1,682 research outputs found

    On the rank of the flat unitary summand of the Hodge bundle

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    Let f ⁣:SBf\colon S\to B be a non-isotrivial fibred surface. We prove that the genus gg, the rank ufu_f of the unitary summand of the Hodge bundle fωff_*\omega_f and the Clifford index cfc_f satisfy the inequality ufgcfu_f \leq g - c_f. Moreover, we prove that if the general fibre is a plane curve of degree 5\geq 5 then the stronger bound ufgcf1u_f \leq g - c_f-1 holds. In particular, this provides a strengthening of the bounds of \cite{BGN} and of \cite{FNP}. The strongholds of our arguments are the deformation techniques developed by the first author in \cite{Rigid} and by the third author and Pirola in \cite{PT}, which display here naturally their power and depht.Comment: 19 pages, revised versio

    Territory and cooperativism: A spatial analysis of the Spanish region of Andalusia

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    This study seeks to identify the behavior of cooperative societies in Andalusia, as well as the environments in which their greater relative importance is evident. The weight of cooperative societies is significantly greater in Andalusia as compared to the rest of Spain. These organizations are noteworthy for acting under social, economic and environmental principles and values, and represent a potential opportunity for the region. The methodology applied for this purpose consists of spatial analysis using descriptive graphing techniques and application of spatial autocorrelation. Among the results obtained, a significant finding is these organizations’ defined behavior as opposed to that of mercantile or traditional businesses. In mapping the weight of cooperativism in Andalusia, this study enables a deeper understanding that could lead to improved design and execution of general and specific territorial policies, and with a greater guarantee of success

    La comunicación de la moda: de las revistas en papel a la Web 2.0. Vogue como caso de estudio

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado estudia cómo se han adaptado las revistas de alta gama o revistas de moda al nuevo medio, Internet, tomando Vogue como caso de estudio al ser un referente internacional dentro del sector. Para comprobar cómo ha sido esa adaptación, hemos estudiado la página Vogue.es centrándonos en las características fundamentales del ciberperiodismo: hipertextualidad, multimedialidad, interactividad, una mayor frecuencia de actualización y el uso de géneros ciberperiodísticos. Finalmente, para estudiar en profundidad ese proceso de adaptación, también ha sido necesario establecer una comparación entre Vogue y su versión online.This investigations studies how fashion magazines have adapted to the Internet, taking Vogue as our study case, due to this magazine is an international benchmark model. To verify how it has been this adjustment, we have studied the page Vogue.es focusing on the basic characteristics of the cyberjournalism: hypertextuality, multimediality, interactivity, a major update and the use of cyberjournalistic genres. Finally, to study in depth this process of adjustment, also it has been necessary to establish a comparison between Vogue and Vogue.es.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Using authentic videos to foster listening and English pronunciation in the third year of Primary Education

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    Spanish legislation on education emphasizes the role of listening and pronunciation in the English classroom. That is why the present article aims to research whether students can improve both skills thanks to authentic videos. Therefore, an action plan was implemented with two classrooms in 3rd Primary: experimental and control group. Data was collected by means of a pre and post listening test, pre and post pronunciation exercises and a teacher diary. The treatment consisted of a series of six short videos necessary to solve the increasingly demanding post-viewing activities. Having suffered a setback, results reveal that the experimental group does not progress as much as the control one in terms of listening, but videos do have a positive effect on vowel articulation and pace.Grado en Educación Primari

    Le Sud dans le Nord. La rivière sans repos de Gabrielle Roy

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    L’estompage du primitivisme nordique sous la pression d’un Sud menaçant traduit la fragilité du territoire dans La rivière sans repos (1970), œuvre de Gabrielle Roy. Plus que le Nord, c’est le Sud dans le Nord qui semble s’inscrire dans ces récits. Par ailleurs, le va-et-vient des personnages, leurs voyages réels ou imaginaires entre la civilisation méridionale et les latitudes arctiques font émerger leur vulnérabilité, surtout dans le cas d’Elsa qui, anéantie par l’ébranlement identitaire, sombre dans l’aliénation

    Cytological diploidization of paleopolyploid genus Zea: Divergence between homoeologous chromosomes or activity of pairing regulator genes?

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    Cytological diploidization process is different in autopolyploid and allopolyploid species. Colchicine applied at the onset of meiosis suppresses the effect of pairing regulator genes resulting multivalents formation in bivalent-forming species. Colchicine treated maizes (4x = 2n = 20, AmAmBmBm) showed up to 5IV, suggesting pairing between chromosomes from genomes homoeologous Am and Bm. In untreated individuals of the alloautooctoploid Zea perennis (8x = 2n = 40, ApApAp´Ap´Bp1Bp1Bp2Bp2) the most frequent configuration was 5IV +10II (formed by A and B genomes, respectively). The colchicine treated Z. perennis show up to 10IV revealing higher affinity within genomes A and B, but any homology among them. These results suggest the presence of a paring regulator locus (PrZ) in maize and Z. perennis, whose expression is suppressed by colchicine. It could be postulated that in Z. perennis, PrZ would affect independently the genomes A and B, being relevant the threshold of homology, the fidelity of pairing in each genomes and the ploidy level. Cytological analysis of the treated hexaploid hybrids (6x = 2n = 30), with Z. perennis as a parental, strongly suggests that PrZ is less effective in only one doses. This conclusion was reinforced by the homoeologous pairing observed in untreated dihaploid maizes, which showed up to 5II. Meiotic behaviour of individuals treated with different doses of colchicine allowed to postulate that PrZ affect the homoeologous association by controlling entire genomes (Am or Bm) rather than individual chromosomes. Based on cytological and statistical results it is possible to propose that the cytological diploidization in Zea species occurs by restriction of pairing between homoeologous chromosomes or by genetical divergence of the homoeologous chromosomes, as was observed in untreated Z. mays ssp. parviglumis. These are independent but complementary systems and could be acting jointly in the same nucleus.Fil: Poggio, Lidia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: González, Graciela Esther. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Intragenomic conflict between knob heterochromatin and b chromosomes is the key to understand genome size variation along altitudinal clines in maize

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    In maize, we studied the causes of genome size variation and their correlates with cultivation altitude that suggests the existence of adaptive clines. To discuss the biological role of the genome size variation, we focused on Bolivian maize landraces growing along a broad altitudinal range. These were analyzed together with previously studied populations from altitudinal clines of Northwestern Argentina (NWA). Bolivian populations exhibited numerical polymorphism for B chromosomes (Bs) (from 1 to 5), with frequencies varying from 16.6 to 81.8 and being positively correlated with cultivation altitude. The 2C values of individuals 0B (A-DNA) ranged between 4.73 and 7.71 pg, with 58.33% of variation. The heterochromatic knobs, detected by DAPI staining, were more numerous and larger in individuals 0B than in those with higher doses of Bs. Bolivian and NWA landraces exhibited the same pattern of A-DNA downsizing and fewer and smaller knobs with increasing cultivation altitude, suggesting a mechanistic link among heterochromatin, genome size and phenology. The negative association between the two types of supernumerary DNA (knob heterochromatin and Bs), mainly responsible for the genome size variation, may be considered as an example of intragenomic conflict. It could be postulated that the optimal nucleotype is the result of such conflict, where genome adjustment may lead to an appropriate length of the vegetative cycle for maize landraces growing across altitudinal clines.Fil: González, Graciela Esther. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Poggio, Lidia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Spanish efl teachers and ict tools. A survey-based analysis

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    In the last few years, teachers in Spain have experienced numerous changes in their methodology due to the implementation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in education. This research provides a survey-based analysis of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers that assesses their attitude towards digital resources and the current state of affairs in Spain concerning digital tools. Results indicate that despite receiving training in digital skills, teachers still need more support from their educational centres and that the technical equipment available is limited. Besides, they use more often ICT tools for practicing listening and evaluate favourably collaboration among teaching staff and the figure of the ICT coordinato

    “Relación entre el estado nutricio y el aporte calórico del contenido alimentario en los refrigerios de los preescolares del Jardín de niños Rosario Castellanos, de la población de 2da Manzana Santa Cruz Tepexpan, Jiquipilco, Estado de México.”

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    El crecimiento y desarrollo de los preescolares depende de la interacción de diversos factores tanto genéticos como ambientales; en cuanto a estos ̼últimos destaca la alimentación en la escuela que se convierte en pieza clave para la adopción de nuevos hábitos alimentarios

    Historia de la enseñanza de antropología y educación en la facultad de ciencias humanas de la universidad de San Luis

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    Es trabajo denota un recorrido histórico acerca de la enseñanza de la Antropología para estudiantes de las Ciencias de la Educación en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Se ha tenido en cuenta los planes de estudio Ord. R. 17/78 y Ord. R. 20/99, y sus modificaciones. La enseñanza de la Antropología y Educación como asignatura de la educación superior, posee una tradición de corta trayectoria, aunque constitutiva en el avance de las diferentes carreras de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas en la que se ofrece, al tiempo que, contenidos de esta ciencia, se encuentran presentes al interior de otros espacios curriculares, en la universidad. Denoto la necesidad de realizar un recorte de su enseñanza -según los dos planes (op.cit)- y visualizar los diferentes giros en su desarrollo vinculando específicamente el campo de la Antropología con el campo del saber pedagógico.Fil: González, Lidia. Universidad Nacional de San Lui