1,553 research outputs found

    BCCT Learning Management: Islamic Education's Material in Early Childhood

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    This research is aimed to know the BBCT (Beyond Center and Circle Time) learning management on Early Childhood Islamic Education' Material in BCC (Bina Citra Cendekia) Ungaran Kindergarten and to know the supporting and unsupporting management factors of Early Childhood Islamic Education' Material in BCC Ungaran Kindergarten. This research belongs to qualitative research which focuses on the BBCT learning management of Early Childhood Islamic Education' Material in BCC Ungaran Kindergarten.The subject of this research is the principal and teachers. The method of collecting data is observation, interview, and documentation. And data analysis technique used in this research is inductive analysis method.The results of this research show that BBCT learning management on Early Childhood Islamic Education' Material in BCC Ungaran Kindergarten is good, because it based on the regulation from Permendiknas (Regulation from the Ministry of Education Affairs of Indonesia) No. 58 Year 2009 of standard contents and evaluation, include: planning, actuating, and learning evaluation. The supporting factors of the BCCT learning management are facilities, such as: buildings, classrooms, teachers' rooms, giving reward for the best achievement teachers (the funding comes from the institution); BCCT training for one week in Istiqlal, Jakarta. Then, unsupporting factors of BCCT learning management are the limited media of learning and the number of teachers, so that the learning process is still not maximal. Supporting games are limited too, so students do not have options to play with

    Pengembangan Permainan Balok untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Didik Kelompok B1 pada Taman Kanak-kanak Al-Istiqamah Kota Makassar.

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    ABSTRAK Kognitif adalah suatu proses berpikir, yaitu kemampuan individu untuk menghubungkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa. Proses kognitif berhubungan dengan tingkat kecerdasan (intelegensi) yang mencirikan seseorang dengan berbagai minat terutama sekali ditujukan kepada ide-ide dan belajar. Pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh anak-aanak kelompok B1 Taman Kanak-Kanak Al-Istiqamah Kecamatan Panakkukang Kota Makassar dapat dilihat bahwa kemampuan kognitif anak dalam mengenal warna, bentuk dan ukuran masih sangat rendah, dari pengamatan ini penulis mengangkat rumusan masalah yaitu Bagaimanakah Pengembangan Permainan Balok dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Didik. Pendekatan dan jenis pengembangan ini yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Subyak pengembangan pembelajaran adalah anak kelompok B1 Taman kanak-Kanak Al-Istiqamah yang berjumlah 15 orang anak yang terdiri atas 6 orang anak laki-laki dan 9 orang anak perempuan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengembangan yang dilakukan terdiri dari 3 komponen yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan observasi. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalis dengan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari pertemuan I, belum ada perubahan berupa peningkatan kemampuan kognitif anak. Pada pertemuan ke V perkembangan kemampuan kognitif anak menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat baik dan si anak yang masih dalam perkembangan adalah tugas guru yang lebih memperhatikan agar anak tersebut bisa seperti temannya yang lain. Kesimpulannya adalah dengan menerapkan metode bermain balok dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak di kelompok B1 pada Taman Kanak-Kanak Al-Istiqamah Kecamatan Panakkukang kota Makassar


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    Abstrak Penutupan lokalisasi Dolly merupakan salah satu isu paling fenomenal di Kota Surabaya. Terdapat banyak aspek yang dilibatkan dalam program penutupan tersebur. Salah satunya adalah pendampingan yang dilakukan dalam program tersebut. Pendampingan yang diadakan oleh Dinas Sosial Pemerintah Kota Surabaya ini menggandeng beberapa organisasi masyarakat terutama organisasi yang beranggotakan perempuan. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pendampingan pra penutupan di lokalisasi Jarak-Dolly Surabaya. Hal tersebut yang menjadi fokus kajian pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep gender dan seks serta konsep feminisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus Robert E. Stake. Studi kasus digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kasus secara komprehensif dan dianalisis dengan teknik coding and interpretation yang dikemukakan oleh Robert E. Stake. Subyek penelitian ditentukan secara purposive pada para pendamping yang berpartisipasi dalam program tersebut. Adapun lokasi penelitian ini berada di Lokalisasi Jarak-Dolly Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa pendampingan pra penutupan tersebut mengutamakan pendekatan berbasis gender, agama dan ekonomi. Hal tersebut dikemukakan oleh para pendamping serta tampak pada hasil observasi yang dilakukan peneliti di lokasi tersebut. Kata Kunci: Gender, Pekerja Seks Komersial, Penutupan Jarak-Dolly. Abstract Closure of Dolly prostitution was once of fenomenal issue in Surabaya city. There are many aspects involved to this program. One of the aspects is prostitution workers empowerment in Jarak-Dolly Putat Jaya Sawahan Surabaya. This program held by Social Department of  Surabaya, this program using several society organization, especially organizations with women members. This research aimed to study the approach that used in empowerment pre-closure in Jarak-Dolly Surabaya. This is the focus of the research. This reasearch used qualitative research as the method and case study of Robert E. Stake as the approach of  the research. Case study used to explain a case comprehensively and this research analysed using analysis technic coding and interpretation of Robert E. Stake. The subject of this ressearch choosen using purposive technic. The subject are coaches who joined in this program. The location of this research is prostitution locality in Jarak-Dolly Surabaya. This research find that the empowerment pre-closure of this prostitution using gender approach to getting in the subject of the program. The gender approach is not the one and only approch, there are economic approach and religion approach that combinated in this program. Keywords: Gender, Prostitution worker, Jark-Dolly Closure

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Regulasi Emosi Untuk Meningkatkan Subjective Well Being Pada Remaja Panti Asuhan Putri Pringsewu

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    Early adolescents generally experience changes in emotions and views about life satisfaction. Teenagers in orphanages are more prone to pressure so that their subjective well being will be lower. Emotional regulation training was able to increase focus and satisfaction as well as a sense of happiness which could increase teenagers' subjective well being. This study aims to determine the effect of emotional regulation training to increase subjective well being in Pringsewu orphanage children. The design of this study was a quasy experiment with a non-equivalent pre-post test with a control group. The subjects of this study were 40 girls in the Muhammadiyah Putri Prngsewu orphanage, which were divided into two groups, namely the intervention group and the control group. This training is carried out for three consecutive days. Data analysis used the T test. The results showed that in the intervention group the average subjective well being before the study was 67.15 ± 8.41 and increased after the study was 85.81 ± 9.17. In the control group the average subjective well being before the study was 65.67 ± 9.14 and increased at the time after the study 74.59 ± 12.25. There is a significant difference in changes in subjective well being in the intervention group and the control group (p value 0.05). There was an average increase in the intervention group that was greater than in the control group (p value 0.05). Thus, based on the statistical results, it can be concluded that there is an effect of emotional regulation training on increasing subjective well being among young women at the Pringsewu orphanage


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    This book initiated “new wave” organizational studies that begin to edit, prune, apply, and synthesize what we have to see what we do not have yet, what we have too much of, and what we agree on as the basics. What makes this assessment plausible is the fact that Pfeffer has shown that the several perspectives now dotting the field can converge more strongly on a problem than mere lists of properties can. Pfeffer applies multiple perspectives simultaneously to a durable puzzle in organizations and shows not only that power is less puzzling than we thought but also that all perspectives we are currently working with have something to say about how that puzzle can be untangled most meaningfully. In doing so, Pfeffer has made a major contribution in the form of an important book


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    AbstractThis research focused on attachment behavior at school in children’s with separation anxiety disorder. Token economy is a behavior treatment to reduce attachment behavior at school. The hypothesis was economy token could change attachment behavior at school with separation anxiety disorder aged 7 years. This research design was Single Case Experimental.Design with multiple-baseline design. In the research subjects was one child in elementary school with separation anxiety disorder. Data collected from monitoring sheet were analyzed with conservative-dual criteria(CDC). The form of subject’s attachment figure behavior in school (1) looked into attachment figure to ensure the existence, (2) inquiring the material to his mother than his teacher at school, (3) inquiring to stay in front of the class and (4) closer to his mother than his friends when take arest. The result shows that therapy economy token can reduce attachment behavior at school in children’s with separation anxiety disorder. While the qualitative analysis shows there was parents’ consistency in applying economy token program has played significant role in reducing attachment behavior at school in children’s with separation anxiety disorder.Keywords: attachment behavior at school in children’s, token economy therapy, separation anxiety disorde

    The Values ​​of Local Wisdom in Fostering Teacher’s Social Competency At Al-Hilal Islamic Junior Secondary School (MTs) in Tehoru Village, Central Maluku District

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    This study aims to analyze and describe the development of teacher’s social competency based on local wisdom at Al-Hilal Islamic Junior Secondary School in Tehoru Village. The values of local wisdom community in Central Maluku district was integrated in the development of teacher social competence. This study employed the qualitative approach. The data source consisted of primary and secondary data. The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The data were analyzed using interactive model of Miles and Huberman.The focuses of this study were: (1) the values of local community wisdom, (2) the integration of the local wisdom values in the development of teacher’s social competence, (3) supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of teacher-based social competence of local wisdom. The study reveals three findings. First, the local wisdom value of the people of Central Maluku is Hidop orang basudara which has philosophical value of ale rasa beta rasa, sagu salempeng pata dua, potong di kuku rasa di daging. The values are implemented in societal life like ;masohi, badati, maano. There are also some belief symbols which is convinced by the society like batu kramat. Second, the values of local wisdom in the development of teacher social competence at Al-Hilal Islamic Junior Secondary School in Tehoru village refer to the values of social attitudes and social systems. The social attitudes are brotherhood, responsibility, mutual caring, and cooperation. Whereas the social system is every activity carried out together. Third, there are three inhibiting factors in the development of teacher social competence: the lack of human resources (HR), both educators and educational staff; lack of facilities and infrastructure, and limited of information. In contrast, there is a supporting factor in the development of teacher social competence, namely: the role of community to have active participation regarding the progress of education quality.Keywords: local wisdom, teacher’s social competenc
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