30 research outputs found

    The Evolution of NGC 7027 at Radio Frequencies: A New Determination of the Distance and Core Mass

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    We present the results of a 25-year program to monitor the radio flux evolution of the planetary nebula NGC7027. We find significant evolution of the spectral flux densities. The flux density at 1465 MHz, where the nebula is optically thick, is increasing at a rate of 0.251+-0.015 % per year, caused by the expansion of the ionized nebula. At frequencies where the emission is optically thin, the spectral flux density is changing at a rate of -0.145+-0.005 % per year, caused by a decrease in the number of ionizing photons coming from the central star. A distance of 980+-100 pc is derived. By fitting interpolated models of post-AGB evolution to the observed changes, we find that over the 25-yr monitoring period, the stellar temperature has increased by 3900+-900 K and the stellar bolometric luminosity has decreased by 1.75+-0.38 %. We derive a distance-independent stellar mass of 0.655+-0.01 solar masses adopting the Bloecker stellar evolution models, or about 0.04 solar masses higher when using models of Vassiliadis & Wood which may provide a better fit. A Cloudy photoionization model is used to fit all epochs at all frequencies simultaneously. The differences between the radio flux density predictions and the observed values show some time-independent residuals of typically 1 %. A possible explanation is inaccuracies in the radio flux scale of Baars et al. We propose an adjustment to the flux density scale of the primary radio flux calibrator 3C286, based on the Cloudy model of NGC7027. We also calculate precise flux densities for NGC7027 for all standard continuum bands used at the VLA, as well as for some new 30GHz experiments.Comment: submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The evolving spectrum of the planetary nebula Hen 2-260

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    We analysed the planetary nebula Hen 2-260 using optical spectroscopy and photometry. We compared our observations with the data from literature to search for evolutionary changes. The nebular line fluxes were modelled with the Cloudy photoionization code to derive the stellar and nebular parameters. The planetary nebula shows a complex structure and possibly a bipolar outflow. The nebula is relatively dense and young. The central star is just starting O+\rm O^+ ionization (Teff30,000K\rm T_{eff} \approx 30,000 \, K). Comparison of our observations with literature data indicates a 50% increase of the [OIII] 5007 \AA\ line flux between 2001 and 2012. We interpret it as the result of the progression of the ionization of O+\rm O^{+}. The central star evolves to higher temperatures at a rate of 45±7Kyr1\rm 45 \pm 7\,K\, yr^{-1}. The heating rate is consistent with a final mass of 0.6260.005+0.003M\rm 0.626 ^{+0.003}_{-0.005} \, M_{\odot} or 0.6450.008+0.008M\rm 0.645 ^{+0.008}_{-0.008} \, M_{\odot} for two different sets of post-AGB evolutionary tracks from literature. The photometric monitoring of Hen 2-260 revealed variations on a timescale of hours or days. The variability may be caused by pulsations of the star. The temperature evolution of the central star can be traced using spectroscopic observations of the surrounding planetary nebula spanning a timescale of roughly a decade. This allows us to precisely determine the stellar mass, since the pace of the temperature evolution depends critically on the core mass. The kinematical age of the nebula is consistent with the age obtained from the evolutionary track. The final mass of the central star is close to the mass distribution peak for central stars of planetary nebulae found in other studies. The object belongs to a group of young central stars of planetary nebulae showing photometric variability.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    New groups of planetary nebulae with peculiar dust chemistry towards the Galactic bulge

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    We investigate Galactic bulge planetary nebulae without emission-line central stars for which peculiar infrared spectra have been obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, including the simultaneous signs of oxygen and carbon based dust. Three separate sub-groups can be defined characterized by the different chemical composition of the dust and the presence of crystalline and amorphous silicates. We find that the classification based on the dust properties is reflected in the more general properties of these planetary nebulae. However, some observed properties are difficult to relate to the common view of planetary nebulae. In particular, it is challenging to interpret the peculiar gas chemical composition of many analyzed objects in the standard picture of the evolution of planetary nebulae progenitors. We confirm that the dual-dust chemistry phenomenon is not limited to planetary nebulae with emission-line central stars.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    A CO Survey of Young Planetary Nebulae

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    We report the results of a sensitive survey of young planetary nebulae in the CO J=2-1 line that significantly increases the available data on warm, dense, molecular gas in the early phases of planetary nebula formation. The observations were made using the IRAM 30 m telescope with the 3 by 3 pixel Heterodyne Receiver Array (HERA). The array provides an effective means of discriminating the CO emission of planetary nebulae in the galactic plane from contaminating emission of interstellar clouds along the line of sight. 110 planetary nebulae were observed in the survey and 40 were detected. The results increase the number of young planetary nebulae with known CO emission by approximately a factor of two. The CO spectra yield radial velocities for the detected nebulae, about half of which have uncertain or no velocity measurements at optical wavelengths. The CO profiles range from parabolic to double-peaked, tracing the evolution of structure in the molecular gas. The line widths are significantly larger than on the Asymptotic Giant Branch, and many of the lines show extended wings, which probably result from the effects on the envelopes of high velocity jets.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures (with multiple panels), to be published in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Chemical compositions and plasma parameters of planetary nebulae with Wolf-Rayet and wels type central stars

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    Aims: Chemical compositions and other properties of planetary nebulae around central stars of spectral types [WC], [WO], and wels are compared with those of `normal' central stars, in order to clarify the evolutionary status of each type and their interrelation. Methods: We use plasma diagnostics to derive from optical spectra the plasma parameters and chemical compositions of 48 planetary nebulae. We also reanalyze the published spectra of a sample of 167 non-WR PN. The results as well as the observational data are compared in detail with those from other studies of the objects in common. Results: The central star's spectral type is clearly correlated with electron density, temperature and excitation class of the nebula, [WC] nebulae tend to be smaller than the other types. All this corroborates the view of an evolutionary sequence from cool [WC 11] central stars inside dense, low excitation nebulae towards hot [WO 1] stars with low density, high excitation nebulae. The wels PN, however, appear to be a separate class of objects, not linked to WRPN by evolution, --abridged--Comment: 17 pages, 28 figures, Accepted in A&A. Accepted in A&

    Recombination Line vs. Forbidden Line Abundances in Planetary Nebulae

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    Recombination lines (RLs) of C II, N II, and O II in planetary nebulae (PNs) have been found to give abundances that are much larger in some cases than abundances from collisionally-excited forbidden lines (CELs). The origins of this abundance discrepancy are highly debated. We present new spectroscopic observations of O II and C II recombination lines for six planetary nebulae. With these data we compare the abundances derived from the optical recombination lines with those determined from collisionally-excited lines. Combining our new data with published results on RLs in other PNs, we examine the discrepancy in abundances derived from RLs and CELs. We find that there is a wide range in the measured abundance discrepancy Delta(O+2) = log O+2(RL) - log O+2(CEL), ranging from approximately 0.1 dex up to 1.4 dex. Most RLs yield similar abundances, with the notable exception of O II multiplet V15, known to arise primarily from dielectronic recombination, which gives abundances averaging 0.6 dex higher than other O II RLs. We compare Delta(O+2) against a variety of physical properties of the PNs to look for clues as to the mechanism responsible for the abundance discrepancy. The strongest correlations are found with the nebula diameter and the Balmer surface brightness. An inverse correlation of Delta(O+2) with nebular density is also seen. Similar results are found for carbon in comparing C II RL abundances with ultraviolet measurements of C III].Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    The Planetary Nebula population of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    The identification of two new Planetary Nebulae in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sgr) is presented. This brings the total number to four. The first, StWr 2-21, belongs to the main body of Sgr. The second, the halo PN BoBn 1, has a location, distance and velocity in agreement with the leading tidal tail of Sgr. We estimate that 10 per cent of the Galactic halo consists of Sgr debris. The specific frequency of PNe indicates a total luminosity of Sgr, including its tidal tails, of M_V=-14.1. StWr 2-21 shows a high abundance of [O/H]=-0.23, which confirms the high-metallicity population in Sgr uncovered by Bonaficio et al. (2004). The steep metallicity--age gradient in Sgr is due to ISM removal during the Galactic plane passages, ISM reformation due to stellar mass loss, and possibly accretion of metal-enriched gas from our Galaxy. The ISM re-formation rate of Sgr, from stellar mass loss, is 5 X 10^-4 M_sun yr^-1, amounting to ~10^6 M_sun per orbital period. HST images reveal well-developed bipolar morphologies, and provide clear detections of the central stars. All three stars with deep spectra show WR-lines, suggesting that the progenitor mass and metallicity determines whether a PN central star develops a WR spectrum. One Sgr PN belongs to the class of IR-[WC] stars. Expansion velocities are determined for three nebulae. Comparison with hydrodynamical models indicates an initial density profile of rho ~ r^-3. This is evidence for increasing mass-loss rates on the AGB. Peak mass-loss rates are indicated of ~ 10^-4 M_sun yr^-1. The IR-[WC] PN, He 2-436, provides the sole direct detection of dust in a dwarf spheroidal galaxy, to date.Comment: 16 pages. MNRAS, accepted for publicatio

    Angular diameters, fluxes and extinction of compact planetary nebulae: further evidence for steeper extinction towards the Bulge

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    We present values for angular diameter, flux and extinction for 70 Galactic planetary nebulae observed using narrow band filters. Angular diameters are derived using constant emissivity shell and photoionization line emission models. The mean of the results from these two models are presented as our best estimate. Contour plots of 36 fully resolved objects are included and the low intensity contours often reveal an elliptical structure that is not always apparent from FWHM measurements. Flux densities are determined, and for both H-alpha and O[III] there is little evidence of any systematic differences between observed and catalogued values. Observed H-alpha extinction values are determined using observed H-alpha and catalogued radio fluxes. H-alpha extinction values are also derived from catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values by means of an Rv dependent extinction law. Rv is then calculated in terms of observed extinction values and catalogued H-alpha and H-beta flux values. Comparing observed and catalogue extinction values for a subset of Bulge objects, observed values tend to be lower than catalogue values calculated with Rv = 3.1. For the same subset we calculate = 2.0, confirming that toward the Bulge interstellar extinction is steeper than Rv = 3.1. For the inner Galaxy a relation with the higher supernova rate is suggested, and that the low-density warm ionized medium is the site of the anomalous extinction. Lowvalues of extinction are also derived using dust models with a turnover radius of 0.08 microns.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 17 pages, 9 figures (including 36 contour plots of PNe), 5 Tables (including 2 large tables of angular diameters, fluxes and extinction