76 research outputs found
Yrittäjyyttä Lapin osuuskunnissa
Yhteiskunnallisia ongelmia on mahdollista ratkaista yhteiskunnallisten yritysten avulla. Osuuskuntamuotoisissa yrityksissä yrittäjyyttä voi oppia pienemmällä riskillä kuin vaikkapa kevytyrittäjäksi alkamalla. Kevytyrittäjyydettä on monenlaista, eikä aloitteleva yrittäjä aina ymmärrä, millaiseen toimintamuotoon hän on tarttunut. Osuuskunnat voisivat olla erityisesti Lappiin tuleville ja maahanmuuttajanaisille tai pitkäaikaistyöttömille ensimmäinen askel työelämään. Osuuskuntien kautta näille kohderyhmän jäsenille voidaan tarjota erilaisia matalan kynnyksen töitä.
Hankkeen havaintojen mukaan osuuskunnat tarvitsevat eniten julkisen sektorin tukea kunnilta. Hankkeen työpajoissa on tullut esiin osasta Lapin kuntia erilaisia malleja, jotka voisivat olla hyviä käytäntöjä muissakin kunnissa.
Sekä Lapissa, että Suomessa, yhteiskunnallisten yritysten kokeilutoiminta on entistä enemmän tärkeämpää, kun Lapin väki vähenee ja samalla osa väestöstä jää työelämän ulkopuolelle. Yhteiskunnallinen yritys on yksi erilainen vaihtoehto, jotta saamme lisää veronmaksajia kuntiin.
Osuuskuntien tai muiden yhteiskunnallisten yritysten toimintaa tulee tukea ensimmäisten toimintavuosien ajan. Yritystoiminnan ”kuolemanlaakson” yli päästään, kun yhdessä löydetään erilaisia tuen muotoja, joita hankkeen aikana on tullut esiin.
Viimeisenä havainnointina hanke osoitti, että pitkäaikaistyöttömien osuuskunnilla on tarve perustaa oman verkosto. Näin osuuskunnan jäsenet voivat pohjoisella alueella oppia toisilta sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden toimioilta ja motivoida toisiaan. Osuuskunnilla tulisi olla yhteinen foorumi, yhteistyöelin, joka kokoontuu 3-4 kertaa vuodessa. Silloin jäsenet, sidosryhmät, muut yritykset ja yksityiset ihmiset voisivat yhdessä̈ kehittää̈ toimintaa, synnyttää̈ luottamusta ja lisätä̈ yhteistyötä̈.Social problems can be solved with the help of social enterprises.
In Cooperative companies, entrepreneurship can be learned with less risk than, for example, becoming a light entrepreneur. There are many forms of light entrepreneurship, and the novice entrepreneur does not always understand what kind of activity he has taken. Cooperatives could be a first step for those who come to Lapland in particular, as well as for immigrant women, or for the long-term unemployed as well. Through Cooperatives, these target group members can be offered a variety of low-threshold jobs.
According to the findings of the project, Cooperatives are most in need of support from the municipalities (from the public sector), and separate models from some of the municipalities in Lapland, which could come from the project workshops, could be good practice for other municipalities.
In both Lapland and Finland, experimenting with social enterprises is becoming increasingly important as the population of Lapland shrinks and at the same time the population is excluded from the labor market. Social enterprise is one of the different options for getting more taxpayers through municipal companies.
Cooperative or social enterprise activities must at least be supported for the first few years so that they can pass the death period together with various forms of support, which is (what the support points) have revealed during the project.
As a final observation, their long-term unemployed Cooperatives need to establish their own network where they can learn from and motivate other social entrepreneurs in the northern region. The Cooperatives should have a common forum, a co-operative body, which meets 3-4 times a year. Then members, stakeholders, other companies and individuals could work together to build activity, build trust and increase collaboration.publishedVersio
Long-term outcome of inflammatory bowel disease patients with deep remission after discontinuation of TNF-blocking agents
Background: Little data exist on the long-term prognosis of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) after stopping TNF alpha-blocking therapy in deep remission. Existing data indicate that approximately 50% of patients on combination therapy who discontinued TNF alpha-blockers are still in remission 24 months later. The aims of this follow-up analysis were to evaluate the long-term remission rate after cessation of TNF alpha-blocking therapy, the predicting factors of a relapse and the response to restarting TNF alpha-blockers. Methods: The first follow-up data of 51 IBD patients (17 Crohn's disease [CD], 30 ulcerative colitis [UC] and four inflammatory bowel disease type unclassified [IBDU]) in deep remission at the time of cessation of TNF alpha-blocking therapy have been published earlier. The long-term data was collected retrospectively after the first follow-up year to evaluate the remission rate and risk factors for the relapse after a median of 36 months. Results: After the first relapse-free year, 14 out of the remaining 34 IBD patients relapsed (41%; 5/12 [42%] CD and 9/22 [41%] UC/IBDU). Univariate analysis indicated no associations with any predictive factors. Re-treatment was effective in 90% (26/29) of patients. Conclusion: Of IBD patients in deep remission at the time of cessation of TNF alpha-blocking therapy, up to 60% experience a clinical or endoscopic relapse after a median follow-up time of 36 months (95% CI 31-41 months). No individual risk factors predicting relapse could be identified. However, the initial response to a restart of TNF alpha-blockers seems to be effective and well tolerated.Peer reviewe
Em meio à forte competitividade no setor empresarial, torna-se, a cadadia, ainda mais importante a correta administração dos custos dos serviços deinfra-estrutura no faturamento das empresas. As áreas de serviços de infraestruturaestão sendo vistas como grandes aliadas no desempenho financeirodas empresas, assumindo posição chave como viabilizadoras dos processos edas atividades. O correto agrupamento, controle e trabalho para redução doscustos permitem às empresas poder visualizar os setores nos quais certosgastos são dispensáveis ou indispensáveis, dando aos administradores noçõesclaras de como agir e de quanto suas ações estão sendo proveitosas para aempresa. Este trabalho discute e aponta algumas áreas e métodos nas quaisum administrador, seja qual for o seu campo específico, poderá atuar para umtrabalho conciso na redução de custos de serviços de infra-estrutura,mostrando o quanto este projeto é importante e deve ser aplicado com apoiode todos os setores da empresa
Single Center Experience with a 4-Week 177Lu-PSMA-617 Treatment Interval in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Background: 177Lu-PSMA-617 is a promising theragnostic treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). However, both the optimal treatment dose and interval in mCRPC and the rate of identification of responders from non-responders among possible treatment candidates are unknown. Methods: 62 men with mCRPC who were treated with 177Lu-PSMA-617 during 1/2017–2/2019 were included in the study. Treatment responses, overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) were determined. The median follow-up time was 1.4 years (IQR 0.5–2.2). Tumor volume of metastases (MTV), SUVmax and tumor lesion activity (TLA) were quantitated from pre-treatment PSMA PET/CT images together with pre-treatment PSA. Results: An average of three treatment cycles (2–5) were given within a four-week interval. PFS was 4.9 months (2.4–9.6) and OS was 17.2 months (6–26.4). There were no major adverse events reported. A significant PSA response of >50% was found in 58.7% of patients, which was significantly associated with longer OS, p < 0.004. PSA response was not associated with staging PSMA-derived parameters. Conclusions: 177Lu-PSMA-617 treatment in four-week intervals was safe and effective. Almost 60% of patients had a significant PSA response, which was associated with better OS. Pre-treatment PSA kinetics or staging PSMA PET/CT-derived parameters were not helpful in identifying treatment responders from non-responders; better biomarkers are needed to aid in patient selection.© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
Tenure structure and perceived social disorder in post-WWII suburban housing estates : A multi-level study with a representative sample of estates
Studies on post-World War II housing estates have largely focused on problematic neighbourhoods, and there is a scarcity of literature on housing estates across their entire social scale. Moreover, there is insufficient evidence on the extent to which tenure structure differentiates estates from each other in terms of social disorder. Using a large cluster sample of Finnish estates representing a wide variety of estate neighbourhoods, we examined the implications of tenure structure in terms of social disadvantage and perceived social disorder. We also studied how social interaction and normative regulation mediate the impact of structural estate characteristics. We found that rental domination is associated with social disadvantage, which exposes residents to social disorder, in line with social disorganisation theory. Differences in normative regulation partly explain this association. In contrast, social interaction in the neighbourhood is not associated with the level of perceived social disorder. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.Peer reviewe
Association of Peripheral Insulin Resistance and Other Markers of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Brain Amyloid Deposition in Healthy Individuals at Risk of Dementia
We explored the association of type 2 diabetes related blood markers with brain amyloid accumulation on PiB-PET scans in 41 participants from the FINGER PET sub-study. We built logistic regression models for brain amyloid status with12 plasma markers of glucose and lipid metabolism, controlled for diabetes and APOE epsilon 4 carrier status. Lower levels of insulin, insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), C-peptide, and plasminogen activator (PAI-1) were associated with amyloid positive status, although the results were not significant after adjusting for multiple testing. None of the models found evidence for associations between amyloid status and fasting glucose or HbA1c.Peer reviewe
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