2,298 research outputs found

    The Web Attacker Perspective – A Field Study

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    Web applications are a fundamental pillar of today’s globalized world. Society depends and relies on them for business and daily life. However, web applications are under constant attack by hackers that exploit their vulnerabilities to access valuable assets and disrupt business. Many studies and reports on web application security problems analyze the victim’s perspective by detailing the vulnerabilities publicly disclosed. In this paper we present a field study on the attacker’s perspective by looking at over 300 real exploits used by hackers to attack web applications. Results show that SQL injection and Remote File Inclusion are the two most frequently used exploits and that hackers prefer easier rather than complicated attack techniques. Exploit and vulnerability data are also correlated to show that, although there are many types of vulnerabilities out there, only few are interesting enough for attackers to obtain what they want the most: root shell access and admin passwords

    Using a hardware coprocessor for message scheduling in fieldbus-based distributed systems

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    “Copyright © [2001] IEEE. Reprinted from 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. ISBN:0-7803-7057-0. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”Fieldbus based distributed embedded systems used in real-time applications tend to be inflexible in what concerns changing operational parameters on-line. Recent techniques such as the planning scheduler can avoid this problem but do not show adequate responsiveness f o r automatic negotiation of parameter values. In this paper the use of ASIC based coprocessors f o r message scheduling is proposed to solve the problem. Such coprocessors can be used in the arbiter nodes of systems based on widely used producer-consumer fieldbuses like WorldFIP and CAN. A prototype built with a Xilinx FPGA is presented. First performance results are shown and analyzed. They demonstrate that the device is able to achieve the expected performance and also point to the possibility of evolution to an almost dynamic scheduling approach

    Analysis of Field Data on Web Security Vulnerabilities

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    Most web applications have critical bugs (faults) affecting their security, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by hackers and organized crime. To prevent these security problems from occurring it is of utmost importance to understand the typical software faults. This paper contributes to this body of knowledge by presenting a field study on two of the most widely spread and critical web application vulnerabilities: SQL Injection and XSS. It analyzes the source code of security patches of widely used web applications written in weak and strong typed languages. Results show that only a small subset of software fault types, affecting a restricted collection of statements, is related to security. To understand how these vulnerabilities are really exploited by hackers, this paper also presents an analysis of the source code of the scripts used to attack them. The outcomes of this study can be used to train software developers and code inspectors in the detection of such faults and are also the foundation for the research of realistic vulnerability and attack injectors that can be used to assess security mechanisms, such as intrusion detection systems, vulnerability scanners, and static code analyzers.PEst-OE/EGE/UI4056/201

    Effects of large pressure amplitude low frequency noise in the parotid gland perivasculo-ductal connective tissue

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    "Introduction: In tissues and organs exposed to large pressure amplitude low frequency noise fibrosis occurs in the absence of inflammatory signs, which is thought to be a protective response. In the parotid gland the perivasculo-ductal connective tissue surrounds arteries, veins and the ductal tree. Perivasculo-ductal connective tissue is believed to function as a mechanical stabilizer of the glandular tissue. Material and Methods: In order to quantify the proliferation of perivasculo-ductal connective tissue in large pressure amplitude low frequency noise-exposed rats we used sixty Wistar rats which were equally divided into 6 groups. One group kept in silence, and the remaining five exposed to continuous large pressure amplitude low frequency noise: g1-168h (1 week); g2-504h (3 weeks); g3-840h (5 weeks); g4-1512h (9 weeks); and g5-2184h (13 weeks). After exposure, parotid glands were removed and the perivasculo-ductal connective tissue area was measured in all groups. We applied ANOVA statistical analysis, using SPSS 13.0. Results: The global trend is an increase in the average perivasculo-ductal connective tissue areas, that develops linearly and significantly with large pressure amplitude low frequency noise exposure time (p < 0.001). Discussion: It has been suggested that the biological response to large pressure amplitude low frequency noise exposure is associated with the need to maintain structural integrity. The structural reinforcement would be achieved by increased perivasculo-ductal connective tissue. Conclusions: Hence, these results show that in response to large pressure amplitude low frequency noise exposure, rat parotid glands increase their perivasculo-ductal connective tissue.

    La enseñanza del fútbol sala en la formación de futuros profesionales de la Educación Física: la aproximación entre la teoría y la práctica

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    El trabajo describe una actividad realizada en la asignatura de fútbol sala del curso de formación de profesorado en Educación Física de la Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS) en Brasil. Los estudiantes impartieron clases de fútbol sala para niñas con edad entre los 11 y los 14 años en los centros de enseñanza de la ciudad de Caxias do Sul y su región. El objetivo de la actividad fue proporcionar a los futuros profesionales un mayor acercamiento a la realidad con la cual se deberán enfrentar en un futuro muy cercano, produciendo una formación más significativa y relevante. Al final del curso, después de los 18 partidos semanales previstos, más las clases para las chicas, los estudiantes respondieron un pequeño cuestionario adaptado en la escala de Likert sobre la importancia de la experiencia práctica para su formación. Los resultados determinaron que 7% de los alumnos del curso consideraron que la experiencia de enseñanza con las chicas presentó poca importancia para su formación como profesionales de Educación Física. Por otra parte 16% han considerado importante la actividad práctica. 37% dijeron que la experiencia fue bastante importante y 40% han respondido que la actividad fue de fundamental importancia. Ninguno contestó que la actividad fue nada importante. Así, concluimos que la utilización de esa metodología y experiencia didáctica ha permitido la reducción de las discrepancias entre la teoría y práctica existentes en las asignaturas de carácter práctico en los cursos de formación del profesorado

    Estudo histoquímico de proteínas fibrilares da matriz extracelular em neoplasias mamárias benignas e malignas na espécie canina

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    The aim of the present study was to study some of the proteins that form the extracellular matrix of 54 benign and malignant mammary neoplasms in dogs, using histochemical methods: Picrosirius and polarization microscopy for collagenous fibers, Gordon -Sweats's method for reticular fibers and Weigert's fucsine-resorcine method for elastic fibers. A large variability in quantity, distribution and characteristics of the matrix components was observed in the different types of neoplasms. Collagen type I, III and elements of the elastic system had different distribution in benign and malignant neoplasms. The simple Picrossirius method and under polarization enabled visualization of collagen as thick fibers irregularly distributed in the stroma of carcinomas and in a more orderly and regular fashion in benign neoplasms. A smaller amount of thin fibers was observed in an irregular and random disposition in carcinomas and in a regular disposition in benign neoplasms . Under polarization, the fibers present different lengths, were yellowish or reddish and strongly birefringent, what suggested that they were collagen type I and in the middle of these fibers, other ones, pale, greenish and weakly birefringent, some of them thinner, possibly collagen type III were observed. In the stroma of carcinoma, fibers were mostly thick, strongly birefringent, yellowish or reddish, disposed in an irregular and random fashion, mainly in the central areas. In condrometaplasic areas, both in malignant and benign neoplasms, there was a collagen population composed by thin fibers in a parallel disposition, limiting narrow regions where condrocytes were aligned. Around this area, there was a collagen population formed by bundles of thick anastomosed fibers, irregularly disposed in carcinomas and orderly, in a parallel fashion in benign neoplasms. Under polarization demonstrated that this population, among condrocytes, was formed by weakly birefringent fibers, pale and yellowish, what suggested a collagen type II pattern. The use of reticular fibers staining by Gordon &amp; Sweats, enabled a visualization of collagen as thin fibers disposed not only in the dense stromas but also in the loose ones. These fibers presented variable density, but were found mainly around acini and tubules. In relation to the presence elements of the elastic system in benign and malignant tumors, it may be observed that they predominate in the malignant ones, mainly in the pseudocapsule and around acini and tubules. Elements of the elastic system were not observed in the specimens when they were submitted to Weigert's staining without oxidation. When the same material was submitted to Weigert's staining with oxidation , oxytalan fibers were more evidently around acini and tubules, as well as in the pseudocapsule. Elements of the elastic system were in the ECM, both in samples submitted to staining with oxidation and without it and this was similar for benign and malignant tumors. Results of this study emphasize the profound structural changes in collagenous and fibrous components of the extracellular matrix elastic system of mammary neoplasms in dogs.A finalidade do presente trabalho foi estudar algumas das proteínas fibrilares da matriz extracelular de 54 neoplasias mamárias benignas e malignas na espécie canina, utilizando métodos histoquímicos: Picrosirius associado à polarização para fibras colágenas , método de Gordon - Sweats para fibras reticulares e método de Weigert com e sem oxidação para fibras elásticas. Evidenciou-se na matriz uma grande variabilidade na quantidade, distribuição e características dos componentes matriciais presentes nos diferentes tipos de neoplasias. Detectou-se, assim, colágeno I, III e elementos do sistema elástico, distribuídos diferentemente nas neoplasias benignas e malignas. O método Picrosirius simples e associado à polarização permitiu a visualização do colágeno sob a forma de fibras espessas distribuídas irregularmente no estroma dos carcinomas e de modo mais ordenado e regular nas neoplasias benignas e, fibras mais finas, em menor quantidade, irregularmente e aleatoriamente dispostas nos carcinomas e regularmente nas neoplasias benigna. Sob luz polarizada os feixes de fibras colágenas , apresentaram diferentes comprimentos, avermelhados ou amarelados e fortemente birrefringentes, sugerindo serem colágeno tipo I e, entremeando as fibras, algumas mais finas ,pálidas, esverdeadas e fracamente birrefringentes, presumivelmente colágeno tipo III. Em áreas condrometaplásicas, tanto nos carcinomas como nas neoplasias benignas notou-se que os feixes colágenos apresentavam-se com fibras finas, paralelas, limitando regiões estreitas onde os condrócitos se aninhavam, e, rodeando esta área, feixes de fibras espessas, anastomosadas, dispostas irregularmente nos carcinomas e ordenadamente e paralelas nas neoplasias benignas. Sob luz polarizada, essa população entre condrócitos era formada por fibras pálidas e amareladas, sugerindo padrão tipo II e na faixa circundante, feixes fortemente birrefringentes, sugerindo o padrão do colágeno tipo I.. O uso do método - Gordon &amp; Sweats, permitiu a visualização do colágeno sob a forma de fibras finas, dispostas tanto nos estromas densos como nos frouxos, com densidade variada mas, principalmente , margeando os ácinos e túbulos. Quanto à presença do sistema elástico em tumores benignos e malignos, verificou-se que há predomínio dessas fibras nos malignos, principalmente na pseudocápsula e ao redor de ácinos e túbulos. Elementos do sistema elástico não foram observados em espécimes submetidos à coloração de Weigert sem oxidação. Neste mesmo material, com oxidação, as fibras oxitalâmicas foram mais evidentes principalmente ao redor de ácinos, túbulos e pseudocápsula. Elementos do sistema elástico na (MEC) foram raros, tanto em amostras com e sem oxidação. Isto pode ser observado de maneira semelhante tanto em tumores benignos e malignos. Os resultados deste estudo enfatizam as profundas alterações estruturais dos componentes colagenosos e fibras do sistema elástico na matriz extracelular de neoplasias mamárias da espécie canina

    Estudo retrospectivo-sistemático da matriz extracelular de tumores mamários caninos

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    The aim of the present study was to perform a retrospective review, from 1932 to 1999, in order to establish the number of cases of mammary tumors in dogs in the records at the Pathology Department of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária - USP, as well as the presence of desmoplasia and cartilaginous and bone metaplasia in 578 of these tumors. Among the 537 malignant tumors, 13.05% were simple tubular adenocarcinomas, 3.91% were complex tubular adenocarcinomas, 7.26% simple papillary adenocarcinomas, 4.28% complex papillary adenocarcinomas , 23.27% simple papillary cystadenocarcinomas ,8.37% complex papillary cystadenocarcinomas,16.38% simple solid adenocarcinomas ,6.70% complex solid adenocarcinomas, 2.04% simple spindle cell carcinomas, 1.11% simple spindle cell carcinomas ,2.79% mucinous carcinomas ,8.19% anaplastic carcinomas ,0.93% squamous carcinomas, 1.30% fibrosarcomas,.0.18% chondrosarcoma, 0.18% osteosarcoma and among the 41 benign tumors ,51.21% were adenoma, 12.19% papillary cystadenoma,7.31% papilloma, 4.87% cystic fibroadenoma and 24.39% were fibroadenoma. Both desmoplasia and metaplasia were frequent findings in benign and malignant neoplasms, but they were more frequent among complex tubular adenocarcinomas: 38% presented desmoplasia, 57% cartilaginous metaplasia and 28% bone metaplasia. Among the benign neoplasms, adenoma presented the more frequency: 14 % presented desmoplasia, 29% cartilaginous metaplasia and 24% bone metaplasia. Results of this study emphasize the complexity of the inter-relationship between the macromolecules in the extracellular matrix and tumoral cells.A finalidade do presente trabalho foi efetuar um estudo retrospectivo, de 1932 à 1999 , afim de se estabelecer a casuística desses tumores nos arquivos do Departamento de Patologia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária - USP , bem como a freqüência de desmoplasia, metaplasia cartilaginosa e óssea em 578 desses tumores. Entre os 537 tumores malignos, 13.05% foram adenocarcinomas tubulares simples, 3.91% foram adenocarcinomas tubulares compostos, 7.26% adenocarcinomas papilíferos simples, 4.28% adenocarcinomas papilíferos compostos, 23.27% cistoadenocarcinomas papilíferos simples, 8.37% cistoadenocarcinomas papilíferos compostos, 16.38% adenocarcinomas sólidos simples, 6.70% adenocarcinomas sólidos compostos, 2.04% carcinomas de células espinhosas simples, 1.11% carcinomas de células espinhosas compostos, 2.79% carcinomas mucinosos ,8.19% carcinomas anaplásicos ,0.93% carcinomas escamosos, 1.30% fibrossarcomas,.0.18% condrossarcoma, 0.18% osteossarcoma e entre os 41 tumores benignos ,51.21% foram adenomas, 12.19% cistadenomas pailíferos,7.31% papilomas, 4.87% fibroadenomas e 24.39% foram fibroadenomas. Tanto a desmoplasia como a metaplasia foi um achado freqüente nas neoplasias benignas e malignas, mas foram mais freqüentes entre os adenocarcinomas tubulares compostos: 38% apresentaram desmoplasia, 57% metaplasia cartilaginosa e 28% metaplasia óssea. Entre as neoplasias benignas, adenoma apresentou a maior frequência: 14 % com desmoplasia, 29% com metaplasia cartilaginosa e 24% com metaplasia óssea. Os resultados deste estudo enfatizam a complexidade da inter-relação entre as macromoléculas da matriz extracelular e as células tumorais