568 research outputs found


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    This paper examines a situation in which the production activities of different agents, in a common geographical location, create waste products that are either of a similar biological or chemical composition or offer commercially compatible combinations. What we propose here, therefore, is a cost-sharing model for the of recycling of their waste products. We concentrate, however, on the specific case in which the agents' activities are heterogeneous. We first examine, from a normative point of view, the cost-sharing rule, which we shall call the multi-commodity serial (MCS) rule. We introduce a property, that we call Cost-Based Equal Treatment, and we demonstrate that the unique rule verifying the Serial Principle and this property is the MCS rule. We then deal with the analysis of the agents' strategic behavior when they are allowed to select their own production levels, in which case the total cost is then split, in accordance with the MCS rule. We show that there is only one Nash equilibrium, which is obtained from an interactive elimination of dominated strategies.Cost Sharing Rules, Serial Cost Sharing, Dominance Solvability.


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    This paper follows the interpretation of the bankruptcy problems in terms of TU games given in O'Neill (1982). In this context we propose the analysis of the Transition Game associated to each bankruptcy problem. We explore an old solution described by Ibn Ezra in the XII century. Firstly, we study the extension of the Ibn Ezra's proposal by O'Neill (1982), the Minimal Overlap solution. We provide a characterization of this value and show that it can be understood as the composition of the Ibn Ezra solution and the Constrained Equal Loss rule. Secondly, we introduce a new way of extending the Ibn Ezra's proposal, the Generalized Ibn Ezra solution, by imposing that the general distribution principle in which is inspired remains fixed. The characterization of our proposal clarifies the analogies and differences between the two ways of generalizing the Ibn Ezra's proposal.Bankruptcy Problems, Cooperative Games, Ibn Ezra's proposal, Minimal Overlap solution.

    Will you marry me? A perspective on the gender gap

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    This paper develops a general equilibrium model of the gender wage up. The difference in earningsis a consequence of a demographic regularity -that men tend to marry younger women- whichlimits women´s labor mobility. However, couples are always free not to marry, and do so only if itis in each´s self-interest. In our model, marriage is beneficial because the joint consumption is a household public good.The intrafamily allocation of resources is determined via noncooperative bargaining; this leads tointeresting interactions between the game played by husband and wife on the other hand, and thecompetitive environment in which they are immersed on the other. One example of this is thegender gap.Gender gap, bargaining household models, overlapping generations


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    The article proposes a new algorithm for adjusting correlation matrices and for comparison with Finger's algorithm, which is used to compute Value-at-Risk in RiskMetrics for stress test scenarios. The solution proposed by the new methodology is always better than Finger's approach in the sense that it alters as little as possible those correlations that we do not wish to alter but they change in order to obtain a consistent Finger correlation matrix.Stochastic, Volatility, Skewness, Kurtosis, Pricing.

    Microgrid system design based on model based systems engineering: the case study in the Amazon region / Projeto de sistemas de microrredes baseado em engenharia de sistemas baseado em modelos: um estudo de caso na região Amazônica

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    Microgrid is a technically and economically viable opportunity to meet the demands of populations that, for various reasons, do not have access to electricity. The complexity of Smart Grid (SG) systems requires considerable engineering effort in the design process.  Designing this type of complex system requires new approaches, methods, concepts and engineering tools. Where, requirements analysis plays a major role in better characterizing, understanding and specifying the domain of application that SG systems should solve. This work presents a systemic proposal based specifically on System Systems (SoS) which anticipates the formalization of requirements, aiming to understand, analyze and design SG within the scope of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). The definition of a microgrid from the SoS perspective is presented in order to provide a complete view of its life cycle. Requirements would be represented in an Objective Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) approach, specifically using visual diagrams based on the Keep All Objectives Satisfied (KAOS) method, where network operation and control will be formally represented. A case study for small communities in the equatorial Amazon Forest is used as a case study for the proposed method

    Influence of initial power stabilization over PV modules maximum power

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    Measurements that suppliers offer in flash lists, unfortunately do not always fit the actual power measured in independent laboratories like CIEMAT. In fact, independent measurements usually appear lower than those printed in the label and sometimes a value beyond the allowed tolerance pointed by the manufacturer in the same label. In addition, a valuable power reduction has been reported when Standard IEC - EN 50380 is applied (according to this, PV module must be exposed to sunlight more than 20kWh/m2 previously to performing the measurement), crystalline PV modules usually decrease its power around 1%, but descends greater than 4 % have also been reported. These power losses are only detected after the mentioned power stabilization

    First-best, second-best and principal-agent problems

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    In some pure moral hazard situations the principal can implement a first-best allocation using an incentive contract constructed on the basis of a first-best payment scheme. Such a contract relies on the possibility of discriminate actions according to the outcome by imposing a penalty whenever the observed outcome is lower than the admissible ones. The elimination of inefficient behavior depends basically on the outcome function, and we find that the fine is finite in the more interesting cases. The implementation of the first-best solution does not depend on the principal's risk neutrality. Nevertheless, when the principal is risk neutral, the ef f icient contract is dichotomous. Moreover, we prove that the efficient allocation can be reached through such a dichotomous payment scheme if and only if the principal is risk neutral for a certain range of returns.

    A new prospect of additivity in bankruptcy problems

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    As it is known, there is no rule satisfying Additivity on the complete domain of bankruptcy problems. This paper proposes a notion of partial Additivity in this context, to be called µ-Additivity. We find that µ-Additivity, together with two quite compelling axioms, Anonymity and Continuity, identify the Minimal Overlap rule, introduced by O'Neill (1982).bankruptcy problems, additivity, minimal overlap rule.

    Los Proyectos De Agua Y Saneamiento Rural y La disminución De Enfermedades Gastrointestinales de Niños De 0–5 Años, Chota

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    El presente trabajo de investigación comprende en su contenido el estudio de los proyectos de agua potable y saneamiento rural y su relación con la disminución de enfermedades gastrointestinales en niños de entre 0–5 años de edad en el distrito de Chota. Utilizando como indicador el coeficiente de Sperman se determinó que las variables presentan una correlación regular positiva. La presente investigación ha sido desarrollada en el proyecto denominado “Mejoramiento y Ampliación del Sistema de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en losSectores1, 2, 3, 4, Centro de Cabra cancha e Iraca Grande, Distrito de Chota, Provincia de chota–Cajamarca”, cuyo código SNIP es213236. La investigación se desarrolló, orientada por el diseño descriptivo correlacion al utilizando una población de66 familias con niños entre 0–5 años dentro de lo zona de influencia del proyecto de estos se tomó una muestra de 20, a quienes se les aplicó el instrumento de investigación. La teoría de la epidemiología propuesta por Jhon Snow respalda la presente investigación, Snow fue uno de los primeros en considerar al agua contaminada como foco infeccioso, este investigador durante el año 1854 estudió un brote de cólera en Londres

    Capital humano e sua relação com o desempenho organizacional em empresas prestadoras de serviços contábeis

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    Currently the value of companies cannot only be estimated by their tangible assets. The generation and acquisition of knowledge are key for obtaining competitive advantages, reason for which the importance of the intellectual capital of the organization grows. In this context the research aims to analyze whether the human capital (CH) held by companies providing accounting services are positively related to their organizational performance (DO). Methodologically, the research is characterized as quantitative and of an applied nature, with the empirical data obtained from a questionnaire in intentional sample. Data were collected from both constructs and respondents and their companies. Statistical methods were t test and the analysis of variance for averages comparisons. We have also used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and modeling in structural equations to evaluate the conjectured relationship. The results have showed that the respondents have statistically equal perceptions for both constructs when considering gender and the type of management the firm has, but there were differences for the perception of performance according to the size. Larger companies report higher performance. The hypothesis that CH is positively and significantly related to OD is, therefore, confirmed.Na atualidade o valor das empresas não pode ser estimado apenas pelos seus ativos tangíveis. A geração e aquisição de conhecimento são fundamentais para a obtenção de vantagens competitivas, pelo que cresce a importância do capital intelectual da organização. Nesse contexto a pesquisa objetiva analisar se o capital humano (CH) que as empresas prestadoras de serviços contábeis dispõem se relaciona positivamente com seu desempenho organizacional (DO). Metodologicamente, a pesquisa se caracteriza como quantitativa e de natureza aplicada, com os dados empíricos obtidos com questionário numa amostra intencional. Levantaram-se dados de ambos os constructos e dos respondentes e suas empresas. Os métodos estatísticos foram o teste t e a análise de variância para as comparações de médias. Empregou-se também a análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória e a modelagem em equações estruturais para avaliar a relação conjecturada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os respondentes têm percepções estatisticamente iguais para ambos os constructos ao considerar o gênero e o tipo de gestão que a firma possui, mas houve diferenças para a percepção do desempenho segundo seu tamanho. Empresas maiores declaram ter maior desempenho. A hipótese que o CH se relaciona positiva e significativamente com o DO foi confirmada