3,074 research outputs found

    Measurement of sustainability at farm-level : stakeholders perceptions and indicators of the social dimension

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    While there is a consensus between researchers, decision makers and consumers that an operationalization of the concept of sustainability is necessary, there exist huge disagreements on how to transform the multidimensional concept of sustainability into usable metrics. Due to the multiple actors involved, diverse objectives and complex interactions, the selection of metrics to be monitored is expected to be science-based, but also relevant to the main concerns of the stakeholders. This dissertation address these gaps investigating stakeholders arguments about the suitability of a set of sustainability indicators in an accountancy agricultural information system for policy evaluation. The research is framed in the FP7 EU-Project Farm Level Indicators for New Topics in Policy Evaluation (FLINT). The thesis pursues two objectives: i)to elicit stakeholders perceptions about the adoption of sustainability indicators into an established farm accountancy data system and ii)to contribute to assess the usefulness of collecting indicators of social sustainability at farm-level. The first objective is reached by exploring the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) stakeholders perceptions on feasibility and usefulness of a set of sustainability indicators. Using discussion groups and semi-structured interviews in nine European countries, we collected arguments about the measurement of sustainability at farm level. Participant stakeholders identified that the request of sustainability information of the farm is already taking place under simultaneous, embedded and sometimes overlapping requirements from regulations, markets or research agents. We found that stakeholders have diverging perceptions toward the value of that information, especially for those indicators not expected to be used for farm-level decision making. For the second objective, two empirical studies were conducted using an integrated data set of FADN and FLINT project in a sample of 1100 FADN farms distributed in nine countries. In the first study we explored the linkage between the use of advisory services by farm managers and the economic, environmental and social performance of farms. We identified three clusters of farms that have a different sustainability performance and that relate differently to advisory services. In the three groups of farms, the number of contacts with advisory services is positively correlated with the adoption of innovations, the number of information sources and the adoption of farm risk management measures. We failed to find linear relationship between advisory services and environmental and social sustainability. The second study investigated the influence of farm-level factors in farmers satisfaction with farming and its relationship with the level of satisfaction they have with their overall quality of life. We propose a path model using a Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Squares approach, testing the validity and reliability of a farmers work satisfaction construct and determining on how far the farm variables are related with it. Results suggest that while it is valid and reliable to measure work satisfaction as a construct, the farm level data that is currently available explains farmers satisfaction with their own standard and values only partially. Therefore a metric that measures those values should be further developed and tested. This doctoral dissertation contributes to the identification and prioritization of standardized indicators of farm-level sustainability. Two main learnings can be implied from the findings. The first one is that ontological differences between the agents that are involved in the functioning and evolvement of an information system can be identified (but not solved) applying inter and transdisciplinary research methods. The second one is that standardized indicators of social sustainability are desirable, feasible and useful to be collected and integrated in the same data sets with economic and environmental indicators. That said, due to the complexity of the relationship between sustainability dimensions, the value of standardization of indicators is limited by how are they going to be used.Obwohl zwischen Forschern, Entscheidungsträgern und Verbrauchern Konsens darüber besteht, dass eine Operationalisierung des Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts notwendig ist, gibt es dennoch große Meinungsverschiedenheiten darüber, wie das mehrdimensionale Konzept in brauchbare Metriken umgewandelt werden kann. Aufgrund der Vielzahl der beteiligten Akteure, der unterschiedlichen Ziele und der komplexen Wechselwirkungen wird erwartet, dass die Auswahl der zu überwachenden Metriken wissenschaftlich fundiert, und gleichzeitig entsprechend den wichtigsten Anliegen der Interessengruppen erfolgt. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, diese Lücken zu schließen, indem sie die Argumente der Interessengruppen über die Eignung einer Reihe von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren im Kontext der landwirtschaftlichen Buchführung für die Politikbewertung untersucht.Die empirische Forschung ist Teil des FP7 EU-Projekts Farm Level Indicators for New Topics in Policy Evaluation (FLINT) Die Dissertation verfolgt zwei Ziele: (i) die Wahrnehmung unterschiedlicher Interessengruppenvertreter über die Adoption von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren in ein etabliertes landwirtschaftliches Buchhaltungsdatensystem zu erheben und (ii) den Nutzen der Erhebung von Indikatoren für die soziale Nachhaltigkeit auf betrieblicher Ebene zu bewerten. Das erste Ziel wird durch die Untersuchung der Wahrnehmungen der Interessengruppen des Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) über die Machbarkeit und den Nutzen einer Reihe von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren erreicht. Mit Hilfe von Diskussionsgruppen und semi-strukturierten Interviews in neun europäischen Ländern haben wir Argumente zur Messung der Nachhaltigkeit auf betrieblicher Ebene gesammelt. Die teilnehmenden Interessengruppenvertreter stellten fest, dass die Anforderung von Nachhaltigkeitsinformationen über den Betrieb bereits unter gleichzeitigen, eingebetteten und sich manchmal überschneidenden Anforderungen von Verordnungen, Märkten oder Forschungsagenten erfolgt. Wir haben festgestellt, dass die Interessengruppen unterschiedliche Auffassungen über den Wert dieser Informationen haben, insbesondere für diejenigen Indikatoren, von denen nicht erwartet wird, dass sie für die Entscheidungsfindung auf Betriebsebene verwendet werden. Für das zweite Ziel wurden zwei empirische Studien mit einem integrierten Datensatz des FLINT Projekts mit einer Stichprobe von 1100 FADN-Betrieben in neun Ländern durchgeführt. In der ersten Studie untersuchten wir den Zusammenhang zwischen der Inanspruchnahme von Beratungsdiensten durch Betriebsleiter und der wirtschaftlichen, ökologischen und sozialen Leistung von Betrieben. Wir haben drei Cluster von Betrieben identifiziert, die eine unterschiedliche Nachhaltigkeitsleistung aufweisen und sich unterschiedlich auf Beratungsleistungen beziehen. In den drei Gruppen ist die Anzahl der Kontakte zu Beratungsdiensten positiv korreliert mit der Einführung von Innovationen, der Anzahl der Informationsquellen und der Einführung von Maßnahmen des betrieblichen Risikomanagements. Es ist uns nicht gelungen, einen linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Beratungsleistungen und ökologischer und sozialer Nachhaltigkeit zu finden. Die zweite Studie untersuchte den Einfluss von Faktoren auf Betriebsebene auf die Zufriedenheit der Landwirte mit der Landwirtschaft, und deren Zusammenhang mit der Zufriedenheit mit ihrer allgemeinen Lebensqualität. Wir schlagen ein Pfadmodell mit einem Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Squares Ansatz vor, das die Validität und Zuverlässigkeit eines Konstrukts der Arbeitszufriedenheit der Landwirte testet und bestimmt, inwieweit die Betriebsvariablen mit ihm in Beziehung stehen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Konstrukt gültig und zuverlässig ist, die Arbeitszufriedenheit zu messen, dass aber die derzeit verfügbaren Daten auf Betriebsebene die Zufriedenheit der Landwirte mit ihrem eigenen Lebensstandard und ihren Werten nur teilweise erklären. Daher sollte eine Metrik, die diese Werte misst, weiterentwickelt und getestet werden. Diese Dissertation trägt zur Identifizierung und Priorisierung von standardisierten Indikatoren für die Nachhaltigkeit auf Betriebsebene bei. Aus den Ergebnissen lassen sich zwei wesentliche Erkenntnisse ableiten: Die erste ist, dass ontologische Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren, die an der Funktionsweise und Entwicklung eines Informationssystems beteiligt sind, durch die Anwendung inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschungsmethoden identifiziert (aber nicht gelöst) werden können. Die zweite ist, dass standardisierte Indikatoren für die soziale Nachhaltigkeit wünschenswert, machbar und nützlich sind, und daher in denselben Datensätzen mit Wirtschafts- und Umweltindikatoren gesammelt und integriert werden sollten. Allerdings ist der Wert der Standardisierung von Indikatoren aufgrund der Komplexität der Beziehung zwischen Nachhaltigkeitsdimensionen dadurch begrenzt, wie sie verwendet werden

    Sizing and Eddy currents in magnetic core nanoparticles: An optical extinction approach

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    Optical extinction is a handy and ubiquitous technique that allows us to study colloidal nanoparticles in their native state. The typical analysis of the extinction spectrum can be extended in order to obtain structural information of the sample such as the size distribution of the cores and the thickness of the coating layers. In this work the extinction spectra of Fe3O4, Fe3O4@Au, and Fe3O4@SiO2@Au single and multilayer nanoparticles are obtained by solving full Mie theory with a frequency dependent susceptibility derived from the Gilbert equation and considering the effect of Eddy currents. The results are compared with non-magnetic Mie theory, magnetic dipolar approximation and magnetic Mie theory without Eddy currents. The particle size-wavelength ranges of validity of these different approaches are explored and novel results are obtained for Eddy current effects in optical extinction. These results are used to obtain particle size and shell thickness information from the experimental extinction spectra of Fe3O4 and Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles in good agreement with TEM results, and to predict the plasmon peak parameters for Fe3O4@SiO2@Au three layer nanoparticles.Fil: Mendoza Herrera, Luis Joaquin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; ArgentinaFil: Bruvera, Ignacio Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; ArgentinaFil: Scaffardi, Lucia Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; ArgentinaFil: Schinca, Daniel Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas; Argentin

    Quantitative approach for the risk assessment of African swine fever and Classical swine fever introduction into the United States through legal imports of pigs and swine products.

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    The US livestock safety strongly depends on its capacity to prevent the introduction of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs). Therefore, accurate and updated information on the location and origin of those potential TADs risks is essential, so preventive measures as market restrictions can be put on place. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the current risk of African swine fever (ASF) and Classical swine fever (CSF) introduction into the US through the legal importations of live pigs and swine products using a quantitative approach that could be later applied to other risks. Four quantitative stochastic risk assessment models were developed to estimate the monthly probabilities of ASF and CSF release into the US, and the exposure of susceptible populations (domestic and feral swine) to these introductions at state level. The results suggest a low annual probability of either ASF or CSF introduction into the US, by any of the analyzed pathways (5.5*10-3). Being the probability of introduction through legal imports of live pigs (1.8*10-3 for ASF, and 2.5*10-3 for CSF) higher than the risk of legally imported swine products (8.90*10-4 for ASF, and 1.56*10-3 for CSF). This could be caused due to the low probability of exposure associated with this type of commodity (products). The risk of feral pigs accessing to swine products discarded in landfills was slightly higher than the potential exposure of domestic pigs through swill feeding. The identification of the months at highest risk, the origin of the higher risk imports, and the location of the US states most vulnerable to those introductions (Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin for live swine and California, Florida and Texas for swine products), is valuable information that would help to design prevention, risk-mitigation and early-detection strategies that would help to minimize the catastrophic consequences of potential ASF/CSF introductions into the US

    Stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainability measurement at farm level

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    Increased attention for sustainability in agricultural production within the food sector has enhanced the need for farm-level information. This article aims to explore stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainability measurement at farm level in an established monitoring system. Qualitative research, including discussion groups and semi-structured interviews in nine European countries, identifies existing divergences in perceptions, especially for those indicators not expected to be used for farm-level decision making. The perception of feasibility and usefulness of an indicator is determined by (a) indicators’ intrinsic attributes, (b) the measurement system in which it is inserted, (c) farm characteristics and (d) farmers’ attitudes toward the measurement. Identifying stakeholders’ perceptions could help to improve the discussion between researchers and users in the selection, communication and use of sustainability information along the agricultural sector

    Depresión en pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer en una institución de IV nivel en Montería, Colombia

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    Objective: To determine the level of depression in patients diagnosed with cancer in an IV level institution in Monteria, Colombia.Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. The Zung scale instrument for depression and a sociodemographic data card were applied in patients diagnosed with cancer, attending a specialized institution of IV level of complexity in the city of Monteria.Results: The most common cancers were: breast cancer 22.2%; and colon and uterus equal representation 18.2%. Regarding depression, 49.5% were slightly depressed; moderately depressed 15.7%; severely depressed 1% and normal range 33.8%. Cases of depression in their different categories according to the Zung scale were found in patients with colon and breast cancer.Conclusions: It was found that in total 65.2% of the patients had some degree of depression. Depression in patients with cancer is a common phenomenon in people with this condition and incidence is similar in men and women, in turn this depends on factors such as the type and severity of cancer, age and access to support networks both for the person and the family.Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de depresión en pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer en una institución de IV nivel en Montería, Colombia.Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo. Se aplicó el instrumento escala de Zung para depresión y una cédula de datos sociodemográficos en pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer, asistentes a una Institución especializada de IV nivel de complejidad de la ciudad de Montería. Resultados: Los tipos de cáncer más comunes fueron: el de mama 22,2%; y colon y útero igual representación 18,2%. En cuanto a la depresión se encontró ligeramente deprimido 49,5%; moderadamente deprimido 15,7%; severamente deprimido 1% y rango normal 33,8%. Los casos de depresión en sus diferentes categorías según la escala de Zung fueron encontrados en pacientes con cáncer de colon y mama.Conclusiones: Se encontró que en total 65,2% de los pacientes presentaban algún grado de depresión. La depresión en pacientes con cáncer es un fenómeno común en las personas con este padecimiento e incidencia es similar en hombres y mujeres, a su vez esta depende de factores tales como el tipo y severidad del cáncer, la edad y el acceso a redes de apoyo tanto para la persona como a la familia

    Development, alternatives and social change from communications perspective: A look at Observatorio Crítico from Cuba

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    Este artículo propone una sistematización del área de la comunicación para el desarrollo, para el cambio social y alternativa después de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Se discuten varios enfoques teóricos, iniciativas prácticas y aproximaciones académicas relacionadas a las continuas transformaciones en esta área de la comunicación. Desde presupuestos básicos hasta tendencias actuales, se contextualiza este campo de estudios en diferentes escenarios geográficos y temporales, con énfasis en la región de América Latina. Se aborda las potencialidades que brindan plataformas y redes de trabajo como los Observatorios Sociales. Nos detenemos en el caso de Cuba, para mostrar una propuesta de cambio social impulsada desde la Red Protagónica Observatorio Crítico y cómo esa experiencia pionera fue sucedida por la conformación de proyectos alternativos de comunicación que confrontan el sistema mediático y el discurso político dominantes en la Isla.The article proposes a systematization of the area of communication for development, alternative communication, and communication for social change, after the second half of the twentieth century. Several theoretical approaches, practical initiatives and academic outlooks related to the continuous transformations in this area of communication are discussed. From basic assumptions to current trends, we aim to contextualize this field of study in different geographical and temporal settings, with emphasis on the Latin American region and the potential offered by platforms and networks such as Social Observatories. Specifically, we look at the context of Cuba, to show a proposal for social change promoted by the Red Protagónica Observatorio Crítico (Critical Observatory Network), and how that experience was followed by the creation of alternative communication projects that confront the mainstream media and the hegemonic political discourses in the Island

    Las cumbres mundiales de la Tierra

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    The report 'Global Challenge, Global Opportunity' published by the United Nations-UN Organization, underscores the need to significantly increase efforts to support sustainable development that allows better management of world resources. The UN Secretary General and Chief for the aforementioned report, Nitin Desai, said: "If we do not do something to change our development patterns, we will put the security of the Earth and its inhabitants at risk in the long term." In this sense, the National University of San Marcos-UNMSM, gathering this concern, sponsored the first national forum on sustainable development, spreading its contents and looking for alternatives that contribute to the full application of the programs adopted in 1962 in Stockholm, in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro and recently in Johannesburg. In the city of Johannesburg, the Summit on Sustainable Development agreed to continue efforts to promote sustainable development, improve the lives of people living in poverty and reverse the continuing degradation of the global environment. In the face of increasing poverty and increasing environmental degradation, this event has been successful in urgently establishing and creating commitments and partnerships aimed at action, to achieve measurable results in the short term. In other words, ten years after the Rio Summit, the conditions for sustainable development were no better than those that prevailed in 1992, since it is observed that poverty is increasing, development needs are more pressing and the environment continues to degrade. Many specialists maintain with concern that the aspects of globalization are negative in many cases, due to the effects of the process such as financial and economic instability, social exclusion and the depletion of natural resources that are intensifying. Consequently, a significant part of the world is lagging behind in world development. Although a relative advance in poverty reduction was noted during the 1990s, as the number of people living on less than a dollar a day decreased from 1.3 billion to 1.2 billion, this advance was only concentrated in East Asia and However, certain regions have not yet manifested these trends in Latin America, such as Africa, which continues to experience the highest levels of mortality, poverty and hunger, and shows the greatest contrast, in comparison, with the living conditions of industrialized countries. The problem goes beyond living standards and has an impact on the situation of the natural resources of that continent, where the deforestation rate is the highest worldwide, with 7% of the forests during the decade of the ninety.El informe 'Desafío Mundial, Oportunidad Mundial' publicado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas-ONU, subraya la necesidad de incrementar significativamente los esfuerzos para apoyar un desarrollo sostenible que permita una mejor administración de los recursos mundiales. El Secretario General de la ONU y Jefe para el mencionado informe, Nitin Desai, decía: “Si no hacemos algo para cambiar nuestros patrones de desarrollo, pondremos en riesgo la seguridad de la Tierra y sus habitantes, a largo plazo”. En ese sentido la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-UNMSM, recogiendo dicha preocupación auspició el primer foro nacional sobre desarrollo sostenible, difundiendo sus contenidos y buscando alternativas que contribuyan a la plena aplicación de los programas adoptados en 1962 en Estocolmo, en 1992 en Río de Janeiro y recientemente en Johannesburgo. En la ciudad de Johannesburgo, la Cumbre sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible acordó mantener los esfuerzos para promover el desarrollo sostenible, mejorar la vida de las personas que viven en pobreza y revertir la continua degradación del medioambiente mundial. Ante la pobreza creciente y el aumento de la degradación ambiental, este evento ha tenido éxito en establecer y crear, con urgencia, compromisos y asociaciones dirigidas a la acción, para alcanzar resultados mensurables en el corto plazo. Es decir, diez años después de la Cumbre de Río, las condiciones para el desarrollo sostenible no eran mejores que las que imperaban en 1992, pues se observa que la pobreza está aumentando, las necesidades de desarrollo son más apremiantes y el medioambiente continúa degradándose. Muchos especialistas sostienen con preocupación que los aspectos de la globalización son negativos en muchos casos, debido a los efectos del proceso tales como la inestabilidad financiera y económica, la exclusión social y el agotamiento de los recursos naturales que vienen intensificándose. En consecuencia, una parte importante del mundo está quedando rezagada en el desarrollo mundial. Si bien se notó un relativo avance en la reducción de la pobreza durante la década de los noventa, al disminuir de 1300 a 1200 millones, el número de personas que viven con menos de un dólar diario, este avance sólo se concentró en Asia Oriental y América Latina, sin embargo, ciertas regiones aún no han manifestado estas tendencias, como África que continúa experimentando los más altos niveles de mortalidad, pobreza y hambre, y muestra el mayor contraste, en comparación, con las condiciones de vida de los países industrializados. El problema va más allá de los niveles de vida y tiene un impacto en la situación de los recursos naturales de ese continente, donde la tasa de deforestación es la más alta a nivel mundial, con un 7% de los bosques durante la década de los noventa

    Deficiencies in the application of the evaluative techniques in the English teaching-learning process in seventh and eighth grade of the Autonomous Ruben Dario School of Sébaco, immersed in the curricular transformation process, during the second semester, 2006

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    The present investigation was carried out in the Autonomous Rubén Dario School of Sébaco, being the sub-theme of our interest the following one: Deficiencies in the application of the evaluative techniques in the teaching- learning process of English class in seventh and eighth grade immersed in the curricular transformation process. The main purpose of the present investigation is to analyze the deficiencies in the evaluative techniques application created in the curricular transformation process. This investigation has been so much important since it has helped us in great way to realize about the teachers' weaknesses and strengths as teachers we posses at moment of applying the new techniques, in some way of how to improve them. To begin with the development it was spoken about how the English methodology arises, then the traditional techniques and the most used methods to evaluate the students before arising the curricular transformation, also some important concepts. Then it was to deepen on the characteristics and purposes of the curricular changes besides the development of the main variables outlined for this investigation which were: Deficiencies in the application of evaluative techniques by the teacher. Difficulties of the students to be evaluated. Before the difficulties found in the evaluative techniques application, we mention some of the conclusions: - The traditional method is the most used in this school focus in grammar- teaching. - There is little practice of the four skills in English class. - Students dedicate little time to the individual study. - Students don’t have textbooks to work in class or hom

    Prácticas educomunicativas para el desarrollo de habilidades lectoras

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    La presente investigación de carácter cualitativo buscó a través de diferentes instrumentos como el taller, la encuesta, el diario de campo y la observación directa, determinar las estrategias educomunicativas empleadas por los docentes del colegio Diego Montaña Cuellar, de las jornadas mañana y tarde, con estudiantes de grado quinto y cómo estás inciden en el proceso de enseñanza de la comprensión lectora, para determinar estos aspectos se estructuró el trabajo en cuatro capítulos, ligados de manera directa a cada uno de los objetivos propuestos en el primer capítulo se planteó toda la problemática respecto a la compresión lectora y los distintos referentes teóricos que soportan dicha problemática; en el capítulo dos se identificó, analizó y describieron los modelos y estrategias para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora; en el capítulo tres, se caracterizaron los docentes en relación a sus estrategias educomunicativas, y finalmente, el capítulo cuatro donde a manera de conclusión se establecieron cuáles son las prácticas que desde la educomunicación promueven la comprensión lectora