Ridwan Kamil and communities in social media twitter, and (3) how is the interaction happened to the conversation between Ridwan Kamil and communities in social media twitter. The method used in this research is qualitative, descriptive method. Data collection techniques used in this study i.e., observation techniques and analysis of the contents of the note. Data processing techniques used, namely data transcript conversation, classifying and describing the data by using a data card. Is there any theory used in this study i.e. the theory of SPEAKING Hymes (1974), the theory of acts said Wijana (1996), the theory of politeness Leech (1983), and social interaction theory of Karl and Yoels (1979). The results of this research are (1) a conversation between society and Ridwan Kamil in social media twitter by using informal language diversity. It is characterized by the large number of uses of language diversity familiar or relaxed, the shortening of the words, phrases and sentences, the use of emoticons and the language used has been mixed by local languages or foreign, (2) speech is used by society to Ridwan Kamil is more to carry as using this type of direct speech so politeness used impolite. Direct speech is RK found as 6 speechs and indirect speech is found as many as 9 speechs while speech is direct community found 97 speechs while the indirect speech is found as many as 34 speechs, (3) patterns of interaction that occurs between the community and Ridwan Kamil found as much as spoken interaction pattern with 4 types of one-way communication and way communication. The first interaction pattern that is a conversation that occurred triggered by the society, the second interaction pattern that is a conversation that occurred triggered by Ridwan Kamil, the third interaction pattern that is a conversation that occurred triggered by society and got responses from other communities, and the fourth interaction pattern, that is the conversation that occurred triggered by Ridwan Kamil and got responses from other societies

    The Legal Status of Mut’ah Marriage in Indonesia

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    Mut'ah marriages with contract marriages bring a dilemma to society. The society views that this is halal (lawful) and legal, but in essence it does not carry out rights and obligations. The problem of this paper is how do civil cases (of mut'ah marriage) get legal certainty so that the logic of "urgent" becomes a status that can protect the rights and dignity of married couples in Indonesia? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the status of mut'ah marriage law so that it does not become a political contribution in Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical. The result of this research is that in relation to the basis for practice of mut'ah which is considered an emergency, it is clearly contrary to Islamic law because the real aim and purpose of marriage are permanent. Mut'ah actually destroys human civilization and ethics or implies bad faith. The harm will befall the offspring. Children who are born have no legal certainty because they are considered children born of adultery. This research concludes that mut'ah is contrary to the basic provisions of the Material Law of the Religious Courts on Marriage which strictly prohibits mut'ah marriages (Article 2 paragraph 2 of Law No. 1 Year 1974 concerning marriage), the criminal sanctions are regulated in the Draft Law on the Religious Courts of Marriage Article 39 because it is not recorded and Article 144 concerning sanctions against the perpetrator, and the marriage is null and void by law

    pandangan masyarakat tentang pemindahan Mesjid Al-azhar antara hotel dengan penduduk non muslim dl jalan Sukawarna Kotamadya Bandung

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    Sebuah kasus terjadi di Jalan Sukavvana Kelurahan Pajajaran Kecamatan Cicendo Kotamadya Bandung, berupa pemindahan mesjid wakaf, yang telah banyak menimbulkan pendapat yang pro dan kontra dikalangan vvarga masyarakat setempat. Sebagian diantara mereka mendukung atas pemindahan mesjid wakaf tersebut, sementara sebagian yang lain menolaknya dengan alasan-alasan tersendiri. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut, untuk mengetahui pandangan masyarakat tentang pemindahan mesjid wakaf antara hotel dengan penduduk non muslim di jalan Sukawama, faktor penyebab pemindahan mesjid wakaf tersebut dan status hukum syara' atas pemindahan mesjid wakaftersebut. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada P.P. No. 28 tahun 1977 pasaf 11 ayat 1 yang berbunyi “Pada dasarnya terhadap tanah milik yang telah diwakafan tidak dapat dilakukan perubahan peruntukkan atau penggunaan lain dari pada yang dimaksud dalam ikrar wakaf P.P. tersebut juga sejalan dengan hadits Rasulullah SAW Benda-benda yang telah diwakafkan tidak dijual, tidak dihibahkan dan tidak diwariskan...”. Penelitian ini mengggunakan metode deskriftif, pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Metode anaiisisnya melalui analisis kualitatatif. Sumber datanya diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kategori, pimer dan sekunder. Data primer berupa hasii observasi dan waw'ancara ke lapangan. Sedangkan data sekunder berupa keterangan-keterangan lain yang ada relevansinya dengan masalah yang diteliti. Dari hasii penelitian tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pandangan masyarakat tentang pemindahan mesjid antara hotel dengan penduduk non muslim di Jalan Sukawama Kelurahan Pajajaran Kecamatan Cicendo Kotamadya Bandung , sebagaian masyarakat menyatakan boleh, dengan alasan bahwa pemindaan mesjid tersebut telah memenuhi ketentuan syarat pemindahan sebuah benda wakaf. Faktor penyebab terjadinya hal itu adalah bahwa di lokasi semula banggunannya tidak dapat dikembangkan lagi dan di sekitamva terdapat tanah adat dan tanah sengketa. Status hukum dalam pemindahan mesjid tersebut tidaak sesuai dengan hukum syarak Sebagaimana hadits Nabi. Juga hasii penjualan mesjid tersebut tidak digunakan untuk membangun mesjid yang baru tetapi digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi, sementara itu mesjid yang baru, dibangun oleh pihak pembeli tanah wakaftersebut

    Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Antidiabetik pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between patient knowledge about diabetes mellitus and adherence to taking antidiabetic medication. The method used in this research is quantitative non-experimental with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed that most respondents had a low knowledge of 77.1% and a high compliance rate of 47.9%. Based on the Spearman Rank correlation test, the correlation coefficient value was 0.354*. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of diabetes mellitus and adherence to taking antidiabetic medication.   Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; Medication Compliance, Knowledg

    The Transfer of Ownership Rights of Bengkok Land Through Land Swap Agreements

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    The process of transferring bengkok land ownership rights through land swap agreements is frequently done, but due to lack of understanding of the legislations, the transfer of land rights often experiences various problems. This study aims to find out the mechanism of transferring bengkok land ownership rights through land swap agreements based on the legislations as well as the process of certifying bengkok land into proprietary land. This descriptive-analytic study applied an empirical juridical approach. The results showed that the mechanism of transferring bengkok land ownership rights through land swap agreements in Kuningan District is regulated in Kuningan District Regulation No. 44 of 2017 concerning Management of Village Assets. Meanwhile, the process of certifying bengkok land into proprietary land is regulated in Article 17 of Government Regulation No. 27 of 2014 concerning Management of State/Regional Property. In conclusion, the process of transferring land ownership rights, especially state-owned land, shall to be done in a written form and is based on the applicable legislation. Peralihan Hak Milik Tanah Bengkok Melalui Perjanjian Tukar Guling Proses peralihan hak milik tanah bengkok melalui perjanjian tukar guling sering dilakukan namun karena ketidak pahaman terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, peralihan hak milik atas tanah tersebut mengalami berbagai permasalahan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme peralihan tanah bengkok melalui perjanjian tukar guling menurut perundang-undangan dan proses pensertifikatan tanah bengkok menjadi tanah hak milik. Jenis penelitian deskriptif-analistis dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa Mekanisme peralihan tanah bengkok melalui perjanjian tukar guling di Kabupaten Kuningan diatur dalam Peraturan Bupati Kuningan Nomor 44 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengelolaan Aset Desa dan Proses pensertifikatan tanah bengkok menjadi tanah hak milik diatur dalam Pasal 17 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2014 adalah pengalihan kepemilikan barang negara/daerah. Kesimpulannya Dalam proses perjanjian tukar menukar tanah terutama tanah milik negara perlunya dilakukan secara tertulis dan sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku

    The Application of 5C Analysis on the Micro People’s Business Credits Financing with Murabaha contract in Sharia Bank of Indonesia Buah Batu 2 Branch Office

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    Based on the results of observation and interviews, the background of this research is the fluctuation of the clients’ late-paid installment data due to the bank’s improper in analyzing potential clients. Therefore, the bank applied a 5C analysis method to prevent the clients’ failed and/or late payments at the Sharia Bank of Indonesia (BSI) Buah Batu 2 branch office. This research aims to discover how to apply the 5C principle on micro People’s Business Credits (KUR) financing at the Sharia Bank of Indonesia (BSI) Buah Batu 2 branch office. The descriptive qualitative method is applied to this research with the 5C principle as the object. Furthermore, observation, interviews, literature review, and documentation are the techniques used to collect this research’s primary data.The research findings lead to the conclusion, that is, the application of 5C analysis has been implemented by the bank before they approved the financing. Nevertheless, the bank still gets a problem in observing the character aspect of the clients for the reason that one’s character is way too complex and difficult to observe. Moreover, there are three points for the aspects of character, three points for the aspects of capacity, five points for the capital aspects, six points for the collateral aspects, and lastly, two points for the condition aspects