534 research outputs found

    Stuttering, language, and cognition: A review and a model of stuttering as suprasegmental sentence plan alignment (SPA).

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    Transpressive dextral shear in the Italva-Itaperuna section, Northern State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Structural analysis carried out on a segment of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira Belt, southeastern Brazil, show that it represents part of the transpressive dextral orogen related to the Central Mantiqueira Province. NNE-trending and steeply dipping regional mylonitic belts form anastomosed geometry, and describe a map-scale, S-C-like structure that is characterized by their deflection towards NE near the Além Paraíba Lineament. Lithological and structural control related to deformation partition were responsible for the formation of felsic mylonitic granulites with S-type granites lenses developed in ductile shear zones, alternated with less deformed intermediate to basic granulites associated with charnockites. The dextral shear sense indicators are consistent with transpressive deformation in the region and are common especially at the border of the main shear zones. The presence of S-type leucogranite may lead to variations of linear and planar relationships, which result in local extension zones. These elements are consistent with oblique continental collision considering the São Francisco Craton as a stable block.A análise estrutural efetuada num segmento neoproterozóico do Cinturão Ribeira, Sudeste do Brasil, mostra que ele representa parte do orógeno transpressivo destral, relacionado com a Província Mantiqueira Central. Caracteriza-se regionalmente por um cinturão milonítico de direção NNE e mergulhos subverticais, com geometria anastomosada, descrevendo em escala de mapa estruturas do tipo S-C, que são defletidas para direção NE nas proximidades do Lineamento de Além-Paraíba. O controle estrutural e litológico e a partição da deformação foram responsáveis pela formação de granulitos miloníticos félsicos com lentes de granitos tipo-S, desenvolvidos em zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis, alternados com granulitos básicos a intermediários menos deformados com charnockitos associados. Na região, os indicadores cinemáticos do cisalhamento simples, destral, são consistentes com a deformação transpressiva, que é particularmente comum nas bordas das zonas de cisalhamento mais importantes. A presença de leucogranitos tipo-S pode levar a variação das relações planares e lineares,as quais condicionam, localmente, zonas extensionais. Estes elementos são consistentes com uma colisão continental oblíqua, considerando o Cráton do São Francisco como um bloco estável

    Die Archetypen von Carl Gustav Jung in den Werken „Steppenwolf“ und „Demian“ von Hermann Hesse

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    In dieser Bachelorarbeit werden die Romane „Steppenwolf“ und „Demian“ von Hermann Hesse in Hinblick auf die Archetypen von Psychologe Carl Gustav Jung analysiert. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist zu untersuchen, ob und wie Jungs Archetypen in den vorgenannten Texten vorkommen. Die Autorin nimmt an, dass die ausgewählten Archetypen in den Romanen sind, weil die Bücher die Psychologie und innerliche Welt der Menschen behandeln. Die Romane „Steppenwolf“ (1927) und „Demian“ (1919) sind ausgewählt worden, weil sie nach Hesses Therapiesitzungen geschrieben wurden, das heißt, nach dem Kontakt mit Jungs Psychologie ab dem Jahr 1916 (vgl. Dorostkar 2001: 13). Das Thema ist von besonderem Interesse, weil Psychoanalyse, bzw. Freud und Jung, einen großen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und dadurch auch Literatur hatten.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5459426*es

    Voice changes meaning: the role of gay- versus straight-sounding voices in sentence interpretation

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    Utterances reveal not only semantic information but also information about the speaker’s social category membership, including sexual orientation. In four studies (N = 345), we investigated how the meaning of what is being said changes as a function of the speaker’s voice. In Studies 1a/1b, gay- and straight-sounding voices uttered the same sentences. Listeners indicated the likelihood that the speaker was referring to one among two target objects varying along gender-stereotypical characteristics. Listeners envisaged a more “feminine” object when the sentence was uttered by a gay-sounding speaker, and a more “masculine” object when the speaker sounded heterosexual. In Studies 2a/2b, listeners were asked to disambiguate sentences that involved a stereotypical behavior and were open to different interpretations. Listeners disambiguated the sentences by interpreting the action in relation to sexual-orientation information conveyed by voice. Results show that the speaker’s voice changes the subjective meaning of sentences, aligning it to gender-stereotypical expectations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    SNPmplexViewer--toward a cost-effective traceability system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Beef traceability has become mandatory in many regions of the world and is typically achieved through the use of unique numerical codes on ear tags and animal passports. DNA-based traceability uses the animal's own DNA code to identify it and the products derived from it. Using <it>SNaPshot</it>, a primer-extension-based method, a multiplex of 25 SNPs in a single reaction has been practiced for reducing the expense of genotyping a panel of SNPs useful for identity control.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>To further decrease <it>SNaPshot</it>'s cost, we introduced the Perl script <it>SNPmplexViewer</it>, which facilitates the analysis of trace files for reactions performed without the use of fluorescent size standards. <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>automatically aligns reference and target trace electropherograms, run with and without fluorescent size standards, respectively. <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>produces a modified target trace file containing a normalised trace in which the reference size standards are embedded. <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>also outputs aligned images of the two electropherograms together with a difference profile.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Modified trace files generated by <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>enable genotyping of <it>SnaPshot </it>reactions performed without fluorescent size standards, using common fragment-sizing software packages. <it>SNPmplexViewer</it>'s normalised output may also improve the genotyping software's performance. Thus, <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>is a general free tool enabling the reduction of <it>SNaPshot</it>'s cost as well as the fast viewing and comparing of trace electropherograms for fragment analysis. <it>SNPmplexViewer </it>is available at <url>http://cowry.agri.huji.ac.il/cgi-bin/SNPmplexViewer.cgi</url>.</p

    What are the essential cognitive requirements for prospection (thinking about the future)?

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    Placing the future center stage as a way of understanding cognition is gaining attention in psychology. The general modern label for this is “prospection” which refers to the process of representing and thinking about possible future states of the world. Several theorists have claimed that episodic and prospective memory, as well as hypothetical thinking (mental simulation) and conditional reasoning are necessary cognitive faculties that enable prospection. Given the limitations in current empirical efforts connecting these faculties to prospection, the aim of this mini review is to argue that the findings show that they are sufficient, but not necessary for prospection. As a result, the short concluding section gives an outline of an alternative conceptualization of prospection. The proposal is that the critical characteristics of prospection are the discovery of, and maintenance of goals via causal learning

    Empathy in the field: Towards a taxonomy of empathic communication in information gathering interviews with suspected sex offenders

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    Research suggests that those suspected of sexual offending might be more willing to reveal informa- tion about their crimes if interviewers display empathic behaviour. However, the literature concerning investigative empathy is in its infancy, and so as yet is not well understood. This study explores empathy in a sample of real-life interviews conducted by police officers in England with suspected sex offen- ders. Using qualitative methodology, the presence and type of empathic verbal behaviours displayed was examined. Resulting categories were quantitatively analysed to investigate their occurrence overall, and across interviewer gender. We identified four distinct types of empathy, some of which were used sig- nificantly more often than others. Female interviewers displayed more empathic behaviour per se by a considerable margin

    Tightening the knot in phytochrome by single molecule atomic force microscopy

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    A growing number of proteins have been shown to adopt knotted folds. Yet the biological roles and biophysical properties of these knots remain poorly understood. We have used protein engineering and atomic force microscopy to explore single-molecule mechanics of the figure-of-eight knot in the chromophore-binding domain of the red/far red photoreceptor, phytochrome. Under load, apo phytochrome unfolds at forces of ~47 pN, while phytochrome carrying its covalently bound tetrapyrrole chromophore unfolds at ~73 pN. These forces are among the lowest measured in mechanical protein unfolding, hence the presence of the knot does not automatically indicate a super-stable protein. Our experiments reveal a stable intermediate along the mechanical unfolding pathway, reflecting sequential unfolding of two distinct subdomains in phytochrome, potentially the GAF and PAS domains. For the first time, our experiments allow direct determination of knot size under load. In the unfolded chain, the tightened knot is reduced to 17 amino acids, resulting in apparent shortening of the polypeptide chain by 6.2 nm. Steered molecular dynamics simulations corroborate this number. Finally, we found that covalent phytochrome dimers created for these experiments retain characteristic photoreversibility, unexpectedly arguing against dramatic rearrangement of the native GAF dimer interface upon photoconversion.Comment: 12 pages plus five figures; has been submitted to Biophysical J. Replacement on 9/16 is ONLY to correct a typo in the meta data; the uploaded file is identical to first versio