71 research outputs found
El espíritu glocal de MYV: la comunicación de la brand identity de MTV Italia
MTV se suele identificar con la globalización, el imperialismo cultural y mediático, que se han abierto camino gracias a los medios de comunicación globales. La misma MTV es un network global dirigido a un target juvenil global. Pero cada cadena del network, para llegar al éxito, ha tenido que adaptarse a los diferentes contextos locales, siguiendo la famosa fórmula de marketing “going global, acting local”, fenómeno que en las teorías sociológicas se ha explicado a través de conceptos como el de “glocalización”. A través del estudio de caso de MTV Italia, que tiene la peculiaridad de ser accesible gratuitamente en todo el país, se intenta dar cuenta del espíritu “glocal” de la cadena. Se presenta un estudio de la corporate identity de MTV Italia, realizado a través del análisis de la comunicación “360º”, o comunicación global, puesta en marcha por la cadena italiana, en la transmisión de su identidad corporativa a la audiencia.MTV is usually identified with globalization, cultural and media imperialism, which would have spread all over the world through the global media. MTV itself is a global network for global youth audience. But each channel of the global network has had being adapting to the different local contexts in order to reach the success, following the well-known marketing formula “going global, acting local”. This phenomenon has been explained in sociological theories with such concepts as “glocalization”. The “glocal” spirit of MTV is tried to be shown through the case of MTV Italy, which is accessible for free in all the Italian regions. This article presents a study of the corporate identity of MTV Italy. It offers an analysis of the 360º communication with which the Italian channel communicates its identity to the audience
Las series televisivas juveniles : tramas y conflictos en una «teen series»
Se presentan los principales hallazgos de un estudio sobre las «teen series», es decir las series de ficción televisiva protagonizadas por personajes adolescentes y dirigidas expresamente a una audiencia juvenil. El análisis del retrato de los jóvenes representados en productos específicamente dirigidos a un público juvenil tiene un valor muy significativo tanto por la producción de ficción como por la recepción, ya que los consumidores potenciales se encuentran en un momento clave del proceso de construcción de sus identidades. Después de repasar los principales antecedentes en el estudio de la representación de los jóvenes en la ficción televisiva, se describe el marco conceptual relativo a las «teen series» y se discute su relación con el consumo juvenil. Sucesivamente se presenta un estudio de caso que consiste en un análisis de contenido de la serie norteamericana «Dawson's creek», realizado sobre una muestra representativa de tres temporadas de la serie, para analizar dos grupos de variables: variables relativas a los personajes y variables relativas a las tramas y a los conflictos. Se discuten los resultados relativos al segundo grupo de variables, con particular atención a las características de las tramas y al papel de los personajes en el desarrollo y en la resolución de las mismas. La aceptación de la identidad personal, el amor y la amistad han resultado ser las temáticas más recurrentes. Además, las relaciones sociales entre los personajes han resultado ejercer un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de las tramas y de los conflictos.This paper presents the main findings of a research project on teen series, which are television fiction series featuring teenagers and specifically targeted at a young audience. The analysis of the portrayal of young people in television fictional series specifically targeted at a young audience has a meaningful value both for television production and for audience reception. In fact, the potential consumers of the teen series -the teenagers- find themselves at a key moment in the construction of their identities. First, the article presents a review of the background literature on young people's portrayal in television fiction series. Secondly, it discusses the concept of teen series and their relationship with youth consumption. Finally, the article presents a case study that consisted of a content analysis of the North American teen drama Dawson's Creek. Content analysis was conducted on a representative sample of three seasons of the show, in order to analyse two groups of variables: the variables of the characters' personalities and those of plot and story characteristics. The article discusses the results of the second group of variables, focusing on the main characteristics of the plots and on the characters' roles in the development and resolution of the conflicts. Acceptance of one's personal identity, love and friendship have been identified as the most highly recurring themes. In addition, the importance of social relationships among the characters in the development of plots and conflicts has been highlighted
The teen series and the young target. Gender stereotypes in television fiction targeted to teenagers
This paper presents the key results arising from a study about representation of male and female characters of the teen series. The main aim of the study is to build knowledge about the images of young people portrayed in a television show featuring teenagers. The study has consisted in the analysis of the antecedents about gender representation on television fiction and the content analysis of the American teen drama Dawson‟s creek. The content analysis was conducted on a representative sample of 18 episodes of three seasons of the series, measuring 29 variables. The key findings on gender role representation are based on physical and social descriptors, personality traits attributed to the characters, and plot-related variables. Among the principal results, it has to be stressed the presence of traditional gender stereotypes within the socio demographical characteristics of the characters, especially the physical and social traits
Retrato de los adolescentes en la ficción televisiva : un estudio de caso
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la representación de los jóvenes en las series juveniles, basándose en el estudio de caso de la serie estadounidense "Dawson crece". Evidenciando la relevancia de un formato televisivo producido para ser consumido por un target juvenil, el artículo examina los estereotipos generados, prestando especial atención a los escenarios representados y a las relaciones sociales entre los personajes. En los resultados destacan el predomino de dos escenarios, el hogar y el colegio, el lugar que ocupan los temas familiares y las diferencias de género en algunas variables, como las actividades de ocio.This article presents the main results arising from an investigation about adolescents' portrayals in teen series, focusing on the case study of the US teen drama "Dawson's Creek". Given to the importance of a television format specifically produced for a young target, the article examines the stereotypes that are represented, with particular attention to the settings where the characters are portrayed and to the nature of their social relationships. Among the results they can be emphasized the predominance of two settings, home and school, the position of family matters and the gender divergence in some variables, such as leisure activities
The implementation of Social Media as teaching resources in Higher Education: the perspective of students in Communication
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la opinión de los estudiantes relativa al uso de los medios de comunicación social (MCS) como recurso docente en la universidad presencial. Se realizó una encuesta a 244 estudiantes del área de Comunicación (M=20.67) y cuatro focus groups con 30 participantes. Mayoritariamente, los estudiantes se muestran a favor de la implementación de los MCS como recurso docente en la universidad. No obstante, se identifican los siguientes temores entre los estudiantes: pérdida del contacto cara a cara entre alumnos y profesores, saturación mediática, dependencia de internet y conflictos de privacidad. Emplear los MCS para incentivar la participación (creación de foros de debate) y como soporte de contenidos y material docente (blogs, servidores multimedia y grupos en redes sociales) son las prácticas que mejor se valoran mientras que las tutorías virtuales son las que más rechazo suscitan.We present the results of a study about university students’ opinions regarding the use of Social Media (SM) as teaching resources in Higher Education. A survey was administered to 244 Communication students (M=20.67) and four focus groups with 30 participants were carried out. Students mostly agreed to the implementation of SM as teaching resources in Higher Education. However, several concerns were identified among students: loss of face-to-face communication between students and lecturers, media saturation, Internet dependency, and privacy conflicts. Using SM to encourage participation (creation of debate forums), and to support content and teaching materials (blogs, multimedia servers, and groups on social networks) are the best accepted practices whereas virtual meetings are the most rejecte
La segunda generación de teen series: programas estadounidenses, británicos y españoles de los 2000-2010
Las teen series son un producto mediático en torno a la cultura juvenil, al mismo tiempo que representan el prototipo de ficción seriada preferido por la audiencia adolescente. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre 50 teen series contemporáneas, producidas en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y España. A través de una aproximación cualitativa y una metodología mixta, el estudio dibuja las características fundamentales del formato de la segunda generación de teen series. Como las producciones de la primera generación de los años noventa, las teen series actuales siguen siendo programas estrella del prime-time y se siguen centrando en personajes y temáticas adolescentes. Pero, a diferencia de las de la primera generación, las teen series de la segunda generación suelen ofrecer representaciones juveniles más diversas y variadas, proporcionando modelos identitarios basados en la aceptación de uno mismo, se abren a un público joven y joven-adulto, y recurren a estrategias narrativas y estéticas propias de la actual etapa meta-televisiva y de la llamada tercera edad de oro de la televisión, configurándose como producciones populares de calidad
YouTubers' social functions and their influence on pre-adolescence
This study focuses on the relationship between preadolescents and youtubers, with the objective of observing how tweens integrate youtubers as referents of a teen digital culture. From a socio-psychological and communicological perspective, a mixed methodological design was applied to carry out the audience study, which was divided into two parts: a quantitative analysis of the audience via a survey administered to 1,406 eleven-twelve year old students of Catalan Secondary Schools, and a qualitative analysis of the preadolescence audience using three focus groups. The quantitative data was analysed with SPSS and the qualitative data with the help of the Atlas.ti software. The results demonstrate that tweens consider youtubers as referents for entertainment and for closeness to a teen digital culture, but not really as a role models or bearers of values as influencers. Also, preadolescents show some dimensions of Media Literacy, since they recognise youtubers’ commercial strategies and their role as actors and professionals. The study notes gender bias in some aspects, and is an introduction to observation of the social functions of youtubers amongst teenagers, individuals who are in the process of constructing their identity and on the point of becoming young adults
The occupational roles of television fiction characters in Spain : distinguishing traits in gender representation
This article presents the main findings of a study on the portrayal of occupational roles in fiction series broadcast by the general nationwide channels during the 2009/2010 season in Spain. Fiction is one of the most highly appreciated genres amongst audiences, thus the study of fiction characters allows us to identify the models and roles portrayed and transmitted by television. The gender related variable shows that the representation of male and female occupational roles in television fiction remains unequal, although there has been some improvement in relation to previous studies.Este artículo presenta los principales resultados de un estudio sobre la representación de los roles ocupacionales de los personajes de la ficción seriada emitida en España por las cadenas generalistas con cobertura estatal, durante la temporada televisiva 2009/2010. La ficción es uno de los géneros más apreciados por las audiencias. Por eso el estudio de los personajes ficcionales permite de manera significativa identificar los modelos y los roles transmitidos por el medio televisivo. Los resultados relativos a la variable de género demuestran que la representación de los roles laborales de hombres y mujeres en la ficción televisiva sigue siendo desigual, aunque algunas características hayan mejorado respecto a los antecedentes analizados
El consumo adolescente de la ficción seriada
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre el consumo adolescente de series y seriales televisivos dirigidos a una audiencia juvenil. La preferencia que los jóvenes otorgan a la ficción en su dieta televisiva ha animado la investigación sobre su consumo de ese macrogénero, sobre todo a partir de los años ochenta, coincidiendo con un aumento en la producción de ficción dirigida expresamente a los adolescentes. Hoy en día, para poder investigar el consumo juvenil de ficción, hay que tener en cuenta tanto el actual panorama multimediático, caracterizado por la convergencia y la digitalización, como el consumo multimediático y multitasking de los jóvenes. El objetivo principal del estudio ha sido el de realizar una aproximación teórica al binomio adolescentes y teen series, consideradas como productos de ficción seriada dirigidos a un target juvenil. La aproximación a los estudios sobre recepción juvenil y ficción televisiva llevada a cabo se centra en las aportaciones realizadas en el periodo 1980-2009, en un contexto internacional. Se propone una categorización de los trabajos analizados, a partir de cinco grandes categorías: efecto cultivo, estudio de las motivaciones, apropiación de significados por parte de los jóvenes, construcción de las identidades y consumo y usos de las series.This article presents the results of a research about the adolescents' consumption of fiction series and serials targeted to a young audience. Young people's preference for fiction in television programming has stimulated researches about their consumption of this television macro genre, especially since the 1980s. It has also to be remarked the parallel increase in the production of television fiction targeted to teenagers. Nowadays, in order to investigate youth's consumption of television fiction, they have to be considered both the actual and complex multimedia environment, characterized by convergence and digitalization, and the multimedia and multitasking media consumption that young people are used to. The principal aim of the research has been the realization of a theoretical approach about adolescents and teen series, considered as serial fiction products targeted to a young audience. The approach at the studies about the young people's television reception of the television fiction is based on the contributions realized in the period 1980-2009 in an international context. It is suggested a categorization of the studies according to five main categories: the cultivation effect, the study of motivations, the meanings appropriation by the young people, the construction of adolescents' identities, and the series consumption and use
YouTube Preferences and Practices of Preadolescents: Findings From a Study Carried Out in Catalonia
Dados recentes confirmam o papel central que o YouTube desempenha na vida mediática dos jovens ocidentais e, em especial, nas práticas mediáticas dos adolescentes e pré-adolescentes. O presente estudo pretende analisar as práticas mediáticas e os usos preferenciais que os pré-adolescentes dão ao YouTube. Apoiada na teoria dos usos e gratificações, a investigação aplica métodos de análise qualitativos e quantitativos. Através de um questionário subministrado a 1.406 pré-adolescentes (x = 12, 11 anos de idade) oriundos de 41 escolas secundárias e de três grupos-focais levados a cabo em três escolas distintas com seis participantes cada um (três raparigas e três rapazes), o presente estudo mostra que para estes jovens o YouTube é considerado simultaneamente como uma rede social e como um arquivo de material audiovisual. O estudo também revela que os jovens gostam do conteúdo disponível no YouTube e, em particular, dos vídeos de música e de humor (entretenimento) e de tutoriais (auto-aprendizagem). Em geral, os jovens sentem menor apelo pelas funções interativas (por exemplo, partilhas e comentários). O uso que fazem do YouTube revela que o incorporaram às suas vidas quotidianas e que o usam predominantemente para consumir conteúdos mediáticos de uma forma “tradicional” e “não interativa”, semelhante ao uso que se faz tradicionalmente da televisão. Apesar disso, não o consideram uma “nova” televisão. Os pré-adolescentes objeto deste estudo usam o YouTube principalmente como fonte de entretenimento e, secundariamente, como fonte de auto-aprendizagem e de socialização. Estudos futuros terão de ser levados a cabo no sentido de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as possibilidades que o YouTube e outras redes sociais oferecem aos pré-adolescentes para que estes sejam prosumidores.Recent data confirm the central role that YouTube plays in the media life of young people in the west, and especially in the media practices of adolescents and preadolescents. This article presents a study on tweens’ YouTube preferences and media practices. The study was based on the uses and gratification theory and applied a quantitative-qualitative approach: a questionnaire was administered to 1,406 preadolescents (x = 12, 11 years-old) from 41 secondary schools, and three focus groups with six participants (three girls and three boys) each were carried out in three schools. The results reveal that the tweens participating in the study consider YouTube as a social media and a video catalogue. They especially like YouTube’s content, in particular entertainment (music and humour) and self-learning (tutorials); however, they generally dislike its interactive functions (e.g., sharing and commenting). Moreover, their media practices on YouTube reveal that tweens incorporate YouTube into their everyday media life within other social media, although they use it predominantly to consume media content in a “traditional”/“non-interactive” way, similar to traditional television use. Despite this they do not consider it as a “new” television. Finally, tweens in our study use YouTube especially for entertainment, and, on a second level, for self-learning and socialising functions. Further studies need to be carried out to go deeper into the prosumption possibilities for tweens’ both on YouTube and other social media
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