94 research outputs found


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    Multi Slice Computed Tomography is a diagnostic imaging method that can display cross section anatomy in the axial, sagital, and coronal areas. MSCT Stonography imaging both visualizes the anatomy of the urinary tract and stone pathology supported by the presence of ureter tracking techniques and without using contrast media. On this method, the appropriate window width will produce an optimal anatomical picture. The Study aims to determine the effect of window width on anatomical image information on MSCT Stonography.Type of research is quantitative experimental approach, conducted in January-February 2020 in Hasan Sadikin Bandung hospital, Bandung. Research with variations  in window width 300 HU, 350 HU, 400 HU, 450 HU, and 500 HU on MSCT stonography og 10 patients. Criteria’s patients is patients with clinical kidney stones, willing to be a research sample. Result imagery rated two respondents, include parenchymal kidney, pelvic calices kidney, ureters, vesica urinary, and stones kidney. Then do Kappa test continued testing Friedman to know the highest mean rank and the influence og the window width oh the image og MSCT stonography.Based on the result of the Friedman statistical test overall anatomy obtained significance value (p-value) = 0.000 0.05 means that there is an influence of window width value, the contrast resolution will increase and the better the firm boundary, but the resulting image will be more radioluscent. Based on Friedman’s mean rank test result obtained the highest mean rank of 3,54 in a variation of window width 300. The most optical window displays anatomy information using window width 300. Keyword : window width, MSCT stonograph

    The use of bamboo dancing technique to improve students’ speaking skill (a classroom action research at the eighth grade of SMP Nurul Islam Semarang in the academic year of 2014/2015)

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    This study is about the use of Bamboo Dancing Technique to improve students’ speaking skill for eighth grade of SMP Nurul Islam Semarang. The background of the research was based on the phenomenon of students’ difficulties in speaking English. The problems were found from the students’ condition in learning speaking. The students’ less confident, often shy when they are asked to speak English and also vocabulary was poor in supporting their speaking. They were also still confused to use suitable grammar in exploring their ideas to speak target language. In addition, they couldn’t pay full attention during the lesson. Besides, teacher also usually used conventional method, namely speech method in teaching the students. The teaching learning process always focused on teacher-centered. The situation made the teaching learning process bored and monotonous. In order to improve the students’ speaking skill, the teacher needed a new game to make the students more enjoy and easier to speak. So, the researcher considered that by using Bamboo Dancing Technique could improve students’ speaking skill. The aim of this research is to find out the improvement of students’ achievement of speaking skill after being taught by using Bamboo Dancing Technique. The researcher conducted the research by using classroom action research. The subject of the study was class 8B of SMP Nurul Islam Semarang, the number of students was 36. The research was done in pre-cycle, and two cycles: cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle comprised four components: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. To collect the data, the researcher used documentation, observation, and test. Then, the data was analyzed by quantitative-qualitative. Observation data was analyzed qualitatively and the speaking test was analyzed quantitatively. The average of students’ score in the pre-cycle research was 55.56 and only 36% students who participated in the class can pass the minimum standard score. Next, based on the result of first cycle it was obtain 62.91 for average and 60% students who participated and active in the class. Then, the average of students’ score in the second cycle was 69.50 and the activeness of students in the class is 76%. The result of the research showed that the use of Bamboo Dancing Technique was successful and could improve students’ achievement on speaking skill. In addition, the success of the research is supported also by students with giving positive response during teaching learning process. It can be seen from the result of graphic

    Pengaruh Sosial Ekonomi Penghuni terhadap Permukiman Kumuh di Kecamatan Wonokromo Kota Surabaya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi dan faktor sosial ekonomi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap permukiman kumuh serta mengetahui persepsi penghuni terhadap perbaikan permukiman kumuh. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel di tiga kelurahan di Kecamatan Wonokromo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan metode Likert.Hasil analisis korelasi mengemukakan adanya hubungan positif antara pendapatan keluarga dan tahun sukses pendidikan dengan tingkat permukiman kumuh dan analisis regresi mengemukakan bahwa pendapatan total keluarga adalah faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi tingkat permukiman kumuh . Sedangkan penghuni mempunyai persepsi bahwa perbaikan permukiman kumuh dimulai dari penataan permukiman, program bersih kampung, kebersihan sungai, ketersediaan tempat sampah umum, petugas kebersihan, program perbaikan dan kebersihan drainase, ketersediaan dan kebersihan toilet komunal

    The spatial agglomeration of the labor manufacturing industry in Central Java Province, 2005–2015

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    The number of industries in Central Java is expanding, resulting in an improvement in the area’s economy. The study's objectives are as follows: (1) to examine the dynamics of manufacturing labor; (2) to examine the spatial concentration of manufacturing industry activity; and (3) to analyze variables impacting industrial sector employment. Between 2005 and 2015, this quantitative study analyzed secondary data. The descriptive analysis, time series analysis, klassen typology analysis, industry index analysis, and multiple linear regression techniques were employed to accomplish the research objectives. The study's findings are as follows: (1) the number of industries has decreased, particularly since 2007, from 6.9 percent in 2007 to 4.8 percent in 2015; (2) the spatial concentration of the manufacturing industry in Central Java is concentrated in 11 regions: Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Kudus, Semarang, Semarang City, Purbalingga, Salatiga, Tegal, Temanggung, Pekalongan, and Pekalongan City; and (3) wage is the most important factor in the absorption of industrial labor in Central Java Province. The findings of this study also contribute to the development of economic Geography learning materials by focusing on the growth of an area driven by the manufacturing industry

    The Effect Of Perceived Quality, Brand Image On Customer Satisfaction and Brand Awareness Toward Repurchase Intention (Survey on Customer of Indocafe in Purwokerto)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the repurchase intention, which is brand awareness and customer satisfaction, and the customer satisfaction affected by perceived quality and brand image. The population in this study is Indocafe coffee costumers in Purwokerto. The total number of samples that used in this study was 120 respondents by using convenience sampling. The measurement of variables in this research using Likert's scale and hypothesis testing using Structural Equational Modeling (SEM). Based on the result of this study, the average of respondent is male between the ages of 20-30 years old and the favorite is Indocafe Coffeemix 3 in 1. The result shows that (1) Perceived quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (2) Brand image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (3) Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on brand awareness, (4) Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on repurchase intention, and (5) Brand awareness has a positive effect on repurchase intention. a. Perceived quality is a factor that effect the costumer satisfaction and impacts the repurchase intention. By maintaining the quality of taste and aroma of Indocafe coffee consumers will be more satisfied and have an impact on future intention. And also, to measuring customer satisfaction company must conducting a regular surveys to customer, to find out how much customer satisfaction with Indocafe coffee. The recommendation in the future that will increase awareness and image of Indocafe coffee products by increasing the intensity of product promotion in various advertising media and use an international class brand ambassadors for promotions that make the image of Indocafe more luxurious in consumers perception

    Tanggapan Aksesi Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L.) terhadap Mikoriza di Lahan Sawah Bekas Padi

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    Produksi kacang hijau nasional menurun selama kurun waktu tahun 2016 – 2018. Salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman secara ramah lingkungan adalah menambahkan agen hayati-mikoriza, karena pemberian mikoriza mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta komponen hasil tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan beberapa aksesi kacang hijau terhadap inokulasi mikoriza serta memilih aksesi yang tanggap terhadap inokulasi mikoriza sebagai bahan kajian genetika dan fisiologi ketergantungan kacang hijau terhadap mikoriza. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi Universitas Gadjah Mada (PIAT-UGM) Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) petak terbagi yang terdiri atas dua faktor. Faktor utama yaitu perlakuan inokulasi dan anak faktor berupa 20 aksesi kacang hijau. Pengamatan meliputi infeksi mikoriza, sifat komponen hasil, dan  hasil. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian sesuai rancangan acak lengkap, uji lanjut Scott Knott, dan analisis korelasi. Pada penelitian ini masing-masing nomor aksesi kacang hijau memiliki tanggapan yang beragam terhadap inokulasi mikoriza. Persentase infeksi mikoriza  lebih tinggi pada perlakuan inokulasi. Inokulasi mikoriza mampu meningkatkan jumlah polong per tanaman, biji per polong, dan bobot biji per tanaman, namun tidak dengan bobot 100 biji tanaman. Persentase infeksi mikoriza pada umur 20 hari setelh tanam nyata berhubungan dengan hasil biji. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa nomor aksesi 788, 797, 798, 805, 807, 810, 812, 826, 829, dan 832 berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan kajian genetika dan fisiologi ketergantungan kacang hijau terhadap mikoriza

    Livelihood Assets Petani Sawah Tadah Hujan Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 Di Desa Kalampadu Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    This research aims to analyze the livelihood assets of the COVID-19 pandemic among rainfed rice farmers in Kalampadu Village, Muara Kuang District, and Ogan Ilir Regency. This research will discuss research issues through Ellis' theory about farmers' livelihood assets. Researchers used descriptive research with a qualitative approach because the issue of rural livelihoods requires farmer subjectivity and in-depth data analysis. Data collection techniques used were participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. Researchers used a case study research strategy to identify farmers' socio-cultural-economic-ecological and farmer household assets. The research results show that farmer households have five livelihood assets: 1) natural resource capital, (2) physical capital, (3) human capital, (4) financial capital, and (5) social capital. Massive changes in the livelihood assets of farmer households in Kalampadu Village began with the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused most farmers to change professions to online trading (Lazada and Shope)

    PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMEKARAN DESA (Studi Desa Rempek Darussalam Kecamatan Gangga Kabupaten Lombok Utara 2019)

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    Pemekaran sejatinya menjadi batu loncatan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat di sebuah wilayah mengingat hakikat dari berdirinya pemerintahan adalah tidak lain untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dalam pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara menjamin untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa sehingga sudah menjadi kepastian bagi segenap penyelenggara pemerintahan untuk menjadikan masyarakatnya menjadi lebih sejahtera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemekaran desa di Desa Rempek Darussalam Kecamatan Gangga Kabupaten Lombok Utara, dan faktor-faktor pendukung dalam pemekaran desa. Jenis Penelitian Deskriptif kualitatif melalui uraian-uraian yang menggambarkan atau menjelaskan subjek penelitian. Teknik Pengumpulan Data Observasi, Dokumentasi, dan Wawancara dengan Teknik Analisa Data bersifat induktif dan deskriptif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data.Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data, dan Menarik Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasrtisipasi masyarakat dalam pemekaran desa di Desa Rempek Darussalam Kecamatan Gangga Kabupaten Lombok Utara sangat baik, hal tersebut dilihat dari antusias masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan program, pengambilan manfaat serta dalam tahap evaluasi hasil. Partisipasi masyarakat yang muncul adalah adanya dukungan dari mereka yang merupakan dorongan bagi pemerintah desa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka

    Pengaruh atribut destinasi islami terhadap loyalitas berkunjung kembali di Kabupaten Gayo Lues yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan wisatawan

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    Meningkatnya industri halal di Kabupaten Gayo Lues memunculkan wisata halal (halal tourism) sebagai fenomena baru. Hal ini juga didukung oleh berbagai literatur yang menjelaskan bahwa wisatawan Muslim peduli terhadap konsumsi produk dan layanan sesuai syariah ketika berkunjung ke destinasi wisata. Minat terhadap wisata halal (halal tourism) mengalami pertumbuhan yang meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengeruh atribut destinasi Islami terhadap loyalitas berkunjung kembali yang dimediasi oleh kepuasan wisatawan di Kabpuaten Gayo Lues. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan riset SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Sampel penelitian ini adalah wisatawan Muslim yang pernah berkunjung ke destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Gayo Lues sebanyak 156 responden. Sementaraitu analisis data menggunakan model PLS-SEM yang di bantu dengan aplikasi Smart-PLS versi 3.2. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa atribut destinasi Islami berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Kepuasan wisatawan juga berpenagruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas berkunjung kembali. Semetara itu, atribut destinasi islami berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas berkunjung kembali. Lebih lanjut, kepuasan wisatawan mampu memediasi hubungan antara atribut destinasi Islami terhadap loyalitas berkunjung kembali

    Peranan Hidrogen Peroksida (H2O2) pada Yoghurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophilus) dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli Penyebab Diare

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    Diare adalah keadaan peningkatan frekuensi buang air besar dan perubahan konsistensi feses menjadi cair. Diare akut paling banyak disebabkan oleh infeksi dari bakteri Escherichia coli. Yoghurt merupakan salah satu produk olahan susu fermentasi dengan bantuan Bakteri Asam Laktat. BAL dapat menghasilkan asam laktat, asam asetat, bakteriosin, dan H2O2 yang berperan sebagai antimikroba. Hidrogen peroksida merupakan senyawa pengoksida kuat yang dapat merusak DNA bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan hidrogen peroksida pada yoghurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophilus) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan E. coli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian true experimental dengan metode Posttest-only with Control Group Design. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 50 cawan petri dan terbagi dalam 5 kelompok konsentrasi yoghurt yaitu K2 (20%), K3 (40%), K4 (60%), K5 (80%) dan K1 (0%) sebagai kelompok kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro dengan metode dilusi cair. Analisis data menggunakan uji kruskal wallis. Pada hasil penelitian didapatkan kadar hidrogen peroksida yang terkandung pada K1 (0,046 mg/ml), K2 (0,680 mg/ml), K3 (0,795 mg/ml), K4 (1,044 mg/ml), dan K5 (1,196 mg/ml). Nilai pH pada K1 (6,47), K2 (5,46), K3 (5,11), K4 (4,85), dan K5 (4,63). Hasil uji kruskal wallis didapatkan nilai p<0,05 yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok konsentrasi dengan pertumbuhan E. coli. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ialah terdapat penghambatan pertumbuhan E. coli oleh yoghurt dengan konsentrasi hambat minimum yoghurt sebesar 20% dengan kandungan hidrogen peroksida sebesar 0,680 mg/ml dan nilai pH 5,46
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