486 research outputs found

    Classifying marine faults for hazard assessment offshore Israel: a new approach based on fault size and vertical displacement

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    For many countries, the methodology for offshore geohazard mitigation lags far behind the well-established onshore methodology. Particularly complicated is the assessment of fault hazard in the marine environment. The determination of whether a fault is active or not requires ultra-high-resolution seismic surveys and multiple coring and, unfortunately, frequently ends with uncertain results. Moreover, if a pipeline must cross a fault, it is not enough to determine whether the fault is active; slip rates are needed for resistant planning. Here we suggest a new approach for fault hazard assessment for the master planning of infrastructure. We provide planners a way to choose a route that will cross the least hazardous faults; these faults will then be investigated in site-specific surveys for slip rates that will allow seismic design. Instead of following the onshore practice that is hard to implement in the marine environment, we suggest taking advantage of the marine environment where seismic data are commonly better in quantity and quality. Based on existing industrial 3D seismic surveys, we measure for each fault in the study area the amount of its recent (in our specific case, 350 ka) vertical displacement and the size of its plane. According to these two independently measured quantities, we classify the faults into three hazard levels. This allows planners to choose infrastructure routes that cross the least hazardous faults at an early stage of planning and direct them to sites that need further investigation. Our case study is the Israeli continental slope, where numerous salt-related, thin-skinned, normal faults dissect the seabed, forming tens of meters high scarps. A particular hazardous zone is the upper slope south of the Dor disturbance, where a series of big listric faults rupture the seabed in an area where the sedimentation rate is 4 times faster than the vertical displacement rate. We suggest that this indicates exceptionally fast creep, seismic rupture, or rapid tremor and slip episodes.</p

    Subduction and continental collision in the Eastern Mediterranean during the closure of the Tethyan gateway

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    Plate tectonics and mantle dynamics controlled the continental collision and tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean – Tethyan realm, including by closing the Tethys Seaway linking the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. This led to reorganizations in ocean circulation, diversification and migration of marine and terrestrial species, and climatic change. Here, I review some of the work on the geodynamics of the region, including on the evolution of topography, and how paleotopography was influenced by mantle convection and volcanism. Mantle convection appears to have had a significant impact on the paleoenvironment, including by ultimately establishing the Gomphotherium Landbridge in the Miocene, enabling greater faunal exchanges between Africa-Arabia and Eurasia

    Intra-Messinian truncation surface in the Levant Basin explained by subaqueous dissolution

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    The Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) is an extreme event in Earth history during which a salt giant (>1 Ă— 106 km3) accumulated on the Mediterranean seafloor within ~640 k.y. Erosional unconformities extending from the continental margins into the deep basins are key features for reconstructing the MSC; however, the nature of the erosional processes and their subaerial versus subaqueous origin are highly controversial. This study focuses on the top erosion surface (TES) in the deep Levant Basin, which is notably flat, truncating a basinward-tilted Messinian evaporitic succession. Based on high-resolution seismic surveys and wireline logs, we show that (1) the TES is actually an intra-Messinian truncation surface (IMTS) located ~100 m below the Messinian-Zanclean boundary; (2) the topmost, post-truncation Messinian unit is very different from the underlying salt deposits and consists mostly of shale, sand, and anhydrite; and (3) the flat IMTS is a dissolution surface related to significant dilution and stratification of the water column during the transition from stage 2 to stage 3 of the MSC. Dissolution occurred upslope where salt rocks at the seabed were exposed to the upper diluted brine, while downslope, submerged in the deeper halite-saturated layer, the salt rocks were preserved. The model, which requires a stratified water column, is inconsistent with a complete desiccation of the eastern Mediterranean Sea

    Sulfur isotopic compositions of individual organosulfur compounds and their genetic links in the Lower Paleozoic petroleum pools of the Tarim Basin, NW China

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    During thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), H2S generated by reactions between hydrocarbons and aqueous sulfate back-reacts with remaining oil-phase compounds forming new organosulfur compounds (OSCs) that have similar δ34S values to the original sulfate. Using Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis (CSSIA) of alkylthiaadamantanes (TAs), alkyldibenzothiophenes (DBTs), alkylbenzothiophenes (BTs) and alkylthiolanes (TLs), we have here attempted to differentiate OSCs due to primary generation and those due to TSR in oils from the Tarim Basin, China. These oils were generated from Cambrian source rocks and accumulated in Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs. Based on compound specific sulfur isotope and carbon isotope data, TAs concentrations and DBT/phenanthrene ratios, the oils fall into four groups, reflecting different extents of source rock signal, alteration by TSR, mixing events, and secondary generation of H2S. Thermally stable TAs, that were produced following TSR, rapidly dominate kerogen-derived TAs at low to moderate degrees of TSR. Less thermally stable TLs and BTs were created as soon as TSR commenced, rapidly adopted TSR-δ34S values, but they do not survive at high concentrations unless TSR is advanced and ongoing. The presence of TLs and BTs shows that TSR is still active. Secondary DBTs were produced in significant amounts, sufficient to dominate kerogen-derived DBTs, only when TSR was at an advanced extent. The difference in sulfur isotopes between (i) TLs and DBTs and (ii) BTs and DBTs and (iii) TAs and DBTs, represents the extent of TSR while the presence of TAs at greater than 20 μg/g represents the occurrence of TSR. The output of this study shows that compound specific sulfur isotopes of different organosulfur compounds, with different thermal stabilities and formation pathways, not only differentiate between oils of TSR and non-TSR origin, but can also reveal information about relative timing of secondary charge events and migration pathways

    The onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the deep Eastern Mediterranean basin

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    Astronomical tuning of the Messinian pre-salt succession in the Levant Basin allows for the first time the reconstruction of a detailed chronology of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) events in deep setting and their correlation with marginal records that supports the CIESM (2008) 3-stage model. Our main conclusions are (1) MSC events were synchronous across marginal and deep basins, (2) MSC onset in deep basins occurred at 5.97 Ma, (3) only foraminifera-barren, evaporite-free shales accumulated in deep settings between 5.97 and 5.60 Ma, (4) deep evaporites (anhydrite and halite) deposition started later, at 5.60 Ma and (5) new and published 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that during all stages, evaporites precipitated from the same water body in all the Mediterranean sub-basins. The wide synchrony of events and 87Sr/86Sr homogeneity implies inter-sub-basin connection during the whole MSC and is not compatible with large sea-level fall and desiccation of the Mediterranean

    Basaltic Volcaniclastics from the Challenger Deep Forearc Segment, Mariana Convergent Margin: Implications for Tectonics and Magmatism of the Southernmost Izu–Bonin–Mariana Arc

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    Convergent margin igneous activity is generally limited to 100–200 km from the trench except where spreading ridges are subducted or in association with Subduction-Transform Edge Propagators (STEP faults). The southernmost Mariana forearc, facing the Challenger Deep, subducts Mesozoic seafloor and is not in a STEP fault setting but includes at least one site where tholeiitic basalts recently erupted close to the trench, the SE Mariana Forearc Rift (SEMFR). We present evidence of young basaltic volcanism from ca. 100 km west of SEMFR. Shinkai 6500 diving during YK13-08 (Dive 1363) recovered volcaniclastics from 5.5 to 6 km deep in the inner wall of the Mariana Trench, 50 km NE of the Challenger Deep. Glassy fragments are tholeiitic basalts similar to MORB except for much higher contents of magmatic water (approx. 2% H2O vs. 2O in MORB) and enrichments in trace elements Rb-Cs-Ba, K, Pb, and Sr. Dive 1363 glasses are similar to basalts from SEMFR erupted near the trench and to Mariana Trough backarc basin basalts. Basalt fragments and palagonitized matrix dominate the studied samples, but small xenocrysts and xenoliths derived from mantle peridotite and Neogene volcanics are also present, probably torn from the vent walls. Dive 1363 hyaloclastites erupted at 3–6 km water depth accompanied by vigorous degassing of volatiles, most likely CO2. These results provide further evidence that the forearc adjacent to the Challenger Deep has been invaded by asthenospheric mantle and derivative hydrous melts. Extension, hydration, and melt invasion combine to further weaken Challenger Deep forearc lithosphere. Combined effects of: (i) absence of strong, cold lithosphere of the overriding plate; (ii) rapid rollback of a narrow, short subducted slab; and (iii) weak coupling between the subducting Pacific plate and the overriding Mariana plate may be responsible for the great depth of the Challenger Deep

    Dynamic landscapes and human dispersal patterns : tectonics, coastlines, and the reconstruction of human habitats

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    Studies of the impact of physical environment on human evolution usually focus on climate as the main external forcing agent of evolutionary and cultural change. In this paper we focus on changes in the physical character of the landscape driven by geophysical processes as an equally potent factor. Most of the landscapes where finds of early human fossils and artefacts are concentrated are ones that have been subjected to high levels of geological instability, either because of especially active tectonic processes associated with faulting and volcanic activity or because of proximity to coastlines subject to dramatic changes of geographical position and physical character by changes of relative sea level. These processes can have both beneficial effects, creating ecologically attractive conditions for human settlement, and deleterious or disruptive ones, creating barriers to movement, disruption of ecological conditions, or hazards to survival. Both positive and negative factors can have powerful selective effects on human behaviour and patterns of settlement and dispersal. We consider both these aspects of the interaction, develop a framework for the reconstruction and comparison of landscapes and landscape change at a variety of scales, and illustrate this with selected examples drawn from Africa and Arabia
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