937 research outputs found

    "¿Es posible una información crítica en TV?"

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    Se analiza el fenómeno del programa de televisión El intermedio, de La Sexta. Los inicios del proyecto, la repercusión, principales hitos alcanzados, recomendaciones a los estudiantes sobre cómo abordar las distintas facetas de las que se ocupa un programa de televisión de este corte (guion, reporterismo, etc.).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Robótica colaborativa para todos: guía práctica de enseñanza

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    La mano de obra cualificada en robótica colaborativa está altamente demandada en el mundo industrial, más aún en empresas que están optando por implementar las tecnologías de la industria 4.0, por esta razón con la utilización del cobot JAKA en los diferentes laboratorios que se presentan en este libro se busca que el lector tenga un aprendizaje completo y progresivo. El objetivo de la elaboración de este libro es brindar la facilidad de aprender robótica colaborativa de una forma práctica, sin necesidad de tener un conocimiento previo o tener un robot colaborativo a la mano, dado que en las 9 unidades didácticas del libro se encuentra todos los recursos necesarios para que la persona con interés de aprender esta materia del mañana lo pueda hacer hoy desde cualquier parte del mundo, adquiriendo la misma experiencia como si lo hiciera de forma presencial, gracias al lenguaje de programación scratch del cobot JAKA, que es un lenguaje gráfico interactivo con el usuario, creado para personas con o sin conocimiento previo en programación. Además, también está pensado para universidades que deseen impartir esta importante materia de forma presencial o a distancia, ya que los ejercicios prácticos presentes en el libro se los puede realizar en las dos modalidades, incluso gracias a la conexión inalámbrica del cobot JAKA el estudiante a distancia podrá controlar el cobot desde su ordenador con el uso del escritorio remoto de AnyDesk. Este libro es el resultado de un arduo entrenamiento y capacitación impartida por el departamento técnico de JAKA Robotics de China acerca de las funcionalidades de sus robots colaborativos, concluyendo con la creación de este ejemplar

    Impact of pharmaceutical care for asthma patients on health‐related outcomes: An umbrella review

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    Recent systematic reviews suggest that pharmacists' interventions in asthma patients have a positive impact on health-related outcomes. Nevertheless, the association is not well established, and the role of clinical pharmacists is poorly represented. The aim of this overview of systematic reviews is to identify published systematic reviews assessing the impact of pharmacists' interventions on health-related outcomes measured in asthma patients. PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Cochrane Library were searched from inception to December 2022. Systematic reviews of all study designs and settings were included. Methodological quality was assessed using AMSTAR 2. Two investigators performed study selection, quality assessment and data collection independently. Nine systematic reviews met the inclusion criteria. Methodological quality was rated as high in one, low in two, and critically low in six. Reviews included 51 primary studies reporting mainly quality of life, asthma control, lung capacity, and therapeutic adherence. Only four studies were carried out in a hospital setting and only two reviews stated the inclusion of severe asthma patients. The quality of the systematic reviews was generally low, and this was the major limitation of this overview of systematic reviews. However, solid evidence supports that pharmaceutical care improves health-related outcomes in asthma patients. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses literature search and study selection flowchart.imag

    Bases and foundations of the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis: Review article

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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis refers to a shedding or tumor that spreads to the peritoneal serosa and structures of the abdominal cavity. It is an entity with a poor prognosis. Several conditions can cause this, the most common being colon, rectum, ovary, stomach or appendix cancers, including peritoneal pseudomyxoma, among others. The abdominal cavity invasion is considered a clinical stage IV. For a long time life expectancy of this entity was very short. With the advent of meticulous techniques in cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) the prognosis of patients has changed. In some conditions, these procedures are standard treatments. CRS is a very important prognostic factor; leaving a less residual disease in the patient, the evolution will be better. The HIPEC starts immediately after the surgical event. The hyperthermia increases the cytotoxic effect of antineoplastic drugs. Numerous studies have appeared in medical literature wherein the clear improvement in survival of the affected population is demonstrated. It is essential that a multidisciplinary team participates in the decision for the best treatment option and the maximum clinical benefit of the patients

    Identifying environmental drivers of benthic diatom diversity: the case of Mediterranean mountain ponds

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    [EN] This study aims at elucidating the environmental factors controlling benthic diatom diversity and uniqueness in Mediterranean mountain ponds. Samples of periphytic diatoms were collected in 45 ponds in Andalusia, south of Spain, and analysed by standard methods. Data analysis reveals that diatom diversity is mainly controlled by elevation and hydroperiod. Contrary to the usual findings in the literature, the highest scores on Shannon’s diversity index were found in high-elevation temporary ponds, but this effect is hidden by lake clustering in the analysed dataset. Significant distance-decay similarity (DDS) trends were detected in the analysis of floristic composition among the samples, stressing the importance of spatial factors that may override the effect of other abiotic factors. These findings highlight the role of isolation and dispersal limitation in the configuration of the biogeographical patterns of benthic diatomsSIThis work is part of the project ``Andalusian mountain wetlands: inventory, typologies and conservation'' which is funded by the Center for Advanced Studies in Earth Sciences (CEACTierra) at the University of Jaén. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Los motivos de la migración. Una breve revisión bibliográfica

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    The migratory phenomenon has been a constant since the beginning of history and, in recent years, ithas increased both in developed and developing countries, and which origin is due to different reasons.Therefore, its analysis becomes necessary for the understanding and control of the subject in question.This is the reason why,the objective of this research was to identify and describe the most frequent reasonsthat motivate migration, according to the available literature. To achieve this, an in-depth bibliographicreview was carried out, through the analytical-synthetic method, during the period 1982-2022. The selection of the theoretical material used was carried out through a signing process, following the inductive-deductive method. The results indicated that there are at least five main categories that promote migration, these being economic, social, political, demographic and ecological, each with its own particular motivations. It was concluded that the migratory phenomenon does not arise within a specific temporality, but that it appears in different periods of time. In addition, the factors that are contemplated among the mentioned categories usually develop simultaneously, which contributes to the complexity of analysis and solution of this phenomenon. Also, the characteristics of the place of residence of individualshave a significant influence on the process of leaving the place of origin.El fenómeno migratorio ha sido una constante desde el inicio de la historia y, en los últimos años, ha incrementado tanto en los países desarrollados como en los que están en desarrollo por diferentes motivos.Por lo tanto, su análisis se hace necesario para la comprensión y control del tema en cuestión. Por ello,el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar y describir los motivos más frecuentes que llevan a la migración, de acuerdo con la literatura disponible. Para lograrlo se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica profunda, a través del método analítico-sintético, durante el periodo 1982-2022. La selección del material teórico utilizado se realizó mediante un proceso de fichaje, siguiendo el método inductivo-deductivo. Los resultados indicaron que existen al menos cinco categorías principales que propician la migración:económica, social, política, demográfica y ecológica, cada una con sus motivaciones particulares. Seconcluyó que el fenómeno migratorio no se suscita dentro de una temporalidad específica, sino queaparece en diferentes periodos de tiempo. Además, los factores incluidos en las categorías mencionadastienden a desarrollarse simultáneamente, lo que contribuye a la complejidad de análisis y solución deeste fenómeno. Así mismo, las características del lugar de residencia de los individuos influyen significativamente en el proceso de abandono del lugar de origen


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    Objective: to analyze the available evidence and propose mental health care of older adults in the post-pandemic transition.Development: the global crisis currently experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the isolation of older adults. Due to distancing, the presence of psychological symptoms that affect the mental health of aged individuals has been enhanced, but the prevalence of these symptoms and their sequelae in the transition to the new normality must be considered.Final considerations: the Tidal Model demands Nursing care in mental health, where the role of the nurse will be to promote strategies that facilitate decision-making in favor of mental health by the older adults themselves in their adaptive process.Objetivo: analizar la evidencia disponible y proponer el cuidado de la salud mental del adulto mayor en la transición a la post-pandemia.Desarrollo: la crisis mundial que se vive por la pandemia a causa del COVID-19 ha ocasionado el aislamiento de los adultos mayores. A causa del distanciamiento se han potenciado la presencia de síntomas psicológicos que afectan la salud mental de los mayores, pero se debe pensar en la prevalencia de estos y sus secuelas en el tránsito a la nueva normalidad.Consideraciones finales: el Modelo de la Marea demanda un cuidado de enfermería en salud mental, donde el papel de la enfermera será propiciar estrategias que faciliten la toma de decisiones en pro de la salud mental por parte del mismo adulto mayor en su proceso adaptativo.Objetivo: analisar as evidências disponíveis e propor cuidados sobre saúde mental para idosos na transição para a pós-pandemia. Desenvolvimento: a crise global vivida atualmente pela pandemia causada pela COVID-19 causou o isolamento dos idosos. Devido ao distanciamento, tem sido potencializada a presença de sintomas psicológicos que afetam a saúde mental dos idosos, mas é necessário pensar na prevalência desses sintomas e em suas consequências na transição para a nova normalidade. Considerações finais: O Modelo da Maré demanda cuidados de Enfermagem em saúde mental, sendo o papel dos enfermeiros o de promover estratégias que facilitem a tomada de decisões em favor da saúde mental pelo próprio idoso em seu processo adaptativo

    Signal-to-noise ratio of the MEG signal after preprocessing

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    Background Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides a direct measure of brain activity with high combined spatiotemporal resolution. Preprocessing is necessary to reduce contributions from environmental interference and biological noise. New method The effect on the signal-to-noise ratio of different preprocessing techniques is evaluated. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was defined as the ratio between the mean signal amplitude (evoked field) and the standard error of the mean over trials. Results Recordings from 26 subjects obtained during and event-related visual paradigm with an Elekta MEG scanner were employed. Two methods were considered as first-step noise reduction: Signal Space Separation and temporal Signal Space Separation, which decompose the signal into components with origin inside and outside the head. Both algorithm increased the SNR by approximately 100%. Epoch-based methods, aimed at identifying and rejecting epochs containing eye blinks, muscular artifacts and sensor jumps provided an SNR improvement of 5–10%. Decomposition methods evaluated were independent component analysis (ICA) and second-order blind identification (SOBI). The increase in SNR was of about 36% with ICA and 33% with SOBI. Comparison with existing methods No previous systematic evaluation of the effect of the typical preprocessing steps in the SNR of the MEG signal has been performed. Conclusions The application of either SSS or tSSS is mandatory in Elekta systems. No significant differences were found between the two. While epoch-based methods have been routinely applied the less often considered decomposition methods were clearly superior and therefore their use seems advisable

    Saúde e seu cuidado como relação cultural intersubjetiva: reflexão fenomenológica em Schütz

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    The objective of this essay was to reflect on health and care as an intersubjective cultural relationship, taking up some of Alfred Schütz's concepts such as intersubjectivity, culture and the world of life. Health comprises an objective meaning and at the same time a subjective one, its care will depend on the conscience of the people and their intention; furthermore it is also determined by a collective conscience. The role of culture as a form of relational communication between human beings and between various knowledge that depend on the ways of life that have been maintained for generations and that continue to have different forms of experiencing health is highlighted. It is concluded that health must be a value in a broadly strict sense, where the social perspective and the recreation of meanings around the experience are considered; In other words, social coexistence grants meanings that are visible in everyday life. It is imperative for nursing and health professionals to integrate culture as a way of approaching health care.El objetivo del presente ensayo fue reflexionar en torno a la salud y cuidado como relación cultural intersubjetiva, retomando algunos conceptos de Alfred Schütz como intersubjetividad, cultura y mundo de la vida. La salud comprende un significado objetivo y a la vez uno subjetivo, su cuidado dependerá de la conciencia de las personas y su intencionalidad; además se determina también por una conciencia colectiva. Se destaca el papel de la cultura como una forma de comunicación relacional entre seres humanos y entre varios conocimientos que dependen de las formas de vida que se mantienen por generaciones y que siguen teniendo diversas formas de vivencia de la salud. Se concluye que la salud debe ser un valor en un sentido ampliamente estricto, donde se considere la perspectiva social y la recreación de significados en torno a la vivencia; es decir, la convivencia social otorga significados que son visibles en la vida cotidiana. Es imperante para los profesionales de enfermería y de la salud integrar la cultura como una forma de acercamiento al cuidado de la salud.O objetivo deste ensaio foi refletir sobre saúde e cuidados como uma relação cultural intersubjetiva, retomando alguns dos conceitos de Alfred Schütz, como intersubjetividade, cultura e mundo da vida. A saúde compreende um significado objetivo e, ao mesmo tempo, subjetivo, seu cuidado dependerá da consciência das pessoas e de suas intenções; além disso, é também determinado por uma consciência coletiva. Destaca-se o papel da cultura como forma de comunicação relacional entre seres humanos e entre vários conhecimentos que dependem dos modos de vida mantidos por gerações e que continuam a ter diferentes formas de vivenciar a saúde. Conclui-se que a saúde deve ser um valor em sentido amplo, onde são consideradas a perspectiva social e a recriação de significados em torno da experiência; Em outras palavras, a coexistência social concede significados visíveis no dia a dia. É imperativo que os profissionais de enfermagem e saúde integrem a cultura como forma de abordar os cuidados de saúde