3,924 research outputs found

    Modelo biomecánico humano 3D para la determinación de pares articulares mediante dinámica inversa

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    [ENG] In this paper, kinematic and dynamic study of human motion will be studied through multibody dynamics techniques. As part of the multibody dynamics field, a 3D model composed of 18 segments with 57 degrees of freedom will be developed. Both natural and relative mixed coordinates have been used for the multibody formulation. In order to obtain all the necessary data for each segment of the whole human body, we will operate with the OpenSim database. It can find mass, moments of inertia and the position of center of mass of any segment. The natural coordinates of the various segments will be obtained through Blender, either local or global. However, other intermediate programs will be used, such as ParaView and MeshLab, so as to convert the OpenSim data into Blender-compatible data. Also, concerning the relative coordinates, the information of Andrés Valverde Conesa's doctoral thesis will be used, thus obtaining mixed coordinates as link and result of both of them. Concerning the development of the three-dimensional human biomechanical model, several libraries or a set of subroutines will be used, among which we can find the programming languages Fortran and C++, subject to Microsoft Visual Studio. Our aim is developing the necessary software to establish the already mentioned model, as well as a 3D version of it. Once the model is created, we will used Matlab to compare the reaction forces and joint pairs of the model out of the libraries and those obtained by Valverde on his forceplate. The data processing goes on with an approach to the position trajectories using B-spline curves and obtaining, through analytical derivation, the speed and acceleration values. In the Inverse Dynamic Analysis (IDA) of human motion, the parameters of the body segments (geometrical and inertial) and kinematic data are used as input data. [SPA] En este trabajo se presenta el estudio cinemático y dinámico del movimiento humano por medio de técnicas de dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo. En el marco de la dinámica multicuerpo se desarrolla un modelo en 3D formado por 18 segmentos con 57 grados de libertad. La formulación multicuerpo se ha desarrollado en coordenadas mixtas (naturales y relativas). Para obtener todos los datos necesarios de cada uno de los segmentos que formarán el cuerpo humano completo, se dispone de la base de datos OpenSim, en la que podemos encontrar la masa, los momentos de inercia, así como la localización del centro de masas de cada uno de estos segmentos. Las coordenadas naturales de los distintos segmentos se obtienen por medio de Blender, ya sean locales o globales. Sin embargo se hace uso de otros programas intermedios, como son ParaView y MeshLab para convertir los datos obtenidos de OpenSim en datos compatibles con Blender. Por otra parte, para las coordenadas relativas se utiliza la información recogida en la Tesis doctoral de Andrés Valverde Conesa, obteniendo como unión y resultado de ambas, coordenadas mixtas. En lo referente al desarrollo del modelo biomecánico humano tridimensional, se emplean una serie de librerías o conjunto de subprogramas, entre los que se encuentran los lenguajes de programación Fortran y C++, bajo el entorno Microsoft Visual Studio, con objeto de desarrollar el software necesario para establecer el citado modelo, así como la visualización 3D del mismo. Una vez establecido el modelo, nos servimos de Matlab para comparar las fuerzas de reacción y los pares articulares de dicho modelo, determinados con las librerías, con las fuerzas de reacción y pares articulares obtenidas por Andrés en su placa de fuerzas. El procesamiento de datos continúa con la aproximación de las trayectorias de posición utilizando curvas B-spline, obteniéndose, por derivación analítica, los valores de velocidad y aceleración. En el análisis dinámico inverso (IDA) del movimiento humano, los parámetros de los segmentos corporales (geométricos y de inercia) y los datos cinemáticos se utilizan como datos de entrada.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Bilateral Asymmetries Assessment in Elite and Sub-Elite Male Futsal Players

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    This study aimed to investigate morphological, functional, and neuromuscular asymmetries on futsal players’ lower limbs at different competitive levels. Sixteen male elite futsal players from the Spanish National Futsal League and thirteen male sub-elite futsal players from the third division participated in this study. Morphological asymmetry was assessed through bioelectrical impedance (fat-mass (g and %) and lean-mass (g)). Functional asymmetry was assessed by means of a 20-s static unipedal balance test. Finally, neuromuscular asymmetry was assessed using tensiomiography tests on both the rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) of each participant. The three tests conducted did not reveal significant bilateral asymmetries in elite players. On the other hand, sub-elite players showed significant bilateral asymmetry in fat-mass percentage between dominant and non-dominant limbs (+6%; CI95%: 1 to 11; ES: 0.88; p = 0.019). They also showed higher bilateral asymmetry in the delay time of the RF (+13%; CI95%: 7 to 21; ES: 1.3; p 0.05) did not evidence asymmetries regardless of the level of the participants. Elite futsal players do not develop bilateral asymmetries in lower limbs in the studied parameters. On the contrary, sub-elite players are likely to develop morphological and neuromuscular asymmetries between their dominant leg and non-dominant leg.Sin financiación3.390 JCR (2020) Q1, 42/176 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health0.747 SJR (2020) Q2, 50/136 Health, Toxicology and MutagenesisNo data IDR 2020UE

    Ononis azcaratei: Devesa especie andaluza en peligro crítico

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    Ononis azcaratei Devesa a critically endangered Andalusian species.Palabras clave. Ononis, flora amenazada, Andalucía.Key words. Ononis, endangered flora, Andalusia

    Tropical Medicine: Sleeping Sickness

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    [ES]Raquel Cade (Angie Dickinson), una misionera, viaja al Congo Belga en 1939 para ayudar como enfermera al Dr. Bikel (Douglas Spencer) en el Hospital de la Misión de Dibela. Nada más llegar, el médico fallece de un ataque cardiaco y Raquel tiene que enfrentarse con las costumbres y creencias religiosas de los nativos. El coronel Henry Derode (Peter Finch), el jefe del destacamento del Ejército belga, le ofrece ayudarla a abandonar el lugar pero no acepta. Las cosas van mal, pero todo cambia cuando se ve obligada a intervenir a un niño de una apendicitis aguda, a partir de ese momento la tribu estará dividida. Su situación mejora al estrellarse un avión en las proximidades y atender al único superviviente, un médico llamado Paul Wilton (Roger Moore).[EN]Raquel Cade (Angie Dickinson) is a missionary nurse who, in 1939, travels to Belgian Congo in order to help Dr. Bikel (Douglas Spencer) in Dibella’s Mission Hospital. Just after her arrival the doctor dies because of a heart attack, and Rachel has to confront the native’s habits and religious beliefs. Colonel Henry Derode (Peter Finch), the detachment commander of the Belgian army, offers her his help to abandon the place, but she does not accept it. Things seem to go wrong, but everything changes when she has to perform an appendicitis surgery on a child. As of that moment, the tribe is divided. Her situation improves when an airplane crashes near there and she assists the only survivor, a doctor called Paul Wilton (Roger Moore)

    Development of an electrochemical maltose biosensor

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    In this work, electrochemical maltose biosensors based on mutants of the maltose binding protein (MBP) are developed. A ruthenium II complex (Ru II ), which is covalently attached to MBP, serves as an electrochemical reporter of MBP conformational changes. Biosensors were made through direct attachment of Ru II complex modified MBP to gold electrode surfaces. The responses of some individual mutants were evaluated using square wave voltammetry. A maltose-dependent change in Faradic current and capacitance was observed. It is therefore demonstrated that biosensors using generically this family of bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (bPBP) can be made lending themselves to facile biorecognition element preparation and low cost electrochemical transduction

    Induction of the nitrate assimilation nira operon and protein-protein interactions in the maturation of nitrate and nitrite reductases in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120

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    Nitrate is widely used as a nitrogen source by cyanobacteria, in which the nitrate assimilation structural genes frequently constitute the so-called nirA operon. This operon contains the genes encoding nitrite reductase (nirA), a nitrate/nitrite transporter (frequently an ABC-type transporter; nrtABCD), and nitrate reductase (narB). In the model filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, which can fix N2 in specialized cells termed heterocysts, the nirA operon is expressed at high levels only in media containing nitrate or nitrite and lacking ammonium, a preferred nitrogen source. Here we examined the genes downstream of the nirA operon in Anabaena and found that a small open reading frame of unknown function, alr0613, can be cotranscribed with the operon. The next gene in the genome, alr0614 (narM), showed an expression pattern similar to that of the nirA operon, implying correlated expression of narM and the operon. A mutant of narM with an insertion mutation failed to produce nitrate reductase activity, consistent with the idea that NarM is required for the maturation of NarB. Both narM and narB mutants were impaired in the nitrate-dependent induction of the nirA operon, suggesting that nitrite is an inducer of the operon in Anabaena. It has previously been shown that the nitrite reductase protein NirA requires NirB, a protein likely involved in protein-protein interactions, to attain maximum activity. Bacterial two-hybrid analysis confirmed possible NirA-NirB and NarB-NarM interactions, suggesting that the development of both nitrite reductase and nitrate reductase activities in cyanobacteria involves physical interaction of the corresponding enzymes with their cognate partners, NirB and NarM, respectively.Plan Nacional de Investigación y European Regional Development Fund BFU2008-03811 BFU2011-2276

    Torque control of switched reluctance motors

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    This paper presents the performance of an instantaneous torque control method. The simulation and experimental results illustrate the capability of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM) being used in the motor drive industry. Based on experimental data, the advantages of this control method and its disadvantages in practical implementation were studied. The model used in the simulation is the linear magnetic model which has the 12/8 structure, the same structure as the experimental switched reluctance motor

    Induction of the nitrate assimilation nira operon and protein-protein interactions in the maturation of nitrate and nitrite reductases in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120

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    Nitrate is widely used as a nitrogen source by cyanobacteria, in which the nitrate assimilation structural genes frequently constitute the so-called nirA operon. This operon contains the genes encoding nitrite reductase (nirA), a nitrate/nitrite transporter (frequently an ABC-type transporter; nrtABCD), and nitrate reductase (narB). In the model filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, which can fix N2 in specialized cells termed heterocysts, the nirA operon is expressed at high levels only in media containing nitrate or nitrite and lacking ammonium, a preferred nitrogen source. Here we examined the genes downstream of the nirA operon in Anabaena and found that a small open reading frame of unknown function, alr0613, can be cotranscribed with the operon. The next gene in the genome, alr0614 (narM), showed an expression pattern similar to that of the nirA operon, implying correlated expression of narM and the operon. A mutant of narM with an insertion mutation failed to produce nitrate reductase activity, consistent with the idea that NarM is required for the maturation of NarB. Both narM and narB mutants were impaired in the nitrate-dependent induction of the nirA operon, suggesting that nitrite is an inducer of the operon in Anabaena. It has previously been shown that the nitrite reductase protein NirA requires NirB, a protein likely involved in protein-protein interactions, to attain maximum activity. Bacterial two-hybrid analysis confirmed possible NirA-NirB and NarB-NarM interactions, suggesting that the development of both nitrite reductase and nitrate reductase activities in cyanobacteria involves physical interaction of the corresponding enzymes with their cognate partners, NirB and NarM, respectively.Plan Nacional de Investigación y European Regional Development Fund BFU2008-03811 BFU2011-2276

    Free dual spaces and free Banach lattices

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    The relation between the free Banach lattice generated by a Banach space and free dual spaces is clarified. In particular, it is shown that for every Banach space EE the free pp-convex Banach lattice generated by EE^{**}, denoted FBLp[E]FBL^p[E^{**}], admits a canonical isometric lattice embedding into FBLp[E]FBL^p[E]^{**} and FBLp[E]FBL^p[E^{**}] is lattice finitely representable in FBLp[E]FBL^p[E]. Moreover, we also show that for p>1p>1, FBLp[E]FBL^p[E]^{**} can actually be considered as the free dual pp-convex Banach lattice generated by EE, whereas for p=1p=1 this happens precisely when EE does not contain complemented copies of 1\ell_1.Comment: 30 pages; includes new result on lattice finite representability of FBLp[E]FBL^p[E^{**}] in $FBL^p[E]