10 research outputs found

    Eine Arbeitslosenversicherung fĂŒr den Euroraum als automatischer Stabilisator: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten. Endbericht: Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums fĂŒr Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz der Republik Österreich

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    Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die makroökonomischen Stabilisierungs- und mikroökonomischen Verteilungswirkungen der EinfĂŒhrung einer EuropĂ€ischen Arbeitslosenversicherung. Auf Grundlage dynamischer makroökonomischer Simulationen wird gezeigt, dass ein solches Transfersystem innerhalb des Euroraums - je nach Ausgestaltung - zu einer merklichen Stabilisierung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gefĂŒhrt hĂ€tte. Dies gilt selbst fĂŒr eine gemessen am Transferumfang relativ kleine EuropĂ€ische Arbeitslosenversicherung mit einer maximalen Bezugszeit von sechs Monaten und einer Nettoersatzquote von 30 Prozent; mit grĂ¶ĂŸerem Leistungsumfang steigt die Stabilisierungswirkung, aber im Gegenzug auch die möglicherweise unerwĂŒnschten Wirkungen auf Arbeitsanreize und das Ausmaß der Umverteilung zwischen den MitgliedslĂ€ndern. Die Verteilungswirkungen dĂŒrften insgesamt aus politischer Sicht unproblematisch sein; tendenziell finden sich leicht progressive bis neutrale Effekte auf die Einkommensverteilung, Haushalte mit niedrigeren Einkommen profitieren also ĂŒberproportional von der EinfĂŒhrung einer EuropĂ€ischen Arbeitslosenversicherung. [...]The present study analyzes the stabilization and distributional effects of the establishment of a European unemployment insurance. Using dynamic macroeconomic simulations it is shown that, depending on the design, such a transfer system within the Eurozone would lead to a sizeable stabilization of output and employment. This is also true for an insurance scheme of relatively small size (in terms of the respective transfers to the unemployed), with a maximum period of entitlement to unemployment benefits of six months and a net replacement rate of 30 percent. A larger scheme would have greater stabilizing effects but would be coupled with potentially undesirable consequences for work incentives and fiscal redistribution between member states. From a policy perspective, the distributional effects within a country can be expected to be limited, with slightly progressive or neutral effects on income inequality. As a result, households with lower incomes are expected to disproportionately benefit from the introduction of a European unemployment insurance. [...

    Eine Arbeitslosenversicherung fĂŒr den Euroraum als automatischer Stabilisator

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    Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die makroökonomischen Stabilisierungs- und mikroökonomischen Verteilungswirkungen der EinfĂŒhrung einer EuropĂ€ischen Arbeitslosenversicherung. Auf Grundlage dynamischer makroökonomischer Simulationen wird gezeigt, dass ein solches Transfersystem innerhalb des Euroraums – je nach Ausgestaltung – zu einer merklichen Stabilisierung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gefĂŒhrt hĂ€tte. Dies gilt selbst fĂŒr eine gemessen am Transferumfang relativ kleine EuropĂ€ische Arbeitslosenversicherung mit einer maximalen Bezugszeit von sechs Monaten und einer Nettoersatzquote von 30 Prozent; mit grĂ¶ĂŸerem Leistungsumfang steigt die Stabilisierungswirkung, aber im Gegenzug auch die möglicherweise unerwĂŒnschten Wirkungen auf Arbeitsanreize und das Ausmaß der Umverteilung zwischen den MitgliedslĂ€ndern. Die Verteilungswirkungen dĂŒrften insgesamt aus politischer Sicht unproblematisch sein; tendenziell finden sich leicht progressive bis neutrale Effekte auf die Einkommensverteilung, Haushalte mit niedrigeren Einkommen profitieren also ĂŒberproportional von der EinfĂŒhrung einer EuropĂ€ischen Arbeitslosenversicherung

    Describing and mapping scientific articles on alcohol globally for the period 2010-2021: a bibliometric analysis.

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    OBJECTIVES To describe and map scientific literature related to alcohol consumption, its determinants, governance, harm and control policies by publication output, author affiliations, funding, countries of study and research themes. DESIGN Bibliometric analysis using performance analysis and science mapping techniques. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Indexed scientific articles published between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2021 with an English abstract focused on alcohol consumption, its determinants, harms, governance and control policies. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Searches were run in Web of Science and PubMed. Performance metrics were analysed using descriptive statistics. Keywords were used for science mapping in a deductive approach to cluster articles by five main research themes. The 'policy response' theme was further analysed by six subthemes. RESULTS 4553 articles were included in the analysis. Three out of four articles (3479/4553, 76.4%) were authored solely by authors affiliated with HIC institutions. One in five articles (906/4553, 19.9%) had at least one author affiliated to an institution from an upper-middle-income, middle-income or low-income country context. Governments, followed by research institutions, were the predominant funding source. Half (53.1%) studied a single country and, of these, 77.0% were high-income countries (HICs). Australia, USA and UK were the most studied countries, together accounting for 44.9% (975/2172) of country-specific articles. Thematically, 'consumption' was most studied, and 'alcohol determinants', least. 'Policy response' articles were predominately conducted in HIC contexts. CONCLUSIONS Although the attributable harm of alcohol is known to affect more significantly lower-income and middle-income countries, scientific publications primarily report on HIC contexts by authors from HICs. Research themes reflect known cost-effective policy actions, though skewed towards HICs and a focus on consumption. The implementation of context-specific alcohol control policies requires addressing the determinants of the uneven geographical and thematic distribution of research

    The function of architecture and logic in developmental gene regulatory networks

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    An important contribution of systems biology is the insight that biological systems depend on the function of molecular interactions and not just on individual molecules. System level mechanisms are particularly important in the development of animals and plants which depends not just on transcription factors and signaling molecules, but also on regulatory circuits and gene regulatory networks (GRNs). However, since GRNs consist of transcription factors, it can be challenging to assess the function of regulatory circuits independently of the function of regulatory factors. The comparison of different GRNs offers a way to do so and leads to several observations. First, similar regulatory circuits operate in various developmental contexts and in different species, and frequently, these circuits are associated with similar developmental functions. Second, given regulatory circuits are often used at particular positions within the GRN hierarchy. Third, in some GRNs, regulatory circuits are organized in a particular order in respect to each other. And fourth, the evolution of GRNs occurs not just by co-option of regulatory genes but also by rewiring of regulatory linkages between conserved regulatory genes, indicating that the organization of interactions is important. Thus, even though in most instances the function of regulatory circuits remains to be discovered, it becomes evident that the architecture and logic of GRNs are functionally important for the control of genome activity and for the specification of the body plan