Beranda Jurnal Online Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang (POLTEKKES E-Journal)
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    diantisipasi bukan hanya oleh tenaga kesehatan saja, Kematiandisebabkan henti jantung dan henti nafas terjadi kapan saja, dimanasaja dan bisa terjadi mendadak. Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan BHDakan lebih baik dimiliki oleh semua lapisan masyarkat karenasebagian besar orang akan berhadapan dengan situasi memerlukanpertolongan pertama atau melakukan pertolongan pertama. Salahsatu kelompok masyarakat yang bisa mendapatkan pengetahuandan ketrampilan dalam memberikan BHD untuk masa yang akandatang adalah pelajar SMA. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untukmeningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam memberikanBatuan Hidup Dasar BHD kepada mayarakat terutama remaja SMAdi kelurahan debong kulon Kota Tegal Metode yang digunakandalam kegiatan ini yang pertama adalah dengan bentuk pemberianpelatihan selama 2 hari yang didalamnya berisi tentang materi BHDdan yang kedua akan dilakukan monitoring evaluasi setelah kegiatanpelatihan serta pendampingan pada peserta. Hasil kegiatan iniefektif dan berhasil dimana seluruh peserta mampu memahami dandapat melakukan bantuan hidup dasar dengan baik


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    Kasus positif Covid-19 menyebar di Indonesia pertama kali pada 2 Maret2020, ketika seorang instruktur dansa dan ibunya terkonfirmasi tertular dariseorang warga negara Jepang. Pada 9 April, pandemi sudah menyebar ke34 provinsi. Upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan untuk melawanCovid-19 telah banyak dilakukan. Vaksin untuk mencegah infeksi Covid-19sedang dalam tahap pengembangan/uji coba, sehingga berbagai ikhtiartetap harus dijalankan, disertai dengan berdoa dan bertawakal. Sementaraobat dan vaksin belum ditemukan, maka upaya atau tindakan tepat yangdapat dilakukan adalah dengan memperhatikan beberapa upayapencegahan penyebaran dari Covid 19 ini. Pemerintah telahmensosialisasikan protokol pencegahan penyebaran Covid 19 ini secaramasif dengan memanfaatkan semua media dan sukarelawan sertamenggerakkan perangkat birokrasi dari tingkat pusat hingga daerah.Substansi dari beberapa pencegahan intinya adalah agar daya tahantubuh tetap kuat melawan serangan virus. Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukanuntuk menjaga kekebalan tubuh. Mulai dari menjalani pola hidup sehat,mengonsumsi vitamin dan lainnya. Di Indonesia sendiri, sebagian orangmasih percaya dengan beberapa ramuan tradisional atau lebih dikenaldengan jamu. Metode yang digunakan meliputi edukasi dan prakteklangsung pembuatan jamu. Evaluasi diukur dari peningkatan pegetahuandan ketrampilan sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdianmasyarakat. Hasil yang dicapai setelah dilakukan kegiatan pengabdianmasyarakat menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dari pesertadan dapat mempraktekan cara pembuatan jam


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    Postpartum mothers often experience problems with expressing breast milk. In 2020, Indonesia was actually still low, namely (66.1%) and increased to (69.7%) in 2021. The province of Central Java itself had an exclusive breastfeeding coverage rate lower than the national achievement figure, namely 64.19%. This community service aims to accompany postpartum mothers who have babies in their efforts to increase the smooth production of breast milk at the Karangpandan Community Health Center, Karanganyar Regency. This type of community service is the implementation of breastfeeding practice assistance. The target for this community service is secondary data, namely data on exclusive breastfeeding from August to September 2023 at the Karangpandan Community Health Center. The total sample involved 50 people, using a technique for all mothers with babies which was carried out for 6 weeks. Bivariate analysis used the Chi-Square test and Fisher's Exact Test. The results of the bivariate test showed that there was an influence between breast care assistance (p=0.001) and an increase in the smoothness of breast milk production.It can be concluded that assistance in breast care can increase breast milk production

    Karakteristik Orang Tua dan Status Perkembangan Anak Usia 30-72 Bulan

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    The prevalence of developmental deviations in children aged 5 years in Indonesia reported by WHO in 2016 was 7,512.6 per 100,000 population (7.51%). In PAUD Permata UNDIP there are 1.7% of children aged 30-72 months with deviant development. Development is influenced by internal and external factors. The aim of the study was determined the analysis of factors that influence the developmental status of children aged 30-72 months at PAUD Permata UNDIP. The research used a quantitative, analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were all pre-school children and mothers who had children aged 30-72 months at Permata UNDIP PAUD, Semarang City, Central Java. The sampling technique used the total sampling technique so that 49 samples were obtained. Data collection used a questionnaire given to the students' mothers as well as a pre-screening developmental questionnaire (KPSP).The results show that the p value of the mother's education level is 0.000; mother's occupation 0.001; history of exclusive breastfeeding 0.001; child nutritional status 0.000; BBLR status 0.000; with ɑ = 0.01 there is a significant relationship between the above variables and the developmental status of children aged 30-72 months. From the factors that have been studied, the mother's education level and low birth weight (LBW) status are factors that have a strong relationship. The higher the level of mother's education, the better knowledge will be produced so that it can reduce deviations in child development.The community was expected to monitor child development and collaborate with health workers using the KPSP check-list shee

    Analisis Informasi Anatomi Pemeriksaan MRI Ankle Joint pada Penggunaan Foot Ankle Coil dan Flex Coil Proton Density Fat Saturation Irisan Sagital

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    Background: To get good MRI image quality, a special coil is designed according to the type of examination with various types and sizes so that it can be adjusted to the body to be examined so that the selection of coil is very important in MRI examination. At Dr.R.Soeharso Surakarta Orthopedi Hospital, it was found on an MRI examination of the  ankle joint using a foot ankle  coil and also sometimes also using a flex coil. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in anatomical information of ankle joint MRI examination on Proton Density Fat Saturation Sagittal Slices using foot ankle coil and flex coil.   Methods: This research is quantitative research with an experimental approach. This research was conducted on 10 volunteers. Respondents assessed image information on the anatomy of the Achilles tendon, talocalcaneal ligament, tibiofibular ligament, talofibular ligament, talotibial ligament, tenton flexor digitorum, extensor digitorum tendon, os calcaneus, os tallus, os tibia. Results: Ten probandus were performed MRI examination of ankle joint, proton density weighting, sagittal slice using foot ankle coil and flex coil. Images are produced that can show predetermined anatomical information, namely: Achilles tendon, talocalcaneal ligament, tibiofibular ligament, talofibular ligament, talotibial ligament, tenton flexor digitorum, extensor digitorum tendon, os calcaneus, os tallus, os tibia. Based on Wilcoxon's nonparametric statistical test in table shows that the resulting p value is 0.001 (p-value is 0.05) which means that there is a significant difference in the overall anatomical information of ankle joint MRI examination on the use of foot ankle coil and flex coil proton density fat saturation sagittal slices and mean rank results (28.50) foot ankle coil (0,001) flex coil.Conclusions: The anatomical information produced in the use of foot ankle coil is better than the anatomical information produced by flex coil on MRI examination of ankle joint proton density fat saturation sagittal slice


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    One of the non-communicable diseases that many people suffer from is hypertension. Hypertension is a silent disease, because sufferers do not know that they suffer from this disease before having their blood pressure checked. There is a risk of more serious illnesses such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure if you do not receive immediate treatment. In the current era of the COVID 19 pandemic, hypertension sufferers are a group that is at high risk of experiencing severity and can even cause death. Health cadres and families have a very important role in monitoring the health status of hypertension sufferers, especially in managing hypertension. Hypertension sufferers' problems that occur over a long period of time and continuously can trigger strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and are the main cause of chronic kidney failure. Therefore, hypertension management is needed to prevent damage to target organs in the long term thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. The methods used are education, training and mentoring of health cadres and families as role models and change agents in the community to increase knowledge and abilities through education and management training. hypertension. The result of this community service is an increase in health cadres' knowledge of the management of hypertension

    Implementasi Pemahaman Radiografer terhadap Exposure Index dalam Optimasi Prosedur Pemeriksaan Radiografi Computed Radiography

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    Background: Increasing the exposure factor is often carried out by radiographers to reduce noise and maintain image quality in computer radiography (CR). Therefore, there is a need for awareness and understanding of the exposure index (EI) to implement optimization procedures in radiographic examinations. Methods: The research method is descriptive and analytical by providing questionnaires to radiographers in PA chest radiographic examinations. This research was carried out at hospitals A, B, and C in the Jakarta-Bogor area with the research carried out between August – October 2023. Statistical analysis used SPSS 27 with data coding previously. After that, the data is processed with descriptive statistics to determine the frequency, distribution, percentage, average, and standard deviation. Then, the test chi-square to determine the relationship between gender, age, education, and work experience in understanding CR optimization procedures. Next, to find out the relationship between age and weight and EI, a test was carried out by Pearson test to determine the level of relationship between the two variablesResults: was found that the level of awareness and understanding of radiographers regarding optimization procedures using EI is still low. Test results chi-square age-understanding 0.309, gender-understanding 0.772, education-understanding 0.036, experience-understanding 0.201. next are the test results Pearson for Hospital-A: age-EI 0.09, weight-EI -0.49, Hospital-B: age-EI -0.21, weight-EI 0.06, Hospital-C: age-EI -0.37, weight-EI 0.56. Conclusions:  implementing EI in the optimization procedure, it needs to be confirmed by measuring the patient's radiation dose so that there are no errors in implementing the optimization

    Analisis Waktu Tunggu Pelayanan Foto Thorax pada Pasien Rawat Jalan

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    Background: The time between the patient's arrival and the testing findings is known as the waiting time for the results of a x-ray chest. The amount of time patients must wait to receive medical care from a health service unit, it also reflects how the hospital handles service components that are customized to the needs and demands of patients in public hospitals. This study aims to determine the suitability of waiting time for outpatient chest x-ray services with the standard of Indonesia Ministry of Health No.129/Menkes/SK/II/2008.Methods: The type of research used in this paper is qualitative by using the case study for analyzing the waiting time of x-ray chest in outpatients.Results: Eight patients, or 16% of the total had waiting time of three hours or more. Out of all patients, 84% or 42 patients had a waiting period of less than three hours. 22 minutes is the quickest waiting time, while 5 hours 56 minutes is the late waiting time. Such that in outpatients, the typical wait time for a x-ray chest picture is one hour and thirty minutes.Conclusions: Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital Palembang in adjusting the Minimum Service Standards the Hospital has met the minimum service standards of the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 129/Menkes/SK/II/2008 that the waiting time for a chest photo is ≤ 3 hours


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    Dental and oral health problems are often experienced by children with special needs. Limitations in physical and mental development can affect the process of maintaining dental and oral health. Children with special needs in the disabled group have disorders where their body parts are not perfect because they experience disabilities caused by damage to the bones, muscles, and joints so that they do not function normally. The shortcomings of children with physical impairments require parental assistance in maintaining dental and oral health. Providing counseling and giving pocketbooks to parents is an alternative to strengthening the maintenance of dental and oral health for children with physical impairments. This community service activity was carried out at SLB Jepara on a sample of children with physical impairments. The method used in this activity is the Health system approach, namely: Input – Process – Output. The results of the service carried out showed a decrease in the debris index value in children. The good debris index category after implementation was obtained by all respondents. The dental and oral hygiene pocketbook for parents of physically disabled children is used as a tool to increase parents' knowledge about dental and oral health and hygiene

    Penerapan Artificial Intelligence dalam Mendeteksi Batu Ginjal secara Otomatis pada Citra CT Scan

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    Background: Kidney stones are a clinical condition with the presence of stones along the urinary tract of varying sizes. The aim of this research is the need for a system to automatically detect kidney stones so that it can help radiologists in diagnosing kidney stones accurately, effectively and efficiently, and patients can immediately undergo further action to cure kidney stones.Methods: The difference in research carried out by researchers is the use of artificial intelligence which uses deep learning with a convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm. This research uses images obtained from CT scan results from public data (Kaggle) and primary hospital data. The number of images used in the Augmentation training data was 2338 normal images and 2390 kidney stone images. The augmentation testing data used 540 normal images and 446 kidney stone images. The research also involved experts, namely radiology specialists, in determining images with abnormal and normal stone tones.Results: research obtained from CT Scan images of kidney stones with augmentation and original using public data/Kaggle images, obtained using augmentation obtained a high accuracy value of 99.69%. Meanwhile, in testing data using primary/hospital data images, augmented data obtained accuracy values that were still low at 45.43% and 45.23%, respectively.Conclusions: The use of deep learning with the CNN model in training data augmentation obtained high accuracy values, however in testing data using hospital CT scan images the accuracy value was still low, but it was able to recognize images of kidney stones, so it could help in automatically diagnosing kidney stones. For future work could involve refining the model to handle variations in hospital data or exploring additional features to improve generalizability


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