233 research outputs found

    Postsurgical Prosthetic Rehabilitation after Mandibular Ameloblastoma Resection: A 7-Year Follow-Up Case Report

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    Ameloblastomas are benign but locally invasive odontogenic tumors most frequently located in the mandible. The gold standard of treatment is the surgical resection of the tumor with safety margins. Postsurgical defects generate a significant morbidity that needs reconstruction and oral rehabilitation to restore the oral functions. This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a 42-year-old male after resection of a mandibular ameloblastoma. Excision of the lesion by segmental mandibulectomy and mandibular reconstruction by microvascularized fibula flap was performed. After placement of 6 dental implants, the patient was rehabilitated with a lower hybrid prosthesis fabricated using computer-aided design-computer-aided manufacturing. During a 7-year and 5-month follow-up, some clinical complications were observed

    Plan de marketing para aumentar la rentabilidad operacional de Fosac en la región Ica

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    El presente trabajo de investigación ha sido desarrollado por el suscrito, servidor de la Contraloría General de la República, actual jefe del OCI de la SMV, con catorce años de experiencia como jefe de OCI en cinco entidades públicas, siete años de experiencia en gestión pública en cargos dirección y cinco años de experiencia en el sector privado; experiencia profesional que ha sido de utilidad para la elaboración del presente modelo de servicios de control propuesto, cuyo planteamiento ha sido validado en entrevistas efectuadas a directivos de la SMV y a jefes de OCI de diversas entidades públicas. Existe el convencimiento de que el modelo propuesto es viable, dado que no implica la utilización de recursos presupuestales adicionales a la entidad, y la implementación de las dos primeras etapas secuenciales del modelo, referidas a la determinación de los procesos críticos de la entidad y la ejecución de servicios de control simultáneo y relacionados en los procesos críticos, dependen de la decisión del jefe del OCI, dado que la tercera etapa referida a la ejecución de auditorías de cumplimiento, que deben ser realizadas si y solo si existen presuntos hechos irregulares detectados y riesgos no tratados materializados en presuntas irregularidades, dependen de la normativa o lineamientos emitidos por la CGR

    NGC 6153: Reality is complicated

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    We study the kinematics of emission lines that arise from many physical processes in NGC 6153 based upon deep, spatially-resolved, high resolution spectra acquired with the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT. Our most basic finding is that the plasma in NGC 6153 is complex, especially its temperature structure. The kinematics of most emission lines defines a classic expansion law, with the outer part expanding fastest (normal nebular plasma). However, the permitted lines of \ion{O}{1}, \ion{C}{2}, \ion{N}{2}, \ion{O}{2}, and \ion{Ne}{2} present a constant expansion velocity that defines a second kinematic component (additional plasma component). The physical conditions imply two plasma components, with the additional plasma component having lower temperature and higher density. The [\ion{O}{2}] density and the [\ion{N}{2}] temperature are anomalous, but may be understood considering the contribution of recombination to these forbidden lines. The two plasma components have very different temperatures. The normal nebular plasma appears to be have temperature fluctuations in part of its volume (main shell), but only small fluctuations elsewhere. The additional plasma component contains about half of the mass of the N2+^{2+} and O2+^{2+} ions, but only 353-5\% of the mass of H+^+ ions, so the two plasma components have very different chemical abundances. We estimate abundances of 12+log(O2+/H+)9.212+\log(\mathrm O^{2+}/\mathrm H^+)\sim 9.2\,dex and He/H0.13\mathrm{He}/\mathrm H\sim 0.13. Although they are all complications, multiple plasma components, temperature fluctuations, and the contributions of multiple physical processes to a given emission line are all part of the reality in NGC 6153, and should generally be taken into account.Comment: 55 pages, 51 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Study of An Anti-Doping Education Program in Spanish Sports Sciences Students

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    Doping continues to be one of the biggest risks to the credibility of elite sports, and its practice remains widespread among athletes despite improved controls. Athletes’ support personnel could be key to preventing doping behavior. In this sense, anti-doping education for this population appears as a possible strategy to reduce doping behaviors in elite sport, but these programs must be evaluated and designed based on scientific evidence. The aim of this research is to explore the impact of an anti-doping education program about substances perceived efficacy, ill-health short- and long-term effects, and the morality of doping substance use in Spanish sports sciences students. Method: A total of 145 students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (PASS) from different Spanish universities who took an online anti-doping educational course of the Spanish Anti-Doping Commission (CELAD) answered a questionnaire on their perceptions about doping before, after, and four months later. Results: The results show that the course reduced students’ ignorance about the effects of substances on performance and health and increased their moral judgment and feelings against doping. Discussion: The results are in line with previous research that showed that the moral stance against doping can be improved through educational programs. Conclusion: Online educational interventions can be effective in reducing doping behavior, so their future implementation among ASP can be an effective strategy to reduce doping behavior


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    The objective of this investigation was to identify the entomofauna of mosquitoes existing in Sancti Spíritus and Villa Clara provinces, Cuba. Fluvial ecosystems were sampled which constitute the resting, oviposition and breeding sites of mosquitoes; artificial recipients in disuse, records/passive files, and existing maps in the provincial units were used. The investigation covered a period of 16 years (1999-2014). A total of 34 species of mosquitoes (49.27%) from nine genera of Sancti Spíritus province were identified, while in Villa Clara, the number increased to 43 species (62.31%) from 15genera, all this, taking into consideration the 69 species of mosquitoes recorded for Cuba. Thequalitative similarity of the entomofauna between Villa Clara and Sancti Spiritus was 60.42%. The most common species in both provinces were: Anopheles albimanus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Cx. nigripalpus y Psorophora confinnis. The results demonstrated the great ecological plasticity of existing culicid entomofauna in both provinces of Cuba.El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la entomofauna de mosquitos de las provincias Sancti Spíritus y Villa Clara, Cuba. Se muestrearon ecosistemas fluviales las cuales constituyen los sitios de descanso, ovipostura y cría de los mosquitos; recipientes artificiales en desuso; registros/archivos pasivos y mapas existentes en las unidades provinciales. La investigación abarcó un periodo de 16 años (1999-2014). Se identificaron un total de 34 especies de mosquitos (49,27%) distribuidas en nueve géneros en la provincia Sancti Spíritus, mientras que en Villa Clara, la cifra ascendió a 43 especies (62,31%) distribuidas en 15 géneros, todo esto, teniendo en cuenta las 69 especies de mosquitos registradas para Cuba. La similaridad cualitativa de la entomofauna entre Santi Spíritu y Villa Clara fue del 60,42%. Las especies más frecuentes en ambas provincias fueron: Anopheles albimanus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Cx. nigripalpus y Psorophora confinnis. Los resultados evidenciaron la gran plasticidad ecológica de la entomofauna de culícidos de ambas provincias de Cuba

    Variación interanual del imposex en el caracol marino Thaisella chocolata (Muricidae) en la costa central del Perú

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    The hormonal alteration generated by tributyl (TBT) in female gastropods causes sterility due to the imposex phenomenon. The aim of this study was to characterize the annual variation of imposex in the sea snail Thasiella chocolata (Muricidae) in seven locations on the central coast of Peru. A unit of 1188 samples of T. chocolata were evaluated between 2013 and 2016. The imposex cataloging was evaluated based on the following indicators: imposex in females (I%), Relative Penile Length Index (RPLI), the Relative Penile Size Index (RPSI) and the Vas Deferens Sequence Index (VDSI). The global percentage of Imposex of 36.39% was observed, and a downward trend from 2013 to 2016 in the percentage of Imposex, RPLI, RPSI and VDSI. The percentage of Imposex according to locality varied between 5.88 to 52.10%. The severity indices based on the RPLI and RPSI by locality presented the following sequence: Chorrillos > Pucusana > San Bartolo > Isla San Lorenzo > Agua Dulce > La Punta > Callao; and for the VDSI it was: Pucusana > La Punta = San Bartolo = San Lorenzo Island > Chorrillos > Agua Dulce > Callao. There was evidence of a reduction in the length of the penis of females, and of the RPLI of T. chocolata between the years of evaluation.La alteración hormonal generada por el tributil de estaño (TBT) en las hembras de los gasterópodos ocasiona esterilidad debido al fenómeno del imposex. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar la variación anual del imposex en el caracol marino Thasiella chocolata (Muricidae) en siete localidades de la costa central del Perú. Se trabajó con una unidad de análisis de 1188 muestras de T. chocolata entre 2013 al 2016. La catalogación del imposex fue evaluada con base a los siguientes indicadores: imposex en las hembras (I%), el Índice relativo de longitud del pene (RPLI), el Índice del tamaño relativo del pene (RPSI) y el Índice de Secuencia del Vaso Deferente (VDSI). Se observó un porcentaje global de Imposex de 36.39%, y una tendencia a la disminución del 2013 al 2016 del porcentaje de Imposex, RPLI, RPSI y VDSI. El porcentaje de Imposex según localidad varió entre 5.88 hasta 52.10%. Los índices de severidad con base al RPLI y RPSI por localidad presentaron la siguiente secuencia: Chorrillos > Pucusana > San Bartolo > Isla San Lorenzo > Agua Dulce > La Punta > Callao; y para el VDSI fue de: Pucusana > La Punta = San Bartolo = Isla San Lorenzo > Chorrillos > Agua Dulce > Callao. Se evidenció una reducción de la longitud del pene de hembras, y del RPLI de T. chocolata entre los años de evaluación

    Biopelículas a base de pectina de cáscara de naranja (Citrus sinensis): Caracterización física, química y estructural

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    La naranja es uno de los cultivos con mayor plantación en México y se visualiza un crecimiento para los próximos años. Derivado de las actividades de la agroindustria se producen residuos de cáscara de naranja, la cual por su alto contenido de pectina es apropiado para obtener bioplásticos, el cual es el objetivo principal de este trabajo. La extracción de la pectina se realizó mediante hidrólisis ácida, utilizando ácido cítrico al 0,1% y como agente plastificante glicerol a concentraciones de 3%, 4% y 5% para determinar la resistencia y rigidez óptima de la biopelícula. Se obtuvieron biopelículas flexibles, libres de poros y espacios intersticiales en la superficie del material. La biopelícula con composición de glicerol al 5% presentó características uniformes, con mejor flexibilidad y apariencia física en comparación con los de 3% y 4%. Mediante el análisis del FTIR se determinó que el polímero (pectina) mostró una banda característica de absorción del grupo -OH a 3300 cm-1, del grupo C-O a 1023 cm-1 y para el grupo COOH a 1732 cm-1 característica de un material biodegradable. De acuerdo con el análisis elemental de la biopelícula, se encontró que está compuesta por C, H, N y S, lo cual lo hace un material biodegradable no tóxico y amigable con el ambiente

    Use of agroindustrial waste to obtain cellulose from oil palm bagasse (Elaeis guinnensis)

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    Obtain cellulose from oil palm agro-industrial waste that meets standard physicochemical characteristics to produce value-added products. Bagasse fibers from the palm agroindustry were used to obtain cellulose, by means of the acid – alkaline hydrolysis methodology. The samples obtained in each stage and the cellulose obtained were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The final characterized product presented a band corresponding to 1370 cm1 characteristic of cellulose. The peak at 1731 cm-1 is related to C=O bonds of unconjugated ketones present in hemicellulose. Major thermal event for treated fiber near to 355 °C, and a high residual mass indicate a good chemical treatment for hemicellulose and lignin elimination. During the process, a fiber yield of 39.3% cellulose was obtained from oil palm bagasse. Obtaining cellulose from a highly polluting residue such as palm bagasse and with high production figures in our state, this makes it a potential for use to generate biopolymers in combination with natural polysaccharides providing sustainable benefits and economic impact promoting sustainable development by replacing conventional fossil plastics. In addition to obtaining value-added products for the same agribusiness and in sectors such as the food industry.Objective: To obtain cellulose from oil palm agroindustrial waste that meets standard physicochemical characteristics to produce value-added products.   Design/methodology/approach: Bagasse fibers from the palm agroindustry were used to obtain cellulose, by means of the acid – alkaline hydrolysis methodology. The samples obtained in each stage and the cellulose obtained were characterized by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Results: The final characterized product presented a band corresponding to 1370 cm1 which is a characteristic value of cellulose. The peak at 1731 cm-1 is related to C=O bonds of unconjugated ketones present in hemicellulose. A major thermal event for treated fiber near 355 °C and the high residual mass indicate a good chemical treatment for hemicellulose and lignin elimination. Study limitations/implications: A fiber yield of 39.3% cellulose was obtained during the process from oil palm bagasse. Findings/conclusions: Obtaining cellulose from a highly polluting residue such as palm bagasse and with high production figures in our state, makes it a potential for use to generate biopolymers in combination with natural polysaccharides, providing sustainable benefits and economic impact and promoting sustainable development by replacing conventional fossil plastics, in addition to obtaining value-added products for the same agribusiness and in sectors such as the food industry

    The lp13.3 genomic region -rs599839- is associated with endothelial dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and high risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease. Since genome-wide association studies demonstrated association between rs599839 polymorphism and coronary artery disease, in the present study we assessed the potential association of this polymorphism with endothelial dysfunction, an early step in atherogenesis. Methods: A total of 128 RA patients without history of CV events were genotyped for rs599839 A/G polymorphism. The presence of endothelial dysfunction was assessed by brachial ultrasonography (brachial flow-mediated endothelium-dependent (FMD)). Results: Patients carrying the allele G exhibited more severe endothelial dysfunction (FMD%: 4.61 ± 3.94%) than those carrying the wild allele A (FMD%: 6.01 ± 5.15%) (P = 0.08). Adjustment for gender, age at the time of study, follow-up time and classic CV risk factors disclosed a significant association between the rs599839 polymorphism and FMD (G vs. A: P = 0.0062). Conclusions: Our results confirm an association of the rs599839 polymorphism with endothelial dysfunction in RA

    Diseño de un nefelómetro para prácticas de laboratorio de ciencias en educación secundaria

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    Como en todos los niveles de educación, la educación superior debe ser ejemplo en las estrategias de aprendizaje; de tal forma que el aprendizaje basado en proyectos es una de las modalidades en las cuales se pone de manifiesto que el aprendizaje en ciencias es de excelencia. El proyecto desarrollado por el grupo de la licenciatura en Educación Secundaria con especialidad en física ha desarrollado un sistema de análisis óptico sencillo pero de gran utilidad didáctica; tanto propio como para llevar a el laboratorio de educación secundaria y motivar el aprendizaje en ciencia. El equipo diseñado ha demostrado que es útil como Nefelómetro, y útil para motivar el aprendizaje de alumnos así como de los futuros docentes de educación secundaria.As in all levels of education, higher education is to be in learning strategies; so that project-based learning is one of the ways in which it is revealed that learning science is excellent. The project developed by the group's degree in secondary education with a major in physics has developed an optical analysis system simple but highly educational value; both their own and to carry lab secondary education and motivate learning in science. Equipment designed has proven useful as Nephelometer, and useful to motivate learning of pupils and teachers of secondary education