2,849 research outputs found

    Critical radius and temperature for buckling in graphene

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    In this work, we find an analytical flat-membrane solution to the saddle point equations, derived by F. Guinea et al. [Phys. Rev. B 89, 125428 (2014)], for the case of a suspended graphene membrane of circular shape. We also find how different buckled membrane solutions bifurcate from the flat membrane at critical temperatures and membrane radii. The saddle point equations take into account electron-phonon coupling and this coupling provides a residual stress even for a flat graphene layer. Below a critical temperature (which is exceedingly high for an infinite layer) or above a critical size that depend on boundary conditions, different buckling modes that may be the germ of rippling appear. Our results provide the opportunity to develop new feasible experiments dealing with buckling in small suspended graphene membranes that could verify them. These experiments may also be used to fit the phonon-electron coupling constant or the bending energy

    Research and Teaching of Techniques and Tactics in Invasion Games. Implementation in Soccer

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    El fútbol es un deporte que, pese a los avances científicos y tecnológicos que ha habido en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y el principio del siglo XXI, presenta muchas reticencias a incorporar novedades en sus procesos de formación. Por esta razón, los diferentes factores que inciden sobre la enseñanza de la técnica y la táctica en los deportes de invasión en general, y sobre el fútbol en particular, son merecedores de un análisis profundo, con el fin de orientar la toma de decisiones del entrenador a la hora de planificar y diseñar tareas para el desarrollo de estos contenidos. En esta revisión analizaremos algunos de estos aspectos. En referencia a la técnica se abordarán aspectos claves referidos a cómo utilizar la demostración, la estructuración de la práctica en las sesiones y la elección del feedback más adecuado. Los aspectos tratados en relación con la táctica son las posibilidades de desarrollo de la inteligencia de juego, las relaciones que se establecen entre conocimiento procedimental y toma de decisiones, y la búsqueda de unas fases sensibles o de etapas en la formación táctica del futbolista. La conclusión es que con los resultados ofrecidos se derriban algunos mitos y se establecen vínculos entre investigación y práctica en la enseñanza de los elementos técnico-tácticos.Actividad Física y DeporteEducació

    Structural properties of minimal strong digraphs versus trees

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    Producción CientíficaIn this article, we focus on structural properties of minimal strong digraphs (MSDs). We carry out a comparative study of properties of MSDs versus (undirected) trees. For some of these properties, we give the matrix version, regarding nearly reducible matrices. We give bounds for the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial corresponding to the adjacency matrix of trees, and we conjecture bounds for MSDs. We also propose two different representations of an MSD in terms of trees (the union of a spanning tree and a directed forest; and a double directed tree whose vertices are given by the contraction of connected Hasse diagrams).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad ( grant MTM2015-65764-C3-1-P

    Skew-product maps with base having closed set of periodic points

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    In [Proc. ECIT-89, World Scientific, (1991), 177–183], A. N. Sharkovski˘ı and S.F. Kolyada stated the problem of characterization skew-product maps having zero topological entropy. It is known that, even under some additional assumptions, this aim has not been reached. In [J. Math. Anal. Appl., 287, (2003), 516–521], J. L. G. Guirao and J. Chudziak partially solved the problem in the class of skew-product maps with base map having closed set of periodic points. The present paper has two aims for this class of maps, on one hand to improve that solution showing the equivalence between the property “to have zero topological entropy” and the fact “not to be Li-Yorke chaotic in the union of the ω-limit sets of recurrent points”. On other hand, we show that the properties “to have closed set of periodic points” and “all nonwandering points are periodic” are not mutually equivalent properties, for doing this we disprove a result from Efremova of 1990

    El temblor de 1680, entre tradición retórica y pedagogía moderna

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    El terremoto de 9 de octubre de 1680, con epicentro en Málaga, se dejó sentir en toda Andalucía. Como corresponde a una sociedad sacralizada los efectos espirituales fueron inmediatos, capitalizados por la Iglesia. La profunda conmoción causada se refleja en relaciones, memoriales, sermones y cartas pastorales. Ante la magnitud del castigo divino (pedagogía del miedo), no cabe otra vía que el arrepentimiento y la conversión, individual y colectiva. Información e interpretación se mezclan en estos documentos, que invitan a reconstruir el orden moral, que también es orden social; todo ello con una cuidada estrategia eclesial. Así se refleja en funciones religiosas, procesiones y misiones populares.The earthquake of October 9, 1680, with epicenter in Malaga, was felt in all Andalusia. Under a sacred society, its spiritual effects were immediate, designed by the Church. The severe conmotion caused is reflected in relationships, petitions, sermons and pastoral letters. Given the magnitude of the divine punishment (pedagogy of fear), there isn´t another way that the contrition and conversion, both individually and collectively. Information and interpretation are mixed in these documents, that invite to rebuild the moral order, which is also social order; all these things with a careful strategy by the Church. This is reflected in religious services, processions and popular missions

    Fundamentos, características y eficacia de la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional

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    En este trabajo se exponen los fundamentos, las características, y los principios conductuales en los que se basa la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) y sus recientes avances. Sus fundamentos son: (a) el análisis funcional de la conducta del cliente que ocurre durante la sesión, (b) las contingencias de reforzamiento natural y el moldeamiento que ocurren dentro de la sesión clínica, y (c) la equivalencia funcional del contexto clínico con la vida diaria del mismo. Se caracteriza por definir unos objetivos de intervención, las denominadas Conductas Clínicamente Relevantes (CCR) y también cinco reglas terapéuticas como orientaciones fundamentales para el terapeuta. La FAP hace hincapié en la relación cliente-terapeuta, y esto da la oportunidad de moldear y reforzar in situ las mejoras en la propia sesión clínica. Una sus mayores aportaciones es su teoría de la formación del Yo que permite hacer un refinado análisis de los problemas relacionados con la personalidad y su tratamiento. Se describen también los recientes estudios de efectividad y de eficacia de esta terapia con resultados muy positivos en distintos tipos de trastornos. Finalmente, se discute su integración con otras terapias de tercera generación, lo que produce efectos sinérgicos en los resultadosIn this work there are exposed the characteristics, the foundations and the behavioral roots that support the Functional Analytical Psychotherapy (FAP) and its recent advances. Their foundations are: (a) the functional analysis of the client’s direct behavior that happens during the session, (b) the shaping and natural contingencies of reinforcement that happen inside the clinical session, and (c) the functional equivalence between the clinical context and the daily life problems. As characteristics, FAP outlines some aims of intervention, referred to as Clinical Relevant Behavior (CRB); and also five therapeutic rules as fundamental guidance for the therapist. The FAP emphasized the client-therapist relationship, and this gives the opportunity to shape and to reinforce the improvements into the in situ clinical session. Their major conceptual contribution is the theory about the formation of Self, doing a refined analysis of the personality problems and its treatment. There are described also the recent studies of efficacy and effectiveness of this therapy with very positive results in different types of disorders. Finally, its integration with other therapies of third generation is discussed, which produces synergy effects in the result

    Markov models of territory occupancy: Implications for the management and conservation of competing species

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    Markov chains have been frequently used in community ecology to model successional changes, but little attention has been paid to its application in population ecology as a tool to explore the outcomes of species interactions. Markov models can be regarded as >null models> that provide predicted values under a no-change scenario against which the consequences of changes in variables of interest can be assessed. Here we explore Markov chains' potential to project population trends of competing species and derive sensible management strategies. To do that we use six years of field data on territory occupancy and turn-over of two competing top predators in a Mediterranean landscape: the golden and Bonelli's eagles. The results suggest that long-term coexistence of both species in the study area is likely, with the main limitation for their coexistence being the difficulties Bonelli's eagles have in colonising new territories that become available. To avoid future declines in the population of Bonelli's eagle, it is important to take into account that the positive effects of conservation strategies focused on encouraging colonization (e.g. decreasing disperser mortality) are likely to be larger than those focused on avoiding territory abandonment (e.g. decreasing adult mortality). Markov chains are likely to be useful to evaluate the relative merit of alternative management options in other territorial species when patterns of territory occupancy are the only reliable data available, as often happens with large predators. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Peer Reviewe