1,863 research outputs found

    Management of optimization in the choice of a vessel for a given line.

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    RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo se desarrolla el procedimiento a seguir para la elección de un buque adecuado a una determinada ruta por parte de una empresa naviera, basándose principalmente en los beneficios netos calculados a partir de los datos de volumen de negocio obtenidos en años anteriores. Esta elección lleva aparejadas cuestiones como la competencia, el atractivo de la alta velocidad para el pasaje, el coste de explotación de distintos tipos de buque y las limitaciones de los puertos de escala de la ruta especificada.ABSTRACT: In this work, we developed the procedure to be followed for the election of a suitable ship to a certain route by a shipping company, based mainly on the net benefits calculated from the turnover data obtained in previous years. This choice involves issues such as competition, the attractiveness of high speed for the passage, the cost of operating different types of ships and the limitations of the ports of call on the specified route.Máster en Ingeniería Náutica y Gestión Marítim

    Intellectual capital, organisational performance and competitive advantage

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    At present, the role of intellectual capital in organisations is significantly more important than in the past owing to the transition from an economy based on assets to another based on knowledge. The value of intangible assets increases as that of tangible assets decreases; this allows organisations, which prioritise intellectual capital, to produce competitive advantages and achieve better performance. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain if human capital, structural capital and relational capital have a positive influence on the organisational performance of medium-sized firms in the Mexican manufacturing sector. Moreover, it is analysed if competitive advantage mediates the relation between intellectual and organisational performance. Data were obtained from a survey sent to 309 CEOs of Mexican manufacturing firms. In order to test the research hypotheses, the construct validity was tried by means of face, content, convergent, nomological and discriminant validity, for which techniques such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS and AMOS, respectively, were resorted to. Later on, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied using software SmartPLS. Results showed that the three dimensions of intellectual capital have a positive and significant influence on organisational performance. Furthermore, competitive advantage mediates the relation between intellectual capital and organisational performance

    Adaptation and Validation the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) to Physical Education in a Spanish Context

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    The aim of this study is to validate and adapt to the Spanish context of Physical Education (PE) the State Mindfulness Scale (SMS). The study included 1428 students aged 13–19. In order to analyse the psychometric properties of the SMS, an exploratory factorial analysis was carried out to confirm the presence of two factors, a confirmatory factorial analysis that has offered support for both the structure of two factors. We also included an analysis of temporal stability, an analysis of invariance across gender, an analysis of internal consistency and an analysis of predictive validity through a t-test in which mental health (β = −0.28, p < 0.001) and physical or bodily experience (β = −0.16, p < 0.001) negatively predicted anxiety, respectively. The structure of the questionnaire was valid and reliable, gender-neutral and with adequate levels of temporal stability

    Sistema de administración empresarial: indicadores de calidad

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    Se planea crear una extensión para facturación por medio digital. El reto está en que cada empresa tiene su propio medio por el cual recibe facturas y confirma en Hacienda, por lo tanto será necesario empezar por los más grandes y solicitados. Así como programar uno que cumpla con las necesidades genéricas que el reglamento de Hacienda requiere, esto enfocado a PyMES que aún no cuentan con lo necesario para facturar vía internet. De esta forma se reducirá la dificultad de migración del sistema físico al digital, y en el proceso de obtiene un sistema de organización abierto, modificable y con énfasis en su fácil utilidad. Sera completamente modificable y se proveerá una interfaz para simplificar el proceso. Con la increíble velocidad con la que la población adquiere smartphones y tabletas, más la agregada funcionalidad de la separación dela información por medio del administrador, será posible que un vendedor cuente con herramientas para catalogar, ingresar clientes nuevos o facturar clientes actuales, leer noticias expendidas por la administración así como documentar cualquier cosa que considere importante en un ambiente seguro y controlable. El proyecto se eligió ya que no es ningún secreto que pronto se comenzara a multar las facturas físicas por medio de muchos proveedores grandes y por la falta de conocimientos y recursos que las PyMES necesitan para asegurar su éxito. Así como reducir costos de administración. Además de el gran potencial de crecimiento en más áreas como administración de inventarios por medio de lectores de barra de códigos utilizando tecnología disponible como las cámaras de los celulares modernos

    Resistance and inactivation kinetics of bacterial strains isolated from the Non-chlorinated and chlorinated effluents of a WWTP

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    The microbiological quality of water from a wastewater treatment plant that uses sodium hypochlorite as a disinfectant was assessed. Mesophilic aerobic bacteria were not removed efficiently. This fact allowed for the isolation of several bacterial strains from the effluents. Molecular identification indicated that the strains were related to Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli (three strains), Enterobacter cloacae, Kluyvera cryocrescens (three strains), Kluyvera intermedia, Citrobacter freundii (two strains), Bacillus sp. and Enterobacter sp. The first five strains, which were isolated from the non-chlorinated effluent, were used to test resistance to chlorine disinfection using three sets of variables: disinfectant concentration (8, 20 and 30 mg·L−1), contact time (0, 15 and 30 min) and water temperature (20, 25 and 30 °C). The results demonstrated that the strains have independent responses to experimental conditions and that the most efficient treatment was an 8 mg·L−1 dose of disinfectant at a temperature of 20 °C for 30 min. The other eight strains, which were isolated from the chlorinated effluent, were used to analyze inactivation kinetics using the disinfectant at a dose of 15 mg·L−1 with various retention times (0, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90 min). The results indicated that during the inactivation process, there was no relationship between removal percentage and retention time and that the strains have no common response to the treatmentsThe work of SM-H was supported by a graduate scholarship (number 217745) that was kindly provided by CONACyT, Mexico. Some chemical reagents were generously provided by the Administration of the B.A. in Biology at UAEH, Mexico. We thank the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Hidalgo campus, for allowing us to sample from its WWTP. The authors recognize Jose A. Rodriguez-Ávila for his comments on the procedure for analyzing inactivation kineticsS

    Morfometría de especies de trichogramma westwood (hymenoptera: trichogrammatidae) de centros reproductores de México

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    The importance of Trichogramma, as a biological control agent of crop pests, contrasts with the knowledge of his taxonomy in Mexico, due to the lack of studies that show a suitable identity of the species that are mass reared and exist in native form in agricultural areas. The objective of this study was made a morphometric analysis of the Trichogramma species mass rearing in Mexico as a corroborated technique of determination based in morphology. The analysis of variance and mean comparisons by the Duncan´s test allowed separate T. pretiosum and T. exiguum from T. fuentesi and T. pintoi based on the longest funicular setae length of male antenna. With the intervoselar process length of male genitalia, it was possible to differentiate T. pretiosum and T. pintoi from T. fuentesi and T. exiguum. In the cluster analysis (hierarchic cluster analysis), the intervoselar process length allowed differentiate the four species referred.La importancia de Trichogramma como agente de control biológico de plagas contrasta con el conocimiento de su taxonomía en México, debido a que no existen estudios que muestren una adecuada identidad de las especies que se reproducen y existen en forma nativa en las áreas agrícolas. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis morfométrico de las especies de Trichogramma reproducidas masivamente en México como técnica de corroboración de determinación de especies realizada en base a su morfología. El análisis de varianza y la comparación de medias por el método de Duncan permitieron separar a T. pretiosum y T. exiguum de T. fuentesi y T. pintoi con la longitud de la seta funicular más larga de la antena del macho. Con la longitud del proceso intervoselar de las genitalias de los machos fue posible diferenciar a T. pretiosum y T. pintoi de T. fuentesi y T. exiguum. En el análisis de grupos (cluster jerárquico), la longitud del proceso intervoselar de la genitalia permitió diferenciar las cuatro especies referidas

    Sensores de fibra óptica y sus aplicaciones en elmedio ambiente

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    En esta investigación se hace un análisis sobre sensores de fibra óptica y su aplicación en el medio ambiente, teniendo en cuenta la calidad del agua, suelo y aire, áreas con un mayor interés del campo de estudio, debido a que forman parte del entorno en que la vida se desarrolla. Un cuerpo de agua, aire o suelo con altos contenidos de contaminantes son lugares no aptos para la vida y desarrollo de las especies. Cuando se trata de medir uno o varios parámetros físicos del agua o aire, o de de-tectar alguna sustancia y cuantificarla, es necesario utilizar algún tipo de sensor que nos proporcione datos confiables para poder aplicar so-luciones que mitiguen los riesgos que existen. Los tipos de sensores que más se utilizan para estos fines son mecánicos, electroquímicos, así como, para algunos parámetros ya en aplicación, sensores ópticos. En la sociedad en la que vivimos, cada vez se hace más necesario el desarrollo de pequeños dispositivos de análisis que sean de bajo costo, portátiles, fiables, selectivos, de fácil manejo y que requieran de pocos microlitros de muestra para determinar un parámetro concreto

    Effect of Supplements on Endurance Exercise in the Older Population: Systematic Review

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    Background: Ageing is associated with changes of physical and physiological parameters, but there is evidence that regular physical activity could minimize these effects. Additionally, the older population presents a great risk of suboptimal nutrition. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review the evidence of nutritional strategies and endurance exercises in the older population. Methods: A systematic review was performed based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. The search was carried out in three different databases: PubMed, Web of Science, and SPORTDiscus. Results: Eight studies were included in the present review. The use of caffeine and beta-alanine supplementation with proteins have been found to be beneficial in both sexes. In older women, a balanced diet, an increase in protein, supplementation with beta hydroxy methyl butyrate, and supplementation with sodium bicarbonate have been favorable. However, no benefit has been seen in older men with sodium bicarbonate or ubiquinone supplementation. Nevertheless, the use of supplements should be prescribed according to individual characteristics and physical activity. Conclusions: Caffeine and high protein supplement with beta-alanine may provide positive effects in the older population. In addition, in older women, bicarbonate supplementation and beta-hydroxyethyl butyrate (HMB), lysine, and arginine supplementation have shown positive effects on exercise performance

    Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. Flower hydromethanolic extract for Cucurbitaceae fungal diseases control

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    The cliff rose (Armeria maritima), like other halophytes, has a phenolics-based antioxidant system that allows it to grow in saline habitats. Provided that antioxidant properties are usually accompanied by antimicrobial activity, in this study we investigated the phytochemicals present in a hydromethanolic extract of A. maritima flowers and explored its antifungal potential. The main phytocompounds, identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, were: hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, 9-octadecenoic acid, 3-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-acrylic acid ethyl ester, and benzeneacetaldehyde. The antifungal activity of the extract and its main constituents—alone and in combination with chitosan oligomers—was tested against six pathogenic taxa associated with soil-borne diseases of plant hosts in the family Cucurbitaceae: Fusarium equiseti, F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Neocosmospora falciformis, N. keratoplastica, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In in vitro tests, EC90 effective concentrations in the 166−865 μg·mL−1 range were obtained for the chitosan oligomers–A. maritima extract conjugate complexes, lower than those obtained for fosetyl-Al and azoxystrobin synthetic fungicides tested for comparison purposes, and even outperforming mancozeb against F. equiseti. In ex situ tests against S. sclerotiorum conducted on artificially inoculated cucumber slices, full protection was achieved at a dose of 250 μg·mL−1. Thus, the reported results support the valorization of A. maritima as a source of biorationals for Cucurbitaceae pathogens protection, suitable for both organic and conventional agriculture

    Conocimientos básicos para la atención al paciente con infarto agudo del miocardio

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    Basic knowledge for the care of patients with acute myocardial infarctionLa isquemia miocárdica resultante de la alteración del equilibrio entre oferta demanda del aporte de oxígeno al miocardio es el paso inicial en el desarrollo de un infarto agudo de miocardio, enfermedad con mayor incidencia en los últimos años. Con el objetivo de describir los conocimientos básicos para la atención de enfermería al paciente con infarto agudo de miocardio se realizó una revisión bibliográfica del tema. De un total de 125 coincidencias se seleccionaron 26 artículos que cumplieron los criterios de validez: que abordaran el diagnóstico, tratamiento, aspectos novedosos sobre el infarto agudo de miocardio y la atención de enfermería. Esta enfermedad se reconoce mediante la realización de electrocardiogramas seriados, análisis de biomarcadores cardíacos y el diagnóstico clínico. El principal síntoma consiste en dolor torácico. El tratamiento fundamental es la trombolisis, acompañada y combinada con otros fármacos. El enfermero debe saber identificar esta afección y actuar en consecuencia de forma rápida