29 research outputs found

    Rural European population facing the challenges of global citizenship education

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    Supporting the creation of a critical citizen, with deeply rooted community values of solidarity and active compromise to the spread and development of those values, is making means believing in a better world in which no one can nor should feel excluded. Nevertheless, this is met with differing opinions. This study approaches attitudes towards Global Citizenship Education specifically though the framework of the population of rural Europeans who participated in the Rural DEAR Agenda ‒ EYD 2015 Project. In order to do, quantitative research was carried out based on a survey and questionnaire developed. The questionnaire focused on interest in international solidarity; for example, opinions and attitudes towards injustices suffered by impoverished countries, as well as opinions surrounding the possibility of changing this situation. The results obtained reveal a shocking reality in many ways relative to international solidarity and a low level of compromise regarding taking action to change the current situation.Apoyar la creación de un ciudadano crítico, con valores comunitarios arraigados de solidaridad y compromiso activo con la difusión y el desarrollo de esos valores, es hacer creer en un mundo mejor en el que nadie pueda ni deba sentirse excluido. Sin embargo, esto topa con opiniones divergentes. En este estudio, se abordan las actitudes hacia la educación para la ciudadanía global, específicamente a través de la población de europeos rurales que participaron en el Proyecto Rural Dear Agenda ‒ EYD 2015. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación cuantitativa basada en una encuesta y un cuestionario previamente elaborados. El cuestionario se centraba en el interés por la solidaridad internacional; por ejemplo, las opiniones y actitudes ante las injusticias que sufren los países empobrecidos, así como las opiniones en torno a la posibilidad de cambiar dicha situación. Los resultados obtenidos revelan una realidad chocante en muchos aspectos relativos a la solidaridad internacional y un bajo nivel de compromiso en cuanto a la adopción de medidas para cambiar la situación actual

    Teachers’ professional identity and Movements for Pedagogic Renovation

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    Esta investigación estudia si la identidad profesional de los docentes inmersos en los Movimientos de Renovación Pedagógica (MRP) se ve influida de manera sustancial por formar parte de estos colectivos. Por medio de una metodología cualitativa –se emplean entrevistas en profundidad para recopilar información– se analiza la identidad profesional de seis profesores involucrados en MRP, con amplia y media experiencia docente. Los resultados permiten afirmar que la identidad profesional de los docentes entrevistados se ve modificada por formar parte activa de los MRPThis research studies whether the teachers’ professional identity immersed in Movements for Pedagogic Renovation (MRP) is affected by being part of these groups. The methodology used is the qualitative because we use interviews to collect data, which were did to six teachers involved in MRP with a wide and medium teaching experience. The results affirm that the interviewed teachers’ professional identity is modified by being an active part of the MR

    Revolutionizing Pharmaceuticals: Generative Artificial Intelligence as a bibliographic assistant

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    [EN]Artificial Generative Intelligence (AGI) has exploded into biomedical and pharmaceutical research, fundamentally transforming the way scientists approach literature review, experiment design, and reagent and antibody selection. This article explores how IAG, supported by advanced machine learning and natural language processing models, has revolutionized these processes. The IAG streamlines literature review, extracting relevant information, identifying emerging patterns and trends in the scientific literature, and generating innovative hypotheses. It also acts as an advanced search tool, allowing researchers to quickly access accurate information in an ocean of data. A prominent example of this application is BenchSci, a platform that uses the IAG to recommend reagents and antibodies based on real experimental data and scientific literature. This integration of IAG into experimental design promises to accelerate research, reduce costs, and improve the precision of experiments. Together, the IAG is presented as a catalyst for discoveries in pharmaceutical and biomedical research, offering unprecedented potential to advance the understanding and treatment of diseases, and improve decision-making in the industry

    Application of Deep Symbolic Learning in NGS

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    [EN]The application of Deep Symbolic Learning in genomic analysis has begun to gain traction as a promising approach to interpret and understand vast data sets derived from DNA sequencing. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques have revolutionized the field of clinical genetics and human biology, generating massive volumes of data that require advanced tools for analysis. However, traditional methods are often too abstract or complicated for clinical staff. This work focuses on exploring how Deep Symbolic Learning, a subfield of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), can be effectively applied to NGS data. A detailed evaluation of the suitability of different architectures will be carried out

    Review of state-of-the-art algorithms for genomics data analysis pipelines

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    [EN]The advent of big data and advanced genomic sequencing technologies has presented challenges in terms of data processing for clinical use. The complexity of detecting and interpreting genetic variants, coupled with the vast array of tools and algorithms and the heavy computational workload, has made the development of comprehensive genomic analysis platforms crucial to enabling clinicians to quickly provide patients with genetic results. This chapter reviews and describes the pipeline for analyzing massive genomic data using both short-read and long-read technologies, discussing the current state of the main tools used at each stage and the role of artificial intelligence in their development. It also introduces DeepNGS (deepngs.eu), an end-to-end genomic analysis web platform, including its key features and applications

    Integrating Nextflow and AWS for Large-Scale Genomic Analysis: A Hypothetical Case Study

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    [EN]This article explores the innovative combination of Nextflow and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to address the challenges inherent in large-scale genomic analysis. Focusing on a hypothetical case called "The Pacific Genome Atlas", it illustrates how a research organization could approach the sequencing and analysis of 10,000 genomes. Although the "Pacific Genome Atlas" is a fictional example used for illustrative purposes only, it highlights the real challenges associated with large genomic projects, such as handling huge volumes of data and the need for intensive computational analysis. Through the integration of Nextflow, a workflow management tool, with the AWS cloud infrastructure, we demonstrate how these challenges can be overcome, offering scalable, flexible and cost-effective solutions for genomic research. The adoption of modern technologies, such as those described in this article, is essential to advance the field of genomics and accelerate scientific discoveries.The present study has been funded by the AIR Genomics project (file number CCTT3/20/SA/0003) through the 2020 call for R&D Projects Oriented towards Excellence and Competitive Improvement of CCTT by the Institute of Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León and FEDER fund

    Generative AI in Clinical Trials: Revolutionizing Design, Analysis and Prediction in Medical Research

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    [EN]In the context of clinical trials, the implementation and adaptation of emerging technologies is essential to accelerate and improve medical research. This article explores the impact and applications of generative artificial intelligence (AI) at various stages of clinical trials. Its potential benefits are highlighted, such as optimizing patient selection, innovation in protocol design, accurate prediction of outcomes, and deeper analysis of complex data. Furthermore, the importance of combining these advanced tools with human knowledge and experience is highlighted, and the associated ethical and privacy considerations are mentioned. With generative AI

    Deep Symbolic Learning Architecture for Variant Calling in NSG

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    [EN]In the era of genomics, efficient and accurate analysis of genomic sequences is essential. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has revolutionised the field of genomics by providing a massive volume of data on an unprecedented scale. One of the critical steps in the analysis of this data is variant calling, where genetic variations are identified from DNA sequences. In this context, we have explored the use of Deep Symbolic Learning (DSL) as an innovative computational approach that combines deep learning with symbolic representations. In this article, we discuss the principles of DSL and its applicability in genomics. We examine the advantages and challenges of its use in the context of variant calling and highlight the importance of meticulous validation. To ensure the quality of the results, it is essential to adopt appropriate validation techniques and specific software tools. We provide a detailed overview of these techniques and tools, with the aim of establishing clear standards for the implementation and validation of DSL algorithms in genomic pipelines. This research highlights the potential of the DSL to improve the accuracy of variant discovery, offering promising prospects for the genomics of the future

    File formats used in next generation sequencing: A literature review

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    [EN]Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized the field of genomics, allowing a detailed and precise look at DNA. As this technology advanced, the need arose for standardized file formats to represent, analyze and store the vast data sets produced. In this article, we review the key file formats used in NGS: FASTA, FASTQ, BED, GFF, and VCF. The FASTA format, one of the oldest, provides a basic representation of genomic and protein sequences, identifiable by unique headers. FASTQ is essential for NGS, as it stores both the sequence and the associated quality information. BED provides a tabular representation of genomic loci, while GFF details the localization and structure of genomic features in reference sequences. Finally, VCF has emerged as the predominant standard for documenting genetic variants, from simple SNPs to complex structural variants. The adoption and adaptation of these formats have been fundamental for progress in bioinformatics and genomics. They provide a foundation on which to build sophisticated analyses, from gene discovery and function prediction to the identification of disease-associated variants. With a clear understanding of these formats, researchers and practitioners are better equipped to harness the power and potential of next-generation sequencing.This study has been funded by the AIR Genomics project (with file number CCTT3/20/SA/0003), through the call 2020 R&D PROJECTS ORIENTED TO THE EXCELLENCE AND COMPETITIVE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CCTT by the Institute of Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León and FEDER fun