480 research outputs found

    Cidadania em função da dotação (Sobredotação versus infradotação), ao longo da adolescência

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo a análise da relação entre as representações dos alunos acerca da cidadania dos professores e os seguintes indicadores de dotação: rendimento escolar (excelente versus baixo), criatividade (“os teus professores consideramte um aluno criativo”; “consideras-te criativo”), facilidade de aprendizagem (“os teus professores acham que tens facilidade de aprendizagem”) e gosto pelo trabalho difícil (“os teus professores acham que sentes atracção pelo trabalho difícil”). A amostra foi constituída por 246 sujeitos de diferentes anos de escolaridade (7º, 9º e 11º anos), de escolas da Grande Lisboa, englobando sujeitos dos dois sexos. Como instrumento de avaliação, foi utilizada a “Escala de representações dos alunos acerca da cidadania dos professores”, ERA-CIP, que, para além de incluir as dimensões de um questionário de Rego e outros (1999, 2004), — participação, orientação prática, conscienciosidade e cortesia — contém novas dimensões, especificamente a interpessoalidade e a normatividade (gestão das normas), apresenta uma variância total explicada de 58.64% e qualidades psicométricas manifestas (Veiga et al., no prelo). A análise dos resultados permitiu observar, na generalidade das situações, diferenças significativas nas dimensões da cidadania docente inferida pelos alunos, em função da dotação. Observou-se, ainda, o efeito da interacção da variável ano de escolaridade com indicadores da dotação. O estudo termina com a discussão dos resultados e sua comparação com outras investigações, remetendo para a necessidade de novas pesquisas, em função de variáveis pessoais e familiares

    AVC, um estudo de caso. Contributos da enfermagem de reabilitação

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    O Acidente Vascular Cerebral define-se como sendo um défice neurológico súbito, de duração superior a 24 horas, motivado por um distúrbio da circulação cerebral, que pode ser de natureza isquémica ou hemorrágica. Este acontecimento pode ocorrer de forma súbita, devido à presença de fatores de risco vasculares ou por alteração neurológica focal (aneurisma). A presença de transtornos nas funções neurológicas origina défices ao nível das funções motoras, sensoriais, percetivas, cognitivas e da linguagem. OBJETIVO Apresentar o plano de reabilitação num doente com AVC do cerebelo CASO CLÍNICO Doente de 63 anos, sexo masculino, raça caucasiana. Autónomo em todas as atividades de vida, encontrando-se ainda ativo em termos profissionais. Na sequência da prostatectomia radical a que foi submetido por neoplasia maligna da próstata apresentou um quadro de diplopia e cefaleias, pelo que realizou ressonância magnética crânio encefálica (RMN-CE), que revelou lesão isquémica aguda cerebelosa direita, com efeito de massa loco regional e compressão do IV ventrículo, motivo pelo qual foi transferido para a UCV a 08/11/2014. CONCLUSÕES Desde o primeiro dia de internamento, manteve-se muito agitado, com necessidade frequente de terapêutica, ficando posteriormente sonolento. Esta oscilação no estado de consciência, por vezes dificultou a avaliação neurológica. Verificaram-se pequenas evoluções, à entrada na UCV com NIHSS=16, no dia 15 com NIHSS=10. Embora a escala de Berg não o traduza (score =9), houve melhoria no equilíbrio dinâmico em pé. As alterações comportamentais apresentadas pelo doente, condicionaram de certa forma o processo de reabilitação

    Learning from the covid-19 outbreaks in long-term care facilities: a systematic review

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    © The Author(s) 2023. Open Access. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has devastatingly affected Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF), exposing aging people, staff members, and visitors. The world has learned through the pandemic and lessons can be taken to adopt effective measures to deal with COVID-19 outbreaks in LTCF. We aimed to systematically review the available evidence on the effect of measures to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in LTCs during outbreaks since 2021. Methods: The search method was guided by the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews (PRISMA) and the reporting guideline synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) in systematic reviews. The search was performed in April 2023. Observational and interventional studies from the databases of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, CINAHL, and Academic Search were systematically reviewed. We included studies conducted in the LTCF with outbreaks that quantitatively assess the effect of non-pharmacological measures on cases of COVID-19. Two review authors independently reviewed titles for inclusion, extracted data, and undertook the risk of bias according to pre-specified criteria. The quality of studies was analyzed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal. Results: Thirteen studies were included, with 8442 LTCF experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and 598 thousand participants (residents and staff members). Prevention and control of COVID-19 infection interventions were grouped into three themes: strategic, tactical, and operational measures. The strategic measures reveal the importance of COVID-19 prevention and control as LTCF structural characteristics, namely the LTCF size, new admissions, infection control surveillance, and architectural structure. At the tactical level, the lack of personal and long staff shifts is related to COVID-19's spread. Operational measures with a favorable effect on preventing COVID-19 transmission are sufficient. Personal protective equipment stock, correct mask use, signaling, social distancing, and resident cohorting. Conclusions: Operational, tactical, and strategic approaches may have a favorable effect on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in LTCFs experiencing outbreaks. Given the heterogeneous nature of the measures, performing a meta-analysis was not possible. Future research should use more robust study designs to explore similar infection control measures in LTCFs during endemic situations with comparable outbreaks. Trial registration: The protocol of this systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020214566).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Representações da figura paterna de crianças expostas à violência interparental: Estudo exploratório

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioA literatura evidencia a ausência de estudos sobre a qualidade da relação pai-criança em contextos familiares marcados por conflitualidade violenta entre as figuras parentais. Este trabalho pretendeu contribuir para a sua compreensão, estabelecendo como objectivo aceder às representações da figura paterna de crianças expostas à violência interparental. Foram realizadas entrevistas e aplicadas provas de desenho da família imaginada e real, a uma amostra constituída por cinco crianças em acolhimento em casa abrigo e cinco crianças em pós-acolhimento, com idades compreendidas entre seis e onze anos. Entrevistámos as suas mães para aceder às representações do ex-parceiro enquanto pai. O modelo teórico construído de acordo com a Grounded Theory, a análise das entrevistas às crianças, evidenciou a sua necessidade em manter separadas duas representações antagónicas da figura paterna. As crianças avaliaram alternadamente o comportamento do pai na conjugalidade e na paternidade, revelando capacidade para agir em conformidade com as suas reacções e humores. A clivagem permitiu-lhes manter a ligação ao pai e gerir um conflito de lealdades na fase em que viviam juntos. A separação dos pais e as actuais condições de vida contribuíram para uma focalização numa das facetas do pai. As crianças em acolhimento mantêm o foco na sua faceta violenta e procuram manter a distância, enquanto as crianças em pós-acolhimento avaliam o seu envolvimento e respondem de forma recíproca. A análise dos desenhos reforçou pressupostos do nosso modelo teórico. As entrevistas às mães evidenciaram uma avaliação negativa/ambivalente da paternidade dos ex-parceiros e o seu desagrado pela expectativa de reaproximação ou continuidade da relação pai-criança.ABSTRACT: Evidentially, current literature lacks studies about the quality of father-child relationships in families marked by violent conflict between the parental figures. This study contributes to an understanding of this relationship, its goal being to access representations of the father figure of children exposed to inter-parental violence. Interviews conducted and children's drawings of imagined and real families were obtained from a sample of ten children, between six and eleven years of age, currently living in shelters, as well as children in post-shelter situations. We interviewed the mothers about their former partners in their paternal role. The theoretical model was created according to Grounded Theory, in analyzing interviews with children; their necessity to have two antagonistic representations of the father figure was evident. The children evaluated alternately their father's behavior in the marital relationship and in fatherhood, revealing capacities to act in accordance with their reactions and moods. This spit allowed them to keep the connection to their father and manage a loyalty conflict while the family lived together. Parental separation and their current situation lead them to focus more on one facet of the father. Children in shelters put their focus on the father’s violent facet and try to keep a distance from him, whereas children in post-shelter situations evaluate their father´s involvement and respond reciprocally. Analysis of the children's drawings reinforced the assumptions laid out in our theoretical model. Interviews with mothers showed negative or ambivalent evaluations of their ex-partners and their discontentment with the perspective of a reconnection or continuing father-child relationship

    Patterns of European youngsters’ daily use of media

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    The mediatisation of young people daily lives constitutes a significant subject due to the expressive use of media in their daily routines. In this article, we resort to a representative sample of 3609 online respondents aged between 14 and 30 years old from nine European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Poland and Portugal), in order to perceive the impact new (and “old”) media have in these youngsters daily media consumption activities. The results of this online survey show complementary uses between networked and traditional media, but also highlight a gradual substitution of “old” by “new” networked individualized media when leisure and news-related activities are at stake.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estrategias para relacionar el dominio del problema con el dominio del programa para la comprensión de programas

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    La comprensión de programas es una disciplina de la ingeniería de software cuyo proposito fundamental es simpli car al programador la tarea de entender programas. Uno de los principales desafíos en el área de Comprensión de Programas consiste en relacionar dos dominios muy importantes como lo son: el Dominio del Problema y el Dominio del Programa. El primero hace referencia a la salida del sistema y el segundo a las componentes del programa utilizadas para producir dicha salida. En este artículo se presenta una línea de investigación cuya principal nalidad es el estudio, análisis, creación y desarrollo de estrategias de interconexión de dominios que faciliten el entendimiento del software. Este artículo se centra principalmente en aquellas que relacionan el dominio del problema con el dominio del programa

    1,4-Diamino-2-butanone, a wide-spectrum microbicide, yields reactive species by metal-catalyzed oxidation

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    The alpha-aminoketone 1,4-diamino-2-butanone (DAB), a putrescine analogue, is highly toxic to various microorganisms, including Trypanosoma cruzi. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying DAB's cytotoxic properties. We report here that DAB (pK(a) 7.5 and 9.5) undergoes aerobic oxidation in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 37 degrees C, catalyzed by Fe(II) and Cu(II) ions yielding NH(4)(+) ion, H(2)O(2), and 4-amino-2-oxobutanal (oxoDAB). OxoDAB, like methylglyoxal and other alpha-oxoaldehydes, is expected to cause protein aggregation and nucleobase lesions. Propagation of DAB oxidation by superoxide radical was confirmed by the inhibitory effect of added SOD (50 U ml(-1)) and stimulatory effect of xanthine/xanthine oxidase, a source of superoxide radical. EPR spin trapping studies with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide (DMPO) revealed an adduct attributable to DMPO-HO(center dot), and those with alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone or 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonic acid, a six-line adduct assignable to a DAB(center dot) resonant enoyl radical adduct. Added horse spleen ferritin (HoSF) and bovine apo-transferrin underwent oxidative changes in tryptophan residues in the presence of 1.0-10 mM DAB. Iron release from HoSF was observed as well. Assays performed with fluorescein-encapsulated liposomes of cardiolipin and phosphatidylcholine (20:80) incubated with DAB resulted in extensive lipid peroxidation and consequent vesicle permeabilization. DAB (0-10 mM) administration to cultured LLC-MK2 epithelial cells caused a decline in cell viability, which was inhibited by preaddition of either catalase (4.5 mu M) or aminoguanidine (25 mM). Our findings support the hypothesis that DAB toxicity to several pathogenic microorganisms previously described may involve not only reported inhibition of polyamine metabolism but also DAB pro-oxidant activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)INCT Processos Redox em Biomedicina-RedoxomaUniv São Paulo, Inst Quim, Dept Bioquim, BR-05508900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Ambientais Quim & Farmaceut, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Diadema, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Ambientais Quim & Farmaceut, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Dentoalveolar changes in adults promoted by the use of auxiliary expansion arch : a CBCT study

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the dentoalveolar effects and the changes of buccal cortical bone in the posterior area after expansion obtained with TMA auxiliary expansion arch in adult patients. A retrospective analysis of CT scans of 13 patients (6 male, 7 female) treated at a private clinic, taken immediately before and after the use of an auxiliary expansion archwire, was performed. Mean age at installation of TMA auxiliary expansion arch was 29.23 years (s.d.=9.13) and the mean age when the auxiliary arch was removed was 29.52 years (s.d.=9.16). Mean time of the use of the TMA auxiliary expansion arch was 0.29 years (s.d.=0.09). The patients used fixed appliances and after leveling and alignment, a TMA auxiliary expansion arch was installed, combined with the primary 0.017x0.025-inch thermoactivated Ni-Ti archwire. CBCT scans were taken at T1 and T2. Linear and angular measurements regarding the positioning of maxillary molar, premolars and canines were performed. Intragroup comparison of the variables at T1 and T2 was performed with dependent t tests. There was statistically significant transverse increase and buccal inclination of all teeth. The cortical bone showed adaptability and displacement in the same direction of tooth movement, but in smaller amounts. The auxiliary expansion arch proved to be effective to correct dentoalveolar constriction in adult patients, by increasing the buccal dental inclination with larger displacements than the bone crest adaptation and with significant transverse gains

    Program analysis for Clustering Programmers' Profile

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    Each programmer has his own way of programming but some criteria can be applied when analysing code: there are a set of best practices that can be checked, or ''not so common'' instructions that are mainly used by experts that can be found. Considering that all programs that are going to be compared are correct, it's possible to infer the experience level of the programmer or the proficiency level of the solution. The approach presented in this paper has as main goal to compare sets of solutions to the same problem and infer the programmers profile. This can be used to evaluate the programmer skills, the proficiency on a given language or evaluate programming students. A tool to automatically profiling Java programmers called PP (Programmer Profiler) is presented in this paper as a proof of concept.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013