667 research outputs found

    Un enfoque múltiple para resolver problemas geoarqueológicos: inferencias de la minería de oro romana en el valle del Eria (León)

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    The Eria River valley exhibits one of the largest gold mining complexes in NW Iberia from Roman age. In this study, a geoarchaeological work is presented, combining a multiapproach based on airborne LiDAR remote sensing, descriptive geology and radiocarbon dating. The studied area is characterized by the presence of a mining infrastructure comprised of hydraulic canals driving the water at different levels to the mines. Mining works were associated with Plio-Quaternary raña deposits and Quaternary materials consisting of hillside and periglacial deposits, and fluvial terraces. The washing of the gold deposits used the hydraulic force to break up and drag out the sediment, giving rise to three different types of exploitation depending on the characteristics of the different materials. The results shed light on the geological materials exploited and other geographical aspects that conditioned the exploitation techniques. The work contributes to improving the knowledge about Roman gold mining and its geological context in northwest IberiaEl valle del río Eria presenta uno de los mayores complejos de minería aurífera de época romana del noroeste de la península ibérica. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio geoarqueológico que combina un enfoque multidisciplinar basado en el análisis por teledetección con LiDAR aerotransportado, geología descriptiva y datación radiocarbónica. La zona estudiada presenta un entramado minero compuesto por una red de canales que dirigían el agua a distinta cota hasta las explotaciones. Los desmontes fueron realizados sobre materiales plio-cuaternarios de tipo raña y cuaternarios constituidos por depósitos de ladera, periglaciares y terrazas fluviales. El lavado de los depósitos auríferos empleó la fuerza hidráulica para deshacer y arrastrar el sedimento, dando lugar a tres tipos distintos de explotación en función de las características que presentan los diferentes depósitos. Los resultados arrojan luz sobre los materiales geológicos explotados y otros aspectos geográficos que condicionaron las técnicas de explotación de los yacimientos. El trabajo contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento sobre la minería aurífera del noroeste y su contexto geológic

    Mantos inducidos por microbialitas en sedimentos siliciclásticos plio-cuaternarios? del NO de Iberia

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    Microbial mats are organo-sedimentary deposits formed by bacteria that trap or synthesize certain chemical elements. This type of activity gives rise to the formation of lamellar and/or columnar bioconstructions (stromatolites) and/or concentric structures (oncolites and thrombolites). The study of microbial mats used to be restricted mainly to marine and coastal environments related to the formation of ancient carbonate sediments (Palaeozoic/Proterozoic), and/or extreme conditions in hypersaline environments. However, in recent years, the presence of these forms has been identified in continental siliciclastic rocks and sediments with a temporal distribution that reaches into modern times. In this study, several levels of ferruginous crusts associated with microbial activity are found, interspersed in a Cenozoic deposit located in the province of Zamora. This deposit consists of concentric, laminated iron structures filled with silt, interspersed throughout a clayey-silt layer of variegated colors which shows signs of bioturbation and desiccation due to fluid escape. These findings allow the inference of the sedimentary and climatic conditions responsible for the growth and preservation of microbial mats in the siliciclastic sediments of the north-western edge of the Duero BasinLos mantos microbiales constituyen depósitos organosedimentarios formados por bacterias que atrapan o sintetizan determinados elementos químicos. Este tipo de actividad da lugar a la formación de estructuras laminares y/o columnares (estromatolitos) y/o concéntricas (oncolitos y trombolitos). Su estudio, por tanto, quedaba reducido principalmente a ambientes marinos y litorales relacionados con la formación de sedimentos carbonatados de edad muy antigua (Paleozoico/ Proterozoico), y/o condiciones extremas en ambientes hipersalinos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, se ha identificado la presencia de estas formas en rocas y sedimentos de afinidad continental y carácter siliciclástico, que se extienden temporalmente hasta la actualidad. En este estudio, se presenta el hallazgo de varios niveles de costras ferruginosas asociadas a la actividad microbiana, intercalados en un depósito cenozoico de la provincia de Zamora. Se trata de una serie de niveles caracterizados por la presencia de capas ferruginosas laminadas y concéntricas, constituidas por limos que aparecen en el techo y muro de un nivel arcilloso-limoso de colores abigarrados y signos de bioturbación y desecación por escape de fluidos. Este singular hallazgo permite establecer las condiciones sedimentarias y climáticas responsables del crecimiento y conservación de mantos microbianos en sedimentos siliciclásticos del borde noroccidental de la cuenca del Duer

    The Availability of Water in Chile: A Regional View from a Geographical Perspective

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    Chile is famous for being the longest country in the world from north to south. It means it ranges from polar to desert conditions, water being one of the main limiting factors. In fact, Chile stores a high amount of water (695 mm y−1), but people are not located in the regions where water is more abundant (e.g. in the south). This territorial imbalance is accompanied both by a global context of climate change in which water will be presumably scarcer and by the effects of the current economic activities that are progressively more demanding in water consumption. In this work, we have compared both the current and future availabilities of water for the different regions of Chile in order to provide relevant and useful information on the water balance for land planners. The Metropolitan and Valparaíso regions (Mediterranean climate) along Antofagasta, Atacama, and Tarapacá regions (desert climate) showed the lowest mean values of water availability from 1970 to 2000 (<125 m3 person y−1). In addition, both the optimistic and pessimistic projections for 2050 forecast a significant increase in the aridity of these two central regions, where the crucial axis between the two most important cities (Santiago and Valparaíso) is located

    Reconstructing social networks of Late Glacial and Holocene hunter–gatherers to understand cultural evolution

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    Culture is increasingly being framed as a driver of human phenotypes and behaviour. Yet very little is known about variations in the patterns of past social interactions between humans in cultural evolution. The archaeological record, combined with modern evolutionary and analytical approaches, provides a unique opportunity to investigate broad-scale patterns of cultural change. Prompted by evidence that a population's social connectivity influences cultural variability, in this article, we revisit traditional approaches used to infer cultural evolutionary processes from the archaeological data. We then propose that frameworks considering multi-scalar interactions (from individuals to populations) over time and space have the potential to advance knowledge in cultural evolutionary theory. We describe how social network analysis can be applied to analyse diachronic structural changes and test cultural transmission hypotheses using the archaeological record (here specifically from the Marine Isotope Stage 3 ca 57–29 ka onwards). We argue that the reconstruction of prehistoric networks offers a timely opportunity to test the interplay between social connectivity and culture and ultimately helps to disentangle evolutionary mechanisms in the archaeological record. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The emergence of collective knowledge and cumulative culture in animals, humans and machines’.This work was funded by the European Research Council (ref. ERC-CoG 2015) under the European Union's horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 683018). J.F.-L.d.P. was also supported by grant no. 2018/040 from the CIDEGENT Excellence programme of Generalitat Valenciana

    Localización óptima de estaciones de medición de humedad del suelo mediante clasificaciones del relieve a partir de modelos digitales del terreno

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    Las formas del relieve están directamente relacionadas con los procesos ambientales que sobre ellas se desarrollan, como los hidrológicos. Para estudiar estos procesos se utilizan numerosas técnicas, como la instalación de estaciones de medición de la humedad del suelo, las cuales tienen un alto coste, tanto instrumental como asociado a su montaje. A partir de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (MDT) se han realizado una serie de análisis espaciales para obtener clasificaciones geomorfométricas de las formas del relieve. Estas clasificaciones han permitido la delimitación de áreas que pueden diferenciarse por tener una humedad edáfica distinta y por desarrollar procesos hidrológicos diferentes, según el tipo de unidad geomorfométrica que representen. De esta forma se ha facilitado la selección de zonas para la instalación de las estaciones. Los resultados se han corroborado con trabajo de campo. Esta técnica se presenta como una herramienta eficaz para la obtención de la localización potencial de zonas con distinta humedad edáfica según su posición en las áreas de estudio, lo que permite reducir el tiempo y costes asociados al trabajo de campo, y permite delimitar de antemano las áreas óptimas para la instalación de las estaciones.Landforms are directly related to environmental processes that are developed on them, such as hydrology. To study these processes many techniques are used, as installation of monitoring stations for soil moisture, which have a high cost associated with both instrumental and assembly. From Digital Terrain Models (DTM) spatial analyses have been conducted in order to obtain geomorphometric landform classifications. These classifications have allowed the delimitation of areas of different soil moisture content and hydrological processes, according to the type of geomormophetric units. This has facilitated the selection of sites for the installation of soil moisture monitoring stations. Results have been verified by fieldwork. This technique appears as an effective tool for obtaining the potential location of different soil moisture content areas reducing time and economical costs associated with fieldwork and allow defining in advance the optimal areas for soil moisture monitoring installation

    Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo

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    Número de publicación: ES1079118 U (26.04.2013) También publicado como: ES1079118 Y (23.07.2013) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) U201201022 (26.10.2012)Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo, caracterizada por incorporar un perfil rectangular abierto (1) donde el perfil queda abierto en toda su longitud mediante una abertura (4). El perfil (1) queda perfectamente acoplado en el interior de un perfil rectangular cerrado (2) que dispone de una pestaña (5) en forma de T en su cara interior, coincidiendo esta pestaña (5) con la abertura (4) del perfil (1). Dos tapas (3) cierran por la parte superior e inferior el conjunto. El perfil (2) presenta dos rebajes (6) que permiten el acceso a la pieza (1) para su desmontaje.Universidad de Almerí

    A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms

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    This survey reviews the scientific literature on techniques for reducing interference in real-time multicore systems, focusing on the approaches proposed between 2015 and 2020. It also presents proposals that use interference reduction techniques without considering the predictability issue. The survey highlights interference sources and categorizes proposals from the perspective of the shared resource. It covers techniques for reducing contentions in main memory, cache memory, a memory bus, and the integration of interference effects into schedulability analysis. Every section contains an overview of each proposal and an assessment of its advantages and disadvantages.This work was supported in part by the Comunidad de Madrid Government "Nuevas Técnicas de Desarrollo de Software de Tiempo Real Embarcado Para Plataformas. MPSoC de Próxima Generación" under Grant IND2019/TIC-17261

    Study of the pH and electrical conductivity of the waters of the Eria River as a function of the fluvial regime and the influence of its tributaries (NW of Spain)

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    El estudio de dos parámetros fisicoquímicos básicos (i.e. pH y conductividad), a partir del muestreo in situ en cuatro supuestos de régimen fluvial, ha aportado unos patrones guía para la monitori-zación de las aguas del río Eria. Así mismo, se ha evaluado la in-fluencia de cuatro afluentes en el comportamiento fisicoquímico del río principal, en función de los valores asociados a cada régimen flu-vial, la presencia de actividad ganadera o la naturaleza del sustrato. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán establecer comparaciones con potenciales afecciones futuras y su posible influencia asociada (e.g. vertidos, incendios forestales, etc.)The study of two basic physicochemical parameters (i.e. pH and conductivity), based on in situ sampling in four fluvial regime as-sumptions, has provided some guiding patterns for monitoring the waters of the Eria River. Likewise, the influence of four tributaries on the physicochemical behavior of the main river has been evalua-ted, depending on the values associated with each fluvial regime, the presence of livestock activity or the nature of the substrate. The results obtained will allow comparisons to be made with potential future effects and their possible associated influence (e.g. spills, wil-dfires, etc.

    Mantos inducidos por microbialitas en sedimentos siliciclásticos plio-cuaternarios? Del NO de Iberia

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    [EN] Microbial mats are organo-sedimentary deposits formed by bacteria that trap or synthesize certain chemical elements. This type of activity gives rise to the formation of lamellar and/or columnar bioconstructions (stromatolites) and/or concentric structures (oncolites and thrombolites). The study of microbial mats used to be restricted mainly to marine and coastal environments related to the formation of ancient carbonate sediments (Palaeozoic/Proterozoic), and/or extreme conditions in hypersaline environments. However, in recent years, the presence of these forms has been identified in continental siliciclastic rocks and sediments with a temporal distribution that reaches into modern times. In this study, several levels of ferruginous crusts associated with microbial activity are found, interspersed in a Cenozoic deposit located in the province of Zamora. This deposit consists of concentric, laminated iron structures filled with silt, interspersed throughout a clayey-silt layer of variegated colors which shows signs of bioturbation and desiccation due to fluid escape. These findings allow the inference of the sedimentary and climatic conditions responsible for the growth and preservation of microbial mats in the siliciclastic sediments of the north-western edge of the Duero Basin.[ES] Los mantos microbiales constituyen depósitos organosedimentarios formados por bacterias que atrapan o sintetizan determinados elementos químicos. Este tipo de actividad da lugar a la formación de estructuras laminares y/o columnares (estromatolitos) y/o concéntricas (oncolitos y trombolitos). Su estudio, por tanto, quedaba reducido principalmente a ambientes marinos y litorales relacionados con la formación de sedimentos carbonatados de edad muy antigua (Paleozoico/ Proterozoico), y/o condiciones extremas en ambientes hipersalinos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, se ha identificado la presencia de estas formas en rocas y sedimentos de afinidad continental y carácter siliciclástico, que se extienden temporalmente hasta la actualidad. En este estudio, se presenta el hallazgo de varios niveles de costras ferruginosas asociadas a la actividad microbiana, intercalados en un depósito cenozoico de la provincia de Zamora. Se trata de una serie de niveles caracterizados por la presencia de capas ferruginosas laminadas y concéntricas, constituidas por limos que aparecen en el techo y muro de un nivel arcilloso-limoso de colores abigarrados y signos de bioturbación y desecación por escape de fluidos. Este singular hallazgo permite establecer las condiciones sedimentarias y climáticas responsables del crecimiento y conservación de mantos microbianos en sedimentos siliciclásticos del borde noroccidental de la cuenca del DueroSIThis work was partially funded by the Projects 0284_Esmimet_3_E (Interreg V-A Programa de Cooperación España-Portugal, 2014-2020) and LE167G18 (Junta de Castilla y León, Spain)

    Fuzzy logic tuning of a PI controller to improve the performance of a wind turbine on a semi-submersible platform under different wind scenarios

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    The integration of renewable energy sources in power systems, specially wind energy, is growing as environmental concerns arise in society. Nevertheless, the low amount of viable sites onshore or in shallow waters restricts the use of wind energy. In this sense, offshore semi-submersible platforms appear as an option, which in addition enables the integration of complementary elements, for instance wave energy converters. However, the complexity of the system increases due to the interactions between the platform movements and the wind turbine, and traditional control techniques do not enable to cope with these interactions in an easy way, hence limiting the efficiency of energy harvesting. Intelligent control techniques are an option with a great potential to take full account of the said interactions and to improve energy production efficiency. Still, it is required to have simulation models including those effects beforehand, so that the effects of a designed controller on the system can be evaluated. This paper presents an original fuzzy logic controller that tunes a reference controller, improving its performance according to a developed methodology that allows evaluation of controllers for wind turbines in semi-submersible platforms. The resulting fuzzy logic controller allows higher efficiency concerning mechanical loads in the system, electric energy production and tracking error of the speed reference.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech