422 research outputs found

    Abusos en las fronteras de Europa

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    Los refugiados y migrantes han tenido que ver una y otra vez cómo sus derechos eran violados ampliamente por miembros de cuerpos policiales en algunas fronteras europeas. La UE necesita abrir más vías legales para que la gente que busca protección llegue a salvo a Europa

    Reconsidering the 'other' : exploring perceptions of refugees in South Africa

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    Refugees are generally perceived in very negative terms in South Africa. They are perceived as coming to South Africa to take advantage of the country's economy, of stealing jobs and using up scarce resources and of never intending to leave. Refugees are also conceptualised by some as being helpless and in need of direct intervention. This thesis considers the question 'How accurate are the general preconceptions about refugees in South Africa?' utilising qualitative data from six respondents collected over a two month period in 2007 in addition to evidence from working in the field prior to commencing this study. This thesis presents evidence that the decision to settle in South Africa is the result of complex processes influenced by a number of factors aside from economic considerations. The myth that refugees are helpless and needy is tackled with evidence illustrating the resourcefulness and resilience of the six respondents on arrival in Cape Town. The perception of refugees using up resources and stealing jobs from South Africans is challenged by evidence that refugees struggle to legalise their status and get little assistance from Non-Governmental Organisations. As a result, refugees create opportunities for themselves relying on networking and chance encounters. Finally, the perception that refugees never intend to leave South Africa is challenged by evidence of the complexities of returning 'home' where security is uncertain. Having considered the evidence, the thesis concludes that the general preconceptions about refugees in South Africa are in fact false. Includes references (pages 76-82)

    Design, analysis and test verification of advanced encapsulation systems, phase 2 program results

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    Optical, electrical isolation, thermal structural, structural deflection, and thermal tests are reported. The utility of the optical, series capacitance, and structural deflection models was verified

    Declining Social Mobility? Evidence from five linked Censuses in England and Wales 1971-2011

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    In this paper we add to the existing evidence base on recent trends in inter-generational social mobility in England and Wales. We analyse data from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS-LS), which links individual records from the five decennial censuses between 1971 and 2011. The ONS-LS is an excellent data resource for the study of social mobility because it has a very large sample size, excellent population coverage and low rates of nonresponse and attrition across waves. Additionally, the structure of the study means that we can observe the occupations of LS-members' parents when they were children and follow their own progress in the labour market at regular intervals into middle age. Counter to widespread prevailing beliefs, our results show evidence of a small but significant increase in social fluidity between 1950s and the 1980s for both men and women

    Progression of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms over Time in an Incident Parkinson's Disease Cohort (ICICLE-PD).

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    BACKGROUND: Cross-sectional studies have identified that the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in Parkinson's disease (PD) ranges from 70-89%. However, there are few longitudinal studies determining the impact of NPS on quality of life (QoL) in PD patients and their caregivers. We seek to determine the progression of NPS in early PD. METHODS: Newly diagnosed idiopathic PD cases (n = 212) and age-matched controls (n = 99) were recruited into a longitudinal study. NPS were assessed using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory with Caregiver Distress scale (NPI-D). Further neuropsychological and clinical assessments were completed by participants, with reassessment at 18 and 36 months. Linear mixed-effects modelling determined factors associated with NPI-D and QoL over 36 months. RESULTS: Depression, anxiety, apathy and hallucinations were more frequent in PD than controls at all time points (p < 0.05). Higher motor severity at baseline was associated with worsening NPI-D scores over time (β = 0.1, p < 0.05), but not cognition. A higher NPI total score was associated with poorer QoL at any time point (β = 0.3, p < 0.001), but not changed in QoL scores. CONCLUSION: NPS are significantly associated with poorer QoL, even in early PD. Screening for NPS from diagnosis may allow efficient delivery of better support and treatment to patients and their families

    Diabetes UK evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes

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    A summary of the latest evidence‐based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes is presented. These guidelines are based on existing recommendations last published in 2011, and were formulated by an expert panel of specialist dietitians after a literature review of recent evidence. Recommendations have been made in terms of foods rather than nutrients wherever possible. Guidelines for education and care delivery, prevention of Type 2 diabetes, glycaemic control for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk management, management of diabetes‐related complications, other considerations including comorbidities, nutrition support, pregnancy and lactation, eating disorders, micronutrients, food supplements, functional foods, commercial diabetic foods and nutritive and non‐nutritive sweeteners are included. The sections on pregnancy and prevention of Type 2 diabetes have been enlarged and the weight management section modified to include considerations of remission of Type 2 diabetes. A section evaluating detailed considerations in ethnic minorities has been included as a new topic. The guidelines were graded using adapted ‘GRADE’ methodology and, where strong evidence was lacking, grading was not allocated. These 2018 guidelines emphasize a flexible, individualized approach to diabetes management and weight loss and highlight the emerging evidence for remission of Type 2 diabetes. The full guideline document is available at www.diabetes.org.uk/nutrition-guidelines

    Cognitive decline and quality of life in incident Parkinson's disease: The role of attention.

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    INTRODUCTION: Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) is associated with poorer quality of life (QoL). Prior to the onset of PDD, many patients experience progressive cognitive impairment. There is a paucity of longitudinal studies investigating the effects of cognitive decline on QoL. This study aimed to determine the longitudinal impact of cognitive change on QoL in an incident PD cohort. METHODS: Recently diagnosed patients with PD (n = 212) completed a schedule of neuropsychological assessments and QoL measures; these were repeated after 18 (n = 190) and 36 months (n = 158). Mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) was classified with reference to the Movement Disorder Society criteria. Principal component analysis was used to reduce 10 neuropsychological tests to three cognitive factors: attention, memory/executive function, and global cognition. RESULTS: Baseline PD-MCI was a significant contributor to QoL (β = 0.2, p < 0.01). For those subjects (9%) who developed dementia, cognitive function had a much greater impact on QoL (β = 10.3, p < 0.05). Multivariate modelling showed attentional deficits had the strongest predictive power (β = -2.3, p < 0.01); brief global tests only modestly predicted decline in QoL (β = -0.4, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: PD-MCI was associated with poorer QoL over three years follow up. Cognitive impairment had a greater impact on QoL in individuals who developed dementia over follow-up. Impaired attention was a significant determinant of QoL in PD. Interventions which improve concentration and attention in those with PD could potentially improve QoL

    Significant locus and metabolic genetic correlations revealed in genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa

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    OBJECTIVE: The authors conducted a genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa and calculated genetic correlations with a series of psychiatric, educational, and metabolic phenotypes. METHOD: Following uniform quality control and imputation procedures using the 1000 Genomes Project (phase 3) in 12 case-control cohorts comprising 3,495 anorexia nervosa cases and 10,982 controls, the authors performed standard association analysis followed by a meta-analysis across cohorts. Linkage disequilibrium score regression was used to calculate genome-wide common variant heritability (single-nucleotide polymorphism [SNP]-based heritability [h2SNP]), partitioned heritability, and genetic correlations (rg) between anorexia nervosa and 159 other phenotypes. RESULTS: Results were obtained for 10,641,224 SNPs and insertion-deletion variants with minor allele frequencies >1% and imputation quality scores >0.6. The h2SNP of anorexia nervosa was 0.20 (SE=0.02), suggesting that a substantial fraction of the twin-based heritability arises from common genetic variation. The authors identified one genome-wide significant locus on chromosome 12 (rs4622308) in a region harboring a previously reported type 1 diabetes and autoimmune disorder locus. Significant positive genetic correlations were observed between anorexia nervosa and schizophrenia, neuroticism, educational attainment, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and significant negative genetic correlations were observed between anorexia nervosa and body mass index, insulin, glucose, and lipid phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Anorexia nervosa is a complex heritable phenotype for which this study has uncovered the first genome-wide significant locus. Anorexia nervosa also has large and significant genetic correlations with both psychiatric phenotypes and metabolic traits. The study results encourage a reconceptualization of this frequently lethal disorder as one with both psychiatric and metabolic etiology

    Quality of Life and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Early Parkinson&apos;s Disease: Does Subtype Matter?

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    Abstract. We evaluated the association between mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subtypes and quality of life (QoL) in 219 newly diagnosed Parkinson&apos;s disease (PD) patients without dementia. Participants completed neuropsychological tests of attention, executive function, visuospatial function, memory, and language, and reported QoL using the Parkinson&apos;s Disease Questionnaire. Impairments were most common in executive function, memory and attention. MCI subtypes were classified according to Movement Disorder Society Task Force criteria. More severe cognitive impairment was associated with poorer quality of life (p = 0.01), but subtype of impairment was not (p &gt; 0.10), suggesting that the nature of cognitive impairment is less significant than its severity