70 research outputs found

    Unravelling the mechanisms that determine the uptake and metabolism of magnetic single and multicore nanoparticles in a Xenopus laevis model.

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    Multicore superparamagnetic nanoparticles have been proposed as ideal tools for some biomedical applications because of their high magnetic moment per particle, high specific surface area and long term colloidal stability. Through controlled aggregation and packing of magnetic cores it is possible to obtain not only single-core but also multicore and hollow spheres with internal voids. In this work, we compare toxicological properties of single and multicore nanoparticles. Both types of particles showed moderate in vitro toxicity (MTT assay) tested in Hep G2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) and Caco-2 (human colorectal adenocarcinoma) cells. The influence of surface chemistry in their biological behavior was also studied after functionalization with O,O′-bis(2-aminoethyl) PEG (2000 Da). For the first time, these nanoparticles were evaluated in a Xenopus laevis model studying their whole organism toxicity and their impact upon iron metabolism. The degree of activation of the metabolic pathway depends on the size and surface charge of the nanoparticles which determine their uptake. The results also highlight the potential of Xenopus laevis model bridging the gap between in vitro cell-based assays and rodent models for toxicity assessment to develop effective nanoparticles for biomedical applications

    Particle interactions in liquid magnetic colloids by zero field cooled measurements: effects on heating efficiency

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    The influence of magnetic interactions in assemblies formed by either aggregated or disaggregated uniform gamma-Fe_2O_3 particles are investigated as a function of particle size, concentration, and applied field. Hyperthermia and magnetization measurements are performed in the liquid phase of colloids consisting of 8 and 13 nm uniform gamma-Fe_2O_3 particles dispersed in water and hexane. Although hexane allows the disagglomerated obtaining particle system; aggregation is observed in the case of water colloids. The zero field cooled (ZFC) curves show a discontinuity in the magnetization values associated with the melting points of water and hexane. Additionally, for 13 nm gamma-Fe_2O_3 dispersed in hexane, a second magnetization jump is observed that depends on particle concentration and shifts toward lower temperature by increasing applied field. This second jump is related to the strength of the magnetic interactions as it is only present in disagglomerated particle systems with the largest size, i.e., is not observed for 8 nm superparamagnetic particles, and surface effects can be discarded. The specific absorption rate (SAR) decreases with increasing concentration only for the hexane colloid, whereas for aqueous colloids, the SAR is almost independent of particle concentration. Our results suggest that, as a consequence of the magnetic interactions, the dipolar field acting on large particles increases with concentration, leading to a decrease of the SAR

    Anthropogenic Carbon Nanotubes and Air Pollution

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    In vivo degeneration and the fate of inorganic nanoparticles

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    What happens to inorganic nanoparticles (NPs), such as plasmonic gold or silver, superparamagnetic iron oxide, or fluorescent quantum dot NPs after they have been administrated to a living being? This review discusses the integrity, biodistribution, and fate of NPs after in vivo administration. The hybrid nature of the NPs is described, conceptually divided into the inorganic core, the engineered surface coating comprising of the ligand shell and optionally also bio-conjugates, and the corona of adsorbed biological molecules. Empirical evidence shows that all of these three compounds may degrade individually in vivo and can drastically modify the life cycle and biodistribution of the whole heterostructure. Thus, the NPs may be decomposed into different parts, whose biodistribution and fate would need to be analyzed individually. Multiple labeling and quantification strategies for such a purpose will be discussed. All reviewed data indicate that NPs in vivo should no longer be considered as homogeneous entities, but should be seen as inorganic/organic/biological nanohybrids with complex and intricately linked distribution and degradation pathwaysThis work was partly funded by the European Commission (grant FutureNanoNeeds to WJP), the MINECO (MAT2013-48169-R, NanoFATE, to WJP and PdP), BMBF-MRCyte/NanoBEL, Zeiss-ChemBioMed, Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz (NanoScreen), Peter und Traudl Engelhorn foundation, BIOMATICS (grants to RS, DD), DFG SPP1313 (grants to RS, PN, WJP), the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Defi Nano program), the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and CGI (Commissariat à l'Investissement d'Avenir) through the LabEx SEAM (Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials and devices; ANR 11 LABX 086, ANR 11 IDEX 05 02) (grants to DA and FG). SA acknowledges the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a PostDoc fellowship and NF the Lars Hierta Memorial FoundationS

    Anthropogenic Carbon Nanotubes Found in the Airways of Parisian Children

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    Compelling evidence shows that fine particulate matters (PMs) from air pollution penetrate lower airways and are associated with adverse health effects even within concentrations below those recommended by the WHO. A paper reported a dose-dependent link between carbon content in alveolar macrophages (assessed only by optical microscopy) and the decline in lung function. However, to the best of our knowledge, PM had never been accurately characterized inside human lung cells and the most responsible components of the particulate mix are still unknown. On another hand carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from natural and anthropogenic sources might be an important component of PM in both indoor and outdoor air. We used high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to characterize PM present in broncho-alveolar lavage-fluids (n = 64) and inside lung cells (n = 5 patients) of asthmatic children. We show that inhaled PM mostly consist of CNTs. These CNTs are present in all examined samples and they are similar to those we found in dusts and vehicle exhausts collected in Paris, as well as to those previously characterized in ambient air in the USA, in spider webs in India, and in ice core. These results strongly suggest that humans are routinely exposed to CNTs

    Electric Field Distribution in Cell Aggregates in Presence of Nanostructures Under Electroporation Pulses

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    Cell aggregates are numerically modelled to mimic in vitro experiments of cellular spheroid subjected to high intensity pulsed electric filed inducing electroporation. The effect of presence of iron oxide nanoparticles close to cells is studied by numerical simulations. The electric field distribution is analyzed by means of Finite Element Analysis in the case of electroporation pulses protocol in order to assess the effect of different nanoparticles distributed around the cell aggregates. Moreover, the role of the collagen and of its interaction with the nanoparticles is also considered in order to corroborate the experimentally detected improvement of electroporation effect in less intense electric field protocol. The comparison between static and transient analysis results highlights the role of the material dielectric properties

    Iron Oxide as an Mri Contrast Agent for Cell Tracking: Supplementary Issue

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    Iron oxide contrast agents have been combined with magnetic resonance imaging for cell tracking. In this review, we discuss coating properties and provide an overview of ex vivo and in vivo labeling of different cell types, including stem cells, red blood cells, and monocytes/macrophages. Furthermore, we provide examples of applications of cell tracking with iron contrast agents in stroke, multiple sclerosis, cancer, arteriovenous malformations, and aortic and cerebral aneurysms. Attempts at quantifying iron oxide concentrations and other vascular properties are examined. We advise on designing studies using iron contrast agents including methods for validation