18 research outputs found

    Expansion of the core business of traditional media companies in Spain through SVOD services

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    The strategic importance of the internet for television became evident in the early 2000s, even destabilizing its very concept and finally resulting in convergence towards a profound transformation of the sector. The introduction of global over-the-top (OTT) media services into local markets has led to strategic changes in multimedia groups. This study considers the subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services of Atresmedia and Mediaset España, the two main traditional media organizations in Spain that form a duopoly in the country’s commercial television sector, with the aim of understanding and evaluating their positioning strategy in this market and the results obtained through the diversification of their core business. Based on an analysis of their content, price, and promotion policies and the results in terms of subscriptions and revenues, slight differences emerge regarding the strategy and scope of these two groups in their own environment in the sector. They compete for customers to achieve growth in the audiovisual market while seeking to retain a cross-media, multiplatform audience, as well as expand their core business of commercial linear television against a background of a reduction of advertising spend on television and the expected increase of hybrid financing models

    Allogenic adipose-derived stem cell therapy overcomes ischemia-induced microvessel rarefaction in the myocardium : systems biology study

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by the Spanish Cardiovascular Network of Cell Therapy (Red TerCel RD16/0011/018) and Ciber CV(CB16/11/00411) from the Instituto Salud Carlos III (to LB). Additional funding was received from Plan Nacional de Salud (PNS SAF2016-76819-R to LB, 2015-71653-R to GV) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds; from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII13/00012 to GA); and support from a grant from the Muy Ilustrísima Administración from the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (to MG). The authors thank Fundacion Jesus Serra, Barcelona for continuous support.Myocardial microvascular loss after myocardial infarction (MI) remains a therapeutic challenge. Autologous stem cell therapy was considered as an alternative; however, it has shown modest benefits due to the impairing effects of cardiovascular risk factors on stem cells. Allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) may overcome such limitations, and because of their low immunogenicity and paracrine potential may be good candidates for cell therapy. In the present study we investigated the effects of allogenic ASCs and their released products on cardiac rarefaction post MI. Pig subcutaneous adipose tissue ASCs were isolated, expanded and GFP-labeled. ASC angiogenic function was assessed by the in-vivo chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model. Pigs underwent MI induction and 7 days after were randomized to receive: allogenic ASCs (intracoronary infusion); conditioned media (CM; intravenous infusion); ASCs + CM; or PBS/placebo (control). Cardiac damage and function were monitored by 3-T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging upon infusion (baseline CMR) and 1 and 3 weeks thereafter. We assessed in the myocardium: microvessel density; angiogenic markers (CD105, CD31, TF, VEGFR2, VEGFR1, vWF, eNOS, CD62); collagen deposition; and reparative fibrosis (TGFβ/TβRII/collagen). Differential proteomics of ASCs and CM was performed to characterize the ASC protein signature. CAM indicated a significant ASC proangiogenic capacity. In pigs after MI, only PBS/placebo animals displayed an impaired cardiac function 3 weeks after infusion (p < 0.05 vs baseline). Administration of ASCs + CM significantly enhanced neovessel formation and favored cardiac repair post MI (p < 0.05 vs the other groups). Molecular markers of angiogenesis were significantly upregulated both at transcriptional and protein levels (p < 0.05). The in-silico bioinformatics analysis of the ASC and CM proteome (interactome) indicated activation of a coordinated protein network involved in the formation of microvessels and the resolution of rarefaction. Coadministration of allogenic ASCs and their CM synergistically contribute to the neovascularization of the infarcted myocardium through a coordinated upregulation of the proangiogenic protein interactome. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13287-017-0509-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The Impact of Culturing the Organ Preservation Fluid on Solid Organ Transplantation: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study

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    Background. We analyzed the prevalence, etiology, and risk factors of culture-positive preservation fluid and their impact on the management of solid organ transplant recipients. Methods. From July 2015 to March 2017, 622 episodes of adult solid organ transplants at 7 university hospitals in Spain were prospectively included in the study. Results. The prevalence of culture-positive preservation fluid was 62.5% (389/622). Nevertheless, in only 25.2% (98/389) of the cases were the isolates considered ?high risk? for pathogenicity. After applying a multivariate regression analysis, advanced donor age was the main associated factor for having culture-positive preservation fluid for high-risk microorganisms. Preemptive antibiotic therapy was given to 19.8% (77/389) of the cases. The incidence rate of preservation fluid?related infection was 1.3% (5 recipients); none of these patients had received preemptive therapy. Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients with high-risk culture-positive preservation fluid receiving preemptive antibiotic therapy presented both a lower cumulative incidence of infection and a lower rate of acute rejection and graft loss compared with those who did not have high-risk culture-positive preservation fluid. After adjusting for age, sex, type of transplant, and prior graft rejection, preemptive antibiotic therapy remained a significant protective factor for 90-day infection. Conclusions. The routine culture of preservation fluid may be considered a tool that provides information about the contamination of the transplanted organ. Preemptive therapy for SOT recipients with high-risk culture-positive preservation fluid may be useful to avoid preservation fluid?related infections and improve the outcomes of infection, graft loss, and graft rejection in transplant patients

    Clinical value of cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain in semantic dementia

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any purpose, provided the original work is properly cited, a link to the licence is given, and indication of whether changes were made. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Background: Semantic dementia (SD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by progressive language problems falling within the clinicopathological spectrum of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). The development of disease-modifying agents may be facilitated by the relative clinical and pathological homogeneity of SD, but we need robust monitoring biomarkers to measure their efficacy. In different FTLD subtypes, neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a promising marker, therefore we investigated the utility of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) NfL in SD. Methods: This large retrospective multicentre study compared cross-sectional CSF NfL levels of 162 patients with SD with 65 controls. CSF NfL levels of patients were correlated with clinical parameters (including survival), neuropsychological test scores and regional grey matter atrophy (including longitudinal data in a subset). Results: CSF NfL levels were significantly higher in patients with SD (median: 2326 pg/mL, IQR: 1628-3593) than in controls (577 (446-766), p<0.001). Higher CSF NfL levels were moderately associated with naming impairment as measured by the Boston Naming Test (rs =-0.32, p=0.002) and with smaller grey matter volume of the parahippocampal gyri (rs =-0.31, p=0.004). However, cross-sectional CSF NfL levels were not associated with progression of grey matter atrophy and did not predict survival. Conclusion: CSF NfL is a promising biomarker in the diagnostic process of SD, although it has limited cross-sectional monitoring or prognostic abilities.This study was funded by a Memorabel grant from Deltaplan Dementie (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, and Alzheimer Nederland grant number 7330598105), National Institutes of Health (Grants AG010124, AG032953, AG043503, NS088341, AG017586, AG052943, AG038490), the Wyncote Foundation, Dana Foundation, Brightfocus Foundation, Penn Institute on Aging, Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut 2016-2020, Catalan Department of Health (grant number SLT002/16/00408), Italian Ministry of Health (Ricerca Corrente) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FTLDc 01GI1007A). MS was supported by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung. CW was supported by the Vaillant Stiftunginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expansion of the core business of traditional media companies in Spain through SVOD services

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    The strategic importance of the internet for television became evident in the early 2000s, even destabilizing its very concept and finally resulting in convergence towards a profound transformation of the sector. The introduction of global over-the-top (OTT) media services into local markets has led to strategic changes in multimedia groups. This study considers the subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services of Atresmedia and Mediaset España, the two main traditional media organizations in Spain that form a duopoly in the country’s commercial television sector, with the aim of understanding and evaluating their positioning strategy in this market and the results obtained through the diversification of their core business. Based on an analysis of their content, price, and promotion policies and the results in terms of subscriptions and revenues, slight differences emerge regarding the strategy and scope of these two groups in their own environment in the sector. They compete for customers to achieve growth in the audiovisual market while seeking to retain a cross-media, multiplatform audience, as well as expand their core business of commercial linear television against a background of a reduction of advertising spend on television and the expected increase of hybrid financing models

    Bases metodológicas para la cartografía de riesgos naturales en zonas costeras

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    A pesar de la importancia e implicaciones de los riesgos asociados a la dinámica litoral en las zonas costeras, son escasos lostrabajos centrados en su estudio y cartografía a escala regional, de manera sistemática e integrada. En este trabajo sepresentan los fundamentos de una metodología basada en el análisis detallado de los riesgos naturales que pueden afectar allitoral: inundaciones, erosión, subida del nivel del mar, tsunamis, movimientos de ladera, etc., y en el estudio y cartografíade los factores implicados en su ocurrencia (geomorfología litoral, procesos litorales, sucesos históricos, actuacioneshumanas…). Estos factores y riesgos se evalúan e integran para la elaboración de mapas finales en los que se presenta lavaloración tanto de cada riesgo de forma individual, como del conjunto de los mismos. Se emplea un sistema derepresentación cartográfica en franjas paralelas a la costa que facilita el reconocimiento e interpretación de las característicasdel litoral estudiado y los riesgos asociados

    Light stimulates growth of proteorhodopsin-containing marine Flavobacteria

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    4 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information is linked to the online version of the paper at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v445/n7124/suppinfo/nature05381.htmlProteorhodopsins are bacterial light-dependent proton pumps. Their discovery within genomic material from uncultivated marine bacterioplankton caused considerable excitement because it indicated a potential phototrophic function within these organisms, which had previously been considered strictly chemotrophic1. Subsequent studies established that sequences encoding proteorhodopsin are broadly distributed throughout the world's oceans2, 3, 4, 5. Nevertheless, the role of proteorhodopsins in native marine bacteria is still unknown6. Here we show, from an analysis of the complete genomes of three marine Flavobacteria, that cultivated bacteria in the phylum Bacteroidetes, one of the principal components of marine bacterioplankton, contain proteorhodopsin. Moreover, growth experiments in both natural and artificial seawater (low in labile organic matter, which is typical of the world's oceans) establish that exposure to light results in a marked increase in the cell yield of one such bacterium (Dokdonia sp. strain MED134) when compared with cells grown in darkness. Thus, our results show that the phototrophy conferred by proteorhodopsin can provide critical amounts of energy, not only for respiration and maintenance but also for active growth of marine bacterioplankton in their natural environmentWe thank the Swedish Science Council, the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Swegene, EMPEP, and SSF for supporting this researchPeer reviewe

    Allogenic adipose-derived stem cell therapy overcomes ischemia-induced microvessel rarefaction in the myocardium : systems biology study

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by the Spanish Cardiovascular Network of Cell Therapy (Red TerCel RD16/0011/018) and Ciber CV(CB16/11/00411) from the Instituto Salud Carlos III (to LB). Additional funding was received from Plan Nacional de Salud (PNS SAF2016-76819-R to LB, 2015-71653-R to GV) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds; from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII13/00012 to GA); and support from a grant from the Muy Ilustrísima Administración from the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (to MG). The authors thank Fundacion Jesus Serra, Barcelona for continuous support.Myocardial microvascular loss after myocardial infarction (MI) remains a therapeutic challenge. Autologous stem cell therapy was considered as an alternative; however, it has shown modest benefits due to the impairing effects of cardiovascular risk factors on stem cells. Allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) may overcome such limitations, and because of their low immunogenicity and paracrine potential may be good candidates for cell therapy. In the present study we investigated the effects of allogenic ASCs and their released products on cardiac rarefaction post MI. Pig subcutaneous adipose tissue ASCs were isolated, expanded and GFP-labeled. ASC angiogenic function was assessed by the in-vivo chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model. Pigs underwent MI induction and 7 days after were randomized to receive: allogenic ASCs (intracoronary infusion); conditioned media (CM; intravenous infusion); ASCs + CM; or PBS/placebo (control). Cardiac damage and function were monitored by 3-T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging upon infusion (baseline CMR) and 1 and 3 weeks thereafter. We assessed in the myocardium: microvessel density; angiogenic markers (CD105, CD31, TF, VEGFR2, VEGFR1, vWF, eNOS, CD62); collagen deposition; and reparative fibrosis (TGFβ/TβRII/collagen). Differential proteomics of ASCs and CM was performed to characterize the ASC protein signature. CAM indicated a significant ASC proangiogenic capacity. In pigs after MI, only PBS/placebo animals displayed an impaired cardiac function 3 weeks after infusion (p < 0.05 vs baseline). Administration of ASCs + CM significantly enhanced neovessel formation and favored cardiac repair post MI (p < 0.05 vs the other groups). Molecular markers of angiogenesis were significantly upregulated both at transcriptional and protein levels (p < 0.05). The in-silico bioinformatics analysis of the ASC and CM proteome (interactome) indicated activation of a coordinated protein network involved in the formation of microvessels and the resolution of rarefaction. Coadministration of allogenic ASCs and their CM synergistically contribute to the neovascularization of the infarcted myocardium through a coordinated upregulation of the proangiogenic protein interactome. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13287-017-0509-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    2-Hydroxy-Docosahexaenoic Acid Is Converted Into Heneicosapentaenoic Acid via α-Oxidation: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease with as yet no efficient therapies, the pathophysiology of which is still largely unclear. Many drugs and therapies have been designed and developed in the past decade to stop or slow down this neurodegenerative process, although none has successfully terminated a phase-III clinical trial in humans. Most therapies have been inspired by the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which has more recently come under question due to the almost complete failure of clinical trials of anti-amyloid/tau therapies to date. To shift the perspective for the design of new AD therapies, membrane lipid therapy has been tested, which assumes that brain lipid alterations lie upstream in the pathophysiology of AD. A hydroxylated derivative of docosahexaenoic acid was used, 2-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (DHA-H), which has been tested in a number of animal models and has shown efficacy against hallmarks of AD pathology. Here, for the first time, DHA-H is shown to undergo α-oxidation to generate the heneicosapentaenoic acid (HPA, C21:5, n-3) metabolite, an odd-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that accumulates in cell cultures, mouse blood plasma and brain tissue upon DHA-H treatment, reaching higher concentrations than those of DHA-H itself. Interestingly, DHA-H does not share metabolic routes with its natural analog DHA (C22:6, n-3) but rather, DHA-H and DHA accumulate distinctly, both having different effects on cell fatty acid composition. This is partly explained because DHA-H α-hydroxyl group provokes steric hindrance on fatty acid carbon 1, which in turn leads to diminished incorporation into cell lipids and accumulation as free fatty acid in cell membranes. Finally, DHA-H administration to mice elevated the brain HPA levels, which was directly and positively correlated with cognitive spatial scores in AD mice, apparently in the absence of DHA-H and without any significant change in brain DHA levels. Thus, the evidence presented in this work suggest that the metabolic conversion of DHA-H into HPA could represent a key event in the therapeutic effects of DHA-H against AD

    2-Hydroxy-Docosahexaenoic Acid Is Converted Into Heneicosapentaenoic Acid via α-Oxidation: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease with as yet no efficient therapies, the pathophysiology of which is still largely unclear. Many drugs and therapies have been designed and developed in the past decade to stop or slow down this neurodegenerative process, although none has successfully terminated a phase-III clinical trial in humans. Most therapies have been inspired by the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which has more recently come under question due to the almost complete failure of clinical trials of anti-amyloid/tau therapies to date. To shift the perspective for the design of new AD therapies, membrane lipid therapy has been tested, which assumes that brain lipid alterations lie upstream in the pathophysiology of AD. A hydroxylated derivative of docosahexaenoic acid was used, 2-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (DHA-H), which has been tested in a number of animal models and has shown efficacy against hallmarks of AD pathology. Here, for the first time, DHA-H is shown to undergo α-oxidation to generate the heneicosapentaenoic acid (HPA, C21:5, n-3) metabolite, an odd-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that accumulates in cell cultures, mouse blood plasma and brain tissue upon DHA-H treatment, reaching higher concentrations than those of DHA-H itself. Interestingly, DHA-H does not share metabolic routes with its natural analog DHA (C22:6, n-3) but rather, DHA-H and DHA accumulate distinctly, both having different effects on cell fatty acid composition. This is partly explained because DHA-H α-hydroxyl group provokes steric hindrance on fatty acid carbon 1, which in turn leads to diminished incorporation into cell lipids and accumulation as free fatty acid in cell membranes. Finally, DHA-H administration to mice elevated the brain HPA levels, which was directly and positively correlated with cognitive spatial scores in AD mice, apparently in the absence of DHA-H and without any significant change in brain DHA levels. Thus, the evidence presented in this work suggest that the metabolic conversion of DHA-H into HPA could represent a key event in the therapeutic effects of DHA-H against AD