114 research outputs found

    Flace - enabling the future of work - analysis and application of the legal and financial structures required to build a successful tech company

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    This research paper examines the process of founding and operating a lean start-up and uses the example of flace, a tech company started by the authors of this paper, as an illustration for the development of a business plan. Hereby, this paper analyzes the case through a financial perspective and provides the answer on the feasibility of external corporate financing for a company without proof of participation in the economy. As a result of the positive progression of the implementation, flace is in the process of being founded and a product for market participation is being developed


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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir questões pertinentes à educação e à sociedade atual no que diz respeito à introdução de tecnologias interativas nos ambientes de educação à distância. Em um primeiro momento, busca-se contextualizar a Educação a Distância (EAD) no Brasil, bem como inseri-la na sociedade contemporânea, caracterizada pela produção intensa de tecnologias digitais (TD). Em um segundo momento, este trabalho busca analisar o movimento de reconfiguração do tempo e do espaço na produção do saber em um ambiente permeado por tecnologias digitais, desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a Educação a Distância nos âmbitos da sua conceituação, caracterização, objetivos, sistema de ensino, problemas e desafios


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    This article proposes to discuss, in a general manner, questions around the theme of educational policies, during the first decades of the Republic. Specifically, the main goal is to recognize the reformers of public instruction in Minas Gerais that acted during the period of 1881 and 1910. For that, we use as sources the messages sent from the president to the Legislative Congress, the annals of the Chambers of Deputies and Senate, the laws and decrees, from the period. Through these documents, we structured a prosopographic study that allowed us to have a collective knowledge of a group of individuals that were given power to reform the public instruction. In this study, we have privileged categories that helped us knowing the origins of the reformers and their formation and professional trajectories, for example: family relations, place of birth, generational related aspects, scholar trajectories and professionalization. It’s an approach located on the field of social-political history, around the place and action of the political, as in, the comprehension of the existence of social vectors that coincide with the production of a political culture. The analysis allowed us to see the eclosion of the formation of a republican political community of Minas Gerais, constituted of individuals called reformers that, upon the process of formation throughout the historical trajectories, would come to utilize the rhetorical tools specific to the construction of arguments in favor of the measures and projects of reforming the instruction and, there on, the society.Este texto propone discutir, de manera general, las cuestiones que se sitúan en el ámbito temático de políticas para la educación, que ocurrieron en las primeras décadas de la República. Específicamente, el objetivo es conocer a los reformadores de la educación pública en Minas Gerais que trabajaron en el período de 1891 y 1910. Para eso, tomamos como fuentes mensajes presidenciales enviados al Congreso Legislativo de Minas Gerais, anales del las Cámara de Diputados y Senado, leyes y decretos del período. A través de este corpus documental, llevamos a cabo un estudio prosopográfico que nos permitió recopilar un conocimiento colectivo de un grupo de sujetos que estaban imbuidos de poderes para reformar la educación pública. En dicho estudio, privilegiamos algunas categorías que nos ayudaron a conocer el origen de los reformadores y sus trayectorias de educación y profesionales, tales como: vínculos de parentesco, naturalidad, aspectos generacionales, trayectorias de formación escolar y profesionalización. Es un abordaje situado en el campo de história política-social, en torno del lugar y de las acciones del político, así como, la comprensión de la existencia de vectores sociales que condicionan la producción de una cultura política. El análisis permitió percibir la formación de una comunidad política republicana de Minas Gerais construida por sujetos denominados como reformadores que, a partir del proceso de formación a lo largo de trayectorias históricas, que usaría herramientas retóricas específicas para construcción de argumentos a favor de las medidas y proyectos de reforma educativa y, por consecuencia, de la sociedad.Este texto propõe discutir, de maneira geral, as questões que se situam no âmbito temático das políticas para educação, ocorridas nas primeiras décadas da República. De maneira específica, o objetivo é o de conhecer os reformadores da instrução pública mineira que atuaram no período de 1891 e 1910. Para isso, tomamos como fontes as mensagens presidenciais enviadas ao Congresso Legislativo; os anais das Câmaras de Deputados e Senado e as leis e os decretos do período. Por meio de tal corpus documental, realizamos um estudo prosopográfico que nos possibilitou um conhecimento coletivo de um grupo de sujeitos que foram imbuídos de poderes para reformar a instrução pública. Em tal estudo, privilegiamos algumas categorias que nos ajudaram no conhecimento das origens dos reformadores e nas suas trajetórias formativo-profissional, tais como: laços de parentesco, naturalidade, aspectos geracionais, trajetórias formativas escolares e profissionalização. Trata-se de uma abordagem situada no campo da história política e social, em torno do lugar e das ações do político, bem como, da compreensão da existência de vetores sociais que condicionam a produção de uma cultura política. Na análise vimos a eclosão da formação de uma comunidade política republicana, constituída por sujeitos denominados de reformadores que, a partir da formação ao longo das trajetórias históricas, viria a utilizar-se de ferramentas retóricas específicas para a construção de argumentos em prol das medidas e dos projetos de reforma da instrução e, por conseguinte, da sociedade

    A comparison of two-coloured filter systems for treating visual reading difficulties

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    Copyright @ 2013 Informa UK Ltd.Purpose: Visual disturbances that make it difficult to read text are often termed “visual stress”. Coloured filters in spectacles may help some children overcome reading problems that are often caused by visual stress. It has been suggested that for optimal effect each child requires an individually prescribed colour for each eye, as determined in systems such as the “Harris Foundation” coloured filters. Alternatively, it has been argued that only blue or yellow filters, as used in the “Dyslexia Research Trust” (DRT) filter system, are necessary to affect the underlying physiology. Method: A randomised, double blind trial with 73 delayed readers, was undertaken to compare changes in reading and spelling as well as irregular and non-word reading skills after 3 months of wearing either the Harris or the DRT filters. Results: Reading improved significantly after wearing either type of filter (t = −8.4, p < 0.01), with 40% of the children improving their reading age by 6 months or more during the 3 month trial. However, spelling ability (t = 2.1, p = 0.05) and non-word reading (f = 4.7, p < 0.05) improved significantly more with the DRT than with the Harris filters. Conclusion: Education and rehabilitation professionals should therefore, consider coloured filters as an effective intervention for delayed readers experiencing visual stress

    Formar, moralizar e disciplinar: relações entre patrões e operárias no cotidiano de fábricas têxteis de Minas Gerais

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    Th is paper aims to discuss the insertion of women in textile factories in the turn of late nineteenth to twentieth century and its relation to the social representation about women held in the period. Thus, it analyzes the written and received correspondence by the owners of the Cedro &amp; Cachoeira Spinning Factory Co. The article highlights that women’s work in textile factories was accompanied by a moralizing and disciplining educational process, which sought to educate and form workers into a model of idealized femininity: hard-working, orderly, disciplined, clean, industrious, virtuous, obedient, modest, well behaved and God-fearing, very close to the virtues of a good devoted and obedient mother and housewife. In conclusion, it finds that the factories ended up giving their contribution to the education of women, according to the social roles that were expected of them, as did other institutions like church and family. Similarly, it shows that these women were not passive in the face of submissive working conditions and were capable of some tactics of deception.Key words: education, women, work, textile industry.O objetivo do artigo é refletir sobre a inserção das mulheres em fábricas têxteis mineiras na passagem do século XIX para o século XX e sua relação com a representação social que se tinha acerca da mulher, no período em questão. Para isso, analisa especialmente as correspondências escritas e recebidas pelos proprietários da Cia de Fiação e Tecidos Cedro e Cachoeira. O artigo realça que o trabalho feminino nas fábricas têxteis veio acompanhado de um processo educativo moralizador e disciplinador, que buscava educar e formar as operárias a partir de um modelo de feminino idealizado: trabalhadeiras, ordeiras, disciplinadas, asseadas, diligentes, virtuosas, obedientes, recatadas, bem comportadas e tementes a Deus, virtudes muito próximas da boa mãe, esposa e dona de casa dedicada e obediente. Por conclusão, vimos que as fábricas acabaram dando a sua contribuição para a educação feminina, segundo os papéis sociais que se esperavam delas, como já faziam outras instituições como a Igreja e a família. De igual modo, vimos que essas mulheres não ficaram passivas diante das condições do trabalho submisso e foram capazes também de algumas táticas de burla. Palavras-chave: educação, trabalho, mulher, indústria têxtil

    Visual stress, its treatment with spectral filters, and its relationship to visually induced motion sickness

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    We review the concept of visual stress and its relation to neurological disease. Visual stress can occur from the observation of images with unnatural spatial structure and an excess of contrast energy at spatial frequencies to which the visual system is generally most sensitive. Visual stress can often be reduced using spectral filters, provided the colour is selected with precision to suit each individual. The use of such filters and their effects on reading speed are reviewed. The filters have been shown to benefit patients with a variety of neurological conditions other than reading difficulty, all associated with an increased risk of seizures. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd

    Exploring perceptions of and supporting dyslexia in teachers in higher education in STEM

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    There is much literature focused on supporting students diagnosed with learning difficulties within higher education, in particular those with dyslexia. However, there is relatively little that discusses perceptions of and support for academics who have been diagnosed with the same learning difficulties. Although statistics from the Higher Education Statistics Authority suggest that percentages of staff declaring that they have dyslexia are much lower than those of undergraduate or postgraduate students, anecdotally media and social media suggest there is a sizeable population of academics who have this neurodiversity. In this paper we explore perceptions of dyslexia, and suggest practical ways in which to support new academics with or without a diagnosis

    A cultura escolar como categoria de análise e como campo de investigação na história da educação brasileira

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    A preocupação com a problemática da cultura escolar despontou no âmbito de uma viragem dos trabalhos históricos educacionais e de uma aproximação cada vez mais fecunda com a disciplina de história, seja pelo exercício de levantamento, organização e ampliação da massa documental a ser utilizada nas análises, seja pelo acolhimento de protocolos de legitimidade da narrativa historiográfica. O artigo representa uma síntese das investigações que vêm sendo realizadas pelos pesquisadores e pretende apreender como cultura escolar vem sendo apropriada pela área da História da Educação brasileira enquanto categoria de análise e campo de investigação. Para tanto foi dividido em três partes. Na primeira, aborda as definições de cultura escolar mais utilizadas. Trabalhos de Dominique Julia, André Chervel, Jean-Claude Forquin e António Viñao Frago são visitados, procurando-se estabelecer similitudes e diferenças entre as concepções dos autores. Discorre, também, sobre a disseminação desses textos no Brasil. Na segunda parte, sem pretender realizar uma revisão bibliográfica completa nem um exaustivo levantamento de títulos e autores, chama a atenção para algumas das dimensões da realidade educacional brasileira às quais os pesquisadores têm buscado entender com o concurso da noção de cultura escolar. Ao final, aponta alguns dos desafios que precisam ser levados em conta para o prosseguimento das investigações e para o aprofundamento teórico-metodológico das pesquisas que utilizam os arcabouços aqui discutidos.The concern with the issue of school culture has arisen in the context of a turn taken by the works in the history of education and of an ever so fruitful confluence with the discipline of History, be it for the practice of gathering, organization and expansion of the documental mass of data to be used in the analyses, be it by the acceptance of legitimacy protocols from the historiographic narrative. The article represents a synthesis of the investigations that have been conducted by researchers, and intends to apprehend how school culture has been taken on board by the field of History of Brazilian Education as a category of analysis and as a topic of study. To such purpose, the paper is composed of three parts. The first part deals with the most commonly used definitions of school culture. Works by Dominique Julia, André Chervel, Jean-Claude Forquin and António Viñao Frago are focused here in an attempt to establish similarities and differences between the ideas of the various authors. The dissemination of these texts in Brazil is also discussed in this first part. The second part of the article, without any intention of representing a complete bibliographic review or a comprehensive listing of titles and authors, draws attention to some of the dimensions of the Brazilian education reality, which the researchers have been trying to understand with the aid of the notion of school culture. Finally, the article points out some of the challenges that have to be faced in carrying on these studies and in strengthening the theoretical-methodological foundations of the studies that use the general framework discussed here

    Screening for Meares-Irlen sensitivity in adults: can assessment methods predict changes in reading speed?

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    Two methods of assessing candidates for coloured overlays were compared with the aim of determining which method had the most practical utility. A total of 58 adults were assessed as potential candidates for coloured overlays, using two methods; a questionnaire, which identified self-reported previous symptoms, and a measure of perceptual distortions immediately prior to testing. Participants were classified as normal, Meares-Irlen sensitive, and borderline sensitive. Reading speed was measured with and without coloured overlays, using the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test and the change in speed was calculated. Participants classified as normal did not show any significant benefit from reading with an overlay. In contrast, a significant reading advantage was found for the borderline and Meares-Irlen participants. Current symptom rating was found to be a significant predictor of the change in reading speed, however the previous symptom rating was not found to be a reliable predictor. These data indicate that the assessment of perceptual distortions immediately prior to measuring colour preference and reading speed is the most meaningful method of assessing pattern glare and determining the utility of coloured overlays

    Personality dimensions of people who suffer from visual stress

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    Personality dimensions of participants who suffer from visual stress were compared with those of normal participants using the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Extraversion-Introversion scores showed no significant differences between the participants who suffered visual stress and those who were classified as normal. By contrast, significant differences were found between the normal participants and those with visual stress in respect of Neuroticism-Stability. These differences accord with Eysenck's personality theory which states that those who score highly on the neuroticism scale do so because they have a neurological system with a low threshold such that their neurological system is easily activated by external stimuli. The findings also relate directly to the theory of visual stress proposed by Wilkins which postulates that visual stress results from an excess of neural activity. The data may indicate that the excess activity is likely to be localised at particular neurological regions or neural processes